Tag Archives: Third Reich



I could thank all of you for bringing this Russian conspiracy to Arizona, but I won’t.  But, I will curse you for it. These three traitors are dedicated to ensuring that Vladimir Putin and Rupert Murdoch get their way with this Russian asset of a President. Each of them has done more to enable this Russian asset in our Oval Office, of the White House. That prompts me to demand an investigation into each and every one of them. What do they have to gain by keeping a Russian asset in the White House? More money from the NRA? More money from Fox News? Where do they get their funds for their elections? Shouldn’t that be investigated? As far as I concerned, they should. But then, there are a lot more investigations that are needed, and we were all warned about this before we elected him.  Don’t worry Glenn Spencer, I’ll include you, too, as you deserve the same recognition as these moles. Are you one too? I can’t believe that you are. You’re just a misguided trumpublican, born out of Republican fear. (To me, that is where America’s danger lies.) It’s their fear that divides us wider and wider. It always has, with one exception, the Civil War.

Where do these congressmen and governor get their money from? Do they all accept donations from the NRA and Fox News? You realize that Fox News is the only major news source that doesn’t abide by the ‘Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine. don’t you? When you add up the evidence, it points to them, as being the founders of fake news, because of that. The NRA is the most corrupt organization of all “non-profits They are a direct arm of the Russian Oligarchy and they carry far too much influence in my America, thanks to these moles, Biggs Deucy, and Lesko. When was the last time you asked yourself why does America have more mass shootings than any other country?

It embarrasses me that my neighbors could ut such a criminal in office to represent us, but they did, with a really crooked one, in Andy Biggs. This man cares about nothing but himself and his russian influence that he gets from His feared leader, Don Drumpf. What’s needed, are complete investigations into these trumpublicans who insist on aiding and abetting the Russian takeover of our nation by the mole you keep supporting and encouraging. Are you, too, moles? Are you moles that nobody knows about? Who funds you campaigns? Do get money from the NRA? How about Fox News? Have you ever gotten support from them? We all know that their both Russian influenced, due to them being Russian funded. Do you connections go straight through to Moscow?

While investigating all these trumpublicans, I demand an investigation into William Barr. We, as Americans cannot accept a redacted version of what’s happened over the last ten years. That is treasonous and should be considered as such. Do we now, all call William Barr a Traitor? I will. At least, until he releases a completely unredacted report to my Congress which has the full authority to see and examine, it. It’s vital that our Congress see an unredacted report to get all the facts. Who knows how many facts are going to disappear in Barr’s report of the real report. Damn you, William Barr. I can now, detest your action as a foreign agent, working for this bogus American. How long will Mueller have to testify, now, for us to get all the truth? (Most of us already know the truth, as we’ve known it ever since he became a candidate.)

What I didn’t know, this man, is a Russian asset, yearning only to build his tower in Moscow, so he can plaster his name worldwide. that’s is the only thing, that’s important to this physical resemblance of a man. He quit growing up at 12 years old when he learned that he could bully or buy everything he wanted. This is our karma coming back on us for allowing his grandfather to immigrate here from Germany 150 years ago. By the way, he came here illegally, also. That questions in my mind, what does he have against immigrants, when his grandfather was an illegal one? If you ask why he was illegal, ask what he was running away from in Bavaria. What was it? Required military service during the Austro-Prussian war. It appears that this scaredy cat fostered a family of fraidycats! His whole family fears just about everything, due to their criminal nature that’s been bred and inbred into this family.

This whole family is a criminal family, born of a criminal father and grandfather. This is how German criminality came to America. This Herr Drumpf has made Don Corleone look like a baby when it comes to criminality. This is a man who could tutor John Gotti, on how to run an organized crime syndicate. This man has it mastered. He did, after all, take over an entire nation. He may have had the help of a foreign agency, but he still pulled it off. John Gotti never did.

