wants to close off the border
once his family is established as American,
He forgets that he is the son of an immigrant!
OWNED, lock, stock, and barrel,
Given to him by
Donald the Traitor Trump!
Because they all bought of his lies.
Why did he buy their lies? Where does he buy his groceries? Isn’t it McDonalds? Where can you find more glyphosated food than McDonalds? YOU CAN’T!
And that is what deranges his brain and makes it so easy to dupe him. Because he is so easily duped, he duped our entire country, through his entire party, at the behest of Vladimir Putin.
Who is the real criminal here? Who answers to him to do his bidding? Who is his BFF? Who is America’s biggest conman? Does anyone wonder why Putin bought him, to con America? It seems to be working still with a good portion of US as they refuse to wake up to the treason that’s happening right under their noses. Are they all as seditious as he?
What is the DTS?
The DTS or Donald Trump Syndrome is the propensity to never tell the truth, as the truth will lock up criminals and set the innocent free. In DT’s world, that can’t happen…as all of his activities are criminal in nature, intent, and deed.
This man doesn’t know how to be honest. He sells real estate in the form of his own decrepit towers. How many people has he conned to live there? Are they all seditious, too? If they vote for this asset, they are. Anyone who votes for this asset must be an asset of Putin, themselves.
DTS is the definition of American criminality at its worst. And thus, why Putin used him like a tool. That is all you’re worth, isn’t it. As Putin’s best groomed tool, isn’t it?
Because of his stupidity and ease in duping! This man will buy anything he thinks will make him rich…and Putin did exactly that, making him America’s greatest traitor, ever.
What Benedict Arnold did, pales in comparison to the damage this man has done. How many Americans died from Covid 19, or still live with the effects of long-Covid?
Didn’t he almost die from Covid 19? Doesn’t he still suffer from Long-Covid? You don’t ever get over that! Who could or would ever vote for that?
To those voters who want more of the same, FUCK YOU! You don’t know anything but shit. Shit leads your lives. That includes you, Nikki Haley, you’re totally stupid enough to continue to vote for sedition simply because it carries a Republican moniker. That also includes all Republicans still courting his treasonous voters:
- Marjorie Traitor Greene
- Lauren Boebert
- Mike Johnson.
- Matt Gaetz
- Steve Scalise.
- Tom Emmer.
- Elise M. Stefanik.
- Gary J. Palmer.
- Paul Gosar
- Andy Biggs
- Eli Crane
When I look at the faces of the Republican House of Representatives, I see nothing but traitors awaiting to commit treason for their only ally, Vladimir Putin. He is the one who contributes the most to their campaigns.
Are you a Nikki Haley fan?
Are you a Donald Trump fan?
YOU ARE MY ENEMY, AS YOU TRUST SEDITIOUS POLITICS & POLITICIANS! Where did you go to school? Your middle name has to be be synonymous with treason…just like a fake Lake.
Didn’t she say that she’d vote for treason, again? Where the fuck are her allegiances? In Moscow? Where DJT’s are? Is this where all Republican allegiances lie? Isn’t that in Moscow? WTF???

Even she can’t stop lying about the love of her party, the destroyer of America!
It isn’t our immigration system that’s broken, unless you count the time they let DJTs grandfather into our country. Why did he come here Donald? Didn’t he commit treason against Germany to get kicked out of that country? Tell the fucking truth, Donald or can you? You really can’t, can you?
You lie about everything you can. No truth is worthy of your lips. Never will it be uttered by them. You have one ability since you’re a real estate mogul, and that is to cheat as much of your clientele as possible.
Your ugly towers are proof of that. (I can’t see how you have the gall to live in them…but then, your gall is unlimited. It must be they way they breed sedition in Germany. They did breed Hitler, didn’t they?)
Where did you immigrant grandfather come from, Donald? Didn’t he dodge the draft during the Austro-Hungarian War? I know he did, just as you know. You can’t live with the fact that your grandfather was a traitor.
You’re just lucky enough to be born here. But, your grandfather immigrated as an immigrant. Is that why you hate all immigrants? You secretly hated your grandfather? Or do you laud his sedition? He passed it down to you, didn’t he.
I’d really like to know where the fuck our broken immigration system really is? It’s simply not placing workers where they need to be. That is the only thing wrong with it.
It’s just not functioning up to par because too many Americans do not want to share what they came to America for…freedom!
WTF is the problem with these unAmericans? Why do they want to deny everybody else what their ancestors came to America for?
Are these primarily the Irish, Italians (who themselves are the bringers of the most criminal activity until DJT showed up.),
Who needs housing? Who can build it? Why are we stopping this help from helping US? Is it a closet desire to destroy Democracy by the newly corrupted Republican party? WTF?
Who can’t see that we need housing? Workers that we don’t have need to build that housing. Why are we stifling that? (Is that another Archie Bunker idea? DUH!)
How stupid is that? Donald Trump stupid? Or worse yet…Republican party stupid. When you combine the two, you get extreme, juvenile stupidity. As that expressed by DJT. But then, DJT is America’s most dangerous enemy and Putin’s biggest ally.
Those who vote for this credent, support the takeover of our country by Putin and I detest every Goddamn one of them. None of them are smart enough to turn off their dose of the Fox Pox. They all live by their treasonous propaganda…that’s because they’re all still fed a diet of treason by the Fox Pox right after they watch their totally fake professional wrestling or pro football.
This is how Fox hooked my Dad and every other Dad in our Union. It’s a con-only broadcasting network. They con each and everyone of their viewers every time they broadcast their version of fake news.
The fakest is that DJT isn’t born of immigrants. He clearly is, making him an immigrant. (I think this just shows how much he hates himself. Look at what he’s done to his body)?
Who is the son of immigrants? DJT. His grandfather dodged the draft in Bavaria during the Austro-Hungarian war. He came to America to do so. Who let this subversive agent in our land? Donald, you convinced me, never trust a German or anyone with blue eyes, as 90% of you have blue eyes.
When I see blue eyes now, I see a seditious person, a fucking krout. You’re all cheats and aggrandizers of treason. You deserve nothing other than a death penalty for your efforts.
His grandson is doing what he can to destroy Democracy. I cannot be convinced that he is not treasonous. We, as a nation, have never experienced a more seditious President. Do blue eyes always come this way, treasonous as hell? WTF would I ever trust anyone with blue eyes? Treason is not my reason for existence.
Those who voted for and still support this traitor, are themselves, traitors. Treason is their reason for existence. You can be described in no other way. Do you have that “R” behind your moniker? You are “R” a traitor, yourself, if you do.
My advice to you MAGAmites; go home and fuck yourselves. That is all you are doing. You do know what that makes you, don’t you? That makes you all fuck for brains. Your problem is that all you fuck is shit.
Who is a total traitor/loser? Simply for supporting sedition in his party. Those who see workers waiting at the door for employment as a crisis. They are as stupid as lug nuts…every Goddamn one of them. I don’t give a shit where they’re from or what they’ve done. Their display of idiocy is beyond imagination.
Who is the descendent of an illegal immigrant? Donald J trump. His grandfather came here illegally . Russell Pearce, when the fuck are they going to jail you for your insurgency? How the fuck did you ever get elected?
With the stupidity that you display you desperately need to be picked up and put in a determent camp…for the rest of your unnatural life.
To eliminate or alleviate any problems that immigration may cause:
- offices need to be set up along the border to process these workers. As many stations as we can set up.
- Temporary housing to immigrate these refuge seekers
- Schools and directories to educate and familiarize our new workforce with the new system, they’ll be working within.
We need low wage workers everywhere. How can anyone with any education not see that? Or do they wish to ‘not see it’? They would rather see the chaos they can manifest with it. How seditious can anyone be?
Is that another Republican DUH? Or is it just plain old fear. Fear not, gain not. Does not any of them know that? Oh! That’s why they call themselves conservatives. Obviously, none of them know this.
What is wrong with the thinking of these boneheads who see a crisis? Are they that blindor that fearful? What creates that fear? (Maybe they should look at what they’re eating.)
Bonafide boneheads is all these politicians are. Every God damn one of them! The only thing at our border that they fear is their fear. fear keeps US from evolving, and to slow down our evolution is tantamount to suicide.
They fear a cheap workforce. Why is that? Who else would want US to have to spend more money? Who runs with our enemies? Who tried to subvert our Democracy, before? DUH!
When it comes to ignorance, these assholes fill their cups to the brim and drink it all up to get as much of it as they possibly can. They can’t buy enough ignorance to fill their coffers of stupidity. Kid Rock is the perfect example of this extreme stupidity, with his love of shooting Bud Light cans. How much more of an extreme example of stupidity does one need to prove their stupidity. Well done Kid Rock! It’s stupidity as such that keeps me from listening to your music.
Ignorant Republicans are the example of extreme stupidity. They let nothing stand in their way of proving such. They’re entire goal seems to be to lather Putin up with success in overthrowing American Democracy.
If you supposedly want to restore balance, Why in hell are you unbalancing the totality of American Democracy, with the extreme stupidity that your entire party displays? Is it because they’re following a bonafide bonehead? Or, do you prefer Russian seditionist, trumping for Putin?
I see this as the ultimate display of sedition. To fight against everything America stands for is nothing more than a Russian Ruse. Who else but a Putin lover could or would want this?
He who blames Biden for Trump’s failures is not only ignoramusly stupid, but a traitor to the utmost max, and a complete loser and total dimwit…the dimmest of wits who caters to the whims of Vladimir Putin and his Trump derangement syndrome. On top of being the biggest con artist in America.
(But then, you were brought up as a Republican, weren’t you?) I was too. My parents both died staunch Republicans. Never voting for Democrat makes you either stupid or ignorant. My father chose the latter, as he was just about the smartest in his class in high school, but after serving in the Air Force, he didn’t have the time to get a higher education. He had to run a gas/service station to stay alive after his honorable discharge from his post as a Sargent (He told me, he taught Mechanics specializing in carburetors while serving). I was born 8 months before his discharge on FE Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, WY.
Being a con is the definition of Sen Keene. Where did you go to school? It had to be Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana. You seem to be imbedded in the corruption that is destroying the Republican party.
Oh, sorry, a little research tells me you’re an OKIE…so you should be forgiven. Are you originally a native American like the bulk of your displaced neighbors?
Weren’t they all originally Floridians before President Jackson moved them out of their homeland into the arid land of sandy dirt known as Oklahoma to free up their land for white settlers?
Are you one of those displaced seminoles from Florida like Matt Gaetz? The both of you are a quandary. No doubt about that. Your “Freedom Caucus” is the most absurd display of Democracy since Putin took over your party…talk about a contradiction in terms…as usual, you’re epitomizing sedition.
Who is paying all of your dues for this russo-Republican party? It sure as hell ain’t me. WTF is it? Vladimir Putin, the richest man in the world, and the man who Trump caters to? Did you attend the coronation ball with the rest of the Republican Senate in Moscow after Trump was inaugurated?
Did you used to be a Democrat, like most other Republicans who abandoned the Democratic party after the passing of the ERA back in 1964? Is that another right you wish to void along with the bulk of our voting rights? WH0 WILL THAT ULTIMATELY HURT?
How do the women in your families feel about the overturning of Roe v Wade? Is that Republican democracy? If it is, I DON’T WANT IT! I certainly don’t need it, nor do I need the ignorance your wish to lead with. Take it elsewhere and SHOVE IT WHERE THE SUN DON’T SHINE…as in right up your ass.
Your allegiances carry with them the dubiousness’ that all Republican ideology carries with it. (It’s because they pull it out of their asses. It’s the shit tying up their vocal chords.)
Why is it so easy to mistake your alliances with foreign subversion? Who is paying your bills for you? It obviously isn’t you. Is it the richest man in the world?
Only fully runnin’/outright seditious rebels are that traitorous to award our worst enemies with the laud and honor (that none of them deserve)! Again, I have to ask, who is paying you to do this?
