This is what I’ve learned throughout the years

 to hold my tears

until the final fears

are completely irradiated,

and that’s for sure;

  • Healthcare for all can work the way Medicare advantage is set up. Fees can be assessed to cover everyone in the country. There is no reason to not cover everyone.
  • Sugar is deadly, in any form. It’s lure is an invitation to eternal medication for pain, disorder, disease, and ultimately, death. It’s the glucose ruse we’ve all been cursed with. It’s the culmination of our cultivation that’s brought all this devastation!
  • Milk fats are the healthiest fats one can ingest. One can live on milk alone, if desired, for their entire life. Lactose intolerance is prompted by what pasteurization does to milk in killing important bacteria and well as enzymes that control lactose tolerance. Again. an industry only interested in increasing their own profits have led all of S. down the wrong path, and in doing so, taken much of the civilized world along with it.
  • The only way you can get a long “i” sound, in Spanish, is by putting an “a” in front of it.
  • That the more I medicate and don’t eat, to satisfy the munchies, the smarter I get. This is directly due to how my hormones work. When I medicate, my brain activates. That forces the brain to demand glucose. That sends signals to my stomach to release Ghrelin, my hunger hormone. That hormone is also a growth hormone that loads the body up with all kinds of growth, enzymes and amino acids that generate good health and increase brain capabilities. It also increases the rate of brain growth by increasing the bdnf enzyme, that’s the start of brain growth. Hence by not eating when I get the munchies, I’m increasing my IQ, almost every time I medicate. Oooh, I like the sound of that. It seems to be working, quite well. My crosswords now, get done in less than half an hour, depending on which day, it is.
  • The more Republicans and Christians put their faith in the almighty dollar, the more they worship the wrong God. Why they can’t learn that they’re breaking the first commandment by bowing to the dictator wannabe President. Love thy God, first, before anything else. That is the first commandment, paraphrased. Who are they worshipping? God, or DJT and his money and influence, which can bring them more money and security? Can you answer that, for me?
  • How God uses the Reactive or subconscious mind, the subconscious mind collects and remembers all input ever put into it, from birth. This is how the Reactive mind works, according to Dianetics, the modern science of mental health. All of the data that seldom can be remembered, consciously, but is always remembered subconsciously, to influence our action, speech, attitudes, and demeanor, is what govern how God works within us. This is what Evangelicals need to learn. There is an evil force using this ploy, against them, and they aren’t aware of all of the manifestations of how this plays on their fears. Fears are how the reactive or subconscious mind, work. It operates strictly through fear and pain that’s been received throughout a person’s life to regulate how they act and react in the future. This is how God works and no evangelical knows it.  Most Christians do not fear God, so they fear everything else, not knowing that if they do fear God, they don’t have to fear anything else.
  • I’ve learned that there is a ‘Force’ that does move within all of us. It’s in our interactions with each other. It’s in our attitudes and how those interactions have shaped those attitudes that govern how we speak, through God, and how we let God speak through us. What kind of force do you use the most? What kind of force do you allow to use you, the most? Is it a force for hope? Or, is it a force for fear. Fear is built upon a platform of hunger and greed, hope isn’t, Which force, would you rather have guide, you?
  • I’ve learned that Karma is something you either pay for or. it pays you! Which way would you rather live? Karma from fear and anger is always something you pay for. Karma from hope and prayers of giving, always pay!
  • Every man should ask themselves, “was I or my father raised by a bully? If not outright, covertly or subliminally? Does this affect how I treat people I know, people I don’t know, and people I just meet? Do these innate thoughts and concerns, affect how I ask for things, or how I live my life? How does this, affect my life? Am I a closet bully, myself? Is it possible for me to learn how to win friends and influence people without abasing them or forcing them into yielding to me, instead of working with me?
  • Hunger differs from hunger pangs, in that hunger pangs are generated by the need for glucose by the brain telling the stomach to produce ghrelin. Hunger is an internal hormonal drive to satisfy a physical need for glucose. When I make my brain demands more glucose, my stomach growls and produces ghrelin, to make it temporarily hurt. those are the hunger pangs that I live by. This is what increases the BDNF in my brain to increase my intelligence. Dealing with a hunger cycle doesn’t allow you to experience the hunger pangs as often. This is what brings inevitable the doom of an addiction.
  • Wheat crafted our society through the food being an easy way to eat. It grew, when we tried to store it as a primitive species, so as we learned to grow it, it stabilized our species into a sedentary species which now had to deal with a hunger cycle that never quits, from the time we wake until the time we retire. “John Barleycorn must die”

How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!