You want a wall? You’re going to get four of them. How did you wake up this morning? Were you yet, free? Why has the law disregarded the kingpin of the Jan 6 rebellion and not locked him up yet?
The con man of all time, now, the supreme convict of all time. The king of fraudsters, soon to lose his freedom.
With all of the crimes that you’ve committed and all the honest Americans you’ve, not only cheated but, turned against our democracy, it’s far past time to LOCK YOU UP and throw you in with the rest of your gang of thieves, already serving time for serving you!
This man is guilty of treason! What did Gen Washington do to Benedict Arnold for giving away troop positions during the Revolutionary War? What did this man give to Putin?
Why isn’t it time to LOCK HIM UP? He’s got nothing to run on…except lies and his history of Covid brain. Has anyone ever led so many people astray as this man has, for as long as he has?
Now, that he has to suffer Long Covid, how much worse can it possibly get to? He fosters traitors. And, his party seems to generate plenty of those, due to all the wannabe cons who listen to and heed those messages of terror. So, he feeds more, to them and the desire to cater to this, is his display of sedition, and everyone who supports it, takes part in it.
Support a convict? Be the convict. It takes one to encourage one. All those faces you see in the MAGA crowd are no better than convicts, themselves.
He, who clamored to “LOCK HER UP”, must be locked up, preferably for the rest of his life. Who really is a law breaker by habit? How many indictments? 93! Who is the real criminal, in this case? Who will it be in 92 other cases?
Unfortunately, you won’t hear that from any of his detractors. None of them are as uncouth as I.

Putin puppets, or the Freedom Caucus, better known as the sedition caucus.
Closed minded Russian NRA owned House of Disrepresentatives.

I know that Chris’ face doesn’t belong in here, but it was the only pic I had of this traitorous party. And, it is the entire party following their goon down the drain.
The problem is, that he’s got too many buyers of that shit and they all eat it up plentifully, as they all wish to display their own unique stupidity and ignorance.
They’re conned so well, they believe that he prays, when he never has…ever. He doesn’t pray so he doesn’t answer to God. That makes him the Devils servant or the antichrist selling the devil’s vision to his followers.
Hey Evangelicals, is that what you want? To be known as buyers of propaganda? Propaganda from the heart of Moscow? Thank you, for letting that into my country. Now I know who to thank for the terrorism.
I’ll be sure to let you know that as soon as you leave church. (But, I won’t tell your pastor how you’ve defiled God’s law by caving to a conman antichrist who sees the world as his own to defile.)
How many of you evangelicals have actually read through the entire Bible? Can you tell me what’s it’s really, all, about? Or how many books are in it? How many books are in the Old Testament or in the New Testament? What are most of the “Books” in the New Testament?
They’re nothing more than letters, mostly from Paul to the other Disciples. But, there’s one very important letter by Jude that needs to be paid attention to, as it’s a letter, warning them about the coming of the antichrist.
He is here. The antichrist has come in the name of Donald John Trump. He’s born of a traitorous family that’s done little more than grift off the American people.
When asked by Savanah Guthrie about how he prays, his answer was how everybody else prays for him, not saying how he prays or that he doesn’t pray. That is because he doesn’t. He only uses those who do. It’s his opinion that everybody prays for him.
I guess, that’s what you get with a 4th grade education…that and a criminal attitude. I guess, when you learn that you can buy your grades, and you don’t need to study for them, the criminality starts to set in and you’re stuck with a Phd in street smarts, ignorant not only in the facts of life, but ignorant in all other phases of life.
Never has a criminal recruited so many more criminals to follow him in his escapades. He’s recruited hordes of otherwise normal citizens, ready to break the law, because he got away with breaking the law.
They all think, it’s OK to break the law because their President did. Thus, the Trump legacy. As he boasts about his criminal endeavors, he projects his actions as those of his opposition, making him the world’s most proliferate projectionist.
This man is truly deranged beyond repair or resolution. His mind is truly and totally f*cked up. He projects his crimes because he can’t take responsibility for them. He truly is the ultimate projectionist and the iteration and representation of treason.
