Tag Archives: DOJ




I can understand what you tried you ploy. I can empathize. I live with the biases of bigotry and discrimination and get this, I’m a 64-year-old white male. I know, you’re asking yourself what bigotry I live with. Allow me to share with you, even though I’m not gay nor black, I’ve been mistaken for being gay and experienced the hate due to that error in judgment, on the part of the perp. I’m not black but I can imagine what it’s like to have to tell your son how to walk home from school if the sun’s gone down. That experience has to be harrowing. I apologize, I cannot empathize with that, but I can empathize with being discriminated against, as I’ve been disabled for over 30 years, with a disability that I’ve learned to hide so well, few people will even acknowledge that I can be disabled.

It’s taken me the better part of 35 years to overcome, to the point to where I am, today. I can understand why you tried to bring light to the danger of the bigotry that’s being spread so widely these days, mostly by our President. The bigotry that prevails in this administration and the amount of it that promoted by this bigotted President, is nothing short of that which Andy Jackson showed all Native Americans. Weas that disgraceful? Yes. For the Dems, it was one of the worst Democratic President’s we’ve ever had.

What scares me is the emergence of this Christopher Paul Hasson, the worst kind of skinhead still alive. (They all need to be “re-programmed for community service, ala Clockwork Orange.) This Trumpublican scares the hell out of me and has no right being in our society, and wouldn’t, if it weren’t for the tantrum throwing, tirade stowing, inflammatory insults that this President loves, so much, to throw around.

These last two manifestations of this President’s undue fear and anger is leading our country into an abyss of terror that will take more than a few years to come out of. It appears that it’s going to take the demise of the Republican party. The one that ended slavery in America. the one that led US into the Great Depression of the ’30s, the great recession of the ’90s, 2000s and the greatest depression coming up after the stock market makes it biggest crash ever, due to the tax guts, and financial policies of this Russian oligarch wannabe.

The one that turned it’s back on the bulk of those slaves, the black ones, to turn them into to 21st-century slaves by keeping their rights all bottles up. This is what scares me and all other Americans who don’t want to live in the “wild west” of America again, where the gun ruled the land.

No, I can’t empathize with you on your skin color. I’ve spent the better portion of my life trying to tan my skin. That same sunlight only darkens yours and I can’t imagine what it’s like to have “that talk about walking home from school and being confronted by the police because of your skin color, or the way you dress. No, I can’t imagine that. But I can understand your dilemma in trying to get your message out. I do understand why you want to bring attention to the criminality that’s stuck like a zit, in our White House. It’s easier to understand, now, why most Hispanics who are immigrants where long sleeve shirts even on the hottest days, to either hide their skin color, or to protect it from getting darker, in their attempts’ to meld in with the rest of their American neighbors, who are in-large, much greater in number on this side of the border.

That zit in our White House is what’s squeezing out all the other zits out cracks in our society, that call themselves skinheads and the ultra-right. Ask Ann about it, she knows. She stokes that fear. She is just as responsible as the President is, for this travesty of justice, that’s invaded our nation. Lou Dobbs is right there with her, and Rush, Tucker, Jeanine (she’s one of the worst), Laura Dingy Ingraham, and all the rest of these far-right alternative fact pundits that can’t speak the truth about current affairs and persist on misleading the people to stoke this violence.

They are all as guilty as our corrupted President and the longer he’s in office, the more danger we get to live with. Who else would enjoy seeing this in America? You don’t have to stretch you imagination to see who it is. I can think of only one person that our President befriends every chance he gets. He cowers to his word, and he worships the ground that this dictator walks on. How much of that influence has rubbed off on Americans who adhere to this white trash notion of white superiority, when it’s they who are really inferior.

According to our genealogy everyone in the world except those on the continent of Africa and those African Americans, that have no homo erectus DNA in their blood, are the only pure homo sapiens in the world. The rest of us, all have contaminated blood. All white Caucasians have homo erectus DNA in our blood. That manifestation of our DNA keep all whites from being pure homo sapiens, making everyone who’s not black, homo adaptare, (or adaptable man), as we are of a mix of DNA that alters our physiology, to virtually make our species mutts, for the most part. We are hybrid humans. Our species has evolved over the last 40,000 years to 200,000 years ago when homo sapiens spread out from Africa and started integrating with the existing homo erectus that had spread out across the world 400,000 years earlier but were blocked from returning to Africa by climate change.

200,000 years ago, while homo sapiens were leaving Africa in search of food, a large portion turned into the Arian race of Celts that grew taller, because, homo sapiens are taller than homo erectus. This migration continued for 190,000 years until they started growing grains (wheat and barley, mostly) in the fertile crescent, between Africa and Asia where homo sapien migrated through before the agriculture was there.

This agriculture stopped any future migration and attracted the future homo sapiens searching for food. These homo sapiens became the slaves of the Egyptians and when they escaped their slavery, they became the Hebrew people. This it agrees with what the Bible even says When it talks about how Jacob, now Israel, had to go to Egypt to avoid hunger due to climate change. They just didn’t call it that, then, they were going through an extended drought, and that’s what drove them to Egypt.

That trip to Egypt is what has condemned our world to a diet of this highly addictive food that makes you hungry and puts you in the control of those who supply it and give it to you or sell it to you. This is because wheat is a food, you can control the masses with. In our country and throughout the world, now, there are several companies and corporations with one intention, and that’s to use this knowledge against you, by forcing your need for their drugs to treat their ailments, given by their food.

You may ask how I know this? It’s rather easy to deduce. As homo sapiens were continuing to migrate out of Africa, in search of food, a certain group of those homo sapiens learned that they could grow it while walking through a “Fertile Crescent:” when they stopped to gather the grains growing there and stockpiled what they didn’t eat, to keep them for tomorrows breakfast. By doing this, they learned how to grow it, as some of that grain started to grow after a few days or weeks of stockpiling.

This stopped them in their tracks to start growing what they had found to eat in this Fertile Crescent, and eventually developed the first civilization in the western world, and possibly the whole world, through this newly formed agriculture, with the exception of the civilization that developed on Australia, before homo sapiens became landlocked on that continent. Even those homo sapiens may not have been not pure homo sapiens, as they had med and interbred with many homo erectus, by this time, corrupting their DNA, but making them hybrids, better able to conquer the extreme climate changes that the homo erectus have learned to live with over the previous 200,000 -300,000 years, prior to homo sapiens emergence from Africa. I would be interested to see how much homo erectus DNA is in Aborigines. (I doubt there to be too much, because of being landlocked for so long.)

This new civilization that built up in Egypt has condemned our world to a world of addiction because of this food and its additive hunger cycle, creating nature. This hunger cycle creation of the indication of its addictive nature. It also makes this food very usable to keep people enslaved, because of its addictive nature and how you can control those who ingest this food to do what you want them to do by forcing this diet upon them, so they can continue their addictive behavior in consuming this food.

This is the food the Hebrews brought with them when they escaped slavery in Egypt and that is the cause of our problems today, this addictive food. It’s what is responsible for and how it’s shaped our civilization throughout history because of our addiction to it, as most of the civilized world, today, us regulated by how this grain has shaped our lives. We can all thank John Barleycorn for that.

However, we can thank Monsanto for ramping of that glycation that these grain have brought with them. They always glycated our blood, ever since we’ve been stockpiling it and growing it. The problem got worse when we started growing it. Then, the grain started producing diseases of the modern age, also known as CVD.s Cancer, Dementias and nervous disorders, etc. The list is endless, which is a whole other story. Why do I thank Monsanto? In one word, glyphosate.

Glyphosate exponentially ramps up the glycating effect of all grains. Glyphosate is administered on all grains that grow in America and the world except in Europe, where they’ve outlawed it. Glyphosated glycation is America’s biggest problem, and because we export so many grains, we export our problem. Our problem? These grains, because of the glyphosated glycation, have increased fear levels worldwide. That’s because the addiction combined with the hunger cycle combined with the glyphosate and the changes it initiates in your hormones, fear level have increased ever since the glyphoste has been sprayed and applied to our crop foods.

Does that mean that we export fear and anger? Uh, yes, I’m sorry to say it does. Look at the example our President sets for everyone. His demeanor is completely glyphosate controlled. His brain shows it, his body shows it and his emotional behavior shows it. He is a perfect example of glyphosate poisoning. Is he the type of person you emulate? This liar/deceiver relies on his Big Macs to feed his glyphosate addiction to the grains of the plains that bring all of his pains and stains. This glyphosate addiction is what drives his fear. He uses this fear to bend the world to his persuasions. Because his fears are all based on a hunger cycle of addiction, that makes his fears, evil, making his motivations, evil. And that means all of them because they are all driven by pure unadulterated greed. This is the evil we live with in the antichrist.

Climate change! Does that sound familiar? The climate change we’re going through now may have more impact on our species than that of 100s of thousands of years ago. The climate change that’s threatening our planet currently, has the ability to wipe out millions of our species, through coastal flooding, larger hurricanes and greater wildfires and tornadoes in the future that will take far more lives that the climate change of the past. When I think about this, I’m stuck wondering, how do you convince a 4th-grade bully who can’t change his views, that climate change is real and it’s the biggest threat, we face? Not invading immigrants, seeking safety.

This is what scares me? How do I convince the DOJ that the longer this Russian Mole continues to run this country into the cellar of doom that he’s intent on sending us to, the more chance we stand of no longer remaining a sovereign nation. That is what scares me. It should scare you unless your one of those white trash trumpublicans that’s bent on destroying America. Are you one of those, or can you see the light?

Will any of these latest occurrences of made up terror and manufactured terror that didn’t manifest, alter the DOJ’s policy to not indict, a sitting President? Will unopened sealed indictments be opened soon? It can’t happen soon enough for me. Something tells me that it’s going to be hitting the fan real soon, and I, for one, cannot wait. (noticed no “sh” in front of “it”?) Should I have put it there?

Day two of the realization of Trump’s new frontier has brought us more corruption, this time, in the form of another cabinet dept head, who goes by Miami,’s U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta. Another day, another scandal, and another Trump debacle. I had a dream last night that the President got a call from the DOJ instructing him to open his sealed envelope to read the indictment, inside, which put him under arrest, inside the Oval Office.

Now, that I’ve awoken, I see that it’s the greatest test of democracy of all time. President Trump, I have one question for you, that keeps me pondering, are you happy with this world, that you’ve created with your vision of making America “Great” again? Really? Is this the legacy you really wish to leave humanity with, the 21st century Civil War? I often wonder why we don’t have women running all of our government?

Women are natural organizers. They are the best at it. What more, do you need, other that organization, to run a government efficiently? Our current President has proven that over and over and over. Bullies do not organize. they order, not organize. If you want to know the difference in the results of what that produces, look at the world of today. It was not organized, except for corruption, it was ordered into corruption.