Tag Archives: nutritional contamination



I’ve got one for you! Imagine a foreign despicable, dictator/despot, whom we’ll name, ddd, all smaller case, (for more corrupt brains and ethics), then imagine a wannabe who also wants a tower in Moscow, bowing to this master manipulator, who has taken over almost complete control of the wannabe. This is the fulcrum on which this wedge of division, expands, to give it more leverage to use against those who’ve fallen prey to it’s divisive power. Yes, as all thing in the universe, seem to come in threes, this one does too.

Imagine, that this foreign power uses a triad of power and influence to help him control the portion of the American people, who easily fell prey to the fake newscasts. All of this was set up starting in 1987, right when Fox News came on the scene and the Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine went bye-bye, due to the fake theory that all news needs to follow the law of free speech. Free speech cannot apply to news sources that do not abide by this doctrine, Free speech in the media is driven by nothing more than money. When money drives anything, nothing’s free, especially, accurate news. Money buys fake news and spreads fake news. This is the source that VVP has used through Wendy Deng Murdoch, and Rupert, to get Fox News to give his messages directly to the President, Dumptruck Trump. This is what’s guiding America down this path of disparity, the likes of which, this nation has never seen.

Imagine the third side of this triangle, the influence of the NRA and how it’s been used against us as a weapon to have us kill off ourselves, internally, without Russia having to use any weapons or ammo. What a deal for them! What a screw to us! How many mass shootings have there been in the last 20 years? How about the last 30 years? or 40 years? Do you wonder why it’s getting worse? You may want to ask Monsanto why they been dousing crops that we feed off of, for 40 years. Is there a link? If you think, there isn’t, you deserve another think! But the link isn’t what you probably think is it. This link is actually a very simple link, that explains everything with what’s going wrong with our society, in the form of all the anger and violence that’s driving the madness.

This bullets link to the problem does go along with the beer and bread, but that deals with the effects of what these 3 things, all have in common. They’re all products of fear. Why else do you need a gun in today’s world? Who needs to hunt anymore? They only make guns to look like military weapons now, I’ve not seen a hunting rifle advertised for years, at least one that has a wood stock like they all use to have. Now, every rifle I see advertised is an assault weapon. For what? Who do these consumers need to assault to protect themselves? Why does the NRA cater to this crowd of our society? Is it because these are the easiest people to influence?

Well, this link is related to the link in the last paragraph. They all driven by fear of the unknown, which I find really interesting, as bikers are a big bunch of this crowd, and I use to be a biker. My best trip was the ride up the coast highway to Canada on my rice-burner, Yamaha 750 Virago. But I put more miles on my Triumph. The point I want to make is that why these guys carry guns is less understanding for me than it is for the average person, carrying a gun for protection. They all use their guns for protection not for hunting for survival like we had to do 200 years ago. With guns changing as they have, should our law change with it?

Who needs to stockpile automatic weapons to stay safe, if they’re minding their own business and not being the type of person that draws that kind of ire? Why is it that more angry carry weapons than doves? Is the protection that a gun offers, needed anymore? When I rode my bike, and went hunting, and carried a gun, I found more fun in the riding part of that, than anything else. I loved riding my Triumph down mountain curves and laying the bike over as far as I could around the curves. There’s just no E-ticket ride anywhere that can compare to that. (Thanks, for my trip down memory lane. That’s all I have anymore!) When everyone heard of my head injury, they were certain, I was on one of my bikes. What they didn’t know until later, was that I was just a passenger in my fiance’s car and had no control over what gave me the injuries. If that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have been motivated to fix my injury to my brain, to bring me to the discoveries that, I’ve made, in the last 6 years since I quit my carbs, and went completely keto,

That one change enabled me to clean out any old glutamate out of my cells to where all the glutamate my cells use now, comes clean, from my own sources, through gluconeogenesis. Everybody has the ability to do this, Out evolution built this into our physiology, and it’s been a mechanism to free us from a multi-species long addiction to carbohydrates. It’s one we’ve carried through our entire evolution. Now our evolution is calling for us to give up this addiction, that we’ve been carrying for so long and move into our next species. Our next species will start to develop an expandable brain cavity to accommodate our continuously growing brains, due to the lack of carbs in our diets, in the future. Our species will never be able to survive, long-term in space, due to the fact of what this food does to us.

Currently, VVP is using our fear against us, as a wedge to give him more leverage, by worsening it to divide us wider. Is there a way to combat this without him knowing about how we do it? It’s a multi-pronged approach to eating the garbage that Putin regurgitates for this base of his to follow and it comes in more than one needed approach, as most things do these days. What’s need to combat this scourge, is a dose of the following;

  1. an end to listening to any news that doesn’t abide by the “Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine”.
  2. got your news from reliable sources older that 60 years old. Most all, of these, follow the above doctrine.
  3. stop the ingestion of what’s addicted you for the last 10,000 years of our species evolution, grains from the plains and valleys that’s kept us addicted to them for, going on, 12,0000 years. This is the simplest of the of these steps to complete, although not the easiest, as this step, requires the breaking, of this 10,000-year-old addiction, which may be the hardest thing you’ve ever had to accomplish. This step, though, includes giving up the liquid grains as well, as those carbs come in high dose glucose producing distilled sugars. That’s one thing that not only makes it harder, it makes it almost impossible, but, it’s vital for the survival of our species, which I’ll explain a little later.

Although I never developed a taste for beer or ale, I did occasionally have my share of beers, which I’m not particularly proud of nowadays. But I ate a lot more bread, in those days, also, and I didn’t get away from any of that until I got smart and learned what it was that was driving my fear. The fear, itself, was much more present in those days when I was eating and drinking what was recommended for me to eat, by the USDA, the FDA and every other agency that recommends diet. I’ve learned, since, that is what was driving my fear, and I’ve learned since that, the glyphosate added to what created my fear, ramped up that fear exponentially, due to the enzyme inhibiting actions of the glyphosate.

That is our greatest problem, and we have to deal with it as that’s what’s driving all this fear. Every one of these products, bread, beer and the likes (all grain foods). come so glyphosated, these days, that that the fear factor has been magnified exponentially. That is what’s driving the beer, bread, and bullets club that adhere to this unwritten code of conduct of follow the leader. It doesn’t matter if the leader is blind and you’ve never known him well enough to know this. Your job is to do your duty and follow your leader, no matter how corrupt and sold out, he is.

Have you fallen for VVP’s ruse? Has Donald duped you, to pull it off? Don’t feel bad, he’s spent years perfecting his criminality and greed, Mad Vlad the Bad knows this and used this to use him against us because we are a nation of scaredy-cats just waitin’ for the next person we can accost. VVP used this fear to divide us, even wider than we were. We were starting to heal from the wounds left over from slavery, but thanks to VVP and DJT, we’re now doomed to another 100 years of equal rights reform and far more healing.

The healing needs to start where the fear does. But, where does the fear start/ Does it start in the media? Does it start with what we’re born with? We’re all born with a significant addiction that no one knows, they have. That’s because everybody is born with this addiction. We’ve had it for 10,000 years. But, it’s what’s been done to it in the last 40 years, that’s made it so deadly, today. It not only prematurely kills those who eat the food, but it forces those who eat it to kill, more. That’s due to the glyphosate poisoning that Monsanto has tainted all grains with. So, what’s behind this sudden influx of fear and anger?  It’s explained in what you eat and the studies I’ve found that link this food to all the medical and psychological problems everybody has, in the world we live in today.

All of that, that is being used against us to incite more fear, is driven more by what we eat, than anything else. The problem with the food we’re eating to most of is what the USDA and FDA recommend for us to eat is not the healthiest food for us to be eating. That forces me to ask why aren’t they recommending good, safe food for us to eat, instead of suggesting we eat as much glyphosated food that we can, to feed their giant glycation machine of death, fear, destruction, and mayhem.

This is not what the world or the U.S. needs, now or ever. Yet this is exactly what the glyphosate poisoning of America is doing to the world and everyone who eats our glyphosated grains of fear and death. We’re actively giving away fear, and anxieties in the form of our glyphosated grains, and what would you think that could to civilization, on the whole? What is it about this enzyme inhibiting additive to your food that killing you so slowly and disregulating everything in your lives? The destruction to your body and brain is done through your enzymes. Each cell uses 1,000s of enzymes that organize and conduct cellular life in your body and when they get disregulated, everything in your body and brain gets disregulated.

Keep in mind, we’re talking about disregulation of your acetylcholinesterase (AChE)  with the type of glutamate you feed your cells, with the food you’ve been addicted to for close to 12,000 years. This glucose that comes from these starchy carbs has fed our species all the wars and conflict that we’ve lived with for much of those 10,000 years, as this food creates this addiction through this disregulation of our AChE, and has been disregulating our entire civilization for at least 8,000 years. I claim that it’s been going on ever since we’ve worshipped a God or gods, The need to worship God or a god is driven by fear. But what drives that fear? In this case, it’s what we’ve been eating for 12,000 years, ever since coming out of Africa, in the last wave of homo sapiens. These are the ones that stopped and plopped to eventually, grow their crops and addict us all the crop with the popup top that stopped our evolution and turned us into a species of pollution, through the institution of glyphosate contamination, all of which have can be attributed to the industrialization of our nutritional contamination.

If we can give up the grains in our society, we might have a chance to save it. Otherwise, we’re a dead poet’s society, forever. VVP knows this and uses it to divide us even wider. But, that can only happen, if we allow it to happen. We don’t have to let it happen, We can stop the grains, to stop the drain on our emotions and our brains. Oh, this is the part of the story, that you don’t know about, unless, you’ve read any of my books or visited any of my other sites, where I explain the dangers of what it is, we’ve been addicted to for those 10,000 years.

Thus, we’re subject to, not only the addiction of the grains now, we’re stuck with a portion of our electorate, addicted to the fear-mongering that’s being incited by our current President. These addictions, definitely go together and influence everything that happens in the world. nothing happens that isn’t influenced by the first addiction, yet the second addiction, that of the “Teflon Don, Syndrome”, is merely a manifestation of that first addiction. Notice how chubby, the cheeks? That’s the first sign of the addiction, which brings with it, a smaller brain. This is indicative of obesity and diabetes, which I know that President struggles with. It’s written in everything he says and does ane the way he looks. Fat and angry, just like my old neighbor of years ago, but he was an alcoholic, Teflon Don is a mere carboholic. In many cases, an awake, drunk is worse than an inebriated drunk, which is exactly what Teflon Don, is. He acts exactly as a drunken sailor on leave would act. With him, though, it’s complete, reckless abandon. This is directly due to the disregulation in his acetylcholinesterase, disregulation it to increase his phobias, anxiety, and fears. The glyphosate amplifies this by inhibiting this enzyme in every one of his cells, due to his diet of glyphosated Big Macs, Whoppers, and “Fast Food Freddie’S  Delights”.

This is also what’s doomed our nation to the violence that we’re experiencing. It’s been going on, increasingly for the last 40 years, ever since the emergence of GMO foods and the chemicals that go along with them. One chemical, in particular, concerns me, and that’s AMPA, the active ingredient enzyme inhibiting chemical in glyphosate.

In all actuality, this violence started when we started cultivating this particular food 10,000-12,000 years ago. Through it’s addictive nature due to this disregulation, it’s been tearing down every empire it’s built. From the Egyptian Empire to the Greek empire and Byzantine empires, this grain has taken it’s toll, on homo sapiens’ evolution. Now with the arrival of glyphosate, the possible extinction of our species may come about, and the only way to prevent that is to forego the addiction, that got us here, in the first place. That is our addiction to glucose, that we’ve carried with us for our entire evolution.

I surmise that these grasses that we picked across the savannah were becoming a remnant of our carbohydrate subsistence. But until we found them in abundance in the fertile valleys of the Nile and Tigris/Euphrates Rivers where these grasses grew abundantly, we didn’t stop and settle down, but here, our ancestors did. They learned how to cultivate them and then came civilization, along with the cultivation and the start of agriculture and the need to protect land and resources. It’s easy to see with the hunger cycle these grains had the tendency to create, how they could so easily corrupt so many civilizations.

For the majority of you, your going to be dubious about this theory, but if you were to look at it through the eyes of un-disregulated AChE and how clearer that makes every vision or theory, as such easier to grasp, you’d see that this is the only way that our species can escape this rock for any substantial vision of living extended periods in space.