Our entire Republican party of shame are all fully duped! They all believe his projections, not realizing that is all they are, projections. They’re all conned by the world’s biggest conman, he has revealed the disgrace of America.
That we can be conned so easily! Even after being warned not to. Remember Beware of Trumprocracy? That was written nine years ago.
Are your faces red yet? We know, your political pocketbooks are kept in the black by Moscow’s Red Square), but your faces should be that very same color, red, for being so easily duped.
Every Republican who stands up for this criminal and endorses him is a criminal themselves, and doing Putin’s bidding. Their clamoring just proves it. All they’re trying to do, is to gain the support of his traitorous voters, and we all know that.
He or she who supports the style of treason he presented, is indeed, treasonous themselves. Who would want their support, other than a traitor, himself? America’s shame has been fully revealed in the Republican party’s Shame Induction Syndrome.
Everything they do must induce shame or its worthless. That is Putin’s bidding. It’s as though his intent is to destroy our Republican party through shaming them.
(This is a SIS I don’t need. Nor does America, but yet, we have to live with it due to today’s Benedict Arnold in the form of a criminal elected to the Office of President of the US.)
Never has criminality of such measure had such a high office in our Government. Never has an entire party followed along in said criminality to become criminals, themselves.
Unprecedented is hardly a description for this tragedy, this debacle is the definition of a tragedy called “Bully Gone Wild”!
Nobody has ever turned our government over to another foreign power until this man was elected. It truly is a shame that nobody in the Republican party recognizes it, nor the dangers it brings. Or, do they just choose not to?
Hell, they all invite it. Every Republican that was conned and still is, will see an end to their careers as a politician. NOBODY can survive the charade, now, as everybody is learning that it was all a charade put on by Vladimir Putin.
That only means, shame on the Republican party, and all its hopeful seditionists…who are all still running for their seats in Congress. Not a one of them deserve it.
Because, it continues today, with the defense of a criminal and his actions. By blaming the Justice system that convicted him, they’re convicting themselves of the same crimes he committed.
- Obstruction of Justice.
- Aiding and abetting the commission of the crimes that he committed while he was in Office.
- Overturning voters rights. (Unless you’re old, white and white haired and bearded.)
- Revocation of any and all civil rights, equal rights, and women’s rights. They no longer have the right to healthcare.
- Installing a criminal Supreme Court that overturned Roe v Wade. Each and everyone of them needs to be impeached for lying to get their appointments and one Corporate-owned Justice by the name of Clarence Thomas. His billion-dollar motorhome is proof of his corrupt nature. Who bought that for you, Clarence? But then, he was appointed by HW Bush. How will history treat his seditious grift? I know how I see it. Criminal, all the way. Did he come from the Bronx, like DJT did? We know what they breed, there! Isn’t that where Rudy’s from? How many other criminals are serving their sentences while DJT walks free?
- Overturning 50 years of Democratic advances to return US to the stone age of the 19th century.
Just how criminal has this entire party become at the behest of Putin? I dare fathom their corruption. It runs deep. Talk about a Grand Canyon of Corruption? This is it.
And, it’s a legacy all dug by the Colorado river of Donald Trump’s crimes digging their Grand Canyon of Corruption into the Republican Party’s high, immoral desert.
(It’s only easy for my to see, ’cause I live in the high desert below the canyon in Kingman). The Colorado comes out of the canyon just north of where I live, in Kingman on the west side of the canyon where it empties out into Lake Mead…but that’s before the river heads south to empty into the Gulf of California south of Coachella City, Mex.
After being found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, the whole world now now what I’ve been trying to warn everybody of for 9 years ago when I published Beware of Trumpocracy.
And yet, his supporters still endorse his criminality, only because they want the votes of his voters. Why, I’ll never know or understand.
It was over 9 years ago when I first posted Beware of Trumpocracy and it’s more true now than it was then. He only proves that with every word he utters, as he does not know how to tell any truth.
As this bitch, below, is worth only the effort it takes to ignore her! Her ignorance demands it. Broadcasting for the Fox Pox definitely did her image no good. She lied then, just as she does, now. I didn’t trust Fox News then, and I certainly don’t now and I trust her even less.
HAVE YOU EVER REPORTED ENYTHING BUT LIES? I think not! I know, not! Everyday you were on the air reporting news for the Fox Network, you flat out lied to your viewers. You reported false facts every single day you were on the air. Just as you were 8instructed to.
That makes you a flat-out traitor to America, doing nothing but Putin’s bidding. How much did he pay you, or contribute to your election campaign, illegally?
Truth be told, your treason is a result of bowing to Putin and nothing else. You lie more than anyone I know, but when it comes to the truth, you utter a whole lot less, to the point of nothing. (You must suck his dick to please to get that money.)
What I want to know is, what does he expect out of you, for that money? What must you do for it? Just like dogs lick their own dicks, you lick his.
You also lie like a dead dog! Outright, flagrantly, and despicably. Just like the news organization you worked for, you don’t know how to tell the truth. You never will. How can you expect anyone to believe a word you utter. You were paid to lie. The problem is, you still do, as you think you’re supposed to, as that is what DJT taught you to do.
Since his lies made him important, you think, the same will happen for you, but it won’t. All because of the network you worked for. They are known liars! They’re known for their egregious amount of lying.
Kari, you know that to be true…Is that why you like DJT so much? Because he’s the world’s greatest conman? He bought you only for your pretty face, didn’t he?
You’d be far better off and safer, by keeping your loud, lying mouth shut. I suggest you go home and stay there for the rest of your measly life…and be careful of what puke you spew, cause when you do speak, that’s all you do, puke words.
They’re words of sedition, rebellion, and treason, and they all invite your assassination by any faithful patriotic American. I for one, look forward to that day…but then, I was smart enough to NEVER tune in your falsifying network of distrust and fearmongering.
I’ve known from day one, of your thirst for treason. That is something that you’ve had since you’ve been on the air…and those are bad habits that do not dispel, as they multiply if they’re not consciencously fought off…which you never did.
You invited the sedition. You welcomed the sedition. You broadened the sedition with your support of a wannabe dictator. You are a TRAITOR. yourself.
WTF could ever vote for your sorry ass? Whoever it would be, they’re sorrier Americans than you are. Were you born in Russia? Or, are you just a fake Lake? I’d pick the latter, if I had to choose.
DJT’s claim of a rigged trial and decision is completely correct. DJT pre-rigged his own verdict when he committed the crimes as boldly and egregiously as he did. He held back nothing. He pulled out every trick he knows to commit his crimes.
He’s just trying to hide his criminality, as he’s always done. That is why he is the world’s greatest crime boss, next to Vladimir Putin.
And, that is why Putin used him. That is all he is good for, usury…nothing else. Is that all you’re good for, Kari? Why then, are you trying to be the greatest con woman?
Kari, thank you for your advertising for Reuben Galago. He will make a much better delegate than you. He doesn’t lie, like you insist on doing. He’s worth trusting. You’re not!
When I hear your commercial on TV, everybody in my house hears me yelling at you for your constant lying.
LEARN HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH if you want to work in politics.
As it stands, right now, you’re dead at the polls. I don[‘t know of any traitor who will vote for your sorry ass.
If they do vote for you, they clearly are traitors, and won’t get any water from me on a hot day. They deserve all the suffering they ask for.
But, you are right about people praying for you. The true Christians pray that you die before the day ends. Why don’t you grant their prayers if you truly are God?
That would be your greatest gift to mankind…your unequivocal and immediate death. At this point, that is the only thing that can set America back in order…the death of its first tyrant!
It should come at the gallows, as no where else would be fitting. This guys neck needs to be stretched until he’s completely DEAD…never to resume his destruction of Democracy.
Then, send his diseased remains back to Moscow from whence they came. This criminal does not deserve to be buried in the country he tried to destroy, America. Unless it were to be in the swamps of Louisiana, America’s toilet.
I see it as a strange sign that your party’s color, red is the same connotation as debt. What else could DJT have to offer? How many Republicans are in jail serving sentences, right now, for their involvement in seditious behavior with this GOON in trying to take over our Democracy?
Or, is your Republican red a Moscow red? I’d believe that. Donald’s,
What debate? All I saw was an honest mans answers and a liars bold ass lies for answers.
This is no debate. It’s just a forum for DJT’s lies and manufactured truth. He used this forum to prove his lack of intelligence as he had to lie about that which he knew nothing about.
With a 4th grade education, what would you expect? This fucker is lying about the damage he did while he was in office. If he has anything, it’s gall. Nothing but gall. Yet, plenty of it…GALL TO LIE OUTRIGHT AND BOLDLY. This fuck head lies every time he talks.
I have never heard more lies than what comes from his mouth. Don’t ever walk in front of me. I will run you sorry ass down. It’s the only way I can do this country the favor it deserves.
All Donald can do is project his own criminality on Joe, blaming him for everything he did wrong. I’m really shocked he hasn’t spontaneously erupted in flames, he lies so God damn much.
I fault CNN for allowing DJT to like as much as he did without holding him to the truth. Why did they allow him to lie with every statement he made? WTF CNN?
Why no policing the lies? WTF??? How could you allow him to lie as much as he did?
Is it because you’re owned by the same people as Fox News, now? Is that why you allow the massive of deception.
NATO and Donald’s complete ignorance of why it’s there. You ignorant fuckhead! NATO is not there to protect Europe from Communism, it’s there to protect us. I wouldn’t expect you to know that. That was 5th grade Social Studies…something you never made it to.
Who ought to be ashamed of himself?
How could you not blow up in flames with the lies you threw out? EVERYTHING you said was a misrepresentation of the facts… EVERYTHING!
Donald, you eat shit for breakfast then spew it out all day long with your lies, nothing but lies. It’s no wonder why your breath stinks.
Bragging about your criminality does not make it right! It just makes you braggart…about your criminality.
Fuck you for that! Fuck you for being the ultimate projectionist. Nobody projects their crimes like you do. You have to shun it off on someone else as you can’t take responsibility for that much damage.
Nobody has ever done more damage to our country than you. You should be shot for that. Do you know who is destroying our country Don? YOU!
Why did you not correct him for any of his lies, CNN? WTF? Where is the correction for his continuous lying? Why is there none, CNN? WTF???
How crooked are you? How much were you paid to ignore his blatant lies? How much? And, by whom? Was it foreign money? Hmm… You can’t prove, it wasn’t. Is this why I should never tune in your network?
I just made it my reason to never tune in your network again. You allowed the liar to lie with every statement he made. That, says nothing for your moderating…nothing but your favoritism for DJT.
I can already see your Long term Covid Brain taking over. Who the fuck would want that? But then, you brain has always been diminished. You just proved it in what you think was a debate.
When it comes to addiction? You need to end yours, first. Why do you continue to lie, flat-out, Biden’s policies. You have a chronically acute addiction of lying every time you speak.
CNN why no fact checking the liar supreme? You let him get away with a lie every time he opened his mouth without saying a fucking thing about it. WTF? What kind of commentating is that?
Why can’t you call out the liar? The one who spends his time on the golf course, no where else. Who spent every day on the golf course while he was in Office? It was DJT. No other President has spent more time on the golf course than DJT, while he was supposed to be working.
Why, CNN do you allow DJT to spread his filthy lies? Don’t you have a switch on his mike when he lies like he does? How many time did he fail to answer a question by changing the subject? How many times did he stray? What a fucking liar of extreme proportions. He can’t stop. lying is in his blood.?
How many time did he accuse Joe of crimes that he’s committed? I heard, at least, 17. How much more proof does one need of ones corrupt intent? Aren’t 93 counts enough?
This asshole actually believes that he can speak something into existence, that doesn’t exist. All he can do is attack everything that he doesn’t understand…which is quite substantial! No wonder, he’s mad so much of the time…
In my entire life, even with a sister who lied all the time, I’ve still never heard the continuous spew of out-right lies than what I heard tonight.
This guy must think were all as ignorant as he is. I think, he’s got another think, coming.