Tag Archives: prematurely


In three words;


It’s not who, but what killed Matthew Perry. It was his addiction to alcohol. Which in all rights is an addiction to sugar.

Glucose kills, avoid the Glucose Ruse. Failure to do so can and will take away your life prematurely.

The Glucose Ruse was instilled in our society by our chemical industry as they produce the pharmaceuticals that combat the Glucose Ruse.

They wanted to increase the amount of glyphosate we ingest so they can produce more pharmaceuticals to fight the pain the glucose generates. Glyphosate is at the core of this problem, that I call Glucose Ruse.

But to fully understand how it affects your behavior, you need to read, The Science of God or Why We Fight. It has everything to do with what the glucose does to your ACHe, Acetylcholinesterase.

If you want to know what fuks up your health more than anything, read my books. It all falls to what you eat. Eating chemicals spoils your body’s chemistry. This is what the chemical industry knew 82 years ago and used against you to take your money and they’ve ramped up their actions since.


It’s the ruse that ushers your blues.

What is alcohol other than concentrated sugar or glucose. That makes it the most dangerous part of the Glucose Ruse. That is the ruse that kills.

Only you can avoid it by guarding what you put in your mouth to eat.

It is the same thing that promotes mass shootings. How many of those have we had this year? If you want to correct that flaw in our society, you need to end the Glucose Ruse.

If you want to know how they did it, read The Science of God or Why We Fight. (It’s a cellular problem, meaning it happens in your cells, every one of them.)

A SIDE NOTE TO ALL TH0SE WHO DOUBT BIDEN’S HEALTH BECAUSE OF HIS AGE: the very same can happen to you at any time. Why the fuk worry about the healthiest PRESIDENT WE’VE HAD in the 21st century?

DJT is not just a flaw of mentality but a bigger one of physicality. Look at how obese he is. Is Biden like that? I see that as healthy. Those who can’t see it that way are dooming their own futures to the same fate…death, prematurely.

To those who doubt my researched words, How many books have you published in the last 7 years? Is it more than 55? (Fortunately, not all of those books were on Glusology, several were on the damage DJT has done to our society.) I see them as equated problems.