Tag Archives: hammer of clamor



Which is it? We all know the nature of a fox and what it is to be outfoxed. Our society is learning the hard way, today, just how contemptible foxes publish when they report what they claim, other media reports, lies. 

Fox reports nothing but lies. I wish like hell, that you could prove me wrong, but you can’t. Fox, being operated by a band out of Moscow, will always misinform the public. They have to. They’re foreign owned by an office in the Kremlin.

They foxily report all the news that isn’t worth reporting, unless it leads to fear, anger, and hate. That is their only goal.







A dumb blonde rug, at that! Who pastes a wig on his head every day? One would think with all the makeup that he has to put on with his eyes shut, he’d have a little more insight than what he has. But, NO! This man has no insight beyond that of making himself wealthier.

It’s a shame he doesn’t know anything about anything, but the almighty dollar. Who put tariffs on foreign goods that were not necessary, meant to punish retailers when it only punished US the consumer? Whose idiotic idea was that? Some brain-dead idiot who knows as much about economics as he does about nuclear physics?

How many of his lies have you fostered? Your organization is the breeder of lies. You breed  more lies than Donald ever could, just to give them to Donald to use.

That makes you the the aider and abettor to his crimes…making your organization just as criminal as he…and we all know how criminal 94 indictments are, with 34 convictions, already.

What more, need I say about your criminality, Fox Faux News? Who points this man in which direction to aim his anger? Who fires that shot, Fox?

I dare you to report on that, Fox! But you can’t, can you, you’d have to tell the truth…and that’s against your underwriting. Isn’t it? 

How sad…

When I think about the kids of Sarah cHuckabee Sanders, keeping her humble, I think, there she goes again with her lies, trying to outFox America, again. If her kids really keep her humble, how much more do they know, that she doesn’t?

She has no idea what humility is. She gets it confused with something to eat.

Will she ever learn? Judging from her past performances, not a chance. She’s a MAGA Republican, the worst thing to ever happen to my party.

Personally, I feel MAGA needs More Anger so just Go Away. I see them as MAGA-burned! Yet, Sarah cHucklebee Sanders, erroneously thinks her kids make her humble. They must be her master, then. I’ve been in homes like that before. They were all disasters waiting to happen.

Fox, I’ve already resigned to the fact that I can’t trust anything from your network…even the advertising…I do not tune your lies in. I just see them on my 4way news, daily, all day long…every day…every week…evert month…every year.

Oh, how I wish that Scripps were in its place. It’s a  network I can trust. It’s older than Time Warner who hosts CNN. But too many oafs are still locked into the newest broadcaster of out bunch, Fox.

It’s the network that promotes and supports the criminality that Donald J Trump brings. I know your treachery. I’ve witnessed it ever since you bought the NFL contract, 40 years ago. You, Fox, as a network are the food that feeds worms! Your worm DJT feeds it to his horde of hate, MAGA.

They provide the guns, anger, hate, and throw in that dab of fear to set everything off. It’s a tinderbox of fireworks of lies.

FOX;   You truly are the station of total misinformation! Misleading your entire audience to sell them down the river of shame, pain, and disgust, just to appease one tyrant wannabe. You truly are as low as worms crawl. You eat  what they eat…and we all know what that is…

Fear feeds hate. Hate feeds terrorism and mass shootings. Who is responsible Fox, for all the mass murders that take place? Who creates more fear, inside our mass media? Who has an NFL contract? Who shows more professional wrestling on their network? Who drives that fear with every newscast?

Misinforming US of your undue warnings, inducing fear and loathing, to bring on the clothing of your cast-out undue stroking of your jockring’s cockring that’s blurring your vision of rescission, and it’s what’s leading the pleading of your seedy greeting that’s eating through the ivory ceiling…leading to a voice of the people choice…and not the clamor of that stammering hammer.

I can’t wait for the day when they throw away the hay, to usher that new day, when honesty, again paves the way.

Thank you Kamala for saving my day.



If I were you, I’d have to find a fat pillow case for my head. Yours, before anyone else’s should be incased inside it…just to cover another criminal head of state…in your case, SC.

Who wants to complain about inflation? Look at Trump’s tariffs. Talk about a DUH! That one takes the cake!

What say you about inflation? Who put tariffs on our goods, that creates inflation? Then blamed the inflation on Biden? WTF???

I’ve heard ludicrousity before but never to this extent. This is as ludicrous as I’ve ever heard.

WTF polices this trash? Don’t expect any from this dishonest source. Why Fox, didn’t you report that?   You couldn’t, could you. It isn’t in your underwriting as a publisher of fiction.

Who demands his followers send in bomb threats? The man  who wants to dominate America for his Bff.

Do you like these bomb threats? DJT loves them! It help him stoke his hate with your fear. I hope you realize you’re stroking his hate with your fear. It rides where his brains do, in his pants, right next to where he speaks from.

How sad…

I need a brat.

JD, stop lying about the border! You, too are a master of disaster, with your hate speech stoking everybody’s fears.

What makes you different from the fictional characters, you blame?

You really are criminal. Aren’t you, JD? DJT sure as hell is! We all know that!

Why are you, Donald, still allow to fire your weapon of mass destruction, your mouth? Are you not a felon? How many more times have you broken the law with that weapon that you’re not allow to have?

WTF DOJ?  What’s a few more indictments to add to his list? If he were me, you’d be on it in a heartbeat. But, because he is the wheenerbee, you neglect to prosecute. I wanna new judge, DOJ.

One that ain’t drugged…nor bugged…like a hung-over thug of a lug.