A Trumped-up Story
The story of an out-of-tune blaring trumpet
that maintains a diet full of crumpets
Of this trumped up story, I wish we could dump it
but unfortunately, it’s us that gets to hump it
to avoid the rumble from the concrete jungle
of his diet ever blaring of that which he can bungle.
Imagine that you never had to make your bed. When I was a little kid, I think 4 or 5, my mom taught me how to make my bed and expected me to make it every morning. Did this ever happen to you? Imagine never having to make your own bed, ever. I still make my bed every morning, do you? Even if you don’t you still have to wash your sheets…unless you live in a hotel.
Imagine a man who has never had to make his own bed nor wash his own sheets. He’s always had it done for him as he has always lived in a hotel. He was brought up in his father’s hotel and continued to live in his own hotel for the extent of his life. It may be a nice and comfortable way to live, but it doesn’t teach you much about real life, where one has to make their own bed, where everyone is responsible for cleaning up that which they mess up.
Donald J Trump has never had to make his bed, no do his own homework. He has always had his bed made for him. How can anyone who has always had their bed made for them, clean up that which they mess up? They can’t. That is why Donald is having as many problems as he has. He can’t manage the calamity of cleaning up anything. He’s always bought his way out of every jam he’s ever been in. The problem this poses now is that it’s our money he’s spending.
Imagine a boy that has had everything given to him (usually on a silver platter) and seldom, if ever, had to work for anything he’s accomplished. Now, imagine that this boy learned in the fourth grade how to buy his grades. Imagine that this boy bought almost all of his grades throughout his schooling. What kind of mentality would this boy grow into as an old man? If he stopped learning, going into the fifth grade, wouldn’t he have the mentality of a fourth grader?
Imagine a man who has always had the money to buy anything he needed or wanted. Now, imagine a man who could bully anything out of anyone if he couldn’t buy it. Imagine this man running a government like he would his businesses, 6 if which he has bankrupted.
Imagine now that this man has a subconscious will to build up an Eastern power that was instilled in him as a young man. Imagine that this man respects this other power more than he does his own country. Try to imagine to what extent he’d go to appease this other power. How do you think that would affect your life and business?
Imagine this man befriended someone who needed his help moving some money for him. Imagine him helping this person and that help, increasing over the years. Imagine how easy this would be for a man who already owns multiple companies, several of which have already failed, and many others on the edge of failing. Imagine how this could help the bottom line of many of those companies. Now, imagine the stress this would put on that man committing that laundering. What kind of impact could this have on the decisions this man would have to make concerning our security?
Imagine that this young man befriends a woman in Czechoslovakia who (unbeknownst to him is a secret KGB agent) and offers him a deal so sweet that it has “massively-profitable-money-maker” written all over it. This ultimately sets up a money laundering operation through his properties, forcing this man to be their patsy for years on end, by creating a path to create havoc in our government with the help of moles in the Republican party, strategically placed by gerrymandered congressional districts to assist in the creation of the havoc. Can’t you imagine this possibility?
This stinks of a KGB log term plot to influence the U.S. It seems to be working very well, as far as they’re concerned. I’ll bet they couldn’t have expected a better result than what they’re getting out of this fiasco. This has to be their dream come true. (This begs the question, what’s the U.S. going to do to retaliate, once the patsy is gone and we’re no longer under his control?)
Putin probably thinks things are pretty “hunky-dory” right now, with the control he seems to have over Trump. I wonder how much sleep he’ll lose after his patsy is gone and the US. does retaliate. He’d better sleep lightly for the rest of his life, however short or long it may be. He may ultimately be blamed for destroying any civility left in the world by turning loose a loaded unaimed ballistic missile in the name of Donald Trump.
Imagine a man who learns how to pick up on people’s fears and learns how to incite those fears into anger, then rides that wave of anger into the White House. Now imagine a master salesman who says whatever he needs to say just to get the sale, in this case, a certain, desired reaction from his audience, regardless of the consequences of his spiel and the promises he’s made. Imagine also a salesman devious enough to sell fake jewelry at a highly marked-up price that was only easy to see after the sale had been closed. In other words, imagine buying an Edsel, simply because of its own self-proclamations, advertising how good it is, when underneath it was little more than a lemon.
Imagine a man who is so paranoid that he buys his groceries at McDonald’s because he’s afraid of being poisoned by someone he’s wronged. Imagine that this man has moved money for entities in Russia that would pose a clear and vital threat if that information was discovered. Do you think this man would do everything he could to keep that hidden? Imagine a man who respects Russia more than his own government. Now, imagine that this man thinks he’s President and is in the role of the President but he can’t act like a President simply due to his fourth-grade mentality.
His Trumped up assumption of how to govern.
Imagine the world of anger this man has created simply to buy his election and subsequently used to distract and antagonize his adversaries. This is Trump’s “art of the deal” when it comes to his type of dealing. It’s deceptive at best, sinister in all reality. The real cost of his election was and is the sanity of the United States government. If our government can stand up to the abuse this President has demonstrated, it can and will stand up to anything and therein, stand up for everyone.
Now imagine a Congress bowing to the insanity being spouted by this man completely dividing a government as well as a society into factions ready and willing to “kill forever” anyone who threatens his or her idea of democracy, forgetting that it’s the differences in opinions that make us a democracy.
Imagine that the man they’re putting their faith in was brought up to be an angry man from the very first steps that he’s ever taken. Imagine that this man was given everything that he ever wanted. If it wasn’t given to him, he bought it, just like his grades ever since he was in 4rth grade.
Imagine a man who has never had to clean up his own mess. Imagine a man who has never had to fix anything he’s ever broken. Now imagine a man who has so little self-esteem, because of this, he’s always touting how great he is, just to get his validation that he so desperately needs. I don’t think I need to tell you to imagine the havoc he can cause.
Is this something I just imagined or did this really happen? Imagine instead, how do we clean it up? Imagine now, a world without hunger and fear. Imagine a world with disease and pain. Imagine a world without Glucose Addiction. Imagine; “It’s Time for a Cure.”

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
Extended Details of Tainted Food:
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
Full Details of Tainted Food: