Fox News! Can You Wake Up and Smell The Coffee
Or are you too, too owing to Russia to realize the true news?
Who are you beholding to, to allow a Murdoch controlled dolt
under oligarchal influenced parole
to peddle all the chaos you’ve laid upon us,
to take all we have left, to rake all of our wealth
onto your own shelf
and leave us in the desert
with the unpleasant odor of defenselessness not averted
making the truth of the matter the reality unconverted
unlike that of the President who lives by the deception of illusion
all brought to you by the faux Fox News disillusion.
Or are you completely happy selling the REAL FAKE NEWS?

This is about the only way this puzzle fits together. Fox News controls the President. This we now know. Who is controlling FOX News? Russia? They are the only ones smiling about the turmoil that Donald Trump has generated. Putin and Trump are two of the few that are truly happy about Trump’s turmoil, not too many others are. When the stock market crashes, even fewer will be. I can’t imagine how happy that’ll make Putin.
Every time I want to see what’s going on in the world I sometimes turn to Fox News. Every time I do, I have to change the channel to find sensible news that I can actually learn something from because I can’t learn anything from Fox News through all of the spin they produce.
Every time I tune them in I hear spin. Why can’t Fox News accept the fact that Donald Trump can’t tell the truth about anything that doesn’t promote his interests? Why are they so willing to call Hillary a liar, yet not someone who obviously lies every day in most everything he says? Why can’t they accept the fact that he can’t do the right thing unless he’s been told to by his family? That’s why he couldn’t say the President was born in the U.S. when asked. He had to put it off until the next day when he could make a spectacle out of it, to promote his hotel. That is the way this man prepares. Even his campaign, which is supposed to be a model of how he’ll run the country, is geared toward self-promotion for his own company’s benefit. Fox know this. What’s disturbing? They don’t care. Donald has taught them, they don’t have to care. The public doesn’t care. He came out to spin the truth to his benefit, so he could lie about fixing it, and then put it to rest. This is simply so he doesn’t have to really have to face his own inadequacy. The media won’t ask him about it cause they know they’ll get the same answer, I put it to bed. Fox treats this as, genius. While every other news channel is reporting exactly the opposite and how disgraceful it is. PBS on the other hand, reports that it happens and only how people feel about it, not how their agency feels about it.
What Fox News is misreading is the fact that the public doesn’t care that Donald doesn’t care. They know he’s a lunatic. That’s his appeal. That is what draws him to the millions that are still suffering the lingering effects of Reaganomics. They are the only ones desperate enough to take him seriously. Even still, they know he’s a lunatic, but to them, they’re hoping even a lunatic can bring back the good ole days when things were better. What they’re failing to realize is that it was the kind of economics that put them in the world they live in today, trickledown economics. If it weren’t for trickle-down economics the lower classes would be better off through gov’t help, just like what happens in every other civilized country.
While listening to Donald blame their condition on Hillary and Obama, it was actually they who helped bring everyone out of the impoverishment their part of the country was put into from the Reaganomics that existed for 30+ years. I believe that most of Trumps supporters know that he’s a lunatic and support him only to the point that they only want to know what he has to say. Come Nov 8, when their vote counts, they’ll be sensible enough to know who the real honest candidate is. I honestly feel that enough sensible people will know who is honest and who isn’t.
What money Reaganomics claimed would trickle down to the lower classes, never did. Everyone was just told it would. What’s happened with most of that money, it’s gone for political contributions to keep Republicans in force in as many districts as possible to keep control of Congress. Whatever “investment” was being done with money at the top of the ladder is supposed to trickle to the lower rungs of the ladder, when all the time, it was being used to build a taller ladder. This is what has evaporated the middle class. It hasn’t evaporated it so much as it has widened the gap between the classes, by raising the income of those at the top of the ladder. The problem with this is it’s also raised the basement to get into the middle class, thereby increasing the number of the lower classes.
This is the market that Trump is appealing to and Fox News is catering to them by reporting to them only what they want to hear. In order to be able to get any news that they can report to their constituency, they have to manufacture it, because everything their candidate it doing they can’t report on as being true. In allowing this kind of behavior to continue, they’ve made it OK to lie, by almost requiring their new agency to lie just to support him. They even use their own polls when reporting news about what’s in the polls. This will continue to hamper their credibility as a news agency as long as they support a candidate that doesn’t know how to express the truth.
This presidential campaign is truly bringing out the worst of this new agency. They report only what they deem as beneficial to Donald Trump. Every time they’re confronted with Donald’s outrageous behavior, they spin the conversation to blame Hillary for something else or they spin it to show their trumped up poll numbers. That always brings me to this question, why are none of Trumps lies confronted by this one news source, while they are by every other news source, which incidentally, this candidate says is biased? This forces another question, which agency here really is biased, three agencies reporting separately yet the same thing or one agency obviously spinning the same stories to reach different conclusions, forcing me again to ask, can I trust this source?
When I tuned The O’Reilly Factor last night, in what was announced as “The No Spin Zone” I found nothing but spin. Where he claims “the spin stops here”, he’s right. The spin resides there. It resides there with a passion. It resides with the passion to cover up for an individual who has shown to be the least qualified candidate to ever run for the office he’s running for. For all the logic Bill has, he uses it to promote his views with every one of his guests. Through his slanted questions, refusal to listen to answers, and creative steering of dialogue with his guests, he steers interviews to achieve the results he feels his viewers want to hear. Only to their own viewership are they fair and balanced. Now the only way FOX News can support their candidate is to actually lie as much as he does to show their support, while at the same time, pick on Hillary for the few lies that she may have told in the past. They completely disregard the public service just as they did with Barack Obama. With him, it was because he was black. With her, it’s because she’s a woman. That speaks to the state of Republican politics today, more than anything else and explains why I can no longer support the Republican Party.
I look back at my life now when I was a Republican and remember those same ideals and prejudices that I experienced at that time, and now I repudiate my own thoughts that I had then. Now it disgusts me the way I used to think, and how much ignorance I displayed, while all the time back then, thinking that I never did. I can clearly see now, that this is exactly the way most of Trump supporters believe. They believe, like Donald Trump and I used to, that they are not being bigoted because they can’t see it, just as I couldn’t see it when I was stuck in that kind of thinking. The kind of thinking that only white males could do anything to affect any changes in the world. I actually thought that I was being “fair and balanced” when all the time I was being as ignorant as I could possibly be.
I see the same story when I tune in Hannity or Outnumbered, The Real Story or even Brit Hume’s On The Record. Their claim of “fair and balanced” is as far from the truth as anything that which comes out of their candidate’s mouth. Their version of the news varies widely from any other news source, leaving me to doubt the validity of everything they utter in any of their broadcasts. A quick tune-in to The Real Story, found all three praising Trump for laying the subject to rest and agreeing with him that it started in Hillary camp back in 2008 when it clearly wasn’t. This is indicative of every show. Although they do offer an opposing view on the show, that correspondent is given the least time to express their view, leaving the viewer to wonder all of what the person had to say, leaving the viewer with only one side of the story. Is this truly fair and balanced? With reporting like this, it’s no wonder why Hillary called some of them deplorable, which again, was spun around to mean, “she said they were deplorable”. Even PBS which I credit for actually having fair and balanced news even said that “she said they were deplorable’ and not clarifying that she said “that some are deplorable”, there again twisting what was actually said. What surprises me is that Hillary just takes it in stride because this is the same way she’s been treated throughout her career. She’s gotten used being misquoted and used to being walked on. What’s amazing is that has never stopped her.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is usually the one doing the walking on, to people like Hillary. This is evidenced by the amount of stepping on people he’s done all of his life. To him, everything is a game and nothing more. It’s simply a game to win and win at any and all costs, regardless of what those costs are, as long as he comes out on top. It’s the way he plays every game. All people (even family) are considered tools to be used to achieve that one goal of winning. The problem Trump has with this is, it doesn’t matter the game, to him their, all the same, a game to win at all costs. So far, it’s cost him 6 bankruptcies, again which he considers, tools to use for his purpose, regardless of who it hurts. A President who is willing to win at all costs is not what the United States needs. We need a thoughtful, reserved and dependable President. The only thing you can depend on Donald Trump for is to see to his own needs and his family’s needs, before anything else and that includes his businesses needs also. It’s those needs that scare me. To whom does he owe money? Do you know? Who does? Will the public know before election day? Shouldn’t we know before election day?
Can you tell me why you believe a candidate who hasn’t learned how to tell the truth, yet accuses a Methodist Christian of lying in most everything she says when you know that she has already accounted for all discrepancies in her campaign? His propensity to lie unfortunately has not yet persuaded any of his followers that his word is not valid. For those supporters, can I sell you some beach front property in Kansas? I’ll give you the best deal on it that you’ve ever had. Believe me!
Where does Donald attend church? Trump Tower? What religion is he? Trumpinity? Do you honestly believe that this is a man who trusts God? He trusts no-one but himself. He can’t even trust his family past what he tells them to believe. Because he trusts no one, he himself cannot be trusted. What is it that makes his lies acceptable but Hillary’s not? Why do his supporters choose to believe someone who has proven to be unable to express the truth in almost everything he says? Why do they also choose to deny someone who is already known for their public service? Is it because you know, she has little to hide? Or is it because you can’t accept that someone progressive can actually do so much good?
To be fair, I do see one-sided reporting from other news agencies, like MSNBC, but at least they blend in the actual news with their spin. Fox News, on the other hand, refuses to report the news without spin, while all the time, boasting to be the fair and balanced news source. But I can’t help feel sorry for all of those reporters and representatives for Donald Trump for forcing them to outright lie exactly like he does, just so back his words. Their spin is like nothing we’ve EVER seen in any campaign. No one candidate has ever spoken more falsely than Donald Trump. What scares me more is that the American people are starting to believe everything that he says indicating the real danger our country is in.
When did one email that was quickly rebuffed, become something that was “circulating”. Don’t you consider that stretching the truth? Or can something like that even be considered as truth since it comes from the opposition’s camp? Haven’t you considered yet how much you’re hanging yourself by being in Trump’s camp? Maybe you should. It may be too late for Trump to prove he’s sane, but it’s not for you.
When I see three news agencies reporting news that disparages a candidate, while one news agency does their absolute best to cover up and spin everything said by the same candidate, that tells me that this one news agency is riding a sinking ship. They seem to be happier reporting how seniors in their retirement communities are supporting their candidate instead of reporting on the black caucus that occurred just minutes earlier. While you’re reporting how he’s doing better in the polls, the other agencies are reporting about what’s going on at the moment. The poll they like to report first and foremost is, of course, their own FOX poll. Who do they actually poll for these results, their own viewers? With the way they like to report, why should I believe their polls?
While Fox is reporting how their own polls are doing, I have to go to any other source to catch the real news that is going to tell me what’s going on, or other events happening with the other candidate. While flipping back and forth between news channels, half the time I made it to Fox News, I seemed to catch a commercial, again telling me what’s really important to that agency. The network with the highest ratings uses that to sell more advertising instead of spending their time reporting what’s happening at the time. The polls they refer to are their own skewed polls unless another poll shows what they want to report. Why is every question asked of the surrogates for the Trump campaign, spun to “the disaster that Hillary created” in their answers? They’re all taught to lie and lie outright.
I often have to force myself to tune in to Fox News, even when they’re spinning their news, only to find out everything that they report is very little more than spin. Their news is selective. Their reporting is selective in how they ask questions. and how much time they give the respondent to answer the questions. Even though they have guests with opposing viewpoints, they’re seldom given the same amount of time to express their views or explanations when asked a question. They somehow manage to spend enough time with their other guests, to run short of time when it comes time to question that opposing view, leaving their viewers with basically one full viewpoint and part of another. This is how they influence all those who tune in their newscast for “fair and balanced” news. They are the unfortunate “other half” that Hillary is talking about. They’re the half that are the victims like the viewers that tune in Fox News. It’s the half that reports the news, that she’s talking about, that are, deplorable. And they are deplorable due to the pride in their denial of their false prophet.
When they’re not answering questions posed to them by the media, they’re critical about what they report; they’re very selective about what they report and how they report it. If this the way a “fair and balanced” news program is put together, in your view, I don’t need your view. I certainly don’t want your view. If I were a progressive, I’d be thanking Donald Trump for his campaign….just not loud enough to alert him. I’d also be thinking Fox News for diminishing the value of their reporting. I can’t see it ever being of any value ever. But then to me, it never has been.
While I get speeches from both sides, from all the other sources, Fox News seems content giving their own candidate preferential treatment giving him more airtime and then spending more time defending his statements, which even they know as false. This equation is not a good one for success. I can foresee the demise of not only the Republican Party but the demise of the Fox news agency that backs this candidate, simply because you are the only agency that will defend Trump. All of the others are too honest.
After Trump’s latest screw-up, I’ll be really interested in seeing how Fox News defends him for this blunder.
O’Reilly has stated that any journalist that colludes with a campaign should resign immediately. He made this statement 12/12/16 speaking of journalists covering the Clinton campaign. How does he define a journalist? Is a reporter a journalist? Is a commentator a journalist? Doesn’t a commentator write his show? Doesn’t that make him a journalist? How does he define himself? Is he not a journalist? This has become the new norm for the Republican Party. Any truth that exists in any statement is so hidden in spin, it’s impossible to discern the truth. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t say that Bill O’Reilly’s commentating is, has been and always will be biased. Do you consider yourself a journalist, Bill? When are you going to resign? Will it be along with Donald Trump? May I be the first to bid you adieu?
If I were a Democrat, I’d be thanking Donald Trump for his murder of the Republican Party. But it was actually your reporting, Fox News, that instigated this whole affair with Trump. By strengthening the uneducated base of the Republican Party, the Tea Partyists, you’ve built up an ignorance that has allowed that base to accept the rhetoric that Donald Trump professes, despite what he really is (which is nothing more than a self-serving blow-hard). Your insistence for eight years that Obama was leading the country down the wrong track, is the primary reason Donald Trump’s message is even being heard.
Now you want to blame the division in the classes on Hillary and Obama when it was clearly Reaganomics that brought about that division. The trickle-down theory didn’t compensate for the funds that were supposed to trickle down but didn’t because that money was used for political purposes and not trickling down. Those who live in the top of towers, can’t see this. They’re only looking down when they’re up there.

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