For me, one question keeps coming to mind, what will these trumputinpublicans thank about their betrayal, when they’re all on their death beds? How will they explain their sin to St Peter?

Even a man with the honor that John Bolton carries, has changed his colors, like a peacock. He’ totally turned against America by giving all of his allegiances to Russia to defend this tyrant and not giving his story out now, to let the public know of the criminality that this asset has committed.

You are an angry party because you fell for what the Democrats, didn’t fall for when Donald Trump was a Democrat. They wouldn’t let him ruin their party, so he ruined yours. He’s actively spreading his insanity throughout this entire nation with his ongoing campaign rallies that have been non-stop since he got in office. (That’s because he can fly for free, at our expense of a million$ a day.)

By doing that, he’s more than actively ruining your party. He’s driving us into the dirt, to bury us forever. He campaigns with comedy routines entertaining his guests for nothing more than a free show. How much popcorn do you give out? Is it all as glyphosated as all corn is?

If it were up to me. this Senate wouldn’t see any impeachment until the election rolls around, and only then should they send the impeachment! Then the Senate will be on trial with the President. That is as it should be. This should be, the longest impeachment in history because the trumputinpublican party demands it.

With Mitch’s attitude, of siding the jury with the defendant, automatically changes the rules. They are clearly showing their own complicity in this conspiracy, making them all as conspiratorial as the President. Thus proving the Vladimir take-over of our Senate by our fiercest adversary. This trial in the Senate must wait for April or May to even begin and it cannot begin without more witnesses paraded before the judges. How well they dispute what’s said, under oath, before their faces and still convince their constituents that they have America’s best interest at heart?

He said he was going to clean out Washington, and he’s doing exactly that by getting rid of the foreign influence that allowed him to get into Office. Unfortunately, that just happens to be the last remnants of your, now lost, party. It is unfortunate that they can’t see the writing on the wall, as they’re about to lose many of their seats.

This is a story. It’s a tale of a duped crowd of elderly rebels, all trying to stave off the future of our nation by driving our people into the past. They only intent seems to be their desire to stoke fear in all future generation by dumping their influence on our judicial system for the next 30 to 70 years, regardless of how much of their souls the had to sell for it. This is a sad story of betrayal. Betrayal to a people entrusted to them, to protect them from what they’re, ultimately, selling them out to.

This is a sad day that is forcing me to ignore the spin and splash that this party is spreading in their attempt to defend a confessed criminal that can’t be charged because he’s in the highest office of our land. How ridiculous is this? How can half of our nation be bowing to Russia through this white nationalist movement, that’s been so easily duped by our fiercest enemy, who has already initiated their cyberwar on America as expressed by our own security agencies.

We are confronted with quite possibly the worst enemy we’ve ever faced as this enemy is us. Or, at least almost half of the US. Half of the US wishes for us to be controlled by our worst foreign adversary that we’ve ever faced. The other half, including myself, wants to protect our union.

They seem to want to carry on a conspiracy about Hunter selling out our interest, while they are doing it while I’m typing this. Every defense that they’ve come up with only twists facts and splashes confusion over everything intentionally muddying up everything so people cannot see the real facts of what’s happening to them. Nobody is aware that they are all being played by Vladimir Putin. This is done, only, so Donald could get his tower in Moscow. That is why Putin is playing him as his ace when he’s really his joker!

Why they’re choosing to take sides with that adversary is beyond anything I can comprehend except that it has to be profitable to them to debase themselves as they all are intent on doing. This forces me to ask, what is in this for them to defend a confessed criminal? Is their biggest benefactor, the NRA giving them instruction on how to act in this hearing? I know where the NRA gets a bulk of its influence from. They were given $3 million from a Russia oligarch to use in Donald Trump’s campaign, weren’t they? How can we forget that?

And Rep Ken Buck, why do you openly choose to spread Moscow’s propaganda? That is all you do when you open your mouth about Hunter Biden. All of you Trumputinpublicans like Matt, Jim and every other idiot who opens their mouth to abase our own government over our own interest, to aid and abet the interest of our fiercest enemy, Vladimir Putin. Every one of you bastards is playing his hand for him and I curse every last one of you for it. You have each proven yourselves to be as collusional and despicable as any American can possibly express themselves. My suggestion to you is to retire and go fishing where you can’t hurt anyone. 

Andy, you’re embarrassing. Your words are completely impotent, like that of the rest of your party. You have no ground to stand your arguments on. They’re all completely baseless and meant only to spin and splash the facts of what has transpired since this President ever took office, which is little more than, criminal behavior.

As each and every one of you made complete asses out of yourselves and your party, you have only shown the people who have really sold out our country. This asset of a President couldn’t get away with his crimes if he didn’t have accomplices. Those accomplices are the Fox News Network, the whole damn Republican party, his family, and the core of the Red Square in Moscow. Doesn’t that make this whole conspiracy a true conspiracy? How many ways, has this cadre of accomplices aided and abetted this criminal asset? Before I get into that I’d like to explain how this whole escapade started, and when.

40 -50 years ago at the start of the fall of the USSR, someone vowed to make his union great again and started scheming then, what he was going to do to the world to facilitate that dream. That man was Vladimir Putin, and he’s currently reaping the benefits of years of hard-fought corruption throughout our entire world all intended to drive all powers to bend toward his reunification of his old USSR. He uses mass media and social media in every arena that he possibly can to spread disinformation and flat out lies to twist the truth and turn everyone in these countries to bend to what he wants them to believe to bend them to his will.





And, we allowed him to do it to us. We should be ashamed as Americans. How could we allow our country to fall to a white trash nationalist? Well, we really didn’t without that foreign help that this man called for so he could get his tower in Moscow. That is exactly why this party has sunk to the depravity that it has. They want this man to have his tower in Moscow so we can all let Vladimir Putin run out country further into the ground. How they figure this will help them in their next campaign, I have no idea. Why they can’t see, that their constituents can’t see through their veil of deception is, complete illogic. Do all of the TrumPutinPublicans have a death wish for their political careers? Do they all want to go do in history as being traitors to America? I cannot fathom any reason for their treason except that they are being fed foul news and food. The food is fully glyphosated fear-mongering food that has a tendency to increase fear levels, due to the enzyme inhibiting action, of the chemicals used to kill the weeds the glyphosate kills.

It also ensures that we get all that glyphosate in our diet as well, to the tune of 20 billion pounds of it yearly, on all of the crops we use for our diet of snack food, fast food, restaurant food, grocery food, with drinks included. That includes all alcoholic drinks and most coffee and cocoa. They even spray what is supposed to be very healthy food, like tree nuts, such as pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, and macadamia nuts are all included also.

This is the consequence of an industrialized, glyphosated fast and cheap food market that everyone has to buy into to sustain their lives. These foods create conditions in the body of everyone who eats them that sets up the body for disease, through a cycle of hunger, hormone changes, and glycation that is the one driving force behind every major modern disease. This is the most destructive force, as it drives emotional changes and most importantly all damage to the body and more importantly grain.

Unfortunately, there is no way to get away from it until massive changes are made in our chemical industry to stop the proliferation of this chemical pesticide throughout the entire world.

According to science, our species has reduced our violent tendencies that have grown out or our civilized world, since we started settling down and started our agriculture, which allowed us to reduce our violent tendencies dramatically, due to negating the necessity to hunt for food. Unfortunately over the years, this agriculture led us into more violent tendencies due to the food we grew and consumed. This is all explained fully in The Science of God or Why We Fight. Now that addiction that we line with, (that started thousands of years before we started cultivating these grasses). is rearing is ugly head., in the form of every modern disease, every form of dementia and brain disease and all of the modern fears that we have to live with. if there is any way we’re going to correct this aberration of our evolution, is to do away with this evil weedkiller of glyphosate that’s driving the Glucose Ruse.

This whole Republican party has proven themselves all to be traitors to the American cause of promoting democracy across the world. They can’t even get it right in their own country. How much more disgraceful can any American possibly get? The most unfortunate part in this tale is the fact the Republicans think that we’re overriding the will of the people. I getting sick and tired of hearing that.

Donald J Trump was not the will of the people. HE WAS THE WILL OF VLADIMIR PUTIN AND RED SQUARE IN MOSCOW. Why doesn’t the media recognize that? Is it because Fox continues to muddy the wares of the imperial need to impeach? Are they abiding by Putin’s wishes? Are they doing it along with the NRA? How in hell at we supposed to clean up our act if it’s corrupt at our core, through our entire white trash nationalists sect if rebels. How do we turn off Putin’s influence in their minds? It’s become very clear to me that any Senator who votes to acquit the President of his impeachment is really voting for foreign influence in our government. They are not voting to save this President as much as they are voting for Russian involvement in our politics, just as they have in most other areas of the world. This vote is vital to turn off, all of Putin’s influence and these Senators must realize that. They risk the life of this union, by failing to realize that!

The only encouraging fact about these impeachment proceedings is that it’s the third time an impeachment has been voted on in the House. The first two were unsuccessful in the Senate, making this the third time an impeachment has reached its chambers. With that in mind, I keep reminding myself, the third time’s the charm! If it isn’t I foresee the end of many Republican careers, thus cleaning out Washington, and leaving it for the Democrats. This has to have been what Donald said when he guaranteed that he was going to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

I see a problem with our Senate being unwilling to grapple with what they know to be the truth. They are all afraid of that small group of voters that will allow them to lose their elections in the general election. There is no way they can pick up any independent votes. They have to know that, so why they cling to this myth that something magic is going to happen if they don’t vote to convict, is a dream that could well be the end of our republic. To think al this tragedy was committed solely so this conservative party of fear could tip the balance of the court for 3 generations has backfired so bad, it could well be our ruin. This man has proven to the world that he cannot change his colors, and his colors are all dirty. 

Mitch, you’re absolutely right, the Dems do have cold feet. Especially when faced with clearly overt corruption, with a colluding AG and the top majority Senator, bent on bowing to Russia’s influence. WTF do you think America is, a Russian satellite? Is that what you’re trying to make us? Are you kidding me, Mitch? Do you expect me to believe that you’re a complete turncoat over what you said about the Clinton impeachment, 20 years ago when you impeached a clearly unimpeachable President? He wasn’t nearly as criminal as this one is. Why do you ignore that?




Do you really think no one can see your corruption? How ignorant can you possibly be? DUH!