Tag Archives: Teddy’s party

Has the Cold War Ended?

Our worst fears are starting to manifest.
The Cold War hasn’t ended.

I would have liked to put a question mark after those statements, but I’m afraid that I can’t. It’s now evident that our President, possibly in collusion with Russia is turning the Republican party into a Ruspublican party. This is not only scary it’s the most dangerous ground our country has entered since the “end of the Cold War”. This makes me question that statement; the end of the Cold War. Did the Cold War end? Or is this an extension of it 25 years later, in the placement of Donald Trump in the Oval Office by a suspect electoral college election.

Post-election; I saw one country that wasn’t shocked by our election and was actually excited about it. That one country: Russia. Has Russia been secretly infiltrating their operatives into the Republican Party to create the gerrymandering that’s been taking place over the last 40 years so they could influence our election from the outside? They were, after all, the only country his election wasn’t a shock to. From their reaction to it right after the election, they almost expected it. With the action that’s been taking place in the Republican party of late, it’s starting to really worry me, is the Cold War back? Did it ever end?

This is enough to scare the Pope. We’ve known of this president’s affinity for Eastern Europeans and their countries, it only makes sense that he’s been secretly groomed for this assignment by the KGB. They did work in all Eastern European countries when they all belonged to the USSR.

Why can’t Republicans see this ruse? Are they really that blind? Are they that willing to forfeit our country? What really has me scared, is this just the first step? It just occurred to me you can’t witness something when you’re the perpetrator. There must be a group of Republicans that are under the same control of the KGB to create all this havoc, by enabling the tool they placed in the Oval Office. Even Tery Gowdy can’t differentiate between paying for research and buying the report. He still continues to profess that the study done for MI6 was financed by the Democratic party when they just bought the report. According to this President’s semantics, that doesn’t even prove they paid for the research, yet Trey wants too dearly to hang on to this illusion that the President has created. Is it just to save the President or his own face?

A bigger question is what is behind their rebellion against the norms of our inner-workings in the Government? Why are they questioning their own government? Is there more, behind their desire to back this President who seems to have clear ties to Russia? Has Russia infiltrated our government that much and we are completely unaware of it? The action of the Republican party, in following this highly questionable President, has made me question their motives. Are their motives for America or for Russia? Russia’s smiling. America’s not.

The biggest question in this equation is what is FOX News’ role in this drama? They aren’t really smiling either. They’re almost reeling from this debacle they and their puppet have created. We know how much weight the President puts in their opinion. He actually thinks they are the do-all end-all of honest news and governs our nation by what they say. (Actually, that means that he’s just as easily bought and sold like the rest of the public he’s conned.) He really believes they’re “fair and balanced” when in all actuality, they’re the least fair and most unbalanced news ever reported. If there is a “carny news agency”, it’s Fox News. They are the leaders of misleading. (At least next to the President.) I can’t say how disgusting it is having our country being run by Murdoch Media. Now I have to wonder how much of Murdoch’s influence comes from Russia? It’s obvious to me that he’s passing it on to our President which makes me wonder, just how much of this contention is coming from East Europe?

Does this mean the corrupt media coming from the “right side media” (FOX News) is actually Russia influenced? that’s about the only thing that makes sense. That’s the only reason the whole Republican party, with the exception of a half dozen who see the real truth, is enabling a man who has had obvious ties with Russian oligarchs. The way the President is acting only supports this theory. Many arguments could be made for all this disruption that Donald Trump has wrought on our institution of government. He’s turned it completely upside down and inside out, to say the least. No one trusts anyone anymore in any department in any branch of government right now. That to me sounds like a perfect recipe for KGB involvement. What better tool could they have than an unwitting President to do their bidding? He could have easily been conditioned by the Russians and with his fourth-grade mentality that the President shows with his constant tweeting, it’s not hard to imagine how easy it would have been to brainwash this man into a perfect tool.

We need to examine the actions of the President and who they benefit the most. That will be our first hint at who’s buying influence in the President’s actions. The problem with this President’s actions, almost all of them look to be done for the benefit of Russia, alone. Our previous president said, “freedom is more powerful than fear.” Is that why our current president is trying to prove him wrong?

cold war
There comes a time in our life when we have to take a stand, when what we’re supposed to stand for no longer stands. I’m taking a stand against what’s trying to ruin our land, which is the hand of a man who wishes me to only have a strand.

It’s becoming easier to imagine with all the animosity that he loves to create within the ranks of the government that he seems to be constantly doing. I really don’t believe that Donald J (Drumpf) Trump is that smart. He’s always had money to buy him everything he wanted out of life and that does not make anyone smart. That actually keep them from learning. This is clearly evident in Donald’s case, and that would make him the perfect tool for the KGB to use.

cold war
Is this the man who thinks he has a plan to tear asunder the makings of our great land? Is this the one who Russia has sought to rip apart our world with what he has wrought? He’s doing his best to turn our country into his jest but fortunately, there are the rest of us who can see through this mess.

Every statement that Donald speaks has me wondering this, since he never tells the truth, ever. It has me feeling sorry for all the evangelicals who still back him. They have no idea they may be backing a subconsciously covert KGB agent who doesn’t even know he is one. That’s what’s scary. If someone wants a conspiracy theory to dig into, that may be it. Robert Meuller may be our only hope of knowing the real truth, something that was

never revealed during the Cold War.

This has me wondering; is he a Russian puppet…and not aware of it consciously? He sure acts like it. He even talks like it and I was always told if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. He talks like a Russian dictator. acts like one but we know he’s not. He’s just a wannabe dictator being used by a real one.

Whatever happened to Teddy’s party? Is this the same party that freed the slaves and saved our Union from the terrorism of the South with their rebellion, the Civil War? Has the Cold War ended or is this a return to it or even the Civil War? These scary times deserve Donald Trump rhymes of crimes to be found in my books of the times.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic