Tag Archives: Trump disaster.Trump blunder

Are You Sold On Trump?

 Can You Really Afford Him?

Are you sold on Trump? If so, you’re also sold on the hidden bigotry that this vagarious candidate displays when he speaks. You’re also sold on the fear that he’s trying to spread, to create a need for the biggest sale in his life.  That is his goal…..to sell you the idea that a problem exists that only he can fix. I see someone who is trying desperately to create a need where one really doesn’t exist. He’s doing his absolute best to create fear by speaking badly about everything he can, speaking only in generalities as he can’t be specific about anything because he has to tell the truth when he does. He does this because he’s afraid. You can see it in his eyes when he speaks about immigration, Muslims, Hispanics, and refugees. He feels if you’re not white American, you can’t be trusted. He proves it in most everything he says. I have never heard more false statements come out of anyone’s mouth, let alone a presidential candidate. Has this person no shame? If that’s the case, if you’re sold on this excuse of a man, I can’t even feel sorry for you. Ignorance deserves no compassion. That begs the question, can you handle the truth or are you content to believe lies? Are you that content being conned?

Being a master salesman, Trump uses emotions to sell, because he knows that everyone buys emotionally. Knowing that it’s emotions that sell, he’s banking on the premise that everyone will also vote emotionally because he views this campaign as the biggest sale of his life. Although this may be true for many of the less educated voters, those that are educated, all know that voting is not an emotional moment. Voting is done carefully with thoughtful contemplation. To do anything else is not in the country’s best interest. You buy emotionally, you vote logically with forethought.

Donald Trump scares me. He should scare you. He’s trying to close the biggest sale in his life. It helps that he’s an imposing figure, big, tall, brash and overbearing. He has a knack for spinning like no-one I’ve ever seen. He lies so much, that it’s become fashionable now to lie. So much so that his supporters now have to lie to back him up. That means to be a Trump supporter you have to accept lying.

I’m beginning to think that it’s impossible for him to tell the truth. He is nothing more than a salesman. after all, yet his supporters don’t seem to care that he has lied and continues to lie more than his opponent. They’re being told to be disgusted with their circumstances, so they are. They, being told to distrust public figures, so they do. But they don’t distrust the public figure that’s lying to them the most. To me, that’s what’s mind-boggling.

It’s Trump’s Fear That He Spreads Throughout America Emboldens ISIL

fear-concept-choice-acronym-bravery-life-44534735It’s clear that it’s Trump’s fear that emboldens ISIL. They know that as long as they have the power to scare anyone, they have the power they need to influence the world. If they didn’t know this, they’d have no power. He must know this. Does he simply embolden them to give them, power to give him more credibility? Do you want a commander who’s afraid and worse expresses that fear?

Nothing Donald Trump does is calculated yet everything he does is deliberate. He enjoys flying by the seat of his pants (which are usually on fire). He reacts to stimuli with an attitude or retribution if he doesn’t like what he hears and that’s what’s scary and sad. He knows the damage he’s creating by his reactions, simply to feed his ego and that’s what’s scary. He doesn’t care and that’s what’s sad. All things that motivate Donald Trump are selfish reasons, for purposes that serve nobody other than himself.
He’s an expert at serving himself and he’s proven this in his statements. He has actually said that his primary goal is to improve his life, his family’s life, and his business’ life and that’s the extent of his concern. This is proven this by the number of people he’s stiffed for payment of services rendered, to build his casinos. The government hasn’t stiffed 1,000s of people by filing bankruptcy on its properties like Trump has. The government hasn’t forced hundreds of innocent people out of their homes simply to create more expensive housing just to boost their own income. No person can serve two masters and Donald can’t serve anyone else other than himself. It’s not in his nature and never will be, strictly due to his personality.

In essence, Trump has been blaming the government for what he himself has been doing to the same people he’s conning. He is an expert at what he blames the government for, as he does it more so himself. I fear that this is what draws him to the conservative base and unfortunately, it does little more than to show the ignorance of the conservative base. The simple fact that he is so big and overbearing and says what his supporters want to hear, makes him appealing to all who feel that they’ve been trampled on for the last 30 years. What’s funny is that he’s the one that’s been doing the trampling and it’s amazing how he’s hidden it simply by throwing out false accusations to try to throw the spotlight on someone else. What most all of these people don’t understand and don’t want to understand is that it’s been the policies set in force over 30 years ago that has set up what today’s economy is, with its shrinking middle class. It’s not hard to wonder why people think they’re getting squeezed. They are. What most of them don’t want to realize is that it’s Trump that’s doing the squeezing.

donald-trump-cartoon-vector-caricature-73258024I hear Trump blaming a lot on this administration, for what Bush was really responsible for. We all know that the quagmire in the middle-east wouldn’t exist if Iraq would not have been invaded in the first place and the decision made to disband their military. This is the foundation of ISIL.  For that, we need to thank Vice President Cheney, the instigator of the Iraq war. The previous administration not only armed Iraq years prior to our invasion, they broke up an army and put thousands of soldiers out of work, leaving them to do the only thing they could, use their skills to survive. They did it by becoming outlaws. That is all they are today, and they are the creation of the Bush administration. Why can’t Donald Trump see that? Can he be that ignorant? NO. He’s that forgetful. His attention span is far too short to piece any puzzle together. I know all too well. I’m just like that, but for me, it’s because I have brain damage. Does Donald Trump have brain damage as well? I have to wonder because he acts just like I do when my mind can’t think straight.

What’s really amazing about this election cycle is a number of lies that are coming from the entire Republican party (All of those who still support Trump). I’ve NEVER seen any party self-destruct like the Republican party has this year. This only adds to the lack of credibility that all Trump surrogates have. (It’s destroying their credibility. I hope they still get paid them for their work.) It’s forced upon them by an insensitive candidate who can’t see the real picture because of his narcissism.  He’s taught his family to be narcissistic and worse yet, he wants to teach America how to be narcissistic, as if we aren’t enough already. More than that, he wants America to be as driven as he is, and he wants America to be as ruthless as he is.
donald-trump-caricature-shouting-pointing-59510671This is what makes Trump so dangerous. He’s nothing more than a bully. He always has been and always will be dangerous. His language proves it. If there could be evil in one person, it could exist in Donald Trump, simply because of his propensity to use fear as a tool. That makes him akin to a terrorist. Don’t terrorists use fear stir to up hatred? What is Trump trying to do by stirring up so much hatred of Hillary Clinton? Can’t he see that it’s this hatred that stirs up violence? If there really is an antichrist that ushers in the demise of civilization, could Trump be it? He seems to fit the foretold predictions, doesn’t he? Isn’t he a glib tongue negotiator (salesman)? Hasn’t he failed at as much if not more than what he’s succeeded at? Isn’t his goal intended to separate and contain rather than integrate and prosper? How many others has he claimed to be inferior besides Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, and women? All those who are different from him are his favorite targets.

Because of his willingness to stir up anger and fear, this gives him an evil edge that nobody sees. That’s simply because of fear and anger, being the most primitive emotions to deal with, are tools of evil. This is how terrorism is spread, through fear and anger. This is how violence is spread also, through fear and anger. This is exactly how violence becomes the manifestation of evil, and the only way to contain that evil is by containing the fear and hatred. Inciting fear and hatred only exasperate the situation and in doing so it has appropriated the ability to incite violence.

This is also the part of the sale where the salesman creates the need by creating fear….a fear that only he can resolve.  This is the anatomy of a sale of a product that is not needed by the buyer. (In this case, the buyer is just a voter.) The only goal here is to orchestrate control, control to make you the voter, buy his solution to a problem that he is creating,  yet by creating fear, he’s enabling terrorist which make the problem worse. I know he’s smart enough to see this and that’s what scares me. He just doesn’t seem to care. He tries to show that he cares, but he just can ‘t. His giant ego is much more important for such a trivial thought of compassion.

Where is the sense of this kind of behavior, in today’s world of terrorism? As a candidate for President, you can’t show fear. That is a cardinal rule. America doesn’t fear anyone. You tell me if his actions are evil, just immoral, or ignorantly stupid? Whatever it is, this is not a good recipe for the leadership of the strongest nation on earth. That makes him dangerous.

Thank you, Donald, for trying to make everyone fear everything in the world today, but I’d rather not, we don’t need your fear. Isn’t this the same game the terrorists play? I don’t need the stress when there’s nothing to fear except fear itself. Donald needs to learn and more importantly as an American know; Americans don’t fear anyone.

