Tag Archives: Russian influence

Questions for gun owners.

What is it like to be on the wrong side of history?
where people die, due to your misery?
Where do you like to get your news from?
A fact or fake source?
If you think the other news source is fake,
tune them in and find out.
You’ll soon learn where the fake news really comes from.
Gun owners, how many of you are true Americans…
or are you just communist sympathizers
that choose to buy into the ruse that’s been played on you?
Why are automatic weapons, more important to you,
than our security is to us? Your freedoms don’t protect us, rather, they
endanger us and make us uneasy like a street clearing out before a gunfight
NRA, what is it like to be on the wrong side of history?

Only, if one is caught in a firefight, are automatic weapons needed. I grew up with a 22 semi-automatic. I could’ve have hunted just as well with a bolt action or even a lever action a rifle that couldn’t give me the opportunity to squeeze off rounds at a clip of, however fast my finger could pull the trigger. Why are semi-automatics needed for hunting? It kind of takes all the sport out of it. Is that why? Have we become a society of people that lazy? If we can’t even take the effort to wake up out of our serene complacency that it’s wiser to fear your neighbor than to fear foreigners, I got some new for you that doesn’t come from Fox. It won’t come from Fox because it speaks of a foreign invasion into our homeland by a hostile government along with a hostile media mogul, intent on “making more news, that’s fit or unfit to print”.

Gun Owners Duped to Buy  More Arms,
what else in the world could bring more alarm,
this feed right into the arms of the most powerful men in the world to arm
the entirety of America, to do their job for them
to tear all asunder, to bring us all under their control
just so they can take all our souls.
This is the doom of our society,
we allowed it to happen to make us all grieve
the turmoil of crude oil all poured on our sleeve.

If you’re not a communist sympathizer, then stop acting like one when you vote. Vote for candidates who support gun regulation. It’s only in your own best interest. If you’re a gun owner, you’re already being branded as a communist sympathizer due to your incessant drive to appease and please the Russians, with the violence that guns bring to society. We’ve shown, due to their influence, that we can’t keep guns away from the mentally ill or emotionally deranged. How many people say, we have an emotionally unbalanced person in the White House, right now, with his finger is on a button that could end the fate of mankind, forever. Can you see any sense in that? Proud Americans are being misled every day to sow discord and unrest and further divide America, just to appease and please a Russian president and oligarch. Unfortunately, they can’t see this and don’t even want to realize it. They’re already too polarized so see the truth.

Their first argument is that is someone wants to hurt someone bad enough, they’ll find a way to do so. They say, no matter what controls you put on people, if someone wants to hurt people, they’ll find a way. That argument is the biggest copout there’s ever been. It’s a complete relinquishment of responsibility. The NRA uses Trump’s tactics when they’re attacked, to fight back right up front and put the blame on your accusers. That’s exactly how bullies would treat me in school. That exactly how the NRA, the Republican party, and the President conduct their “art of the deal” to defend their actions and promote their dissension. They all bullies in disguise.

Just yesterday, Florida’s state Congress looked at all the students begging for sanity in their schools and said Fuck You. They basically told these kids, you don’t deserve safe schools. You want sex-free schools, thinking that sex is what kills. I can kind of understand that, coming from Florida. They seem to think that guns are safer than porn. Can you see any sense in that? That is NRA influence. NRA influence is communist influenced. No other power caters to Russian meddling more than the NRA and gun owners. In my book, they’re all communists, striving to tear this country apart, at the request of Russia, and now Trump. Why do Americans buy into this ruse? Why are Republicans and gun owners so easily duped? NRA? Does that mean that the NRA are communists or just patsies like the rest of American gun owner?. Can you tell me, how can you still believe what known liar says to you? Granted, there are times when Trump isn’t lying. Those are the times he’s not speaking. You can see the truth in his actions. It’s in the way he bows to Putin with his submissive nature while in his presence. He actually looks up to this man like he’s his hero. Welcome to America Russia. The NRA members are here to serve you. They’re easily duped.


If you’re still buying into Trump’s propaganda, you’re buying into Russian propaganda. As long as you continue to do this, your turmoil will never end. Why you wish to continue his ruse of propaganda, I can’t understand. Why you can’t see this influence from the east, I’ll never know. What I do know, it’s dangerous and I’m not buying into it. Please don’t ask to befriend me. I hate not being able to make friends with anybody. The world you’ve created, cannot allow that. What happened to “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can”? Oh, I’m sorry, that was spoken by his opponent. Russia wouldn’t even want anything close to that. That promotes peace and understanding. (Is that why the influence?)

