Abide by these simple rules to protect yourself and your family. But to best protect yourself and everyone in your family. your’s and their diet is your best protection. Once you realize what the virus seeks and lives on itself, it’s easy to understand, All viruses seek simple sugars for sustenance, They know where to find them and where they come from, inside the body.
Everything in this document abides
by the law of subsistence and sustenance;
We all know how important it is by now, to wear a mask while in public when social distancing isn’t possible. This document offer protection of a deeper kind that’s harder to penetrate. It concerns where the virus likes to take up residence in your body and what it seeks for its own sustenance. I’m convinced that this virus seeks visceral fat inside the body to reside in because that’s the fat that comes from glucose, fructose, sucrose, or, sugar and carbohydrates. That is its food. Viruses consume sugar.
All living organisms need food to subsist on and they all seek that substance that they live on. The easiest source with which that organism can ingest that substance, they will invariably seek out and use for its survival. This report also assumes that you’re already protecting yourself by washing your hands often and not touching your face with dirty hands and isolating yourself if you are infected.
Viruses and some bacteria subsist on sugar, making glucose, sucrose, and fructose their primary food source. If one cuts off their sources of food, the virus or bacteria cannot survive, and if one were to keep this fact in mind, whenever they eat, they’ll abstain from ingesting that which the viruses and bacteria to survive on. If a virus or bacteria, is looking for glucose, sucrose or fructose and your body has a supply of it already made for it, the virus will come into your body to consume as much as it can, as long as you’re alive and providing it with its diet. The studies, shown on this page, virtually, prove this concept that the more sugar you eat, the more you compromise your immune system.
From Wikipedia;
“Decreases in neutrophil function have been linked to hyperglycemia. Dysfunction in the neutrophil biochemical pathway myeloperoxidase as well as reduced degranulation are associated with hyperglycemia.”
Here’s the secret I know; when you eat carbohydrates of any source, it can be smelled on your breath. That is what attracts mosquitoes and bed bugs. The reason I can surmise this is because I haven’t got a mosquito bite in 6 years. The last time I got one was when a carb was snuck into my food at a restaurant, teaching me of the dangers of all restaurant food. If your breath can attract mosquitoes and bed bugs, why wouldn’t it attract viral infections?
What this says is that if the virus can smell a source of its sustenance. it will seek that source if it can. If it physically can’t, it knows that the source that it has come into contact with will suffice for its survival.
That’s what dangers your survival. A virus infects your cells by consuming the loose glucose, fructose inside your cell before it gets burned for your fuel. This is what makes this virus so lethal. I surmise that it even consumes the residue of what’s been burned in your cells for fuel which actually, is pyruvate, generated from your ATP which comes from your glycolysis.
I don’t live with the glycosidic acid in my breath like you do, because I use ketones to power my body and brain. My brain only needs a little glucose when certain lobes call for that glucose, as they haven’t learned how to operate on ketones, yet. That means that I live with acetone breath similar to those who are caught in a state of ketoacidosis, with one huge exception, our bodies aren’t overloaded with ketones like those in ketoacidosis.
This is because they’ve overloaded their bodies with sugars that are demanding insulin to break down the glucose, but can’t produce enough, so the body automatically produces ketones in an immune response. It’s through this autoimmune response, that ketoacidoses kills. Usually, it happens to alcoholics, through alcoholic ketoacidosis.
That tells me, if I were to decrease all sugars in my blood to clean out the sugars in my cells, I can avoid providing an environment for this virus to survive and thrive. This is precisely why I’ve gone past ketogenic to a CRFP diet of strictly proteins and fats.
Armed with this knowledge, I keep carbs out of my diet, so they can’t interrupt my autoimmune system. My diet for the last eight years has become a CRFP diet, one that is limited to fats and protein, only, for my food. I do not eat any carbohydrate or sugar of any source, as I know that all, creates inflammation, and nothing more.
Does this mean, you’ll be protected from the Covid 19? Can you find any other protection that could offer more, without a vaccine? If you truly want to protect yourself, ketogenics or a CRFP diet may be the best lifestyle for your (CRFP=Calories Restricted to Fats and Proteins.) This diet has kept me perfectly healthy for the last 8 years, running, and I have yet to get sick, since being on this diet. The reports, shown on this page, virtually, prove this concept.
Combine this with the fact that your blood has the ability to rid itself of viruses and unwanted bacteria, with the neutrophils in your white blood cells. They automatically eradicate any virus or bacteria you can’t use, through their
autoimmune function.
From; “Sugar; The Real Danger” on ABC;4 Bacteria and viruses thrive on sugar. It’s their only source of energy. So consuming sweet snacks when you’re sick can often make you feel worse. Aug 23, 2006
As explained in Wikipedia;
Neutrophils (also known as neutrocytes) are the most abundant type of granulocytes and the most abundant (60% to 70%)[citation needed] type of white blood cells in most mammals. They form an essential part of the innate immune system. Their functions vary in different animals.[1]
They are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow and differentiated into subpopulations of neutrophil-killers and neutrophil-cagers. They are
short-lived and highly motile, or mobile, as they can enter parts of tissue where other cells/molecules cannot. Neutrophils may be subdivided into segmented neutrophils and banded neutrophils (or bands). They form part of the polymorphonuclear cell family (PMNs) together with basophils and eosinophils.[2][3][4]
Neutrophils undergo a process called chemotaxis via amoeboid movement, which allows them to migrate toward sites of infection or inflammation. Cell surface receptors allow neutrophils to detect chemical gradients of molecules such as interleukin-8 (IL-8), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), C3a, C5a, and Leukotriene B4, which these cells use to direct the path of their migration.
Neutrophils have a variety of specific receptors, including ones that complement, cytokines like interleukins and IFN-γ, chemokines, lectins, and other proteins. They also express receptors to detect and adhere to endothelium and Fc receptors for opsonin.[21]
Being highly motile, neutrophils quickly congregate at a focus of infection, attracted by cytokines expressed by activated endothelium, mast cells, and macrophages. Neutrophils express[23] and release cytokines, which in turn amplify inflammatory reactions by several other cell types.
In addition to recruiting and activating other cells of the immune system,
neutrophils play a key role in the front-line defense against invading
pathogens. Neutrophils have three methods for directly attacking
micro-organisms: phagocytosis (ingestion), degranulation (release of soluble anti-microbials), and generation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).[24]
Anti-microbial function[edit]
Being highly motile, neutrophils quickly congregate at a focus of infection, attracted by cytokines expressed by activated endothelium, mast cells, and macrophages. Neutrophils express[23] and release cytokines, which in turn amplify inflammatory reactions by several other cell types.
Neutrophils have a preference to engulf refined carbohydrates[15][16][17] (from ingested glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey, and orange juice[15]) over bacteria.[15]
In 1973 Sanchez et al. found that the neutrophil phagocytic capacity to engulf bacteria is affected when simple sugars are digested,[15] and that fasting strengthens the neutrophils’ phagocytic capacity to engulf bacteria.[15]
However, the digestion of normal starches has no effect. It was concluded that the function, and not the number, of phagocytes in engulfing bacteria was altered by the ingestion of sugars.[15] In 2007 researchers at the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research found that given a selection of sugars, neutrophils engulf some types of sugar preferentially. [16][17]
Armed, even more, with the facts above about neutrophils, our autoimmune system, our evolutionary ability to fight off virtually any virus and unwanted bacteria, I’ve learned the difference between glycose and glucose. says that glycose is simply an older term for glucose or any various type of monosaccharides.
I differentiate glycose from glucose as my body makes the glycose my brain needs. I’ve learned that glucose dirties up the mind as well as the body, so I quit using glucose for my brain. My body has always been able to use ketones for its energy, but my brain needs glycose.
Everyone’s brain needs glycose but it’s more than willing to accept glucose from outside sources, which we so happily get from our addiction to all carbohydrates. Especially the starchy ones and this is why I choose to use my own glycose that I’ve manufactured myself with my gluconeogenesis, (which actually should be called glyconeogenesis. It’s more fitting of the substance that it generates, glycose), which I personally, differentiate from glucose that comes from sugar sources.
This is the reason why; my glycose has nothing sticky in it that wasn’t made by my body, whereas the sugar glucose is sticky, icky gooey substance that gums up everything it fuels. That ensures that glucose makes a dirty fuel for your cells to burn.
This is your foundation of all disorders and disease, so I stay away from it and let my body generate its own glycose when my brain needs it. I can feel the hunger pangs when it does. That usually when I’m writing or studying. (Using my brain the most.) That’s also when I know that I’m getting the most anti-oxidants and BDNF to amp up my brainpower.
Due to that discovery, I’ve chosen to limit my diet to that of our paleo ancestors, which was virtually a carb-free diet, which we were Neanderthals, which we all have in our DNA. Since my diet became CRFP i’ve never felt better, never got sick, and have lost 85% of my chronic severe pain that kept me on opioids for 17 tears.
Since living without the influence of glucose in my body or brain, I’ve been able to virtually heal myself from all of my previous ailments and disorders to the point
I’ve chosen to limit my diet to that of our paleo ancestors, which was virtually a carb-free diet, which we were Neanderthals, which we all have in our DNA. Since my diet became CRFP i’ve never felt better, never got
sick, and have lost 85% of my chronic severe pain that kept me on opioids for 17 tears.
I am a living testament to this diet. I’ve added a minimum of 20 years to my life. I highly encourage you to read the entire article on neutrophils to learn about your basophils and eosinophils, as they’re all a part of your immune system.
I’d also stay from any Trump rally. Some of his staff have already been infected, due to his ignorance of this virus. Don’t let his ignorance first attitude, be your death, This man is America’s death walking.
If however, this virus does get you, your best way in which to fight it is to fast, for as long as you can, or until the virus is gone. When you start eating again, stick to a diet free of the carbohydrate pollution. Without a vaccine, this may be the only way to fight this virus. How many viruses did our paleo ancestors have? Did they live on the strict carb diet that our society has learned to celebrate, that we live on?
My assertion is that anything that breaks down to a sugar in any form, whether it be glucose, sucrose, or fructose, it all poisons the body so slowly it’s never noticed. The only way it is noticed is through our celebration of its effects. How many present-day-homo sapiens love their bread and beer? Or their pasta and wine?
One only needs to examine how these civilizations grew and warred with other civilizations of their time. Why didn’t this happen to the Aboriginal civilization that lasted for 50,000 years in Australia? They didn’t grow the grains on their continent, until the 18th century.
That was when western civilization showed up on the island continent, to start devastating that land. It happens wherever this crop has grown. It’s always happened where this crop was grown. That is due to the amylopectin and the amylose that makes this grass so good to eat. It also deranged our miRNA pathways to dictate to our DNA how to respond to its neuronal signal.
What does this all point to? Homo Sapiens are not supposed to live on these easy to eat and easy to corrupt, foods. We spent 200,000 years evolving off of these foods. To force our bodies to accept them again is to shorten our life spans, again. To avoid these foods is to extend our life spans even more.
The only reason we cannot do it is because of the addictive nature of the food that Monsanto, now, Bayer has ramped up exponentially of the last 40 years. This only means that each and everyone must fight their addiction if our species is to evolve off of this dying planet.
It’s taken me 6 of my 8 years of abstinence to reach the point, I’m at, right now. It took about 3 years to stop getting mosquito bites, so this process takes time. However, that only means, the sooner one starts abstaining from the sugars in their diet, the sooner they’ll start reaping the benefits, from that abstinence.
Yet, because there is no evidence of sugars in my body that can be smelled on my breath, no virus or insect knows that I am an environment they can live in or eat off of. That keeps me protected from all virus transmitted viruses, whether they be, transmitted through the air, by insect, or by body fluids. That has me convinced that those, left behind, after this pandemic, will be those who can abstain from their grains.
Although I don’t write about Coronavirus, specifically, in any of my books, all my books talk about is the corruption, sugars introduce into the body. Even though the sugar cannot invite the virus into the body, it tells the virus your body is a welcoming environment for it. That is precisely why it is so important to stay away from anything that breaks down into fructose (all fruits), glucose, all (carbs), and sucrose (simple sugars used for sweeteners, such as cane sugar and corn syrup.)
My name is Roy W Knight Jr and My books start with It’s Time for a Cure. I’m easily searched for on and Google, as I’ve published 38 books since I quit my carb intake, 7 years ago. My last book, The Science of God or Why We Fight was published last year. After I learned about how these food re-arrange your acetylcholinesterase to dysregulate everything in your body. I had to report that bit of information, due to the magnitude of its importance.
It’s through this dysregulation of your hormonal balance that all modern diseases thrive, It’s precisely why I wrote my books, in an attempt to save my mother from the ravages of this grain. She passed 1 month after my first book was published. After she died, I altered the name of the book and continued to write more, and more, and more.
Most all victims of this COVID19 have some kind of underlying health problem, which all come from sugar consumption in any form (usually breads and beers), or are over-weight, which again, comes from sugar consumption, or are diabetic, which again comes from sugar consumption. That tells me, this virus fights its victims for the glucose in the body, robbing the body of the nutrients it needs to live, thus killing its host.
This can’t happen in a bloody that runs on ketones. Those who do not eat carbohydrates don’t have the glucose in their bodies to attract the virus, let alone, feed it to oblige is existence in the body. This is precisely why I haven’t gotten a virus since I gave up eating the carbs. When you add up the information above from Wikipedia and consider the definition found in, it’s clear that a diet laden with any kind of sugar will ultimately be susceptible to all viruses, bacteria, disease, and disorders, simply from how it inhibits your neutrophils from working properly.
This doesn’t even take into consideration, what this sugar does to your acetylcholinesterase, either. That’s a whole other story, of what it does to your operating system for your cells.
When you hear Joseph Allen say, that it doesn’t make any difference if testing is accurate, he’s full of shit. Accuracy in testing is the only thing that will clean up this virus. If your testing is not accurate, it’s worthless. you still spread the virus. False tests are more dangerous than no testing. Where did this butthead go to school? Why does he want people, infecting as many others as possible, unknowingly? Who told him accuracy isn’t that important? It’s vital. Otherwise, you’re only kidding yourself about your recovery.
Speedy tests are worthless if they’re not accurate. A false test result will only lead to more cases spread even further. Where is the sense in that? DUH!
Corn syrup is one of the most glyphosated food anyone can ingest. What happens when you put that in a baby who’s had no ability to combat the deleterious effects of the glyphosate, which is an enzyme inhibitor. How important is it for your enzymes to operate properly? How much more important is it for your children?
This is another piece of the Glucose Ruse to take America’s ability to think for itself. This is the demise of our nation if we don’t rectify the defiance that’s in our government halls, as I type this. However, The Science of God or Why We Fight will tell you why we live in our Glucose Ruse.
Cytokines are your body’s immune cell signaling proteins that counteract against viral and bacterial infection. This is your first line of defense against disease and illness. The cytokine storm kicks up when you create inflammation to fight the disease. The cytokines fight the inflammation and are so busy going after what glycates your blood to initiate the activity of your cytokines. These products are AGEs. or Advanced Glycation Endproducts, all created by your excessive consumption of sugar and starch for food. (The consumption doesn’t even have to be excessive, it just has to be, consumed.)