Tag Archives: price of addiction




This is what I’ve been waiting for, for the majority of my life. In my mid-sixties, I never, ever dreamed that our nation would ever turn it’s back on conservation and environmental management. Growing up a Boy Scout, I learned. early on, the importance of our environment and the need to protect it from ramped up, corporate violations, where the only goal is profit, to satisfy stockholders and not protect of the environment or the public. I’ve been waiting for the day our government took our environment seriously and decided to stop damaging it at such astonishing rates. The day this “Resolution” is adapted, will be akin to my “independence” day.

That’s the day I lost my addiction. I lost my addiction to what drives a major portion of this pollution. Believe it or not, that’s our diet. And, it involves, our diet of grains and the grains we feed the livestock we eat for sustenance. It involves the glyphosation of that grain and what those chemicals do to the environment, the people who apply those chemicals, the public who eat those chemicals, through the food supply that freely applies those chemicals to 80% of our entire food supply.

This, in essence, poisons everyone who takes part in the ruse that I call the Glucose Ruse, It also poisons our environment by virtually forcing farmers to feed our universal addiction. That addiction is our addiction to glucose. It’s an addiction that’s been with our species for close to 10,000 years. It’s so innate within our bodies, that we’re all born addicted, so we don’t recognize that addiction. This is what prompts our celebration of that addiction, but I don’t want to talk about addiction today. I talk enough about that in all of my books.

I would rather, rejoice the action taken by AOC, to recognize the dangers of climate change and the need to protect the environment. That call to action has now become vital take, to protect our disappearing habitat. This resolution, which can bed more monumental than the mandate we followed from Kennedy to reach the moon by the end of the decade will go further to protect our species, here on Earth. (Those who travel to the stars to live, will have to follow a different path, to survive in an environment that we will have to engineer with a biosphere.) This resolution will have far more and much greater lasting effects for the future of our species. This mandate could set forth millions of new jobs in a new frontier of renewable energy that we’re just starting to explore. That is exciting!

It’s so refreshing to look forward to the future again, without fear. I’m sick and tired of having to answer to fear every day. It’s so nice to experience that hope, again. When did the Trumublicans lose it? Did they ever possess it? I guess not. What a lousy way to live life, in a constant state of fear, driven by past action and policies taken to inflict as much harm as one can inflict. I understand the fear, now. No wonder! That prompts the question, where does the motivation come from that drives this fear?

I discovered something in my recent research into glyphosate and the effects that it’s had on our health, environment, agriculture, and economy across several different industries. The effects are nothing short of disastrous, due to the duping of America and the hands of the chemical industry, for the sake of profit alone. This dominance of our food supply has shaken our national health to it’s core by polluting, virtually, everything we eat.

You cannot get away from it. You can’t escape it in any manner. You can only try to avoid it. The best way to avoid the poisoning is to change your diet to a ketogenic diet. If you don’t know what that is, learn about it. It’ll save your life. It did mine. (Thank you, Dr. Perlmutter) GMWatch.com says the 20 billion lbs of is were sprayed on our crops in the last 20 years. I healed myself and discovered a ruse that’s being played on us to take our money. This ruse involves the tainting of our food supply by the agrochemical industry to force our need to pharmaceuticals their sister industry sells.

That ruse involves a billion lbs of carcinogenic, glyphosate, sprayed on your crops every year, that you either, eat, or which, goes into the food, the livestock eat. Grain fed cattle are one of the biggest sources greenhouse gasses that we deal with while we pursue our addictive diets of highly addictive foods that come in the form of grains. Those farts come from feeding the cattle grains and not allowing them to eat green grass that they would normally eat while grazing in a pasture, instead of being fed in a huge industrial feedlot. You’ve seen them. You’ve smelled them. You can smell them for miles and miles.


This is the price we pay to feed our addiction to glucose that we eat with every slice of bread and piece of pasta that we consume. It not only make us sick for a lifetime, as long as we eat it, but it also makes our society sick, through the fear and hatred it propels through it glyphosate poisoning. This is the inherent danger of the addicted diet of carbohydrates, that we’re doomed to until we decide to leave that lifestyle by abandoning the carbs for a keto diet.

But again, I’m not here to talk about a keto diet and all its benefits. I’m here to rejoice our recognition of a clear and present danger that does present a national emergency, and that’s climate change. Everyone knows it exists. The naysayers only naysay because it draws to them their narcissistic need. I have no respect for them nor for their need, which is exactly what our President demands on a daily basis. Climate change will change the way millions of people live across the entire world. It already is and even those who doubt its existence, can’t deny the weather changes it’s producing.

That only goads me to works harder to avert the coming climatic disasters that will become daily occurrences in the very near future. If you would like to know just how changing your diet and doing away with your addiction can help in averting this coming climate change chain of disaster, learn about the glucose ruse, what you can do about it, how you can live to be 120, and help avoid the coming socio-economic impact, the ecological impact, and well and the physiological-pharmaceutical (health industry) crises that are looming, right around the corner.

Nobody realizes how much this change in diet will go to quell our national fear levels, but me and those who already gone keto. If we can quell our fear levels, how far will that go to quell the anger that always comes along with the fear? Who, thinks about that? I do. Quelling the grain consumption quells the glyphosate ingestion which adds exponentially to the fear level.

Glyphosate Driven Fear and How It’s Killing America

Fear, you never get an attack of acute fear electively. you never choose to be scared out of your boots. However, you choose to chronically fear whatever you want, and believe it or not, what you eat affects, that! Nobody ever chooses to be scared which is an acute feat that you have little control over, except to face it. Chronic fear is what you choose to be afraid of, from how you perceive what’s going on in the world. It’s a fear that can be controlled but seldom is, beyond what our hormones allow us to do. When those hormones are affected by inhibited enzymes, due to glyphosate poisoning in the grains and crops that make up the food, it has a tendency to increase everything enzymes influence in our bodies. Fear is one of those things affected. Fear gets amplified, with glyphosate in the system. Even little bits of it can ramp up fear, which in turn, can ramp up the resulting anger and violence that, a lot of times, comes with the fear.

This fear starts as soon as you come out of the womb and is controlled your subconscious mind. It locks every perception you’ve ever perceived as a human being. This part of your mind forgets nothing. Even though it remembers everything, you only can only consciously remember a diminishing percent of these memories that at the most, approaches 1 tenth of 1% of all your memories. This is the part of your mind that regulates your behavior, from day one. This is how “The Force” works within all life, as this is what creates all interaction that we take part in.. This is also referred to as a subliminal mind that you can program, to change your behavior. This, to me, is how God works. This is what makes me part of God because I can choose to do so or not. I have the choice. Doesn’t that, make me God. It makes you God. That’s how I see you.

According to the Bible, in the first chapter of Genesis, “when God breathed the breath of air into man, he endowed man with a gift of choice. God, according to the Bible allows a man, to choose his path. Every man makes these choices according to the inputs that have been input into his subconscious mind, since he came out of the womb, as all these unforgotten memories that are locked in the subconscious and they affect every one of our choices. THIS IS GOD. Jesus knew it, I know it. This is what makes me Jesus’ brother. Are you Jesus; brother? If you believe in the dollar and worship that, you’re not Jesus’ brother. You worship an antichrist that I can’t even listen to.

There is a way to transform what’s been put into this mind with the self-programming of affirmations. Every Christian knows about affirmations, as they say, them every Sunday, in church. The best athletes have learned how to use this to their advantage, by using these things for a major portion of their lives. They do this with affirmations that alter how they act and react through how they choose to “program” their minds with them. These affirmations help them to overcome their fear to achieve the confidence they need to achieve the success they desire.

Cutting down on the grain consumption also cuts down of greenhouse gasses of methane that are created by a diet, heavy in grains, all of which, leads to a warmer climate. Limiting grain consumption will also limit the amount of glycation that takes place in every single body that eats them. This will cut down on the pain levels, inflammation, and disease all of these (addicted) people have to live with while remaining on their diet of carbohydrates. Cropland needs to be restored to grazing land again, in order to save our environment. Cattle should be feeding on their native food of grass, not our generated glyphosated grains that make them all generate this methane. Industrial farming needs to park their plows and pick up their ATVs to start herding cattle again, instead of growing them on feedlots. How far can this go to stem these warming methane gasses? How far could it do to stem our need for pharmaceuticals, since it’s the grains that drive the sales of the pharmaceuticals? Hmmm…

All the manifestations of this carbohydrate diet, that we’ve been addicted to our entire lives, have generated a new field of study, called Glucosology. You might be interested in checking it out and learning how you can change you brain by changing your diet like I did mine.