Tag Archives: liberalism














A quick note to start with, addressed to the commentators of the real news who keep questioning Biden’s will to unify the nation by not catering to Republican wishes. You can only unify if both sides want to. The South is still too independent to compromise anything. (Keep in mind, this faction of the Trumpublican party, is the faction of the deep South who won the peace.) Their only intent is to keep the division, now, under a new order from the East.

Putin’s been successful in his takeover of our democracy. He did this by hijacking the Republican party. by using Donald’s followers to do so. They all fell lock, stock, and barrel into the trap of Donald’s corruption. The problem here is that they did it willingly and knowingly. They all knew what it would lead to when they agreed to his corrupt criminality.

In the last 4 years, it’s torn America apart. It’s not done anything more than just that, to tear America apart. It’s still tearing America apart. Even still, ignorant Republicans, even those who claim to be doctors, are completely out of their minds. (Haven’t you seen the smiles on Putin’s face, from the insurrection?)

They still ignore the truth of what’s happening due to the base of Russian driven Trumpublicans out there who will all vote for the insurrection that happened on January 6, 2021. What could they possibly be thinking? Are they getting the same propaganda for news? What’s on their phones, for news? Is it “OAN” never-true, propaganda, or is it “The First”; the filth of alternative fact news?

It’s turning these so-called patriots, against America. They are seeing clouds of illusion that have been brought upon them by the Russian Ruse of NewLax, the Fox Pox, Q-OAN Qonspiracies, The First Propaganda, The Blaze incendiary messaging directly from the Kremlin. (There are more to list, but room prohibits.)

This is all a consequence of an infiltration of the radical right media over the last 40+ years ever since the abolishment of the “Fairness in broadcasting Doctrine”. Who did that and why? More importantly. who did it benefit? (look east) You can see who’s smiling about our division. What does that tell you about who wanted this? What does that tell you about who initiated this?

Why and how could he do it? Why? Because Putin’s a cossack Russian. That makes him a deceptive person, to begin with, and that’s where the take-over of our country started. When Donald Trump came to him with offers of a Miss Universe Pageant, Putin saw his opportunity to achieve his lifelong dream of overthrowing America. He saw it and took his chances with the attack on our Capitol, instigated by his asset in our Oval Office. (All this shows is the insanity of the Trumpublican party. They can’t see they are being used by Putin. Why?

Reagan abolished the Fairness is Broadcasting Doctrine” because he thought it infringed on free speech. Think about that, just for a minute…  How can freedom of the press be a hindrance to Free Speech? He abolished that broadcasting act because he confused it with freedom of speech. 

Freedom of the press guards against freedom of speech, when that freedom says you can state alternative facts, which the previous President based his administration, on. Now a majority of that party is following the impeached President, lock stock and barrel. 

They seemed to have intentions of turning their party completely radical rather than listening to the facts and reality of what’s really going on. They are all so stuck in the Russian Ruse, their afflictions of the Fox Pox getting their news from NewsLax has turned their brains into caterers of Putin’s directives.

They only have one goal in mind, to appease their base who are all Russian driven in their treason. Their afflictions of the Fox Pox, and listening too much to OAN, The First, The Blaze, and all of these other radical right rousers, don’t allow them to see that they are all being used. 

And, they begin used liberally, very liberally, by Vladimir Putin. It’s unfortunate that these moles are so stuck on the news they get through their phones, they are incapable of seeing any truth anymore.

That brings to mind the question, why were these people, in particular, used for this insurrection, that was directed by the Kremlin. It was directed through Donald Trump and the Fox Pox he’s spread throughout our nation. They were used because they are so easy to persuade. 

They’re dupable because they’re stupid and ignorant and don’t want to learn facts or data. or anything but the alternative facts that support those conspiracies. Because those conspiracies come directly from Moscow, they are all meant to divide US before the invasion. 

This is what I detest. the desire for division, just as it existed in the 19th century prior to the Civil War. It’s become clear to me that what Lincoln did to bring about today’s Republican party, Trump has done his best to trash this party. (Remember, Trump used to be a Democrat, also. 

Did he abandon his party back in the ’60s or ’70s as well? Wasn’t that when the rest of the “Solid South” abandoned their Democratic party? Did Donald become a confederate then, along with the rest of the Solid South? Aren’t all confederates now Republicans? I guess it believes it’s a party of privilege.

Case in point, Lindsey Graham saying it’s illegal to impeach a President who’s left office. Uh. Lindsey, you are wrong. This mole must not be allowed to ever run again, as it would be more harmful to our nation if he did. Look at the destruction he committed in his first and only term. Why would you want that destruction to continue? Lindsey, you and I need to have a very serious discussion, as your ethics are truly warped. It’s clearly due to where you get your news from on your phone. You’ve got the Fox Pox, don’t you?

You’ve been listening to too much NewsLax and QAN. Or do you get it from “The First” and their filth of alternative fact news? What’s to keep them from reporting their propaganda with no Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine to protect the public from their version of free speech? They seem to think it’s the same as freedom of the press when in all actuality, it exactly the opposite. (Thank you, Ron, for abolishing it!)

You need to learn where their feed comes from. Don’t you read your security updates? Or, don’t you trust your own government. Why would that be Lindsey? Why would you like the division? Is someone paying you to? Or, do they donate to your campaign? What does Moscow have over you that they have over Kentucky’s McConnell and Paul? The leverage to persuade your vote? Who are you governing for, an Eastern influence, or a Western one?

Why do you question the constitutionality of impeaching an ex-President? The President was impeached while he was President, wasn’t he? Do you stop going after a murderer if the victim survives? He is still guilty of assault. If his name were HRC’s, you’d have him convicted already. He shot you in the heart (again and again) and got away with it. Why do you let him? FEAR? What did you have for breakfast?

I confess, I truly wonder how, any of you got elected espousing the ignorance that you do. Are people in America that susceptible to media persuasion through what they see on TV or their cell phones, now? What news do you get on your cell phone? Is it tailored to your desires, like it is, mine? The longer you buck this trend in American thinking, the earlier will be your own demise, as a politician. You’ll be lucky if you’re not expelled for your part in the ex-President’s treason. Lord knows, there’s plenty of evidence for the case against you.

Why are so many of your party still holding on to an illusion that America still belongs to Trump, when it’s only a diminishing sector of his party? Can’t they see the writing on the wall? Donald has decimated the Republican party that Abe Lincoln brought out of the old Whig party. 

This resurgence is only a resurgence of the ignorant fear that drove the Whigs. It’s the same fear that keeps our country from growing, if only because it’s based on fear. Unfortunately, it appears there’s no rationality to this fear…but isn’t that the way all fears work?

With this Congress’ refusal to abide by the constitution, they are damning their own party. That is why they have to impeach a President who’s been illegal since day 1. (Who put him in office, then celebrated that absconding of America’s vote? Didn’t he lose the majority of the vote in 2016? (How did he get in office without the help of the use of the radical right media by Vladimir Putin?)

Take MTG, for example. She’s determined to drive the Republican party to the radical right when the rest of America is moving left. Who would want this division? Didn’t I just cover that in the last paragraph? Why MTG are you so interested in, division, the kind that divided us 160 years ago? Who is influencing you, MTG? Is it NewsLax? Or OAN? Or The Blaze of any other radical right-wing publication that gets its message on your phone? Do any of those abide by that doctrine that keeps news honest? Or do you think that Free Speech is the only Constitutional Amendment, you want to abide by?

A quick note to Chris Christie, impeachment isn’t just for removal from office as much as it is for protection of future abuse by worse offenders. DUH! You don’t think, Donald was bad enough? Didn’t come close enough to an overthrow for you? How indebted to Putin are you? Why can’t you see that anyone supporting any of Donald’s traitorous notions is catering to those same notions coming from the Kremlin? Don’t you know who sponsors Q? Where do most Qonspiracies Qom from?





Which is better for America? To me. most democrats want to see an improvement in America, and they are not afraid to usher that improvement. They always have been a party of expansion, ever since our nation was founded 250 years ago. Yet the conservatism of the Republican party is what drove the excesses of the latter 19th century and the early 20th century that perpetuated a depression, two or three recessions. and overindulgence worthy of Henry the Eighth.

Business, at that time. had a free reign, in America. With no regulations, they showed, just how they could take advantage of everything, and use that advantage to the detriment of everyone else. This led to the recessions of the 1890s, and 1930s. and the late 1980s into the 1990s, and even the one in 2008. All Republican Presidents at the helm when these recessions or depressions started. They were all ended and prosperity brought back by a Democratic party. (I think the Iran-Contra affair had something to do with the recession of the late 80s, in the way arms were supposed to be traded for hostages.) It may have had little to do with the recession experienced about the same time, but it definitely hurt American foreign interests by ramping up the terrorism in the Middle East.