This president reads his statements off of a Fox News l;edger that I do not get my news from. Why the hell is he giving me his fake news? He is incapable of speaking any truth of any sort, as it’s never been in his nature to tell the truth. Bullies don’t adhere to that code of conduct that the rest of the world does. You can never expect this mule to change his colors, as he is completely incapable. That because he was raised that way, just as he’s raised the rest of his family. they’re all as crooked as he is. (And you thought Nixon was a crook!)

Each an every one of them, have, personally guaranteed their compliance in this Russian Scam that’s being perpetrated through the NRA from the Russian Oligarchy that Con Drumpf answers to, so he can build his tower his Moscow. The saddest part of this story is that the majority of my neighbors have all fallen prey to this ruse. They all believe that this Russian asset actually has their best interest in mind due to their tribal blindness that this man can do no wrong. They don’t take into account all the lies that he continually spouts. They see those as his humor, and nothing else, when, they never read into it, all the subliminal programming that he’s doing through this vile activity. They cannot see it. They’ve been subliminally programmed, not to. The worst part of this story is that this is a Russian ploy that needs to be answered with our own subliminal programming of our own people to unite the division that’s been created by this.

This prompts me to question where this influence has come from, Does it all come from Russia? Has there been domestic help in spreading this political glyphosate? Can we ask Wendy Murdoch that question? I think she would have an idea. I think she knows very well, who it is that’s doing this to our country. She is, after all, Vladimir’s girlfriend. Now, ask yourself, what would Vladimir have any interest in a fake new media mogul’s ex-wife? Remember Mad Vlad the Bad is an ex- KGB agent. Who else could conjure up such a ruse as this one? That may be a well done for Mad Vlad the Bad, but it’s decimated our society and the last truly free society in the world. Thank you, Vlad. You, now, carry the curse of the world. Wear it well! no one is more deserving than you, to go straight to hell, where I’m sure you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

you personally have corrupted my state, which is 12,000 miles away from your decrepit lands. Why did you make them so decrepit? Why do you choose to hate humanity, so much? Is it your own vile nature that prompts you to do this? Os, is it that you were just born evil? Are you a Cossack? That might explain it. But for me, the explanation is in you just being a stupid Russian. You have proven that your nationality, have no ethics or grace, and, therefore, deserve nothing more than a ruling seat in your nearest junkyard. You have proven to me that you can rule naught more than garbage, as garbage you clearly are.

What are you going to do to quell the rising turmoil in your land? Will you use military force, as you always have, as that’s how you’ve been trained by your fellow Cossacks? Did they teach you any humanity, or were they too occupied by staying alive from being threatened by a Third Reich? Is that why they were forced to train you as you were? Is that your excuse for the depravity that you express, today?

We can’t claim that same depravity. Much like your nation, our nation was founded by violence, which probably means that what begins in violence usually ends in violence. We know that from how people themselves quite often have violent endings to violent lives. That seems to be a law of nature, although, it’s more. a law of man and his diet of glyphosated grains. This is the curse we’ve lived with for. 10,000 years

I am sick to death of hearing this President spread his lies. All he does when he opens his mouth is, lie. I’m sick to death of it. If I don’t’ see an end to this administration before Vladimir retakes his lost portion of the USSR, he’ll regain total control over Eastern Europe so he can take over NATO. It’s too unfortunate, that none of these trumpublican politicians, that have too much control over my life, can’t see that. That’s not only sad, it’s endangering my life, and I can’t take any legal action against them for doing this. I can’ only encourage everyone else to vote them out. It may be the only way to save our union and state.

Impeachment is vital now!

Sarah did you really say,

“Democrats have no message”?

Who really has no message?

Your president has nothing but fear

and anger for a message!

what the hell do you call that?

Is that anything substantial,

other than an invitation to incite violence?

Where’s you plan for healthcare?

do you have that part of the “message”?

Where is it?

Is that just another empty promise,

that this President is full of?

Where the hell did you grow up?

Was it in America, Bulgaria or Russia?

Or you’re going to continue to  insist

on acting like it was Russia,

If so, go home to Russia

and get the hell out of my nation!

You do not belong here!

Take your foreign President with you,

We don’t want nor need

your Russian conspiracy!