Tag Archives: Deep State of corruption



Did you just threaten NATO countries of your involvement in US’s elections this year? What else could a threat such as the one you just issued, be? Just how evil are you? I see in you, the epitome of evil.

You take the cake for ignorant, stupid, illegitimate, devoid of brains making you completely brainless, extremely stupefied by extreme stupidity, and as smart as the slowest slug in the world…making you nothing better than snail bait…dirty, smelly snail bait.

I can smell what you wreak, way over here in western America, half-way across the world from you. It smells like puke…exactly just like what you have for brains. 

Thank you for your notification that you will interfere with our elections. Your threat is not-well received. (Man, am I glad I don’t have to live with your fear.) It’s obviously overwhelming. How many taste-testers have you gone through?

Are you sure you’re not eating a slow acting poison, like glyphosate? The deregulation of your brain says that you’re getting plenty of it.

Did you really ask if the US wanted a global conflict? WTF did you already start? Was it not a global conflict. DUH! And, you’re supposed to be smart? Who really wants global conflict?

Or, was this just another ploy? One of your many that you think shows off your intelligence, when in all actually, it shows of nothing but your lack of intelligence. 

Thanx for showing off your stupidity, ignorance, and total idiocy! It truly is total and complete. (Don’t worry, though, you’re immune from investigating. No one will know exactly how, you accomplished your treason. How, what you fed your audience, only made them rebellious against their own country).

Thank you for presenting the perfect example of bullyism. You have mastered the art of Trumpism in the USSR. Now I know why you use him…and use him, you do. That makes you a slaveholder, just like what DJT wants to be. Congratulations, Mr. Shit for brains!

It takes shit for brains to attack the US, even from the inside. No more proof is needed, You got it, Vlad…shit for brains, that is. And, I thought you were supposed to be smart. But, like DJT, I guess, you’re only a smart alec. That is only as smart as you can get.

Don’t ever set a foot in my town, if you want to continue living. I will run your ass down with the biggest tank I can get my hands on.  You face would look really good being smashed into the pavement. It would do wonders for your good looks.

Your brand is born in  the Evil Empire of Russia. Not the USSR, but in its root contaminant, Russia. That makes you the home of treason against your own people.

You always have been. You always will be. When your people finally realize that, you will end  up dead the very next morning…for which I( will rejoice.

GOOD RIDDANCE! Your presence will not be missed one iota. However,  is will be celebrated.



Aileen Canon, how are you going to feel 20 years from now when your treason is fully revealed? Do you really think you’ll be safe, even then? Protecting a known criminal ex-President from prosecution brings its own prosecution for treason. You will find that out, just a Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are being found out.

You’re all proof of what you get with criminally appointed Justices. Thanx Mitch! Didn’t you hold up Obama’s appointment to save for a criminal? Doesn’t that make you a criminal?

WTF voted for your measly ass in Kentucky? Where they all bootlegging criminals. You guys drink way too much ‘Kentucky Aged’ bourbon. Y’all got oak barrel brains, to vote in a heathen, such as him. Is anyone in your state, sober???ever?

Maybe, you’d better think again. I know of a half dozen people ready to end your suffering right now. (Ya never can tell what gonna happen to your car, in the future. (Insurance may cover the car, but it can’t save your life.)

Maybe you ought to visit New York City, I hear it’s  a threat haven for death threats, right now for Alvin Bragg, All thanks to the Trumpism that you bow to. You’d fit right in, in that arena. 

For that? FU!

DJT was just complaining about cocaine found n the White House.

Jess McIntosh;

Learn about ketogenics. It is your cure.

Read: It’s  Time for a Cure.

Read the entire series of 17 books. Written in 5 years, after I went keto. 

I’m dead serious. It has your answers to all of your concerns. I’ve never been healthier. My doctors keep telling me, “keep doing what you’re doing.”, so I keep to my keto diet of health since it works so good.

I have yet to need any medicine, since I’ve been on this diet. It’s that good! That is because of what the glyphosated grains to your body and brain. (They eat it up. And that is a scientific fact.)

The “Deep State:” that you refer to, was a Deep State of corruption  during your administration. Is that what’s  confusing you?

It sure as hell ain’t during Biden’s admin…only yours. You turned it corrupt, so you could declare its corruption…just like Putin.

It is truly amazing how many people still think, that an open border dangerous. If we had offices set up at the border to process immigrants, we wouldn’t have this problem. DUH!

By the way, Who did let the dogs out when they shut down legislation for the border, Donald? Was that not you?


Don’t you know yet, that your word  is meaningless threats. Nobody cares to hear your voice, so, SHUT THE FUCK, UP! We already know how much of a prick, you are.

Go home, stay there, and never come out again or show your face or talk. Your face turns my stomach every time I see it…so, I shoot the image…but it keeps returning like a bad dream.


Every time you open your mouth, you prove you are the epitome of evil.



Nobody likes assholes! And, you are the perfect asshole…full of shit!

Are you really threatening nuclear war? I would like nothing better than to see Moscow wiped off of the map. How fucking stupid can any child be?

NATO would love the very same. How many nukes do you have to waste. Do you have more than the 15 nations that’d be fighting against you? Are you really willing to put your military industrial complex against that of the free world? 

All I can say, is DUH! If there is an iota of genius in you, you hide it well, as I sure as hell can’t tell. Geniuses don’t shoot themselves in the foot, then complain, “it was someone else’s fault”. Especially when the entire world witnessed the shooting…how fucking stupid.

Thanks for the warning Putin. Why are you itchin’ to have your whole country obliterated? You really aren’t too bright, are you!