Thinks are different nowadays. With even schooling being completely different these days. (Who can pass notes being 6′ apart, of whisper answers to the test, or cheat by sneaking a peek at your neighbor’s work?) The world we live in has become completely different from anything the past has ever offered. (I’d like to thank the Republican for this, but I can’t. I can’ only curse them. It only brings back bad memories of a crook who used to be in office until he resigned. And yes, his Vice President was just as criminal as this one, as he was indicted and removed from office prior to Nixon’s resignation. 

This is why I’m picking a bone with E.J. Montini, today. He mistakenly claims that Biden is akin to Gerald Ford, in how he’s replacing a criminal President. Biden was elected. Ford never was. He was chosen by Nixon to replace Agnew. an actual crook like Nixon.

Biden, on the other hand, was elected. Unlike Ford, the People wanted Biden to lead them. Who wanted Ford, except for the Nixon loyalists? E.J. Maybe you should remember your history. I believe you’re about my age, so I believe you should know about Ford’s placement into his Vice Presidency, to allow Nixon to continue his policies after his pardon.

Biden was elected by the people by the largest margin in history. That should say something. I believe it says how Americans are turning progressive instead of conservative, as they, like me have had it with the fear that conservatism used and keep using to propel its message.

Fear is the reason I left the right. I used to be a Republican. As I said I voted for Nixon. Granted I was just out of High School thinking that I knew everything when in all actuality, I knew nothing. I was thinking with fear as the Republican party had taught me. (My father called it “realism”.) Even though he knew of optimism, he did not like to express any optimism due to the fact that he’s been a life-long Republican. It’s not conservative to be optimistic.

Throughout our history, the Democratic side of the old Democratic-Republican party is the side of that party that has always propelled America forward. Due to the fear of conservatism, the Republican party has always held US back.

This is why I as an Independent voter usually choose to vote with the progressive agenda, as that’s the one that’s always moved America ahead. Finally, a majority of Americans are finally seeing that. That majority has been growing too. That is what gives me new hope for a new world.

That is why I vote Democratic. It gives me hope. That’s something the Republicans cannot do, even in their wildest dreams. I see it as a choice between progress, and destruction. I choose, progress, along with a majority of all other Americans, and it’s time we brought back this hope to the world as a whole. I’ll leave the fear for those who want to be afraid and live their lives that way. It’s definitely not for me.

I just caught last night’s SNL and I wish I had seen it last bight before I wrote today’s column. Michael Che summed it up perfectly when he said that MTG had plans on hijacking the Republican party and crashing it. He may be right, (no pun intended), as she’s in it for herself, just like every other Republican of her Qind. And that includes my traitorous Representative, Andy Biggs. Their intentions surely appear to be purely evil. How glyphosated of a breakfast did they eat? How glyphosate was their news? The news on their phones must be radical right media. Obviously, they’re either unaware or unwilling to acknowledge Russia’s involvement in QAnon. I tend to wonder which it is, unaware, or unwilling to be aware.






My Congressman Andy Biggs is another Q believer who never witnessed any of the crimes the former President committed while in office. I know. I asked him. He enjoyed playing ignorant. He still appears to enjoy it. I wonder how he’ll enjoy being unemployed just like everyone else. I have no idea of how he can stay in office, preaching the Qonspiracies that he does, and ignoring the criminality of the division that is clearly Russian driven. Who in their right or left mind could vote for that, unless they were getting their news from the same foreign sources. (They all seem to stem from the Kremlin.)

Even the latest news of the day reports that the President’s legal team just issued a 70-page declaration that this impeachment is unconstitutional for many reasons, first of which the President is no longer in office. This is nothing more than a Putinesque move only meant to throw “meat” in the stew. This meat is tainted, though. For me, it’s just more evidence of his guilt.

And thus, the first and foremost reason I choose the common sense of the progressive liberal agenda. It just makes more sense…especially for an Independent like me. (I detest being like anyone else.) I prefer to be my own man.


Thank you for joining the human race ahead of the rest of your party. But, even you still need to realize a few things, Your did not end the cold war. They ceded to Russia, any rights we previously had. If you ended the Cold war, it was through surrendering to Russia, you achieved that goal. That is not representative of me or any of my family or friends or countrymen.

Blake Miguez, you are no longer in accord with the rest of America. Why do you wish to return to the politics if 160 years ago? Are you an inbred confederate? Those are the worst kind, as they’re the most corrupt. Your nose is so stuck in shit, you’ll never smell clean air again.