Tag Archives: putin’s chaos



Donald Trump kept this promise, to make America #1 again. When were we not #1? I know. After, Donald Trump took charge. With his ignorance and wreckless endangerment of our entire country, intentionally. This wasn’t done haphazardly. It was purely intentional, to make his country, which he’s already decimated at this point, as crippled as possible to help his foreign partner in crime, Vladimir Putin.

Everything he’s done has been done to help him secure his “sacred” tower in Moscow next door to the Kremlin. This is Donald Trump’s deepest desire, right now. He wants his partner in crime to own one of the floors on his tower to give him leverage over Putin. (He knows he’ll never have that leverage because of the leverage that Putin has against him. He’ll always be in debt to Putin and America will always pay his price, if we give him another four years.

How much has he cost US already? How deep is our deficit, now? How much has he deepened our debt? After bankrupting 15 companies, how can anyone possibly believe that he’s not out to bankrupt America?

Given his nature of pushing his limits to see how much he can get away with that is not legal, thanks to the revelations of his niece, we now know this whole escapade of having to live through a pandemic that HRC would have had handled by April, thanks to the Pandemic office that Obama had already set up. 

You know. The one that Donald Trump destroyed. He didn’t think it would be necessary. He, though, with his 4th-grade education, knew better. To make us #! he did make us better. He’s made us #! in the world in infections and deaths.

That’s a twofer. He gets two for the price of one with this pandemic. We’re not only #1 in infections but in deaths, too. WOW! What a deal for Trump. What a steal from America, 226,945 dead, as I type.  8,843,500 infected Americans. That is Donald’s deal of the centuries. This is how Donald bankrupts America’s health.

He not only already bankrupted us morally. He’s bankrupted us ethically, economically, spiritually, and sociologically. He’s only 1 step away from completely bankrupting us. He’s done this while tearing down our democracy. He could have only done this with outside help from a foreign adversary who’s been studying us for scores of years strictly to achieve this goal of subverting American Democracy.

His only goal is to show the world, how corrupt America really is. So, he found the latest “Al Capone” to use for his personal tool, to initiate exactly that. Thanks to the remnant of the white nationalists/Federalists that’s ushered the conservatism that’s driven this country to its brink more times than what it’s worth. These Republicans (which are old Democrats) have always held back American progress. Their conservatism demands so. But it was the early Democratic-Republican party that forged our pioneer spirit.

That spirit is born out of progressive attitudes. It cannot exist without that desire to push forward to “go where no man has gone before”. That is the American spirit, and that spirit has nothing to do with strict conservatism. And, that’s why Donald uses this spirit of America to scare the shit out of these Americans. 

It’s a Putin subversion being done in the name of Donald Trump. Putin is that smart, and worse yet, that rich with power that he has the ability to do this to us. He’s using Donald’s chaos, to drive his subversion. How many white trash nationalists are up in arms and ready to shoot fellow Americans? Have many have already shot fellow Americans? How many of these are cops? How many of those fellow Americans are dark-skinned? Who else would or could want this chaos?

(I just saw a very pretty face on TV that I honestly thought was really ugly at the start. That’s because, at the end of the commercial, it showed her voting for Trump, to which, I realized, I’d seen the commercial before and seen her voting for Trump, to set up that thought in my mind.) Whenever I see the MAGAMITES super spreading the virus as much as they possibly can, I see a gang of traitors and treasoners, exactly as the rebel South 160 years ago, defending slavery. 

That used to be the Democratic party pushing their states’ rights agenda. This is what the Federalists fought against, prior to the Civil War. They felt, that states’ rights, led to slavery and that made the South as wealthy as they were. The Slave trade was a big industry when the United States was formed. Just ask George or Thomas. They both owned slaves.

Even Massachusettes was an early slave state. It only lasted until 1783, when they abolished it. But, 10 of our first Presidents owned slaves, which is a dark thing to say about our founding fathers. But it’s something we can’t change. we can only change the effects of it. 

Doing away with the Federalist conservatism that’s’ taken up the slavery flag with its Fedralistic attitude of fear first, will go far to eradicating that dark start to our “democracy”.

I just realized, the ‘first in the world’ that Donald really wants for himself, is to own the most personal debt in the world. This is something he has succeeded at. He owes Putin and his oligarchs $428,239,439.32. But that’s not all. How much debt is his son-in-law, Jared, in debt, to them, for 666 Fifth Ave.? We already know, this is where they get their funding. Eric shared that with us. Thanks, Eric. Got plans for your time in jail?

From here on out, I can only see a very dire future that Joe will pull US out of. The Great Depression of the 1930s, when my parents were born will become the second worst depression in our history after Trump gets done with us.

He’s engineered, and Put in to place, his deranged system of corruption that’s going to put our nation into a deeper depression than it’s ever seen, leaving all the “little guys” like you and me, wanting, until Joe can start to repatch what Donald’s broken.

After Donald’s trashing of America, I see Joe being our new savior, bring back laud and honor to the Democratic Party. The history book will see this episode of American history as the death of what the Federalists started with John Adams, but Abraham Lincoln altered to make honorable…only to be subverted by the states’ rights advocates so they could keep their slavery.

Progressive politics have always pioneered this country forward This is why I think the conservatism that’s always drugged down the advancement of our nation is finally coming to its inevitable end. (I would have typed dragged, but it’s the conservatism that’s drugged our society with fear. I think this is why alcoholism is so much more prevalent in the Republican Party.)

That fear that they love to manifest, is what keeps us from being the pioneers that we are. I refuse to yield to that, even though the likes of the, Devin Nunes’, or Tom Cotton’s, or John Cornyn’s yield to the fear of Donald Trump. Why not, when the rest of your party are doing so. Of course, they’re all paid off by a Russian consortium, through the NRA and the Fox Pox. How much have the NRA contributed to Republican races? How much of those donations came from their $3,000,000 funding donation from Russia? HOW MUCH?

You should know, Turning Point Action, you will go down in the history books as one of the biggest threats to American freedom, with your putinesque advertisements. To support Donald Trump is to support, Russian subversion of America, simply due to the deep debt he owes these oligarchs. These supporters are saying, “We like the chaos. We like, the fighting. We support all of that, regardless of who else does.” Well, we know who does. Turning Point Action, where does the bulk of your funding come from. How is it you can run your ads on TV? Is that something you can share, or is it private, like Trump’s tax returns?

Even Jared is deep in debt to these oligarchs. How can that not influence his judgment? How can that not make him want to appease Vladimir Putin, our nemesis? Isn’t that the definition of treason? How can you endorse this Russian asset? Turning Point Action, are you not committing that same treason, or are you a Russian agency? Where do you get your funding?

I can vision a scenario where, Donald wins re-election, but loses the Senate so much that it’ll swing the balance in the Senate so far to the left, they’ll have plenty of Senators to impeach the President, prosecute him, then execute him for his crimes of killing 500,000 Americans intentionally. What he’s committed, is intentional homicide.226,000 times over as I’m typing this. If Trump uses his newly found Supreme Court Power to stay in Office, that may be to doom he will meet. Although that’s highly unlikely, I can see that happening.

Hey Amy! How’s it feel to be the catalyst for the possible dissolving of American democracy? That’s exactly what Donald is using you for. What’s it feel like to be the patsy who damn near tore America apart. How many of you moles would allow this bastard to shoot you, then, thank him for it? HOW MANY?