Question for Facebook, why are you dividing our politics even wider by target marketing your members?
Are you aware that the consequences, that we seem to be experiencing, are your responsibility as well?

Why do you make sure that right-wing members and left-wing members get different news and opinions, of that news? Why are they exposed to different website and ads? Who tailors your desires? What’s behind them Mark Zuckerburg? Is there a reason you’re dividing America into factions? Is it greed? Or is it outside influence? Would Russian influence have anything to do with it?

There’s a dear price to pay for the honor of gun ownership and we’re paying it with innocent lives, right now. We have a choice. We can make gun owners pay that price, or society as a whole can continue to pay the price. Right now, Gun owners only pay a price for gun ownership when they buy and register their gun. Shouldn’t weapons that are meant to kill people and not game, have to pay more than purchasers for guns intended for hunting? There is a difference between a hunting rifle, an assault gun, and a handgun. Handguns are assault weapons, as there’s no reason to use one for hunting. Assault rifles an obviously weapons of mass destruction when it comes to human life, and they should be taxed accordingly, along with the ammo. Shouldn’t levies, taxes or registration fees be placed on all weapons that are meant to kill people more than used for hunting? Shouldn’t weapons for self-defense, require a levy or tax, or at least, a registration fee required for them, as all self-defense weapons are handguns and assault guns? They’re meant to kill or harm people, regardless of the reason. Shouldn’t all self-defense weapons have their ballistics registered, to more easily identify the gun a bullet was shot from and who it was registered to, to hold that person accountable for any crime committed with that weapon?

I know that all of you are under the influence corporate America. That tells me that, because corporate influenced often means communist-influenced, most gun owners must be communist influenced. We know of Russia’s influence in our election. We know they’ve been trying to influence our politics for over 20 years. We know that our current President hired foreign influence to work on his campaign. We know how much the Russian’s are trying to sow discord and unrest throughout America.

While we kill ourselves. and find reasons not to change the problem (NRA voters), Russian oligarchs are smiling all the way to the bank. The unrest they promote over here, just feeds the unrest throughout the world, so they can sell more of their weapons of mass destruction. Thank you, NRA. Was this your intent when you persuaded all of your members to ignore common sense and security and allow Russia to peddle its influence in America? How did they get under your skin? What do you owe them?

May it be time to investigate the NRA for treason? What they’ve done to persuade gun owners to vote the way they do, is now suspect, at the least. If Russia has been trying to influence our politics, the 2nd amendment would be the first weapon they’d use against us. They know how dear it is to us. Australians held they gun ownership dearly also. But, they’re not letting Russia use that against them. They changed their constitution. For them to give up their guns was very difficult, nearly impossible, for some of them, yet after they gave up their’s, the murder rate dropped dramatically and now gun violence is a thing of the past, in Australia.

If an investigation of the Justice Department and FBI is necessary, by Republican thinking, investigation of the NRA is necessary, an investigation of Fox New owner and operators should also be initiated. Their influence seems, even more clearly now, to be influenced by Russia. What do they support? What do they defend? Add it up. You tell me. Their support and defense of those who promote, what creates violence and killing, are supporting exactly what Russia is trying to do to influence America. Their complicity in this is treasonous.

That’s why they need to be investigated. Fox news is still trying to pin the blame for the tragedy in Florida on irresponsibility in the FBI. Again they’re attempting to cloud the issue, just like the President. What they “just put out there” is criminal broadcasting and they should be held accountable for their treason. But, how do you convict an entire corporation for treason? I know that these broadcasters are only doing what they’re told to by their superiors, the owners of Fox News. They have little choice in what or how they report the news, whether real or fake. With a news agency this powerful feeds the fear, hate, and anger that feeds the violence that’s taking place in our society, they deserve more blame for this violence than anyone.

Republicans, what do you owe this President, that you’re allowing him to tear our government apart? This President has the most criminal record of all Presidents that we’ve elected. His crimes are numerous, both past and present, to the point that this President instructs his staff to lie for him just to protect his ego.

Current crimes;
  1. Inviting invasion on multiple occasions
  2. Instructing his own staff to lie for him to save his ego
  3. Spreading of anger and distrust in our own government, just to protect his ego
  4. Inciting violence from his own supporters (which happens to be almost all gun, owners)
  5. Falsely claiming his innocence and falsely accusing his FBI and Justice Dept. of a “witch-hunt” (by claiming the action investigating him a witch-hunt, he’s endangering everyone by opening us up more to Russian cyber warfare. Isn’t that a crime to say it’s OK to invade America?)

Past Crimes;

  1. Using bankruptcy as a tool for increasing personal wealth
  2. Evicting disadvantaged residents to make room for higher rents (slum lording)
  3. Seeking business contracts with Russian oligarchs and Chinese investors
  4. falsely accusing other of his crimes
  5. sowing discontent through unnecessary fear and contempt, creating hate and anger to divide further a divided populace.
  6. Purposely defrauding investors and renters with false appraisals and false evidence of assets
  7. destroying multitudes of businesses simply by filing for bankruptcy so often, simply to pad his own bank accounts.

For any advancement to be made in the control of guns, the public needs to learn that our 2nd amendment has endangered our country more than any other amendment, by allowing other countries like Russia to use it against us. If you’re buying into the 2nd amendment ruse of it being our dearest amendment to follow, you’re buying into Russian influence. Would you care to buy some ocean-front property in Kansas? If you’re buying into that ruse that our 2nd amendment is so important, you’re that dense and nothing more than bait for the Russian fishermen of hate. Why are you opposed to common sense gun laws? The only reason that I can think of is that you want the violence to continue. In doing that, you’re bowing to Russia’s influence. Isn’t that what the Russians are trying to do?

Too bad it’s the carbs that drive the hunger that drives the fear. Who drives the consumption of more starchy foods, that’s feeding this need for drugs? Is there an industry that’s behind this? That’s a question I could answer in 3 words, Monsanto, Bayer, and Syngenta.  All corporate entities, with Eastern European influence. Why are they so interested in what we eat? Is it because that’s what drives drug sales and opioid sales? It’s the need for these drugs that’s driving the demise of America. This is all perpetrated by mayor corporations with Eastern European influence….that’s scary if you buy into it. It appears that most Republicans are still buying into it, at a rate of about 87%, now. That’s how many still believe this 21st Century’s Greatest Showman on Earth -Don Drumpf, aka Donald Trump. It’s really a shame that a minority of gun owners are buying into this. I do wonder how many, though?

You need to learn how your hunger cycles are what’s driving your fears, Learn not to be hungry and afraid. Cure your hunger cycles, cure your diseased way of life by reading any of my books below;

We should all look like this when we’re 40, 50 and 60;
If you don’t, Your cure is here!
Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.


Extended Details of Tainted Food:

The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.


Full Details of Tainted Food:

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.


Deranged and Unhinged? Just who is?

Deranged and Unhinged? Just who is?…
Uh…let me guess, Don Drumpf?…
Matt Schlapp?…
Devin Nunes?…
or any of a myriad of Trump supporters
in Congress, Senators, and Representatives…
(who used to be against Trump before the election
yet turn their colors, for a better reflection)…
Carter Page? Jared Kushner? Ivanka Trumpf?…
Paul Manafort? or 13 indicted Russians,
all interested in Trump’s campaign
through his son-in-law Jared?
or should it be the Chinese
or the UAE?
There’s plenty of corruption for all here, to see?

Who in this list of players, do I look for, to find the deranged power broker in this deal? Who is it that’s trying to steal our dignity? And, probably at Putin’s request. It’s the death blow to America dealt from a Russian Cyber volley. I now ashamed to say, I’m American. I now have a better idea of what it’s like in Slovenia. Is all of the First Lady’s family here now? Were they all able chain migrate in? If so, time to shut that spigot of freedom, now that the President’s got his family in. Maybe that’s why he closing that avenue, (he’s had it up to his neck. with in-laws).

As an independent voter who has voted for both Democrat and Republican candidates, pretty much equally over my lifetime. Word has spread widely of the mental stability of our President, but I have to wonder about the mental stability of the Americans supporting him. Where is their mindset? Why do they stand up for a man who has the vocabulary of a fourth grader? That tells me he has the mentality of a fourth grader. How can anyone defend a known woman abuser? Are they making excuses for him? They hardly need to. He makes enough of them himself. Why is it all of the excuses made are false claims about how the claims aren’t false. If they weren’t false claims, they wouldn’t make the news that they’re making.