As Donald Trump is a full-blown enemy of American democracy, you appear to want to follow in his footsteps. He displays it in everything he says and does in all forms that he can. That is because he is blind to the truth and greedier than all when it comes to the total grifting of America. Trump is clearly Putin’s right-hand man in America. I hate to think what he’d do for Xi Jiping? Or Kim Jung Un? Both emperors that he adores. But then, neither of them are as rich as Putin.
The only problem that exists is misconception and intentional misdirection from the misguided alt-right of our impending blight if they had their MAGA way.
Fear and nothing but fear drives their behavior. The border crisis is nothing more than a Fox Poxed Republican Ruse. Built up to make
Nothing else. They wants a crisis. He wants nothing but a crisis. His four years in Office were a crisis. What need you for more proof?
This perceived ruse is all a Republican ruse as it would be solved today if not for Trump. What happened to the bill authored by the Republican Senator from Oklahoma?
If you want proof of this sedition, look at the damage they inflicted on US when he was previously in Office. How many more rights and freedoms do YOU wish to lose?
What happened to Roe v Wade? Who lost their rights with that change of mind decision? Look at how he’s taught the entire Republican party to lie like sleeping dogs. Who else lies?
All we need at the border are employment and housing offices. Don’t we have a housing crunch or crisis? How much could laborers help with building housing?
Wouldn’t that answer two or three problems, or four, or more? To me, that is the biggest DUH the Republicans have to offer. Where they see fear, everyone else sees opportunity.
That goes along with the lame theory that trimming down government and allowing private for-profit companies to use our Social Security, as they can guard our life-savings better, instead of a not for profit government entity watch it. Whose investments would you trust? But, that’s a whole other post…
Doesn’t America need workers? Doesn’t America need housing? Why can’t we put these asylum seeking immigrants fleeing the violence of crime, starvation, and hunger to work solving both problems? Why can’t we use these wannabe workers?
That is all they want. We could use them, so why is there a crisis at the border? Where many perceive a crisis, I see only opportunity. This only crisis exists in where to place them. Where do we need housing? Shouldn’t we send them there?
Aren’t there a surplus of shipping containers from imports exceeding export by a factor of 8 for the last 30 years? Can’t they be used for housing these immigrants? Can’t these immigrants go to work building their own homes and towns or cities, to increase tax revenues for the county and state?
My family immigrated here early in the 17th century. 1620 to be exact at Plymouth Rock. So even I am descended from immigrants, as are we all…except for the ones we put on reservations.
Those are the only true Americans, Native Americans…but we like to call them Indians. (That just shows how deranged our thinking has been ever since we came to this country. we’ve been deranged by the glycation of our bodies and brains ever since we landed on these shores.)
To me that inaction is a compete DUH. If I had the funds, I’d clean up that problem in less than 5 years. I’d put immigrants to work building housing. ‘Built by immigrants’ housing to house themselves and others making their path a gateway into the U.S. for legal immigration easier for everyone.
This option would require funding to work, but it will save far more money in the long run, as the immigrants can build not only their own residences, but that of more immigrants to follow, making that the immigration gateway. It can do what Ellis Island did for New York in the last century.
That’s my free million dollar idea for you to implement. You’ll probably make far more than that off of it than I can. But knowing how my mind works, I’ll have a bunch more before this document is finished…I’ll just have to add them later.
Speaking of containers, why aren’t marines or SEALS hidden in the containers being shipped in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden, to foil to attempted hijacking of ships?
Who will build that housing? Could we not use immigrants services to fill the holes in our housing supply? That has to be the biggest DUH of any political party. And, it’s the Republican party that’s sticking to their guns on this issue. How f&*^king stupid.
How stupid can anyone be? Leave it to the Republicans and Sen Keene to show US exactly how much stupidity it takes to destroy democracy. How much is Putin donating to your campaign? Isn’t that illegal? (But, then why should you care? You’re a nothing but a full-blown foreign subversive.)
How much did he donate that you received through your constituents? You do know that he does that, don’t you?
Little to MAGAmites know that Trump’s grandfather Frederich Drumph came to America in 1872 dodging Bavaria’s obligatory military service, as the Austro-Hungarian war was happening then.
It was then that he changed his name to trump.
And that is why bullshit breeds its filth in the deepest decrepit sinkhole in southernmost part of America! It has to be the septic system of America. Isn’t that where gators grow? I hear, there are plenty of crocs to go around,now, too. They call it miralago.
No matter what you call them, they’re man-eaters! These have to be the gators and crocs that eat Democracy for breakfast. They’re all Republican devourers of decency as well of democracy. Not one of them should be listened to. Our evolution depends on it.
In my view, conservatism is de-evolutiary. Conservatism seeks to maintain the status quo and nothing more. Evolution demands that we evolve into new beings and my vision of our newer selves is not the one they carry.
Where they seek to refrain freedom and rights, I see the need to enhance the abilities people have, to gain new freedoms and rights, that we deserve in the first place.
Ours is not to control, but to buffer the control. That means to control the control we offer. Why is it, the Alt-Right seeks something else?
They seek full control of what you need to think. Isn’t that going back to slavery? Who do they seek to enslave? MAGA mites? Hmm…
Is this a corporate chemical ruse? So they can push their glyphosated goods, to influence US more? Hmm…Isn’t it Corporate Chemical that’s trying to poison with their food, to make us use they chemically laden drugs? The Glucose Ruse will tell you the truth about Corporate Chemical, and how they’re poisoning you.
Get your fucking heads together and give up your treasonous attitudes. In my book, you are all dead at my door. don’t ever knock on it to ask me for water. What you get will be tainted…that’s if you don’t get my gun barrel in your face. I’ll I know you’re a dirty Republican, your fat face will be the give-away. I’ll be happy to shoot the shit out of it.
Your shit is what Donald craps in your faces that you continuously eat up, gleefully. His shit is sedition.
Thank God these insurgents are diminishing. They’re all dying off, just like my old man and my mother who always did what Dad told her to do…which was to vote Republican regardless of the criminal running.
But then he got conned by the Fox Pox when he started watching their brand of news after the football game. He became completely subliminally subdued, mentally in his latter days.
This subliminal programming is what DJT is banking on. All of his voters are fully subliminally programmed by the Fox Pox, born of the Kremlin in Moscow. Their attempt to buy Tucker Carlson is the proof.
I curse each and everyone of these agents, working for Russia. They are all my enemies. Simply due to their desire to be conned. Don’t these same people get enthralled by professional wrestling? Do they own professional wrestling, also?
What about pro football? Are they, too owned by Putin? He knows how important it is to all Americans with the NFL being the biggest draw in sports. Why wouldn’t he use them as a medium to get into the minds of all Americans? Hmm…
Is that where our thirst for violence is coming from, the Fox Pox, Newslax grOAN dissemination of false propagandized news, all meant for the more easily duped of US? Those of US who are so easily duped, YOU ARE AMERICA’S TRAITORS!
Do I now have to curse the stupidest, most rigged sport in the world? Are they owned by our foreign adversary, too? Are they trying to subvert Democracy through this medium? How many WWE viewers vote Republican? Hmm…how many of them are stone-cold traitors?
Talk about traitors; I question the sensibility of this wannabe. She knows nothing. She thinks she does, but she doesn’t;
WTF are your thinking? HTF is 2.4% too high of an inflation rate? WTF is your thinking? Why do you report that 2.4% inflation rate is too high when its the at the lowest its been in months?
9.4% is high. But, it’s no longer there. Haven’t you noticed? It’s come way down. 2,4% is not high. It is normal.
Where did you education in economics? Have you ever had one? It appears not, if you think that an inflation rate of 2.4% is too high. Don’t you want any company to make money to stay in business?
Inflation has to exist, if life is to get better. Are you working? The unemployment rate is at the lowest its been in years. Wages are up. Why should inflation be lower? Where does your balance begin? With corporate America making no money?
That ain’t happening! Inflation has to exist!