Tag Archives: core of corruption




After seriously considering buying property and land in Texas, I’m forced to say to Texas, now, after hearing their assault on women’s rights as well as voting rights. Texas is no state to invest in. It’s clearly a state to stay away from. It displeases me to say that my #1 choice of places to move has now been changed,

As of now, I’m not buying anything in Texas. Regardless of how good of a deal it is, it’s moot, as it’s tainted property because it’s in a crooked state that seeks only to limit the rights of those who aren’t labeled, Republican.

I live in a state with Republican ideals of “only white men have rights”, as well. I live in the heart of corruption for the Republican party. All of my neighbors voted Andy Biggs as their Representative.

Andy and Paul Gosar fomented the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol. What’s worse, they’ll probably use that fomentation to rile the base that voted for an insurrectionist, to use them to get back into Congress. Fortunately, we have control over that vote, just as we do over the state representatives who are banking on the same conservative politics of restricting voting rights, to make it harder for minorities and disabled to vote.

It’s time we express that liberty to remove these seditionists from our public offices. I will not vote for anyone in Congress who in any way attempts to restrict my ability to vote. I will do everything in my power to ensure that they will be unable to put into effect any of their corrupt schemes.

If you’re searching for the core of corruption in the Republican House, it lies in these two individuals. They are so dirty I can smell their stench in every nook of my neighborhood. Not until we change our corrupt House and Senate, can our state look itself in the heart and feel comfortable.

Even our state House and Senate are as corrupt as they can come. Our own Congress is dead-set on restricting my right to vote. I will definitely vote to oust each and every one of those who voted to restrict my right to vote…and I will jump through every hoop to restrict their ability to restrict my rights.

John Kavanaugh and Rusty Bowers, have tried their best to restrict my vote and thus, earned nothing but my contempt. The only thing they’ve earned is my contempt. I hope, your’s as well.

That is why I’m leaving my home state of Arizona. It’s turned into a state that refuses to see its changing culture and demographics. The duped Republicans in my state are doing their best to restrict everyone’s rights, whether it be to vote or to be human. The above seditionists are on my list of insurrectionists against America by being against a free Arizona. They are both assassination bait, as far as I’m concerned for their expressed hatred of a free Arizona. Neither one deserves a drink of water in a dry desert. They’re deserving only of their fate…brought on, by only, themselves.

I’m not investing in Texas either, as it is just as corrupt, if not more. Texas could be the most corrupt state in the union. It seems that they’d only be happy. stealing more and more of their own constituents’ money. I can guarantee you, they will not get mine.


Nevada and even California are both looking much better, even with all the wildfires in California. Those are far less dangerous than the restrictions being put in place in the longhorn state of corruption. That is the most dangerous threat to democracy, but, it’s too bad they can’t see that. They can only see their own fears of not having their Autocrat in office.

If any of the idiots knew how much they’re giving mad Vlad the bad, they cease their incantations of dissent. It’s these idiots who just built his $200,000,000,000.00 estate palace. He makes that money through the Fox pox and its empire of dissent. Ruppert Murdoch is who pays him the most money. Wendi Deng, Murdoch sees to that, as she is Mad Vlad’s girlfriend.

The state I live in caters to these Russian assets more than any other state. Arizona is doing its absolute best to become the worst state to live in. It’s quickly becoming an unlivable state, only because of a corrupt Republican state Senate and House. Now, it seems that the race is to see who can make their state more unlivable. Texas or Arizona…both 

Liz Harris and James Knox, you’re both on my list of seditionists. How many Arizonans deaths are you responsible for, today alone? Your idiot lost the god damn race. Face it. You can’t do anything about it, except to end democracy as it’s now known. I do wonder how many more laws you plan on breaking in your attempt to reinstall your chosen Russian puppet. How did you get such a severe case of the Fox Pox? Is it because it rhymes with one of your names?

I, for one, will not let you do that. My vote will count but it won’t ever count for anyone of your seditionists, however, I do urge you to not wear a mask, as that could save your worthless life. For me, I’d rather you die, by your own hand. I urge you to come to my door in Mesa with your propaganda direct from the Kremlin and allow me to prove to you how bought you are.

I know exactly where you get your propaganda news from. It’s RSU born. You’d allow me, to prove that, if you weren’t so chickenshit to see the real news from real news sources. (And I’m taLking about reliable nonprofit news sources like NPR and PBS.) But, because you buy your news from a foreign source, you’re paying for mad Vlad’s new pad, all $200,000,000,000.00 of it.

It’s assholes like you, Liz and James, that force me to leave the beloved state I’ve lived more of my life in than any of the other 5 states I’ve lived in or 39 other states I’ve been to.