Tag Archives: Russian nightmare




Every addiction has its problems, some of which are considered worse than others, depending on the addiction. This addiction, in my estimation, has cost every known civilization to crumble, right after it built it up. This is due to the inherent addictive factors of this food additive and drug, for lack of a better descriptive term. Yes, it is a drug. Why do I say that? because the body does not need it. While it does nothing more than to sate us and sedate us, is also berates us while degrading our minds and bodies, in each and every person who indulges in its lures.

How do know what the experts and scientists don’t know? I’ve lived without any glucose, fructose, or sucrose in my body for the last 8 years and have cleaned up damn near all of my ailments. The only ones that haven’t cleared up yet, are still healing from the abstinence of the sugars in my system. It’s taken ten times as long to purge the contaminants from my system than it took to put them into my system. That’s how dangerous this food is, and that’ is exactly why Jesus told us not to eat bread.

But when did he tell us this? It was after he came back from his 40-day fast. How did he know that the sugars in bread did this to us? It was because of his fast. When the body goes without food, the stomach generates hormones meant to enhance our brains and bodies with extra protection that create an environment that allows the brain to think in ultra-high gear. When this happens, ideas like this one along with ideas such as E=MC2, all discoveries of the greatest importance, and even the Glucose Ruse. Most of the revelation in my books have come from my ability to fast on a regular basis, to set up my brain for growth, connecting the neural growth, and forming networks in my brain to use those new brain cells. This is the power of fasting. Studies have shown that students’ test scores are better before lunch than after lunch with a stomach full of food. Your hormones are too busy digesting your food to empower your brain growth to allow any new ideas to emerge.

This is on top of what carbs do to your brain and body to insert its polymers into your system to. basically, gum it up. It does that through glycation and glycosylation of proteins and fats, the most important nutrients in your body. The sugar binds your cell linings and disrupts your miRNA that regulates your DNA to tell your cells how to operate for the task instructed by the brain. Do you know what else disrupts your miRNA? Viruses. They come in two forms, DNA viruses, and RNA viruses. DNA viruses affect plants where RNA viruses affect animals. That means that the coronavirus, COVID 19 is an RNA virus, because ist affects animals, in the form of mostly, people. That’s because people are the most susceptible to it. That is because of the amount of sugar that’s been in our diet for the last 15,000 years. This is the reason we have “modern diseases”.

What else from above, affects your miRNA? Sugar. Sugar dysregulates miRNA inside your acetylcholinesterase. That is the cell signaling enzyme in each and every cell that decodes the neuronal signal it receives from the brain to instruct it how to operate to the function necessary that the action, impetus or thought, the brain needs to carry out the function you want it to. If sugar dysregulates this enzyme, imagine what it can allow a virus to do, when it attacks your body?

But then why does it attack your body, in the first place?  Sugar in your body that the virus can consume to stay alive offers the lure to attract the virus. it the glycosidic acid our your breath from the Krebs cycle that processes your sugars, to use them as fuels. This is the inherent danger of sugar and carbs. It’s the residue of the exhaust fumes from your breath that attract all mosquitos and viruses to invade your system. How are most viruses transferred? Mosquitos harbor more disease than any other animal, making them, by far the most dangerous. and, here’s my secret; no sugar in the body will keep mosquitos from taking your blood and giving you any infections or viruses that they are carrying (which they can easily transfer from any of their other victims or hosts.) Without sugar in your body, the mosquito will seek its nourishment from another source. This will keep all viruses and infections that are born by mosquitoes away from you.

This will also allow your body to combat the virus if it does get into your body. Your body can fight off the disease, better, than if you have sugar in your body, as it’s the sugar that not only promotes the disease and disorder, it prohibits the body from healing itself by forcing your neutrophils to consume the sugar instead of the virus because the sugar tastes better. Neutrophils will consume sugar before they will consume the virus or bacteria, which they’re designed to consume. This brings another inherent problem with sugar and grains, that’ll break down to simple sugars, the food of viruses and bacteria. With sugar in your body is cannot fight a virus or flu.

This is why I eat by these three rules;

  1. If you want any disease or disorder, you must eat sugar or carbs. They create all of them. To avoid the calamity the carbs and sugar can bring, I don’t allow them into my equation of diet.
  2. Eat fat, don’t make it. When you make fat, your body stores it for use for later when you can’t find any fat to feed yourself. and all sugar and carbs, make fat.
  3. Eat enough protein to keep your weight where you operate the best for your specific needs.

The real danger in eating carbs lies in what the chemical industry has done to all grains that go into industrially made food, and that’s glyphosate or Roundup! Since Monsanto (now Bayer) owns dozens of crop seed companies all selling GMA seed ready to accept the Roundup to be sprayed on in without killing it like it does the weeds around it and the people who eat its produce.


It’s become evident to me when Monsanto researched what they could use this formula to make plastics for other uses, they had to have investigated, how it works like viruses. Viruses work in two ways. There are DNA viruses and RNA viruses. DNA viruses affect vegetation. RNA viruses affect animals. When formulating glyphosate, they formulated a chemical that dysregulates the RNA so much, it completely dysregulates all DNA in the organism in which the RNA gets dysregulated. This is the problem it proposes to all who ingest this for a food source after glyphosate (Roundup) was sprayed on it to kill the other weeds in the field. Can you imagine the havoc this could wreak on the body when this happens?

When one thinks about how this would hamper your ability to fight any virus that comes into your body because all viruses that affect people are RNA viruses because they affect animals, That means that the virus is going to affect your RNA, which in turn affects your DNA, which tells your cells how to operate.

Viruses work by embedding themselves in your fat where it can find its food, and here is where the problem lies. When you eat carbs, your body produces insulin to digest those carbs into fat, and it’s this fat that viruses embed themselves in.

What if that fat doesn’t come from glucose? I surmise that is your fat is not made from glucose, it won’t attract any viruses, as all viruses that attack humans are RNA viruses, because they affect animals which humans are. What does this mean? This means it’s better to eat your fat than to make it because when you make it, it’s always made from glucose, sucrose, and fructose, the food all viruses seek for their sustenance. If you don’t want to fight any virus for your sustenance, eat your fat, don’t make it, so it won’t allow any viruses to embed themselves in your fat.

Why is the virus attracted to fat made from glucose or fructose? Viruses are attracted to sugar, in its simplest forms, the size it can ingest. These forms include sucrose, glucose, and fructose, all the simplest forms of sugar. All carbs break down into glucose with the instruction of insulin that’s produced by your pancreas.

This insulin also instructs the fat it just made to be stored for future use, instead of collecting into cholesterol packets, to be used for your immediate fuel. This is the fuel that’s used by each and every cell in your body and this is where the difference lies in this fat as opposed to fat you eat.

What you eat doesn’t need to be converted to anything. It’s ready to go. It just needs to be packaged into cholesterol particles to feed your cells, so all it needs is an apolipoprotein and because it’s already in fat cells, that apolipoprotein is assigned one from your small intestine, making it an APOE, of apolipoprotein E, which has a tendency to break up amyloid plaque, which is the foundation of all atherosclerosis. This difference in reaction is due to the lack of polymers in the glycose that’s manifested by your body instead of you eating your glucose, to operate your brain. The brain can demand glucose when it’s thinking. The body demands glucose when it exercises. These are what produce hunger pangs, and it’s these pangs that are important to one’s health.

These hunger pangs usher a rush of hormones that are all brain and body improving hormones. They’re designed to build our brainpower while building up our immune systems. But, hunger pangs are impossible to ignore, when you’re addicted to the sugar that our species has been addicted to for, going on, 15,000 years, completely altering the evolution of homo sapiens. Instead of ushering glucose, our hunger pangs demand glycose which you can make from your own glycogen. This is the result of millions of years of evolution that allowed us to convert our digestive systems from living on carbs to living on ketones with a completely carb-free diet and this is what built our brains.

This is all on display inside our own President. Where does he like to buy his groceries? Isn’t is McDonald’s and Burger King? He loves glyphosated food and this has done nothing but ramp up his insanity, by deranging all of his hormones so servers, he’s gone completely off his rocker. He fears damn near everything that isn’t in his own family. If he doesn’t have full control of anything, he fears it. Instead of trying to learn about it, he forces capitulation to his ignorance. What kind of leader is this, a Russian nightmare?

This is the dysregulation that’s going on in everyone’s cells who eat this contaminated food. It’s been going on for 42 years. Monsanto knew this and that’s why Bayer bought their business. How do you think the pharmaceutical companies make so much money? This is your Guusoce Ruse! But the Science of God or Why We Fight will tell you why it has dysregulated our society and civilizations over the millennia.