Today I see the Republican party as Russian allies doing what they can to destroy any resemblance of democracy that we’ve ever had and all for the protection of a known liar and deceiver. He’s also a known bankrupter of six of his own companies. How can the Republican party defend anyone of this nature? I thought they were the party of fiscal responsibility. How does defending anyone who’s bankrupted 6 companies give them any credibility? Are they too, Russian moles aiding and abetting them in this dismantling, of our government?

This President has proven that the ignorance of bigotry is nowhere close to dead in America, as he is a master of the trait. His bigotry goes much further than just color, it includes all people, not like him. That includes people without money. His tax cuts prove this. He’s also said it himself, I like people with money, lots of money. That means that he doesn’t care that much for people without money. To me, that’s just another sign of his ignorance, and it can’t be covered up…at least to me. Trumprocracy truly has replaced Democracy. It’s a sad, sad, very sad day for America….and the world.

Few people are as electively ignorant as this President and he’s shown time and time again that he is truly, bully-deranged. Any man who spouts as much fear and anger as this man has done throughout his whole campaign is controlled far too much by his emotions to be a stable President, and he seems to be proving this as well as any past President, maybe even better. (After all, Donald is “the best” at everything he does, isn’t he?)

It’s really unfortunate that through all the distractions, the FBI let slide a tip they received about a mass potential murderer about to unleash hell soon and sure enough, exactly that, took place. This does make me wonder if all the distractions about a slanted FBI investigation, weren’t voiced so much, would they have stopped this tragedy before it occurred? According to the news today, it sure seems so. (Today’s news is about 13 Russians being indicted for interfering in last years election.) Russia should know better than anyone, you only “hunt witches” when witches are raising havoc. Russia has plenty of witches and they’re raising plenty of havoc. To me that says that witches are in season…good hunting FBI!!!

Don’t expect this President to do anything about Russia’s interference in our election. He doesn’t recognize it as interference. He’s too indebted to them to call it interference. The sooner our nation realizes that it was Trump’s calls to action that urged Russia to interfere in the first place. That is criminal and he did it in front of everyone, in full view of the press and the cameras, just to make a show. Everything this President does “is for the show” and nothing else. It may be good for Hollywood, but not for a President. What this President has done since he’s been on the campaign trail has been mostly criminal behavior….and yet, how many were duped by his deception.

He’s even gone as far to demonize our nation’s law enforcement agency, the FBI because he can’t take responsibility for his own actions. (He can only take credit.) He even redefines blame when he does something illegal. He’s not to blame, it’s always someone else’s fault. No buck stops in this office. all get passed on. I think it’s time to pass this President on. Give him back to Russia.

This could easily rank him as the best “bad President” this country has ever elected (if you like superlatives, worst)…oh, our country didn’t elect him, Russia did. How easy it is to forget. I think the whole Republican party forgot. They’re playing up to a Russian placed mole in our white house playing as our President. If you can prove me wrong, I invite you to present your evidence trying to disprove me. Mr. Tyschper, I believe you too must be deranged to be defending this Russian mole. Can’t you see the writing on the wall? Or are you too, electively remaining blind? Congress is and that’s why their low approval ratings. I thought you would know that. You are educated, aren’t you? I’m not and I know that.


Many blame the voters for allowing this to happen. They are all discounting one fact; Russian influence in our election to dismantle a fair vote. With the intrusion into our voter registration roles, who knows how much they changed the actual vote? That completely invalidates this election, making Donald Trump’s election a false one. So, who should we blame, right now,

(I blame Matt Schlapp the dunce of a douchebag, Donald’s idiot supreme,

he knows not what he blows,

to lead us all astray, it seems.)

That means that NO! DONALD TRUMP WAS NOT ELECTED. He was appointed by Putin. Who won the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes? Doesn’t this tell you anything? It speaks volumes of gerrymandering, and I wonder who instigated the gerrymandering? Was it Russian influence? It’s been taking place for the last 30 years, and it stinks of KGB involvement. Is Russia influencing our Republican party secretly? We know they do it with the voters, that’s what influenced the 2016 election. If they can influence voters like they’re doing, they’re surely influencing the majority of the Republican party. The rest of the Republican party is quitting rather than face the fury.

The sooner his supporters realize this fact, the sooner our nation can impeach this President and get on with the business of running our own country and not letting Russia run it. Since I can’t support any of the actions of this President, I support all those who stand up to him. I also oppose all those who defend his actions and demeanor. Those who defend and support him are also supporting Russian influence in our government. I’m sorry, but it’s that plain and simple to me. It’s also as disgusting as anything that’s ever happened in my life. And I’ve been through the living death of lifetime hemiplegia due to two strokes I suffered from a severe closed head injury at the hands of a drunk driver. (I was just a passenger in the car he hit.) That damage is as everlasting as the damage being done right now, in the White House. That damage, though, is far more dangerous. He’s actually toying with our way of governing and our government itself. That’s what’s so dangerous. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. His power came from his dad’s $1,000,000 gift to get him started in business. He’s only proven that even a dolt can succeed if given a big head-start. This dolt has educated himself in the art of deception. He’s learned it from his series.

I’ve heard it said that some are happy about the way he’s upsetting the government. Are they Russians? Those who are enjoying this fiasco are playing right into Russian desires and because of that, I wonder about their allegiance. Are they true Americans? Or are the Russian moles also. Russia has them planted all across the nation, so I have to wonder, where does their allegiance lie? Wherever it is, one thing is for sure, I would’ve never suspected it if Trump weren’t in office. Is this the turmoil that elates you?

 Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

Congress, should I thank you, curse you, condemn you, or just replace you?

Thank you, Congress!!

You’ve done it again. Your gutless actions have gutted America at the request of an oligarch wannabe. This Russian disguised as an American is doing his absolute best, at the behest of Vladimir Putin, his favorite dictator, to tear our government asunder. And you still think we’re safe from outside influence? THINK AGAIN! Dope it out, idiots.

Those who can’t read the writing on the wall
are destined to eat their words of gall.
Those who heed these words of gall
drive the message that not one nor all
are sublimely buying a diet of offal.
Garbage in, garbage out
leaves little room for any doubt,
that what you hear is full of gout
when you listen to the one who shouts,
it’s all brought on by a wondering lout
who is making us all wonder about
the Russian appearance
of detailed interference
in our election with the intention
of turning our country into another deception
of freedom to which only a few have a recollection.
Instead, we suffer an endurance in non-concurrence
to dispell the interference of foreign influence
due to the adherence to the President’s elective ignorance
in the normal workings of our government’s manner of working in conference
to instill freedom for all and not just a few.
As the President wants, it matters not to you
what you may want or what you feel that you can do
to avoid the clamber of the hammer coming down on you too.
Ode to the man who wants to be king knowing, in this country, we don’t stand for that sort of thing, but thinking that he can get away with anything, this man’s torn asunder our united way of free living.

I have to wonder, just what does Russia have that they are holding against our President?” It’s obvious that it’s substantial. Simply by the way he disputes it, we know that it’s substantial. The dishonesty of this President has surpassed everything this country has ever seen in its supreme office. Never in the history of this nation have we ever witnessed that hidden take-over of our government right under our noses. We should be ashamed and we would be, except for a party that’s trying beyond and reasonability to save their face for backing an oligarch wannabe.

Does it have something to do with the money-laundering? We now know that his properties were used by Russian oligarchs to invest in America. For what purpose? We know that he doesn’t care. We also know that he’s prone to do it more. As long as these Russian’s have dirt on Trump, they’re going to be using him as their pawn and patsy.

This is the turmoil that our President predicted his opponent would bring but he, instead, has wrought on our government and country. His false confidence (vanity) leads him to think he knows more than he really does due to his choice to remain ignorant of the facts of the matter, whatever the matter is. We know that this President would rather get his news from his favorite source (the one that lauds him the most, FOX News), instead of reading his own reports. This proves his distaste for reading, a highly crucial skill for running a country. Doesn’t he know this? I guess he doesn’t have the education that a President should have. This President didn’t win the popular election, either. That speaks volumes against a fair election, about Russian interference in our polling process. That should scare all of us, Republican as well as Democrat. I know it scares Independents. It terrifies me.

What I can’t figure out is, why doesn’t our Congress do anything about it? Our government is set up to reign in the power of an over-reaching President intent on turning our government into a dictatorship. I would really like to know, why is our Congress is allowing him to get away with his crimes? Does Putin have something on them too? From the way they’re acting, he must. Just how much influence did he have in our election? We know they were in the voter registration roles of many states. Did this also give them control over our election? Is he now controlling most of our elections like he controls his own? His M.O. says that he is. Donald Trump’s actions say he is. Our country’s devastation says it is. His pleasure in this debacle says it definitely is.


I don’t know about you, but this whole thing disgusts me and makes me demand that our Congress impeach any and all Russian influence in our government. (Which includes all congressmen also. They’re as much to blame as the President.)

This poisoning of our government it directly due to the high carb diet of our obese President, he needs to read and heed my warnings, indeed to free himself from any more underlying greed that’s driving our country to its ends and therefore cleaning our house of all of its seeds.

It’s the same drive that Monsanto is perpetrating on the public just for the sake of profit and nothing more. Just like our President and his attitude of “ME FIRST” and the discontent that that BS brings. What would have happened in Jesus said, “ME FIRST”? We wouldn’t have a savior.

Now we have an antichrist who espouses “ME FIRST” before the world, saying we don’t care about anyone else unless you serve me, first. That’s not what Jesus preached.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic



Treasonous……….Un-American? Sounds ’bout right!

Are you describing your actions again?

Are you bragging or is this your confession? This is your M.O. To accuse everyone else of what you, yourself are guilty of. You’ve always done this in the past and you’re doing it again. You are proving that you can’t learn from your mistakes. When you don’t make mistakes, you’ve got nothing to learn from. There was only one perfect person in the flesh of Jesus Christ, which you obviously are not. Everything you do is not perfect. You make ginormous mistakes but won’t take responsibility for them. Instead, you change the definition of the goal to make your mistake worse by making it not sound like a mistake by changing the definition of your error. You use deception to hide your mistakes and errors. When you do that, you’re building a false edifice on quicksand. The appearance will only last temporarily at best.

You have the nerve to call all Democrats, treasonous when it’s you, that is actively being investigated for collusion and obstruction of justice when what will ultimately be discovered, it’s you and your family, your overseas business partners and connections that are guilty of treason. When has our country ever entertained a President who has laundered money for a foreign entity? Why does our Congress think it’s prudent to do so now? This sounds like a typical bully ploy. You see it all the time in fiction as well as the movies, but to see it in real life is a little unnerving, especially when it’s your government and the President of your country. This is the way bullies act, though, with contempt for everything they don’t want or agree with, and this is the way Donald has always acted.

Adolfo Franco, who the hell are you? Why are you defending a spy? Does Russia have something on you too? How indebted are you to them? I’m now witnessing the biggest duping of our Congress that I’ve ever seen. This is down-right scary. How much do these congressmen and senators owe Russia? What do they have in their possession that they’re holding over them? It has to be something very severe to be getting the results that they’re getting. You’ve proven to me where your allegiance is and it isn’t with the U.S. It’s with the same people as Trump’s influence which is definitely, outside influence, that apparently coming from Russia. The Russia-republican party is making its mark on our government…and I’m not happy with any of it. Personally, I’ve never witnessed treason to this extent. Worse yet, I’ve never seen it simply to appease an egomaniac’s desire turn over the control of our country’s government to Russia.

How can a country elect a President so ignorant that he encourages a shutdown? How smart is this man? Treason? What have you done that isn’t treasonous? Treasonous? You’re right absolutely!!! Everything you’ve done has been treasonous…no doubt. You’ve proven beyond any doubt when you accuse others of what you think is a crime, it’s actually you that commits that crime. Treason? You bet, you and your party are the ones guilty of treason. While you ignore the meddling of Russian influence in our election, your ignorance is aiding and abetting Russia in their meddling, making you treasonous just for your ignorance alone. How much help do you want to give Russia in their attempt to take over America? How much are they paying you? Or is this part of the money laundering you do for them? Treasonous? I think you’re absolutely right and you’ve just done just about the best job of treason our country has ever seen. You should be rewarded for your treason. What is the penalty, again?

What more can you expect from someone so contemptuous,
but a yearning to do that which is treasonous
when all through his life he’s shown to be poisonous
to the multitudes of those who think he’s not at all devious
when in all reality, it’s he who creates all the dangerous
dialogue with the mischievous intent driven by ignorant insolence
of a desire hell-bent on the destruction of our democracy
to be replaced with a Trumprocracy of idiocy.

Who was it that invited Russian interference in our election? Treasonous? I think so. I don’t wonder why they interfering now, I know. It’s at the request of our President when he was a candidate. Who voted for that? Whoever it was, they don’t want to let me know. To me, that was criminal behavior. To vote for a man who invites attacks from abroad is criminal in every sense of the word. Treasonous? You bet! Placing and keeping unscrupulous people in his administration who can’t even pass a background check, due to their enormous debt to foreign powers. This has never happened in this country. Why are Republicans encouraging this now? What is their true intent? Are they really patriotic? Or are they just that stupid that they can’t see the writing on the wall through the graffiti of Don Trumpf?

Your treason, Mr. President, can be traced to your hunger cycles, the foundation of all evil. (And you have plenty of it to express.) If you get hungry, you should mind what you eat. Eating carbs creates a hunger cycle which is a clear indication of your addiction. Fix your addiction, fix your life. This is the President’s problem, his heavily laden diet of carbs, it’s just like his brother’s addiction to alcohol. This President’s addiction is the bread and sugars mostly consumed in his cheeseburgers and Big Macs. It’s a clear cause of his deranged mind, the major reason is due to his diet. That’s right, this man’s diet is ruining our country because he’s so easily influenced. Due to his diet of Big Macs and cheeseburgers with the addition of foreign Russian influence (that’s why they’re using him, he’s easily persuaded due to his diet), our country is doomed to the same fate as that of Senator McCain. a slow very uncomfortable death. This could have been avoided with a ketogenic diet. It could have also been avoided if Monsanto had not invented glyphosate pesticides. Avoidance of these chemicals should be avoided at all costs.

The value of my book below will be fully realized after Sen. McCain gets over his glioblastoma (brain cancer). I gave him a copy, five months ago. I know about this disease. my niece died from it 26 years ago. She was the first in my family to suffer from cancer (that I know of). I’ve lost two uncles to heart disease. I’ve also had two other aunts that have suffered from cancer. The correlation? Sugars, in the form of bread, pasta, pastries, and cereal. My mother cooked for her siblings when she was young. In doing this, she taught her sisters how to cook for their families. In essence, she unknowingly brought disease to my immediate family, as well as extended family. None of us looked anything like the photo below until I gave up my carbs. My story is different now.

We should all look this fit;

If you don’t, Your cure is here!

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition
The complete story of how a major chemical company has tainted your food to keep you hungrier and sicker than you’ve ever been, all for the sake of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

Has the Cold War Ended?

Our worst fears are starting to manifest.
The Cold War hasn’t ended.

I would have liked to put a question mark after those statements, but I’m afraid that I can’t. It’s now evident that our President, possibly in collusion with Russia is turning the Republican party into a Ruspublican party. This is not only scary it’s the most dangerous ground our country has entered since the “end of the Cold War”. This makes me question that statement; the end of the Cold War. Did the Cold War end? Or is this an extension of it 25 years later, in the placement of Donald Trump in the Oval Office by a suspect electoral college election.

Post-election; I saw one country that wasn’t shocked by our election and was actually excited about it. That one country: Russia. Has Russia been secretly infiltrating their operatives into the Republican Party to create the gerrymandering that’s been taking place over the last 40 years so they could influence our election from the outside? They were, after all, the only country his election wasn’t a shock to. From their reaction to it right after the election, they almost expected it. With the action that’s been taking place in the Republican party of late, it’s starting to really worry me, is the Cold War back? Did it ever end?

This is enough to scare the Pope. We’ve known of this president’s affinity for Eastern Europeans and their countries, it only makes sense that he’s been secretly groomed for this assignment by the KGB. They did work in all Eastern European countries when they all belonged to the USSR.

Why can’t Republicans see this ruse? Are they really that blind? Are they that willing to forfeit our country? What really has me scared, is this just the first step? It just occurred to me you can’t witness something when you’re the perpetrator. There must be a group of Republicans that are under the same control of the KGB to create all this havoc, by enabling the tool they placed in the Oval Office. Even Tery Gowdy can’t differentiate between paying for research and buying the report. He still continues to profess that the study done for MI6 was financed by the Democratic party when they just bought the report. According to this President’s semantics, that doesn’t even prove they paid for the research, yet Trey wants too dearly to hang on to this illusion that the President has created. Is it just to save the President or his own face?

A bigger question is what is behind their rebellion against the norms of our inner-workings in the Government? Why are they questioning their own government? Is there more, behind their desire to back this President who seems to have clear ties to Russia? Has Russia infiltrated our government that much and we are completely unaware of it? The action of the Republican party, in following this highly questionable President, has made me question their motives. Are their motives for America or for Russia? Russia’s smiling. America’s not.

The biggest question in this equation is what is FOX News’ role in this drama? They aren’t really smiling either. They’re almost reeling from this debacle they and their puppet have created. We know how much weight the President puts in their opinion. He actually thinks they are the do-all end-all of honest news and governs our nation by what they say. (Actually, that means that he’s just as easily bought and sold like the rest of the public he’s conned.) He really believes they’re “fair and balanced” when in all actuality, they’re the least fair and most unbalanced news ever reported. If there is a “carny news agency”, it’s Fox News. They are the leaders of misleading. (At least next to the President.) I can’t say how disgusting it is having our country being run by Murdoch Media. Now I have to wonder how much of Murdoch’s influence comes from Russia? It’s obvious to me that he’s passing it on to our President which makes me wonder, just how much of this contention is coming from East Europe?

Does this mean the corrupt media coming from the “right side media” (FOX News) is actually Russia influenced? that’s about the only thing that makes sense. That’s the only reason the whole Republican party, with the exception of a half dozen who see the real truth, is enabling a man who has had obvious ties with Russian oligarchs. The way the President is acting only supports this theory. Many arguments could be made for all this disruption that Donald Trump has wrought on our institution of government. He’s turned it completely upside down and inside out, to say the least. No one trusts anyone anymore in any department in any branch of government right now. That to me sounds like a perfect recipe for KGB involvement. What better tool could they have than an unwitting President to do their bidding? He could have easily been conditioned by the Russians and with his fourth-grade mentality that the President shows with his constant tweeting, it’s not hard to imagine how easy it would have been to brainwash this man into a perfect tool.

We need to examine the actions of the President and who they benefit the most. That will be our first hint at who’s buying influence in the President’s actions. The problem with this President’s actions, almost all of them look to be done for the benefit of Russia, alone. Our previous president said, “freedom is more powerful than fear.” Is that why our current president is trying to prove him wrong?

cold war
There comes a time in our life when we have to take a stand, when what we’re supposed to stand for no longer stands. I’m taking a stand against what’s trying to ruin our land, which is the hand of a man who wishes me to only have a strand.

It’s becoming easier to imagine with all the animosity that he loves to create within the ranks of the government that he seems to be constantly doing. I really don’t believe that Donald J (Drumpf) Trump is that smart. He’s always had money to buy him everything he wanted out of life and that does not make anyone smart. That actually keep them from learning. This is clearly evident in Donald’s case, and that would make him the perfect tool for the KGB to use.

cold war
Is this the man who thinks he has a plan to tear asunder the makings of our great land? Is this the one who Russia has sought to rip apart our world with what he has wrought? He’s doing his best to turn our country into his jest but fortunately, there are the rest of us who can see through this mess.

Every statement that Donald speaks has me wondering this, since he never tells the truth, ever. It has me feeling sorry for all the evangelicals who still back him. They have no idea they may be backing a subconsciously covert KGB agent who doesn’t even know he is one. That’s what’s scary. If someone wants a conspiracy theory to dig into, that may be it. Robert Meuller may be our only hope of knowing the real truth, something that was

never revealed during the Cold War.

This has me wondering; is he a Russian puppet…and not aware of it consciously? He sure acts like it. He even talks like it and I was always told if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. He talks like a Russian dictator. acts like one but we know he’s not. He’s just a wannabe dictator being used by a real one.

Whatever happened to Teddy’s party? Is this the same party that freed the slaves and saved our Union from the terrorism of the South with their rebellion, the Civil War? Has the Cold War ended or is this a return to it or even the Civil War? These scary times deserve Donald Trump rhymes of crimes to be found in my books of the times.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic