Tag Archives: Stalin

Role Models for Trump

Trump’s Role Models

These are the people that Donald J Trump models his life after, with his admiration of men of power, regardless of how they achieve it, this man has proven to me that he has absolutely no morals. His ethics are equal to that of a rat. He fears for his life just like one.

  • Putin – “Conniver of connivers. This man has controlled Russia since the breakup of the USSR. An ex-KGB agent for 16 years, educated in Russian law from St Petersburg State University.” Obviously well educated and instructed in espionage, this man has taken control of the whole world, with his control of Donald Trump.
  • Fred Drumpf – Donald’s grandfather – “Immigrated to the U.S. in 1885 from Bavaria to avoid military service. He taught his grandson well. He too dodged military service during the Vietnam War. Like grandfather, like grandson. “U.S. immigration records list his name as “Friedr. Trumpf” and his occupation as “none”. It was at this time that he changed his name from Drumpf to Trump, because he was a barber, restaurateur, and hotelier, and probably didn’t want to put Drumpf on his hotels. I’m sure, he thought, Trump was much better. At least it was less German sounding and more American sounding.” I noticed a change in the Wikipedia entry on Donald Trump after the election. The record of his history had changed, The “D” was no longer in his name and the story was changed from the original, I had read pre-election.
  • Mussolini – “Mussolini and his followers consolidated their power through a series of laws that transformed the nation into a one-party dictatorship. Within five years, Mussolini had established dictatorial authority by both legal and extraordinary means and aspired to create a totalitarian” That’s from Wikipedia, on the rule of Il Duce.
  • Hitler _ I don’t think any explanation is needed here, this hame is infamous in history as being the worst genocidal dictator the world has seen in modern times, but for those who need to be reminded or even educated, this man is responsible for killing more than 6 million Jews. Over 60 million were killed in WW II, the deadliest war in history. He was directly responsible for WW II.
  • Pol Pot – Accused of genocide of 3 million citizens
  • Idi Amin – responsible for the deaths of 100,000 – 300,000 citizens
  • Stalin“Raised into a poor family in GoriRussian Empire, as a youth Stalin joined the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. He edited the party newspaper Pravda and raised funds for Vladimir Lenin‘s Bolshevik faction via robberies, kidnappings, and protection rackets. Repeatedly arrested, he underwent several internal exiles. After the Bolsheviks gained power in the October Revolution of 1917 and established the Russian Soviet Republic, Stalin sat on the governing Politburo during the Russian Civil War and helped form the Soviet Union in 1922. Despite Lenin’s oppositionStalin consolidated power following the former’s death in 1924. During Stalin’s tenure, “Socialism in One Country” became a central concept in Soviet society, and Lenin’s New Economic Policy was replaced with a centralized command economyindustrialization, and collectivization. These rapidly transformed the country into an industrial power, but disrupted food production and contributed to the famine of 1932–33, particularly affecting Ukraine. To eradicate those regarded as “enemies of the working class“, from 1934 to 1939 Stalin organized the “Great Purge” in which hundreds of thousands—including senior political and military figures—were interned in prison camps, exiled, or executed.”
  • Mao” …his autocratic totalitarian regime has been vastly condemned for overseeing mass repressions and destruction of religious and cultural artifacts and sites, which through arbitrary executionspurges and forced labor caused an estimated 40 to 70 million deaths, which would rank his tenure as the top incidence of excess mortality in human history.”
  • Robert Mugabe – “Having dominated Zimbabwe’s politics for nearly four decades, Mugabe has been a controversial and divisive figure. He has been praised as a revolutionary hero of the African liberation struggle who helped to free Zimbabwe from British colonialismimperialismand white minority rule. Conversely, he has been accused of being a dictator responsible for economic mismanagement, widespread corruptionanti-white racismhuman rights abuses and crimes against humanity. The Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum documented 27 murders, 27 rapes, 2466 assaults, and 617 abductions, with 10,000 people displaced by violence; the majority, although not all, of these actions, were carried out by ZANU-PF supporters.”
  • Muammar Gaddafi“Gaddafi transformed Libya into a new socialist state calledJamahiriya (“state of the masses”) in 1977. He officially adopted a symbolic role in governance but remained head of both the military and the Revolutionary Committees responsible for policing and suppressing dissent.” 
  • Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo“The nature of Obiang’s government is non-democratic since opposition is barely tolerated. He is also accused of corruption and abuse of power. Equatorial Guinea is currently a one-party state controlled by the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE). The constitution provides Obiang wide powers, including the right to rule by decree, effectively making him a dictator. In 2003, Obiang told his citizenry that he felt compelled to take full control of the national treasury in order to prevent civil servants from being tempted to engage in corrupt practices. Obiang then deposited more than half a billion dollars into more than sixty accounts controlled by himself and his family at Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C., leading a U.S. federal court to, fine the bank $16 million for allowing him to do so.[25] A United States Senate investigation in 2004 found that the Washington-based Riggs Bank had taken $300 million in payments on behalf of Obiang from Exxon Mobil and Hess Corporation
  • Slobodan Milošević“The Hague indictment alleges that starting in 1987, Milošević “endorsed a Serbian nationalist agenda” and “exploited a growing wave of Serbian nationalism in order to strengthen centralized rule in the SFRY…Milošević’s government exercised influence and censorship in the media. An example was in March 1991, when Serbia’s Public Prosecutor ordered a 36-hour blackout of two independent media stations, B92 Radio and Studio B television to prevent the broadcast of a demonstration against the Serbian government taking place in Belgrade.[63]The two media stations appealed to the Public Prosecutor against the ban but the Public Prosecutor failed to respond”

Americans like to forget. We don’t dwell on the negative. That’s why we’re such a great nation. Unfortunately, because we are so positive all the time, we forget about the negative times in our history. Consider this post a reminder of past atrocities that have gone unpunished in many cases because people forget. And, because they forget, it happens again.

I bring all of these dictators, thugs, and criminals up since they’re all killers and destroyers of freedoms (except their own, they excel at padding their own bank accounts). These are the most contemptible humans ever to walk the earth, in modern times, rivaling Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Nero and the worst Roman emperors, This man is moving to take his place in history to pale in comparison, these other dictators. This man has taken over the most powerful empire in the history of mankind.

Trump's role models
Is our President the next genocidal dictator to soil our world?

It’s too bad that most Republicans have bought into this ruse, hook, line, and sinker. They can’t see this through his magnetic allure. They can’t accept that they’ve been duped by probably, the greatest showman on earth, ever. He’s seemed to have found those “suckers born every minute”.  They love clinging to the allure of his magnetism and charm.

All of these men express similar characteristics, like nepotism, (this is due to their extreme fear from a lifetime of wronging people), bully-like behavior, theft of state funds and farmers lands, the murder of countless people, creators of even more anguish, fear and terror. These people are your true terrorists.

The list of people you see above are the deplorables that someone talked about in her campaign against this puppet. She was trying to warn us that this man belongs in that very same category. It’s a category of gore, of corruption, of genocide, of theft, of massive coercion, of nepotism and personal favorites, instead of qualified honest people leading a country, to the better. Their regimes all collapsed because of the deceit, distrust, and dishonesty.

The nepotism that’s taking place in our White House
is presenting a very clear danger to America.

Why are there people on this man’s staff who have had clear connections with foreign influences, and in some cases are still owing to these people? What kind of influence are they feeding into an easily influenced President with the mentality of a fourth grader? To those of you who are putting your trust in this, I blame you for Russia’s take-over of our 2016 election and our 2018 election. Now, I can’t trust any conservative member of the Senate or The House. You’ve made damn sure of that.

It’s a crying shame that none of them know of the greatest and worst joke ever played on mankind, the Glucose Ruse, as explained below. Added to the list above, for their murder of over 2,000 Americans every day, (45,000 worldwide every day), Monsanto ranks at the top or a small group of industrial giants that include Bayer and Syngenta. All are pharmaceutical companies responsible for growing our food. The condition of our world is the result of the Glucose Ruse.

We should all look like this;

If you don’t, Your cure is here!
Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
Full Details of Tainted Food:


The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.