Tag Archives: cured epilepsy







If you get your news from the Kremlinited Fox Pox,


Only Fox News has been knighted by the Kremlin to report its propaganda in America. They have been dubbed to be “the insurgent media” outlet to be followed and quoted, as they have proven themselves to be the most dishonest media outlet ever to broadcast news in America. Why else would insurgents listen to and heed their illicit word of propagandized bullshit?





Are you a slave to your addiction? I used to be until I went Keto. But then, I got a lot of headaches, then, too. I don’t, now.  I was on a lot of prescription medication, then, too. (None of which I take, anymore…but then, I don’t get mosquito bites anymore, either, as both are gifts of a keto diet, the diet that cured epilepsy.)

Jesse, is it possible for you to ever speak truthfully? Why is your reporting so seditious. WTF do you really get your funding from? Does it come from Moscow, too? How much of a slave are you, Jesse, to your addiction? From your exclamations, I’d say, you’re more addicted than 90% of US.

HTF did you ever get a job broadcasting bullshit? Why is it that the only thing that comes out of your mouth is bullshit? Is that the only thing you know? I think it is. 

Oh, I forgot, you broadcast your lies on the network of lies, Fox. The network nobody can trust. How easily I forget. Thank God, I only hear what you say when it’s reported on other networks. I can’t watch your network of lies and disinformation, not to mention all of the misinformation that you continuously dispel.

As far as I’m concerned you broadcast bullshit and nothing more. Can you not ever speak an iota of fact?  WTF? Do you know how to discern fact from fiction, or are you just that easily duped? 

Where are you from? Where do they breed insurgency such as yours? What did you eat for breakfast? What news were you watching when you ate that shit? What shit for news did you feed your mind?

This post can explain why all terrorism exists, today, if you pay close attention. It’s a little off my usual fare of TrumPutin criticism and the damage they’re leading US into.

But, they are definitely linked as they are two of the most addicted individuals in the world. Do you listen to bullies who have to get their sleep in court? 

(Why does court bore DJT? Rehashing old crimes for him can be very monotonizing. He’s got so many crimes that he commits on a daily basis. His life is nothing but crime and court is making him recall all it.)

Do you heed the greed of corrupt corporate profits over the well being of the totality of Humanity on Earth? What is it that influences you? Who you heed is, more often than not, as important as what you heed, for who you heed is who you are a slave to.

What did you have for breakfast? Was it grain based? Are you displaying the symptoms of addiction?  If you do and are, you are addicted, which means that eating the same food as that of the slaves of Egypt who’re still eating the same thing today. To share their faith, it was and is mandatory that they share their diet. 

Where do you buy your groceries? What advertising do you follow to tell you what to eat? Who buys your meal ticket with their advertising? What medications are prescribed for you? When was your last headache? What did you take for it? Was it what  I used to take for mine, opioids?

Got pain anywhere? Are you hungry? What do you worry about? Is it where you’re going to get your next meal or what you’re going to eat? What occupies your mind, most of the time? Is it what eats at DJT’s mind? I think know why DJT’s addiction is so bad. It’s his love of Big Macs and fries….both dishes of extreme glyphosate poisoning.

Truth Derangement Syndrome by Alex Preiss | ArtWanted.com

It’s the most logical reason for his treason. It’s due to his own addiction. Where does he get most of his groceries? Isn’t it McDonald’s? You cannot find more glyphosated food, anywhere, indicating the amount of ‘Grain Brain’ that he’s afflicted with.

Glyphosate drives our addiction to grains. The proof is in the science of how it works. Roundup is an enzyme killer. That’s how it kills weeds. You’re eating it if you eat anything sweet, which includes bread.

This just proves the level of DJT’s addiction due to his love of the criminality he generates. How many crimes did he commit while in Office? I actually lost count halfway through his administration of crime.

It turns out that he committed far more crimes than I ever thought he did. Now, with his Covid brain, only true criminals themselves can love a guy who loves to “FIRE PEOPLE”. 

Those who adore this man and the criminality he breeds, are lovers of criminals, themselves. Chances are, they themselves are criminal, in nature. Is that why he chose the Republican party to criminalize?

He was a Democrat 40 years ago, wasn’t he? That ushers the question, does that make all Republicans more susceptible to criminality than Democrats? Does that also make them more likely to fall under foreign influences? Kind of like DJT?

This post deals with an addiction that you may hold dear and may be holding you even closer, by influencing your life. If it does, pay close attention to it.

What influences you? What influences your mind more than anything else? Is it the opinions of others who have no interest in you? Or is it the interest of your friends and family with the traditions that have been brought down through the ages by your family.

Do you cater to idiosyncrasies of dimwits who think they’re supreme over others? Do you listen to those who appear amusing but have no interest in your well being because they care only about themselves, and nobody else as they’re not willing to share anything but their woes and evil ways.

Do you cater to the idiosyncrasies of corporate chemical who clearly has their own interests in mind. If bread or carbs are in your diet, you are. Are you a DJT follower?

You are, then, one of those dimwits! Congratulations on your stupidity and how you wish to express it. Do you love or hate America?

Driving your hunger and fears only proves that corporate America is nothing more than a projection of our collective addiction as a species to that which creates this behavior. It goes along with what feeds our hunger and fears.

These are all signs of an addiction to the need to feed a greed that has lived with us for over 20,000 years. It’s been ramped up by the addition of weedkillers to help it grow more to pollute our bodies more.

This forces our need for the pharmaceuticals to fight the disease they’ve wrought upon US and the world to whom we export our grains.

It’s done through the weedkiller, glyphosate that gets sprayed at the rate of a billion lbs a year on what you eat. Beware of the Glycation Stations in your local supermarkets, when you buy your groceries. 

It’s here, where you’re buying your need for the pharmaceuticals that your doctor will be prescribing to quell you pain and discomfort from the consumption of such glycating foods. It’s this station that adheres us to our collective addiction.

When you cater to corporate chemical, you’re feeding the oldest addiction in the world. I didn’t know this until I gave them up (which was completely by chance). But, that was how I learned  just how bad for our species they are.

Incidentally, Dr William Davis did the same exact thing as I, to learn the truth. Read Wheat Belly, to learn what he learned. My books are based on Dr Perlmutter’s research on brain loss from our diet of grains that he expressed in Grain Brain.

Twelve years of research has taught me just how dangerous this food is. That is why I went Keto 14 years ago and have never regretted it.

Carbs make the one who eats them, hungry. That means,  they carry an addiction with them. When you eat that which makes you hungry, you’re feeding your addiction. That means that they also manifest your pain.

I can remember my dad telling me, one day a long time ago that bread makes you hungry. He realized it after eating every day at a restaurant where they served rolls with the menu.

Although, he never  equated the hunger and pain with the addiction. But the two go hand-in-hand. When you buy your satiation to carbs, you’re feeding an age-old addiction that has followed our species for probably 40,000 years.

Long before we learned how to cultivate and grow them, we stored them for future  use. When we combined the two of these manifestations, our addiction took off like a bat out of hell.

Now, it’s used against us, to feed it further. They (Corporate Chemical) do this to stimulate your appetite. It’s a known fact that bread makes you hungry when you eat it. It was over 50 years ago when he told me that. I only wish that he could have equated the two of these facts. (This is the “catch-22” that we  live with today.)

He’d still be alive, today, if he had. Atherosclerosis could not have taken him. Cancer would not have taken my mother, or my aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, either, for they would have eaten otherwise, had they known.









The only thing that’s changed since then, is that it’s more addictive now, than it’s ever been. You can thank glyphosate for that. If you’ve ever heard of Roundup, you should know what glyphosate is, as they’re one in the same.

Glyphosate is an enzyme inhibitor, meaning it keeps enzymes from doing what they supposed to be doing, in your body. And that is regulating the processes your body goes through to function.

When you think about that for a short while you soon realize that if you’re eating this food, you’re not in control of yourself, at all.

You’re leaving that control up to someone else, Corporate Chemical. You are  allowing a chemical corporation control your body by controlling what you put in it.

When you do that, you’re sacrificing your health to the extent of your life, just to enjoy your ADDICTION.

(Sorry, that  last word got capitalized. The caps lock is right beside the aA THAT I always hit together. That has to be the definition of a Freudian slip.)

Addiction is simply an expression of our diet of addiction that we’ve suffered with for over 20,000 years. It’s species wide as we’re all born into the addiction.

We all pick it up in the womb as fetuses and then pass it on to those we rear. None of us have a choice in this addiction.

It’s simply and addiction that we have to fight to rid our species from it. Failure to do so, could lead to an end of us as a species.

Who do you heed? Do you follow the influence of those who wish to enslave you? What did you have for breakfast? Did you feed your addiction like I used to for 55 years? Do you believe BullShit that suits you? Or, can you handle the truth?

Case in point:


Little to MAGAmites know that Trump’s grandfather Frederich Drumph came to America in 1872 dodging Bavaria’s obligatory military service, as the Austro-Hungarian war was happening then.

It was then that he changed his name to trump. Hey, Trumpublicans, Do you truly trust the man who’s working as hard as he can to send mankind back into the stone age. What shit are you eating? He actively pursues chaos to destroy our Democracy. He does it at the behest of Vladimir Putin, his BFF.

And that is why bullshit breeds its filth in the deepest decrepit sinkhole in southernmost part of America! It has to be the septic system of America. Isn’t that where gators grow? I hear, there are plenty of crocs to go around,now, too. They call it miralago.

No matter what you call them, they’re man-eaters! These have to be the gators and crocs that eat Democracy for breakfast. They’re all Republican devourers of decency as well of democracy. Not one of them should be listened to. Our evolution depends  on it.

In my view, conservatism is de-evolutiary. Conservatism seeks to maintain the status quo and nothing more. Evolution demands that we evolve into new beings and my vision of our newer selves is not the one they carry.

Where they seek to refrain freedom and rights, I see the need to enhance the abilities people have, to gain new freedoms and rights, that we deserve in the first place.

Ours is not to control, but to buffer the control. That means to control the control we offer. Why is it, the Alt-Right seeks something else?

They seek full control of what you need to think. Isn’t that going back to slavery? Who do they seek to enslave? MAGA mites? Hmm…

Is this a corporate chemical ruse? So they can push their glyphosated goods, to influence US more? Hmm…Isn’t it Corporate Chemical that’s trying to poison with their food, to make us use they chemically laden drugs? The Glucose Ruse will tell you the truth about Corporate Chemical, and how they’re poisoning you.

Corporate Chemical goal: Ensure your need for the drugs they manufacturer and sell.

How they do it: chemically laden grains that magnify the addictive factor of the grains. They make you hungry. Anything that drives your hunger, drives  your pain.

Who do you heed? Do you heed maniacal barkers that bark at everything? Like DJT? You are Putin’s best friend. How’s it feel to have Putin as a BFF? Would you like to buy some beachfront property in the middle of a cornfield? Do you have a Fox Poxed brain? Where do you get your diet of news? Is it factual or is it propagandized? 

Do you keep it on the same station as your football game or professional wrestling? They are Fox’s greatest draws. It’s what hooked my Dad to their news, when he was alive. It forever changed his values. And he was as conservative as they come.



WIC is doing their best to now kill their recipients by reducing milk to replace with more death-dealing grains. Their decision to reduce the only true nutrition they offer in milk, in replacement of a true death-dealing food, which is the sole and only cause of diabetes is a decision of addiction. WTF are  you thinking WIC of Arizona? Or, are you thinking, at all? Who are you working for? Corporate Chemical?

Why is Arizona doing this? Because they are STUPID BEYOND REASON! This decision will definitely increase their cost of medication that they’ll be buying for these people in the future, guaranteed!


Just how addicted are Arizonans to want to move back into the stone age? That is simply the purest indication of any addiction.

(We’ve got in in spades,in Arizona. How many tacos and tortillas do we eat in Arizona? How many Cervezas are consumed every day?) 

These malcontents are worthy of only excommunication from  government. Did you get this recommendation from Corporate Chemical to influence your need for their pharmaceuticals and drugs?

How much did they pay you to do this? To lead Arizonans into lives of dependence. Didn’t they make a death sentence for killing people? Why then are you doing your best to KILL Arizonans? You deserve death, yourself.

Grains lead only to drug dependence. The proof is in all of my books, including   “It’s Time for a Cure”, (the whole series) The Glucose Ruse”, The Science of God or Why We FightIf you read any of these books and heed my message, you’ll end your need for drugs and pharmaceuticals. You won’t have to be a slave to Corporate Chemical anymore.

It just occurred to me that we have a choice;

  1. Government control of everything we eat, drink, trade, and consume.
  2. Corporate control over everything we eat, drink, consume, use, or trade, which only influences everything we say and do or don’t do.

Who do you heed? What do you prefer, Corporate control where everything is done for profit or Government control where you have control of who regulates US.

If you are still following your addiction, (which 90% of US are doing) and eating grains, you are contributing to the problem. How much glyphosate (Roundup) did you consume today? What are your odds of getting cancer?

Did you have some toast for breakfast, like my Dad used to have? It’s worse when you spread peanut butter on it like my Dad used to. He taught me the same behavior by doing that everyday. 

He died 3 years ago from atherosclerosis. My mother died 8 years ago from cancer. As she was the oldest of her siblings, she spent a lot of time cooking for them.

Due to that fact, I’ve lost 3 uncles to heart disease and heart attacks, as well as 2 aunts, two cousins, a nephew and niece to cancer. Each of her siblings cooked as my mother did, giving them the same diseases that we had to deal with.

When I have a choice between that which protects me and that which eats off of mne, I’ll choose, protection, which is what the Government offers me.

Who do you trust?

MGT doesn’t trust the people who feed  her. And, she tells US not to either. Isn’t it a treasonous statement for a House Representative to utter such nonsense, especially on the floor of the House, speaking to her constituents?

Doesn’t that mean that Marjorie Traitor Greene is a traitor, who follows traitors?  IT SURE AS HELL OES TO ME! Who caters to communists more than Marwhorie Traitor Greene? Doesn’t she love wearing RED? Who else wears red other than  communists and whores?

Hey MGT’s constituents, are all of you traitors, too, or just the one who voted for treason by voting for MGT? Or are y’all just whores?

Hey FOX? Will you ever report anything but the whore feed of Russian propaganda? It’s they who are feeding the whores of Putin here in America. They just happen to be all MAGA.


Why are you so determined to work for foreigners trying to destroy our Democracy? WTF is wrong with you? Why are you determined to be so treasonous yourselves? Don’t ever break down in my part of the country. You’ll get no water in this desert. Who pays your bills? Is it Vladimir V Putin? You cannot prove to me that it isn’t when everything that comes out of your mouth proves that it is!

WTF DO YOU BROADCAST SO MUCH RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA when all it does is dismantle Democracy? Where did you go to school? Who did you pay for your grades in school?

Is that your goal, FOX POX? Just how evil does that make everyone in your organization? Purely evil, or just ignorantly evil? How evil does that your viewers?

You take the cake for both. That is why I hold you in the absolute lowest of esteem. YOU HAVE NO HONOR, WORTH ANYTHING!

But, at least, the bulk of your viewers, I believe, choose the latter. They’re all just electively ignorant in their display of evil, due to the subliminal programming they all get from the Fox Pox that they get their diet of news from.

Just ask Keri. She’s very familiar it, as she used to broadcast news for Fox. She is so embroiled in their corruption, she has to be paid by Putin. Nothing else can explain her level of insanity.

That limits their choices of who to trust and allows the Kremlin to spread its influence within its ranks. Who else distrusts the Government? Hmm…

Does MTG come to mind? Who the f*ck is backing her? She is as treasonous as they come. I wonder what she eats for breakfast. Polluted pancakes of sedition?

Talk about a grain brain, she has to be the original GRAIN BRAIN! I’m sure you can see right through the holes in her brain.


Polls are meaningless. They are simply a snapshot of feelings taken at any time. All polls can influence their answers by how they ask the questions and in which order they’re asked. 

Polls cannot tell you how people will vote. They’re only an indication of how people feel at the time they’re polled which is easily influenced by the order of the questions asked.

This can lead the answers to the they want to get from the people they question. DUH! How can anybody trust that?

Who do you heed? What did you eat for breakfast? Was it grain-based? Who’s greed do you feed? Do you still read Truth Social? What else are you a slave to?

Do you trust polls? You’re a complete idiot if you do! I pay no attention to polls except to give me a snapshot of how idiots feel at the time they’re polled.

No poll is ever conclusive of how people really feel. It only catches them at one particular time, and the order of the questions and how the they’re are asked can influence any poll.

Putting your faith in polls is for media use only, as it tells them who’s paying attention to what, so it’s easier to determine how to market their news…which in turn, is a sign of greed, which is a sign of addiction, again.

So who’s immune to the effects of our slave diet? What did you have for breakfast? What did you snack on before you went to bed? Why are you still snacking? Isn’t that an addictive behavior?

That is why I see as the causative effect of our society is the result of our slavery to their diet, as given to them by their owners in Egypt 10,000 years ago.

Theirdiet was basically bread and beer. Foods and drink that controls people through the those who control the supply of such.

(To keep slaves, you have to feed them…so you control their food to control them.) Who’s controlling you through their influence? Who do you heed? Who are you a slave to?

How much Russian propaganda do you get from them? How much are you paying that for that disinformation? Or rather, how much are they stealing from you for it? Do you really like being stolen from? Ya wanna gimme your bank accounts?

Donald, it’s been an experience having you as our President, but I never thought anyone could get a majority of our voters, as you did, completely duped about your true nature, but we as a country, can’t take it anymore….