Tag Archives: Egyptians








To the man who thinks that fighting terrorism is like fighting fire, you have to use it to vanquish it. Are you trying to kill off the dead brush, in  the innocent Palestinians who must die in your pursuit of justice? 

How in hell can you justify that? What fear do you create, when you do that? Doesn’t that prompt more terrorism? WTF???

How can my country justify sending its weapons of war to magnify their revenge, when it kills as may innocent victims as it does? 

In my opinion, it can’t! Why do we sell them bombs that we have to repair the damage of, through food kitchens for the displaced and homeless? WTF? Why are you making them homeless? What fears do you harbor that demand such behavior?





How did you acquire your land? What did you expect, then? Do you want the definition of terrorism? Look to the Jews.

They’ve had it inflicted upon them for 1,000’s of years, so now. they inflict it wherever they feel they need to. This is a fire you cannot put out with fire. 

Cause, every time you act, you act out of fear. Nothing else. Fear alone drives your behavior. Why it that? Are you still eating that which makes one hungry? You feed the hungry with it. You feed the terrorism with it.

That includes blowing up the weakest of their opposition. They herd them into zones to kill them with fewer bombs. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM and it’s Netanyahu that orchestrates it! That makes him the world’s greatest terrorist.

Why do you do this? Because you live in fear. Why do you live in fear? What did you eat for breakfast? Was it grain-based? Was it cereal or toast?

If so, you live in fear 80% of the time. Everything you do, you do out of fear. Your diet of grains demands it. Just like it demands your hunger, it demands your fear.

The Science of God or Why We Fight will tell you exactly why this is, and what our chemical corporate industry has done to ramp up the damage to increase their profits.

The proof of you fear lies in the manner in which you bomb the least significant of the Palestinians, because they’re used as shields to protect the guiltiest of the terrorists in Palestine.

You’re fighting the world’s greatest terrorist nation. Nobody in this world has not been terrorized. I guess, that’s what you get with the shit they eat for breakfast. Their biscuits and gravy is clearly eating their brains up as completely as possible and forcing all of this behavior. Just take a look at the glyphosate buddies!

One of them has just been found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying records, by a Manhattan Jury, just to con the American people, hasn’t he? Doesn’t that label  him as a con man? Doesn’t that make the both of them the greatest terrorists in the world?

His friend, Netanyahu justifies every action he takes as defense against Hamas. Why the fuck does Hamas exist? Isn’t it to counteract the devastation wrought by Israel against Palestine? How many of your own, being held as hostages, have you killed with your incessant bombing?

Who is the real criminal entity in this ugly picture, Benjamin? Is it not, he who delivers death to his neighbor? Who wrought that death and destruction, first? Who stole the other’s land to have some for themselves?

Who else but a terrorist would herd an entire nation into one small location so they could kill them with fewer bombs? That is Bennie’s intent and it’s all driven by fear, and fear, alone. What the hell did he eat for breakfast to drive that fear?

The Republicans can’t send this terrorist  enough arms to kill all the innocent people they want! They desire to ramp up the terrorism that goes on around the world. Why else do they clamor about holding back arms to Israel? Can’t they kill enough innocent people?

All he’s done is to start a full out war of terrorism on both sides. Terrorism against terrorism. How many more will it take to satiate their appetite? What is it about genocide that Republicans see so much promise in it?

Who wreaks more terror on more people than anyone else? Who kills more of his own people to kill more Palestinians? Who is the current Deathwalker? Who is more intent on retribution than saving any hostages that may still be alive. 

I wholeheartedly agree with The New York Times, Netanyahu must step down for the good of his own people. Terrorism no longer needs to be at the base of Israeli democracy. 

I know all Jews come from conquered peoples. Not too many of you still have any of your original traditions that you used to have before you were conquered thousands of years ago.

They’ve all been replaced with newer traditions that your people as a whole, adhere to. Yet, you still play second fiddle to Vladimir Putin.

Netanyahu’s doing nothing but ensuring the future grief of Israel with his thirst for vengeance. Why does he do this? Is it hunger, or pain that drives his behavior?

Or, does he buy his groceries at McDonald’s, too, like DJT? You couldn’t find two more glyphosated brains than these, if that were the case…which it probably is.

They are birds of a feather not unlike Vlad, greedy, autocratic, with fully glyphosatedly deranged brains. I’d rather believe that it’s their fear that drives their behavior. That is what glyphosate drives the most.

The only reason I see, is because of his extreme amount of fear that he has to deal with. More than likely, both, due to his addiction. Do they eat bread in Israel? Doesn’t bread create fear? I know our news does.

But then, they also create our diet of what we eat. That drives our need for the drugs that relieve  the pain our foods create. (And, what do you see advertised on the news other than pharmaceuticals?)

It starts with Saturday cartoons and all the cereal commercials they play and profitize off of. You can’t find a bigger display of addiction than this. This is where it starts.

What did you eat for breakfast, Bennie? Was it in your newspaper, or in your toast? Both seem to be killing you ever so slowly. It ends with your painful and disgraceful death…probably to atherosclerosis or cancer. The two biggest takers of life in our world.




How many innocent palestinians do you want to kill? WTF? Where did you get your ethics? In East Germany? YOU ARE INSANE. Not anyone of the other side of your political spectrum. It’s you who are clamoring to kill more innocent civilians. How much more of a terrorist can one be?

Tell me how can the Jewish state be destroyed? YOU CAN’T tell me, can you? That makes another false statement you just uttered out loud. How many of those utterances have you let slip? Why do you constantly falsify facts? Is it that “R” behind your name?

When will you learn that the jews are historically a conquered people. They evolved that way. They’ve been conquered by more people than any other nation, throughout history. 

They are actually a ragtag nation of anciently conquered nationalities, made into slaves. Why else do you think there’s so much diversification in the people? How many nations did the Egyptians conquer?

So Lindsey, why don’t you just shut the fuck up, forever. Go home and stay there. Don’t ever let your head peek out from under your covers. Stay in your jail. You deserve it. We deserve it.

Is this why you’re trying to kill all Palestinians? Is it because they’re Muslims? How many Muslim enemies are you making? Did you help Hamas to initiate this disaster, just so you could kill more Palestinians?

You did steal their land from them in 1948. Israel did belong to British Palestine which was established in 1920, was it not? Only mistaken beliefs tell you the land is yours.

When  are you going to  be a human being, instead of a terrorist wannabe? Why  the deep desire to make your entire country a country of terrorists?

Who else kills foreign aid workers just to kill more Palestinians? Is this what your blue eyes mean? Why do you want to teach me not to trust blue eyes? I sure as hell don’t trust yours…and never will.





If that isn’t terrorism, what constitutes terrorism? Are you out to prove why the Egyptians cast you out of their Eden? Or, are you trying to prove, your best, how much better of a terrorist, Jews make?

Didn’t moses tell you to curb you vengeance, as God warned him; “vengeance is mine”? When did you stop following your Torah? Are not the Palestinians the same as your people, a conquered people? How did Moses say you should treat them?

You’ve done nothing but bring that question to my mind. I now deem you the world’s worst terrorist, which only makes me wonder, ir we’re conducting a war against terrorism, why are we sending arms to sponsor it? Hmm…

It’s obvious, your fight is with the innocent and is easy to see your desire to take out your wrath against them. I don’t understand why you insist on more killing than getting back all the hostages. How many of them have your rockets killed?

Being brought up a Christian, our faith is based in/on the Word of a Jew, and you’re making it hard for me to reconcile the faith I was brought up to have.

I was brought up to have faith in a man who declared himself to be a Jew, yet spoke of forgiveness as being one of the most sacred gifts one can give anyone. How is any of that displayed by your behavior of retribution? Isn’t retribution and vengeance, a pathway to certain death through continued wars and the terrorism it fosters?

How any Jew can act like a terrorist, to me, harkens back to why they were conquered thousands of years ago before they became slaves of Egypt. How many ancient civilizations does the nation of Israel come from?

How many different nations were conquered by Egypt, thousands of years ago to enslave to work on their pyramids? Isn’t that where Israel came from?

Being slaves, Egypt controlled them with their diet of bread and beer. When I think, about I think about what our diet is, today, bread and beer.

Doesn’t that make  those consume such a diet, slaves of those who push the diet? Who feeds US grains by saying they should be on every plate? Isn’t that the USDA? Doesn’t the FDA follow, in suit?

When I was growing up grains were at the bottom of the food pyramid, designed by the USDA so the farmers could sell more of their product, which they now ship world wide to fight famine.

It’s a shame none of them realize that when you feed people food that makes them hungry, you’re going to create starvation. And, grains make you hungry. They always have, they always will. That is why they’re used to control slaves.

Do you still eat bread? Who is controlling you, now?

Maybe you need the read the entire series, but for starters learn why Jesus told us not to eat bread. It’s all explained throughout the series, starting with, “It’s Time For a Cure”, and ending with The Science of God or Why We Fight.

The Glucose Ruse will tell you who really is in control…and it ain’t pretty. But, it is costly! But then, all addictions are. When you eat what makes you hungry, you’re eating what’s eating at you.

It’s a shame how few of us know true cost of this addiction over the life of our species as Homosapiens. It’s cost us our brains. I see the evidence everywhere I look. 

It’s a scientific fact that modern man’s brain is smaller than of Cro-Magnon man when they roamed east Europe and Asia 40,000 – 60,000 years ago. That is due to three facts;

  1. we’d been eating grains more than 25,000 years
  2. magnified when we learned to cultivate them 15,000 year ago,
  3. grains shrink the brain, by eating up the brain-matter through glycation.

That’s why I’m trying to rebuild mine by not eating any. So far, it seems to be working…as I’ve published around 60 books since I started writing, some 12 – 14 years ago which was shortly after  I went completely ketogenic.

I know the damage carbs do to the body and the brain. Twelve years of research taught me. If you allow it, Ketosis can teach you a thing or to, too.



on propagandized military information from Hezbollah and its allies. You are far stupider than I ever thought. WTF did you eat for breakfast?



WTF did you eat for breakfast? You’re swimming in your dose of extreme glycation. How the fuck did you ever get elected with your extreme notions belligerence?






Who is sending arms to Palestine? Who sells them the rockets they send into Israel? Who is the real terrorist? Doesn’t he live east of the Volga?

You’re only pissed off because we make those weapons in your state, don’t we? It’s money lost to your state, isn’t it?



I resent that you represent my nephew who lives in Charleston, SC. You do NOTHING for him or America, but to condemn US to death.


You prove your seditious attitude, you fucking rebel, you. You are working for Russia, aren’t you? It’s they who are sending arms to Hamas, and you know it!

Your buddy Benjamin Netanyahu is being a real yahoo in his indiscriminate bombing of Palestine! What can more killing bring Israel that it doesn’t already have? MORE DEAD BODIES TO BURY? WTF SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?

Lindsey; what the fuck happened to your sensibility? Did you lose it in the swamp?

Bennie is the world’s newest terrorist. You need to learn and accept that. You can’t satiate the miscreants in your state anymore with your love of terrorism. You have to accept the facts, regardless if they do or not. Bennie is a terrorist. The worst the world has seen, to date.

Palestine just made the mistake of trusting the British in the placement in their land back in the 1920’s. Was it Britain’s land to give away? Hmm…

Israel’s God says the land belongs to Israel. But, who’s to say their God is right? I see it as a misinterpretation of holy scriptures, as definitions change over the course of time, but a lot of Evangelicals don’t see that. 

Too many of them  still adhere to the ancient scrolls while using today’s definitions to define them. How sensible is that? Is that what’s making Benjamin so terroristic?


Jardiance; Your medication is deadly! Your advertisement of it kills people. There is  only type of management for diabetes and it’s called a KETO diet. Ketosis is the only real management of diabetes that can extend ones life. You know that but you still advertise your drugs of death, only because they extend the need  for more drugs, increasing your profit margin exponentially.

YOU ARE THE REASON It’s Time For a Cure!