Christianity’s best man for a life-long marriage plan,
it’s a shame our President couldn’t use the advice from this man.
This, to the Preacherman, I’m sure I owe
the peace of God that’s been here to show,
the very thing we hate to stow
in our closets, yet to bestow,
our bender of gender to make us all woe
the disgrace that’s been brought to us by our worst foe.
While we become more polarized, they grow more energized.
It’s the same thing that comes to us from the deep south,
which appeases the man from the east, from where this confusion comes out,
all which really is bought by us by what we put in our mouths
It’s tainted and painted to cause us more woe.
The damage it creates goes all the way to our toes.
and it’s the driving force of our gloom and our woes.
If I were a Republican, I’d care more about
what the Russian’s were saying about what makes us shout.
But to this man, I somehow think I can command
an adherence to the clearance
of our faith to be replaced by our fate
to a never-ending hunger that’s been supplied on our plate.
This has been done by none other than corporate control
of those who feed us, to drug us and keep us under their control.
It’s the most devious ruse to ever be committed on mankind,
this Glucose Ruse, the outright destroyer of our kind.
Understanding, this has been done for corporate greed is my fear,
yet it’s they, who create the fear, so I have to tread, clear
of the threat, they present in their ads to promote
the death and disease just to feed our addictive vote,
Is this criminal? I’ll let you tell me. But, don’t keep your addiction
while you’re telling me your truth
because I know that whatever you tell me is far from what’s true
I know that what you’re saying to me is all tainted too
with the glyphosate poisoning, that’s driving this flu.
I choose to not be part of it, I don’t know about you,
but I broke my addiction, and I can see the real truth.
If you want to break your addiction and see what’s really true
you just need to read my books in blue
and wake to what it really is, that’s really, always bothering you.
(Every 3 hours or so it’s your hunger, over you.
and you need to read a book in blue.)
We should all look like this when we’re 40, 50 and 60;
If you don’t, Your cure is here!
Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
Extended Details of Tainted Food:
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
Full Details of Tainted Food:
The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!