Tag Archives: garbage

Congress, should I thank you, curse you, condemn you, or just replace you?

Thank you, Congress!!

You’ve done it again. Your gutless actions have gutted America at the request of an oligarch wannabe. This Russian disguised as an American is doing his absolute best, at the behest of Vladimir Putin, his favorite dictator, to tear our government asunder. And you still think we’re safe from outside influence? THINK AGAIN! Dope it out, idiots.

Those who can’t read the writing on the wall
are destined to eat their words of gall.
Those who heed these words of gall
drive the message that not one nor all
are sublimely buying a diet of offal.
Garbage in, garbage out
leaves little room for any doubt,
that what you hear is full of gout
when you listen to the one who shouts,
it’s all brought on by a wondering lout
who is making us all wonder about
the Russian appearance
of detailed interference
in our election with the intention
of turning our country into another deception
of freedom to which only a few have a recollection.
Instead, we suffer an endurance in non-concurrence
to dispell the interference of foreign influence
due to the adherence to the President’s elective ignorance
in the normal workings of our government’s manner of working in conference
to instill freedom for all and not just a few.
As the President wants, it matters not to you
what you may want or what you feel that you can do
to avoid the clamber of the hammer coming down on you too.
Ode to the man who wants to be king knowing, in this country, we don’t stand for that sort of thing, but thinking that he can get away with anything, this man’s torn asunder our united way of free living.

I have to wonder, just what does Russia have that they are holding against our President?” It’s obvious that it’s substantial. Simply by the way he disputes it, we know that it’s substantial. The dishonesty of this President has surpassed everything this country has ever seen in its supreme office. Never in the history of this nation have we ever witnessed that hidden take-over of our government right under our noses. We should be ashamed and we would be, except for a party that’s trying beyond and reasonability to save their face for backing an oligarch wannabe.

Does it have something to do with the money-laundering? We now know that his properties were used by Russian oligarchs to invest in America. For what purpose? We know that he doesn’t care. We also know that he’s prone to do it more. As long as these Russian’s have dirt on Trump, they’re going to be using him as their pawn and patsy.

This is the turmoil that our President predicted his opponent would bring but he, instead, has wrought on our government and country. His false confidence (vanity) leads him to think he knows more than he really does due to his choice to remain ignorant of the facts of the matter, whatever the matter is. We know that this President would rather get his news from his favorite source (the one that lauds him the most, FOX News), instead of reading his own reports. This proves his distaste for reading, a highly crucial skill for running a country. Doesn’t he know this? I guess he doesn’t have the education that a President should have. This President didn’t win the popular election, either. That speaks volumes against a fair election, about Russian interference in our polling process. That should scare all of us, Republican as well as Democrat. I know it scares Independents. It terrifies me.

What I can’t figure out is, why doesn’t our Congress do anything about it? Our government is set up to reign in the power of an over-reaching President intent on turning our government into a dictatorship. I would really like to know, why is our Congress is allowing him to get away with his crimes? Does Putin have something on them too? From the way they’re acting, he must. Just how much influence did he have in our election? We know they were in the voter registration roles of many states. Did this also give them control over our election? Is he now controlling most of our elections like he controls his own? His M.O. says that he is. Donald Trump’s actions say he is. Our country’s devastation says it is. His pleasure in this debacle says it definitely is.


I don’t know about you, but this whole thing disgusts me and makes me demand that our Congress impeach any and all Russian influence in our government. (Which includes all congressmen also. They’re as much to blame as the President.)

This poisoning of our government it directly due to the high carb diet of our obese President, he needs to read and heed my warnings, indeed to free himself from any more underlying greed that’s driving our country to its ends and therefore cleaning our house of all of its seeds.

It’s the same drive that Monsanto is perpetrating on the public just for the sake of profit and nothing more. Just like our President and his attitude of “ME FIRST” and the discontent that that BS brings. What would have happened in Jesus said, “ME FIRST”? We wouldn’t have a savior.

Now we have an antichrist who espouses “ME FIRST” before the world, saying we don’t care about anyone else unless you serve me, first. That’s not what Jesus preached.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic