Tag Archives: FBI

The Antichrist Come to Life?

Is this real? Can our President be the Antichrist come to life?

I am sick and tired of hearing a President brag about what he’s done to America claiming it was for America. This President is deranged and it’s about time people started realizing it while we still have a country to defend. Is this man the real Antichrist? A concern like this requires examination of what an Anti-Christ is, what makes up a qualified Anti-Christ, and what are the consequences of the real Anti-Christ.

First, let’s look at what the Bible says about the “real Anti Christ”. My largest King James Bible defines Antichrist as “a word used by John to describe one who would assume the guise of Christ (1 Jn. 2:18; 4:3-6; 2 Jn. 1 7)” It goes on to say, “In a broader sense it is anyone that counterfeits the true gospel and is openly or secretly in opposition to Christ.” All I ask is to observe the behavior, speech and actions of the one who I think fits the bill, to a tee.

I shouldn’t have to point out everything this man has done throughout his life that is definitely against the gospel. Yet, he’s given “mulligans”. Doesn’t this sound a little like something an Antichrist would command? A man who can’t determine truth from fiction, equipped with a glib but forked tongue is the perfect definition of the Antichrist, as well as a one-man recipe for the decimation of the United States, thanks to the undue influence from our most dangerous adversary, Russia. (It’s a clear indication of his knowledge of what transpired meetings with various Russian delegates and members and x-members of his cabinet.) With the control, this man commands, how could he not know of collusion? That’s why he’s fighting the obstruction charge. He’s already proven that 83.5% of what he says is outright false and misleading.

There are several other references to the Antichrist in the New Testament. They start in Deuteronomy and continue through Kings I and II, Psalms and many books of the profits and throughout the new testament. Most of these accounts speak of a false christ who speaks with a glib but forked tongue to mislead a multitude of people into believing that he alone can fix things, to save the world.

The reality if this situation is, it’s happening right now, as I write this document. It’s been happening for the last 20-25 years with the grooming of Donald J Trump. From his days in beauty pageants to his time evicting residents to build bigger high-rises in Manhattan and New Jersey, to his days “firing” people who rarely really deserved it, this man has been grooming himself to be an excellent antichrist. He’s doing his level best to prove to me, at least that he is. He should be proving that to every other Christian in America, but unfortunately, he’s only proving that to foreign Christians.

Too many American Christians still put their faith in him and think that he’ll return things to their version of normal. I think the time for that think, has long passed. I think it passed about a year ago when he took office. And, I don’t think it’ll come back until long after he’s gone. I think he’s irreparably damaged America’s position in the world, not only politically, but economically and worst of all morally and ethically.

It’s that last one that I have problems with. I just can’t come to any logical reason why a man like this should be in power. He obviously doesn’t have the education for it. He obviously doesn’t have the temperament for it. Worse than all he has no patience for anything he doesn’t understand, just like a fourth grader. And yet, how many people still put their faith in him.

Are they listening to his lies are do they put more in his words than what’s really there, just to justify their false belief in a false christ? Are they worshipping the wrong God? Their god, I know worships the god of the dollar, ego, and self-fulfillment. How most evangelicals can follow an antichrist like this, I have no clue to. All I can believe is their ability to buy anything that offers a glimmer of hope for the cheapest price, which is exactly what an antichrist would offer.

If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land. This Putin wannabe is beyond all control that I can see to bring all the calamity and indignity that is brought by all the dishonesty, thanks to the inclusion of Russian infusion in our election that’s left the detection of obstruction brought about by persuasion of the Republicans that this man is one of them, making a mockery of our system to confuse all who listen to the insanity being spread by a man who’s brain is all but dead leaving us all misled to the conclusion, through all the confusion, that we need resolution to this intrusion into our freedom’s existence and furthermore, threatening its continuance.

He complains that the FBI is prejudice against him. (I wonder if he feels like everyone he’s prejudice against?) He’s right they are. The FBI is prejudice against him. They’re prejudiced against crime and Donald J Trump is a criminal. He’s been one maybe since the fifth grade. He boldly claims that he’s being spied on and that hi’s being “wiretapped” trying to divert the real attention from his criminality to make it appear that the Justice Dept. is criminal in this case, when they were only doing their job, keeping track of spies. It just happened that those spies they were keeping track of worked for Russia and were helping the Trump campaign. (This is what he calls his “art of the steal.”) No collusion? Maybe not collusion, just outright treason. Because Donald is President now, he thinks he’s immune from prosecution. Too bad he can’t determine what’s bad advice from his lawyers.

The only difference now is that he can’t buy or pressure his way out of it. As President, he’s forced to face his crimes, all of them, from yesterday to 60 years ago when he learned that what he couldn’t bully his way out of, he could buy his way out of. His MO is still to bully first and buy second, but he can’t buy influence in the FBI or Justice Dept. so he’s trying to bully his way out of his conviction.

He actually thinks that as President, he has the power to do this and this is the indication of this man’s fourth-grade mentality. He’s just too impatient to stop and think about the consequences of his actions.  The worst part of this story is the age of the President and whether or not he’s too old to change this destructive behavior. If I had to bet on this, I’d have to bet no, he can’t change, he’s too set in his ways.

e book edition for an Antichrist's manifesto
If you like Trump, you need a cure and with luck, you ‘ll find it here. If this doesn’t your mind change, then that’s proof to me that you, too are de-ranged like the man with the mane. You need a more permanent cure as that below in It’s Time for a Cure.

The real cost here is what we get to pay in the end for it, and I didn’t vote for this. I didn’t even ask for this. I warned about this before it happened. But nobody wanted to listen. Their preference was to listen to a glib, but forked tongued showman who is nothing more than a con-man and everything less than a true President.

Because nobody wanted to listen to me 2 years ago, we now get to “pay-the-piper”, but this piper already has more money than 99.989% of the rest of Americans. It has me wondering, how happy is Russia now?





Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition Antichrist
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food Antichrist
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address Antichrist
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address Antichrist
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union Antichrist
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition Antichrist
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition Antichrist

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edition Antichrist
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition Antichrist
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic