Tag Archives: Short term profits



Thank you for finally recognizing that corporate America cannot consider themselves equal to the rest of private American individuals. Thank you for finally realizing that you are not equal. In American politics, money buys equality. Because we allow unmitigated, donations to a campaign by virtually any organization that remains unregulated, money buys votes, power, influence, and consequences in America. Thank you for knowing that it takes more than short term profits to build true, long-term, prosperity. Thank you for knowing that no individual can possible have as much power or influence as that of any corporation which has ten times or more money, to wield that influence.

How many individuals are, solely interested in profit? Aren’t most individuals interested in survival? Few have any money, anymore, to be worried about profiting off of what they would have to invest (which is usually, nothing). So, how can corporations be equal to individuals? Who wrote that decision that our Supreme Court made back during H.W. Bush’s time in office? Wasn’t it Clarence Thomas, who used to lobby for Monsanto, back in the 1980’s? Wouldn’t that make the burning of the rain forests in the Amazon, Monsanto’s fault.

Look at the rain forest in the Amazon, at the way it’s burning, currently. Why does it burn? Soy farms replacing forest, is the reason, in a nutshell, all to gain short term profit for corporate payouts to encourage more investment in the company. Short term profits in exchange of long term prosperity. How much sense, does that make? That is corporate sense. That is not human sense. That corporate sense is what’s led to climate change, and the refusal to recognize it, leading us directly in the demise of our ecology and possibly world, as I’m typing this response.

Why do we get to live with this destruction? Why do we listen to those who promote this destruction? Who promotes this destruction? Who would want to promote it? What American wants to live in this kind of world? Who influences leaders to preach against this climate change that’s destroying our world? What is their interest? Is it corporate interest, aimed at short-term profit only and not long term prosperity? Is this corporate interests, alone, disregarding any human part in the equation? That’s a piss-poor algorithm to work with for the advancement of our species.

Thank is why I thank corporate America. I thank them for finally realizing, it’s they, who need to lead the charge toward equality for all and the gigantic battle looming against climate change. Now the the leadership of corporate America recognizes where their interests should be for the benefit of all instead of just the benefit of their stockholders and profit, we as a human population, can start to rectify to damage we’ve done to every facet of our society and civilization. (Which I can blame on what we eat!) How are you going to convince Bayer (Monsanto) of this concept, with them spreading their glyphosate, worldwide?