I as an American can confidently say, I don’t fear anyone……except those who like to use fear and hate, the two most dangerous primitive emotions, to achieve their goals. I do fear those who would use these emotions to achieve their own selfish goals because they don’t think about the future. they only think about what they can achieve now.

Is this the game that Donald Trump is willing to play to achieve his goal, such as using primitive emotions, like fear to incite hatred, worth, playing? It’s become clear that Trump loves playing games and that’s all this is to him, nothing more than a game. (Tom Hopkins, famed salesman, and trainer, has said himself that you have to treat life like a game. He says this because it’s the only way a salesman can get ahead. Every loss is just a game.) This is the way Donald Trump has operated his whole life. He believes in nothing more than a game, himself. I just learned that in his last game, he bankrupted 6 companies. How many towers has he built?  What does he do? Build as many towers as he can at one time, then bankrupt the company? How many people did he put to work, and then refuse to pay?  He calls this taking advantage of the laws of the country.  To him, it’s a game.  To us, this is a clear message as to what he really cares about. Obviously, he didn’t care about the companies he owed money to or the people who worked for those companies. What makes anyone think that he could possibly care now? I wonder how those people feel. And now he has the balls to ask for their vote. How much sense does that make? But then, this is just a game for Trump. He actually thinks that is going to get him elected because it was good business sense to take advantage of all those people. I think his business sense is backfiring on him, proving that politics and government business is not the same as private business and they don’t operate the same.

Kelly Anne Conway, I can’t help but feel sorry for you, as pretty as you were when she first appeared on the scene, you have gotten uglier every time I see you now, simply because you’re trying the best you can to defend someone who is indefensible. You age every time you lie and it does nothing but add more lines to your face. Your ignorance has become greater every time you speak. Your affinity for this bully has tarnished your reputation forever. I wish you could see yourself, you’ve become almost as detestable as your boss, the bully of New York. His business game is to take advantage of as many people as possible. What he doesn’t realize is that government of taking advantage of people, it’s a matter of working for the people. That is something he is incapable of doing. I wonder who he’s going to take advantage of if he were to gain admittance to the oval office…. especially with as much money as he owes Russia. That would scare any American or at least it should.  But it doesn’t appear to be scaring his supporters, they have all learned to lie for him. Kellyanne, you’re too pretty for this inane behavior. You’re proving how ignorant you are. Do you really want everyone to realize that? The more you hang on to your candidate, the more you disqualify your opinion. It now means nothing. It probably always will mean nothing. You can thank your boss for that.

Trump, The Salesman.

I’ve learned that as a salesman, Trump must sow discord to sell his product. Then he offers his solution to sell you, himself. That’s why he says, everything is so bad. It’s the only way he can sell himself. This is the definition of how to sell something that isn’t needed. Yet this is  Trump’s biggest sale. That’s why he’s so willing to lie and in doing so, make liars out or all of his supporters. He made lying so fashionable that his supporters now are bold faced lying just as he is. They have to in order to support him. This is what’s so sad. He has also made the claim that this election would not be fair and with his propensity to foretell his own actions – as those are same actions – that he accuses HRC of doing, I can see with all the accusations of Russian hacking and Trump’s known love affair with Russia, he may be right. This election might not be fair. Russia may hack into voter results to skew the election to his favor. With the way Trump has accused Clinton of doing what he has actually done, I wouldn’t be at all surprised that this not only could but would happen. That scares me immensely.

Trump Poetry – A toast to the host who boasts the most. Fox’s chump, Trump, is a man headed for the dump.

According to Rudy Giuliani, when he stated that murders have risen the most in the last year, I had to stop and think about how long Donald Trump has been running for President. He’s been running for President for 1 year. Murders have increased “the most in the last year”. Doesn’t that tell you anything? Doesn’t that tell you anything about the power of spreading fear? Add it up. Fear + anger= violence. And you Rudy Giuliani really wonder why murders have increased? You may want to wake up because you’ll obviously have to, to know why.

I’ve learned that Trump doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state. I’ve learned that Trump really doesn’t know anything about law or government as almost everything he promises is either, unlawful, unconstitutional or completely dishonest by their inability to be completed. Maybe, that’s why he’s so hard to believe in anything h states. What makes Trump more dangerous is that he is maybe the glibbest tongued salesman on earth. That’s what’s made him his billions of dollars. I’ve learned to beware of everything he accuses Hillary of, as he already does them himself and he’s really talking to himself. His game here is to see how much he can con America with his lies. Since his lies have made him billions of dollars, he’s banking on them to sell his biggest lie, that he can lead the U.S.

It’s apparent that whenever a question gets answered by a Trump surrogate with spin, it just validates the question as being a question that Trump is forced to take the 5th on. For example, Does Donald have investments in Russia or does Donald owe money to a Russian bank? The answer to this question is yes because they refuse to answer it. The answer is spun whenever it’s asked and yes this does concern me. Are you familiar with the “conflict of interest” clause, Donald? It’s this spin that’s not only going to take down Donald but every surrogate that defends his actions and words. Because they have to lie by spinning every answer they’re asked, their credibility as well as his, is going down the tubes. How many of your own party’s congressmen and women are you going to take with you when you lose? How many of them will lose their seats?  From what I just witnessed with Renee Ellmers and her defense of someone who’s indefensible, I don’t see her career lasting too much longer, as she’s been sold Trump’s bill of goods, as have all other Trump supporters. His “bill of goods” though is a bill of destruction, as that is all he talks about. I’ve heard almost no plans on how he plans to “make America great again”….except “for law and order”.

I have NEVER been witness to a political party praise their candidate for simply being able to admit a wrong. Shouldn’t anyone be able to admit when they’re wrong? I’ve had to admit it several times so far and I’m sure I’ll have to again. Who hasn’t? Bullies. The bullies I’ve known have never been able to take responsibility for their actions when they cause harm to anyone or anything.

The fact that Trump attracts wannabes who want what he has is the only thing he has going for himself. His rhetoric proves this with every word he says. His followers don’t seem to care that he’s dangerous. In fact, they seem to relish it. They are so dissatisfied with what they see as a failure of the government, they’re willing to risk everything for anyone they deem willing to fight for them. Because of the angry rhetoric that Trump professes every time he opens his mouth, he’s presented himself as their savior. This is what could also make him the antichrist if there is one. Trumpocracy is the last thing that America and the world need as he uses only fear to achieve his goals. (Due to his perpetual state of fear because he’s a bully.) (This makes him fearful of reprisals his whole life long.) Is that what we need for a President?

Trumpocracy – A society of:
  • Greater class division by empowering the rich with tax cuts that are used for political purposes instead of trickling down to where they’re needed to employ the jobless
  • Impulsive reactions to world events wreaking more havoc on an already troubled world
  • Fear, more afraid of terrorism than any other time in history, not realizing that it’s fear that makes us weak because it buys into terrorist’s goals. Does that make Trump their ally?
  • Never calculated or measured responses to crises of any nature
  • Spun news alerts generated to please a dictator whose favorite leaders are dictators creating
  • The social environment of denigration and humiliation for minorities as well as women, instead of mutual equality with honor and respect for all.
  • Political crimes that prohibit our kindness. It’s our crimes and kindness that build our future.
  • A great world to live in for the wealthy, not so great for the poor or middle class, (what’s left of it)
“Believe me!”

Your campaign of secrecy and spin has yet to impress me and has forced me to ask,

Do you know how, to tell the truth?

Being a Master salesman, I don’t believe you do. You’ve sold me that you don’t know anything about what you claim you do.


You’ve sold me that you are not qualified to be President.

You have as much chance of being a good President as you have of being humble or compassionate.

Can you be humble? You don’t know how to, do you?

You haven’t even learned how to be human yet, so how can you be humble or compassionate?

Your problem is that you don’t believe in humility or compassion, you seem to think, that’s only for priests and wise men. You’ve proved in every way you can that you’re definitely not a wise man, nor even a prepared man. Preparation requires forethought and mental acuity, both of which you lack and when one doesn’t prepare they have to react, so all you can do is react to whatever happens without any forethought or mental acuity, proving you’re not a wise man. That obscures your chances of ever being humble or compassionate.

The problem with this is your reactions are all impulsive and without thought. It’s this the precise nature that makes you so dangerous and unqualified to be President.

I don’t believe your perception of the world is anywhere close to being right and I don’t want your definition of change.

I can’t trust someone who has nothing nice to say about anybody else and admires only dictators. Maybe this is why he reminds me of Mussolini.

The question I want to ask you, Trump, what kind of change damage are you trying to inflict and why should that make me trust you?

You run a spinmaster campaign as you are a liar as well as a lascivious loser.

That alone makes you irredeemable as well as deplorable!

What’s scary?

I just heard something very alarming; a Trump supporter in Ohio said in an interview with CNN that he actually believed that God is on Trump’s side. A true Christian knows better. A true Christian knows that God doesn’t use fear in the manner that Donald Trump does. Even though his supporters can see his lies, they don’t seem to care. Their hate of Hillary is more important to them than their trust of Donald Trump. They clearly can’t see his evil. They seem to think that he’s their savior when in all actuality he’s their antichrist. Only an anti-christ would spout the fear and hatred that he does whenever he speaks.

It’s become real to me that this hatred of Hillary is actually a fear of Hillary. In some cases, it’s actually a fear of government. All Republicans fear big government. They like to hearken back to Ronald Reagan’s fear of the government. They somehow think that government is the “bad guy” in this play and that it meddles in people’s lives. Of course, our government meddles in people’s lives. That’s what they’re supposed to do. That’s what we elect them to do. Our government’s job is to meddle in people’s lives to the effect that they can protect the innocent and regulate industries that the public can’t. Isn’t this what our government is supposed to do for us? How else would most every city have clean water?

We all know that you can’t live safely in an uncivilized society. The job of government is to keep things civilized and the larger your government, the better your enforcement of regulation. Have we forgotten this? It’s this regulation, that Republicans hate and the ones who’ve been stung by them before, are the first ones who are the first to do anything they can to eliminate them. This is why they seem so intent to work against the government as though it’s their adversary.

It makes far more sense to collaborate rather than to work against each other or the government, as most Republicans have been doing lately. They want to think that if you don’t get your way, there’s no point in compromising. I remember the “my way or highway” song my dad used to sing. It pissed me off then and it still does now. Government isn’t supposed to work like that….especially our government. Our government depends on collaboration. All parties have to work together for a government like ours to work and the people who don’t want to believe this belongs to that bucket of deplorables that Hillary was talking about. The shame of this election cycle is the fact that this came to the forefront as this is the base of the Republican Party that Donald is attracted to. My question to this group is what is it about Hillary that makes Donald Trump that appealing? What could possibly be so bad about her that makes a bold faced liar who has bullied people all his life be better? I don’t understand the illogic of the matter.

But I do understand the sales ability of Donald Trump. He is a master manipulator. Manipulation comes easy to bullies and Donald’s the type that needs full control at all times. This need proves his lack of faith in anything but himself. And that includes God. What, I don’t understand is, the people who follow him and believe in him don’t want someone who’s human to be President? They really seem to believe in the inhumane Trump who says one thing and then does something completely different? And then turn around and condemn the person who’s basically tried to do little more than good for the entirety of her public life. I don’t understand why it’s easier to hate her while enjoying the hate-filled rhetoric that Trump likes to preach. Yet his followers are so ardent that they are willing to ignore all of his character flaws. That would be OK for someone who has character but Trump doesn’t. He doesn’t know what it is. He’s too wrapped up in himself, to even care about his character. The only thing of importance to this man in power. And I do fear the day he gets his hand on the launch codes. He’s already told us what he would do, just as he told Billy Bush how he treated women.

Now Trump is condoning copying his abusive behavior as being properly respectable and worthy of praise when his subordinates do so. He’s actually praising Newt Gingrich for his tirade against Megan Kelly on Fox News when he was clearly in the wrong. This is the epitome of evil. This is exactly what an anti-christ would do. Can’t people see this? I’m a conservative Christian and I see it. Others have too. I think they electively selective ignore it, hoping he will change once he’s in office. For those who think this; I’ve got news for you, it ain’t gonna happen. Fortunately, getting into office will never happen for DJT. I think his supporters know this and they support him because of it. They want to be the outside rebel because they don’t want to support HRC. For them, he’s the lesser of two evils. For me, every election has been that way.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic