Tag Archives: criminals




Ya know, they ought to just drop “vention from con, for their gettogether…to rename their party as the Republican National Con.

(Never Forget; DJT did survive an attack of Covid 19. Doesn’t that leave most of its survivors with Covid-brain problems?

DJT damn near died from his contraction of the virus. Can you imagine what it would have done to his brain?) Talk about cons…that tops them all.

Evidenced by how many motorhomes Putin has bought Clarence Thomas, to give to him through his favorite feedbag, Harlan Crowe? For how many years has he gotten a new one?

We all know how many miles he likes to rack up them. And, they ain’t cheap on gas, either. They just leave no trace of where you’ve travelled, like hotel reservations do.

Why has this Monsanto lobbyist not been impeached yet? How many laws is he allowed to break? As many as Donald? And with no consequences? WTF?

What about his grift-master-wife, Ginnie? Why wasn’t she stifled in her resurrection campaign? How much has Putin given to her? We all know how she sucks up to money.

(Why else would she go after Clarence’s dick after his appointment some 35-some odd years ago?) Does anyone remember his attack on Anita Hill before his placement? Or, is she the only one that remembers it?

How or why did he ever got placed, if it wasn’t a corporate decision by HW Bush, is beyond anything I can fathom. I call it handed-down corruption. Or, corruption by default of family.



(it committed in

pursuit of official business),

put in place by the world’s

greatest con man!

This is the product of a crime-boss President. Who else could ensure such criminality inside our halls of Justice? Where will it end? Need we ask Putin? He’s the only man who could surpass the criminality of DJT.

Who placed these criminals on the bench? Wasn’t it DJT under Putin’s instruction? He’s the only one smart enough for this kind of stunt.

Now, were stuck with a crooked court run by our fiercest adversary. Well done, Mitch. May you rot in hell, forever, for this stunt. You deserve nothing better.

This is Mitch’s treason. Thank Kentucky’s Republican voters for this taste of treason. Y’all deserve a spot in the Ohio River bed for that act of treason.


How much did it cost Putin for your treason? Who is smiling more than Putin, right now? All this means is more American deaths…something the NRA is smiling about, too, as it means more gun sales for them.

Doesn’t this ruling make it easier for more gun deaths? (after pondering this one for a while, you’ll see I’m right.) You’ll see it after the increase in mass murders.

It’ll just take a short time for that to start happening again, since Court just sanctioned crime.

What I want to know is, who the fuck voted for this shit? I sure as hell didn’t. I tried to warn everybody of this shit going to happen, 9 years ago with BEWARE OF TRUMPOCRACY.

Did anyone pay attention? How many are finally, starting to? How many indictments has he accumulated? How many offenses has he already been found guilty of?

What does this make of his duped party of criminals? Rather, it’s an owned party, operated by Vladimir Putin.

Behind all this, is a curtain in Moscow, where, lies the true leader of this insurrection, as DJT isn’t smart enough to orchestrate this debacle. 

This is something that requires a certain amount of intelligence, which DJT’s owner/operator has some of…even to the point, that some consider him a genius. 

If he is a genius, it’s pane-glass clear that he’s a criminal genius. Nothing more.

He’s the fucker who controls our House and half of the Senate.

Now, he controls 2/3rds of the Supreme Court. How happy do you think he is? I think, I knowhow DJT thinks. He gets away with his crimes.


How much more power do you  want to give him? He’ll take whatever you give him. Isn’t that already evident?

Putin now owns this court…and who has more money than he, to throw around his persuasion?

It’s obvious he owns Prager University. Not even they can recognize facts. They rather feed on propaganda and conspiracy. 

WTF pays their bills? Putin? WTF else?

It’s going to take some serious purging to get this level of corruption out of our Government. Again, the result of stone-cold corruption. It resides deep within our Republican Congress.

They incite it because they need it to feed their greed. Is not greed at the base of all crime? Why else do crime bosses have it in spades? 

And use fear to foster it for their own nefarious purposes?

How else could DJT con so many people? He used their greed against them…and now he uses that to attack America.

The question to ask yourself is, who conned Donald to con you? Is that the con that got you?


Two down. Four to go! Now, we just have to make certain that the senate impeaches criminality on the Court.

But, you know that no Republican will vote to impeach any of these criminals, as they all enjoy their criminality…it’s a DJT thing…Putin imposed.

Now, you just have to initiate impeachments for the liars who had to lie to get their placements. How many of those are there?

George Stephanoplis; how would you respond to the bevy of lies that came out of the mouth of his opponent? DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t you know a showman when you see one? DJT is nothing but a showman/con man. You really need to learn that before you accuse anyone of being “off”.

I was in total awe from the flood of disinformation that flowed out of his mouth like a broken dam. Something did break. It was DJT’s sanity. Well, he does have with Covid brain. We all know that.

These idiots would rather put their trust in a fat man instead of a thin man. Who is healthier? A man who answers to his belly? Or, a man who answers to his constituents?

To all Democrats who  doubt this President; Get Real! Wake up! Biden will go down in history as the next thing best, to FDR. We need to support his agenda for America. He’s got more experience than anyone in the race. 

Donald is only good at one thing; FUCKING THINGS UP! And, he does it every time he gets his hands on something. Look at what he did to our Government…by handing it over to Putin.

Experience counts for 95% of all success. Anyone who doesn’t know that, needs to learn it. How many times have you failed at anything? It was always the first few times you tried, wasn’t it?

Biden has the experience that DJT has always lacked. The proof is in the Way our economy has rebounded from DJT’s Covid lockdown.

Covid damn near killed DJT, where as it only gave Biden the sniffles. You tell me who is healthier. Covid eats up the visceral fat in a body. That is why it almost killed DJT. He’s the one with “Wheat Belly”, obviously, not Biden.

It takes time to clean up all the fuckups done by the bankrupter of over 20 companies. And yet, Republicans still want to trust him.

Why? I don’t know the fuck, why! They’re paid by Putin to laud him and give him immunity from prosecution. Who else donates to his campaign, or their campaigns? Who bought Clarence his motorhome?

Just look at Donald’s first attempt at being President. Look at the disaster that DJT’s four years of surrender to Putin, brought US, that Biden’s already brought US out of.

Who almost died of Covid? And still has Covid Brain, because of it? Who let Covid in America by ignoring it? How many illegal Justices are on the Bench, due to his placements of criminality?

Any MAGAmite who still supports the criminality of Donald J Trump, is themself, a criminal wannabe. I wonder how many of them have Covid Brains?