Tag Archives: constitutionalist

My Take on Our Nation’s Presidency Since our Initial Inauguration 230 Years Ago

Our Presidency started with a man who didn’t nor would belong to a political party, although the orchestrator of his administration was a Federalist, the foundation of our current Republican party. Our second President had the first party affiliation of any President, he was a Federalist. That party only lasted one term. Washington, for all intents and purposes, was a Federalist, if not by choice by necessity. He had a country to build, not a state. He was responsible for 13 colonies that were growing in number. His intentions had to be, on a centralized power, to establish a stable government.

This was the ingenious design of our government, that prohibited this centralized power from growing too strong. They recognized the need for limited power, a need to control what power was granted to any one person or entity like a house of Congress. This is the ingenious ingenuity of our democracy. Our Congress is designed to keep one side or the other from gaining too much of this power. This is why our house has only 2-year terms, and why Senate terms are not run in unison with each state. They were aware of our propensity to concentrate power, on one side or the other.

Our next President, Thomas Jefferson, who was wary of the centralization of power, the Federalists espoused, created the Democratic-Republican party, along with James Madison. This was basically the start of progressive politics in our nation, a unified attempt at unifying our nation against a centralized monopolistic power, often referred to as a monarchy styled power. It was this party that got us through the War of 1812. It was this party that unified our individual colonies into united states to become the one nation Washington had in mind, with an engine built to take over this continent, starting with the Monroe Doctrine and Jackson’s war on Indians to achieve that ambition, whether just or not. (This is my biggest beef with Jackson, he left us with a native American population that should have more rights to this land than any foreign tribe. Including all Europeans.) In my opinion, this left-over attitude from the Monroe Doctrine of Manifest Destiny led to the slaughter of far too many innocent lives and made too many criminals on each.

The Democratic-Republican party held power for seven 4 yr. terms or 28 years terms after which, the party basically split apart during John Quincy Adams administration. Probably due to Adams Federalists tendencies from his father. a group of Jacksonian Democrats would initially start what is known today as the Democratic party which separated from the Democratic-Republican party. It basically grew out of Madison’s, constitutionalist views of democracy, where individuals held more rights than a central power. This would ultimately make Jackson the Father of the Democratic Party, even though he followed Monroe’s Doctrine to declare a virtual war on 70 Native American tribes, forcing them onto reservations so his European neighbors could take their land.  (I guess he didn’t feel that they deserved any rights.)

This made the Democratic party’s first two administrations Jackson’s and Van Buren’s administrations and it lasted for 3 terms. Following this first attempt at democratization, William Harrison became the first of four Whig party Presidents who occupied the office, under the old Republican party’s tenets of the Federalist’s, for a total of 8 years, or two terms, as two Whig Presidents died while in office. Both Harrison and Taylor (who was actually a reluctant candidate) died in office. Harrison died 14 months into his term while Taylor died 31 days into his term. This early attempt at extreme conservatism didn’t seem to work out too well for its proponents.

The Republican party would, however, come back in the 1850s with the new Republican Party and a centralist President that kept our country together during the Civil War. Most consider this man to be our second best President, after Washington, however 1 month into his second term, he was assassinated and his Democratic Vice President took power for the remainder of that term. The Lincoln/Johnson ticket was the last attempt at reuniting the parties in what was called a National Union party. His term in office did not bode well for him or the Democratic party. Much of his state’s rights associates in the south still believed in their right to conduct slavery, which the centralist north opposed vehemently. It was this opposition to the South’s self-though right to slavery, that ultimately saved our union as one nation. Now, we have a self-proclaimed Republican doing everything in his power to completely centralize his power to a monarchy style of government.

After a 1 term stint by a Democratic President, Johnson, our country turned back again to the Republican party. In trying to keep the Union together, as a southern Democrat, he had more opposition from the Republicans who all supported equal rights for the newly freed slaves, assuming that recognition of their rights would earn their votes. I sometimes wonder what’s happened to that kind of thinking in the Trumpublican party. Trump’s Republican party is built on fear of racial minorities, making me wonder how that can possibly jive with Lincoln’s Republican party. But then, he’s not the first Republican to make me wonder about a party that can claim the end to slavery in our democracy as being part of their platform in the past.

It seems that a few of our early Democratic Presidents had a few conflicts in their beliefs, as they followed conservative policies, like the Monroe Doctrine of Manifest  Destiny, taking native American’s lands, in exchange for reservations to wouldn’t allow any movement of their tribes. It seems, 180 years ago, our party had some problems with human rights and recognizing who’s human.  The problem of who’s human, and who isn’t, still exists today. It’s just clouded over today by bigotry and hatred that’s driven by an incessant fear that has the power to destroy, all humanity has worked for.

This fear is still driven by conservative voices, still yet afraid of progress, which bit by bit is eating away at the fabric of our society, by slowly converting all progressive voices by silencing a large majority of them through redistricting is making the progressive movement much harder to follow. This is a practice that’s been going on since we’ve been a nation. The lure of power is too great for corporate America to lose. They must maintain as much control as they can to keep their influence on, what they perceive to be the profitable side, which is usually equal to the conservative side. Now, it’s a practice being exploited by our most dangerous adversaries, Russia and China.

After Johnson’s not quite 4 years at the helm our Republican-controlled Congress took back control of the Presidency with the election of Grant for 8 years. Republicans would retain control of the White House for 26 years until 1885 when Grover Cleveland was elected in. Grover Cleveland was the only two-term President who didn’t serve consecutive terms. His were interrupted by Benjamin Harrison who only served one term.

Republicans regained control of the White House with McKinley and TR, Teddy Roosevelt, who was probably the most progressive Republican to ever hold the Office. He influenced our longest standing President,  his nephew, Theodore Roosevelt who ran on the Democratic ticket. The 20th century was ushered in by the Republican party to be interrupted by the Democratic party when TR ran against his own Republican party in a spin-off Bull-Moose party. This is ultimately what allowed Woodrow Wilson to win the election that took us through WW I. Republicans retained control throughout the roaring twenties whose stock market crash in 1928 led to the Great Depression of the 30’s only to be brought back by another world war 12 years later.

The interim  20 years of prosperity was ushered in and kept in by a Democratic administration until 1952 when Ike came back from WWII to take over the Presidency. Up to this time more progressives have served during wartime than their Republican counterparts, who seem to have taken over that onus, late in the 20th and into the 21st century. They continued their practice of conducting war during the ’60s and the Vietnam War. It was during Lyndon Johnson’s administration when the old “solid south Democratic party” all converted to the Republican party because of Johnson enactment of the Civil Rights Amendment. Another hallmark of Johnson’s tenure is the Medicare that we have today. It wouldn’t exist if Johnson would not have signed that Act that gave us Medicare. They linked it to the Social Security Administration. According to Wikipedia; “President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history.” We now have a President who wants to take away our health care, ever our Medicare, because it was Democratic born and an “entitlement program” for everyone who needed it regardless of, any financial situation of health situation any citizen was in. This was intended to be protection for everybody, regardless of their ability to pay. Why this protection can’t be expanded to cover everyone, is beyond my comprehension.

It took the first criminal President to get us out of that war. He resigned to avoid impeachment after his Vice President, elected into office, with him was indicted and removed from office. This led to the only President we’ve had that was never elected. His name was Gerald Ford, who was Spiro Agnew’s replacement. His 1972 election was the first Presidential election where 18 year-olds were eligible to vote. That was when I voted for Nixon. I was a Republican then because my family was.

The stain this left on the Republican party led to Jimmy Carter’s four years as the last Democratic President from the deep south. He came from Georgia Peanut country, as a farmer. He may have been the first casualty of today’s anti-liberal media or the conservative media which has continuously grown more conservative, over time. His administration came right at the beginning of the Fox News era of politics which has morphed into a media controlled government, due to their influence in the workings of a 4th grade President of the U.S. Due to the memory of an op gone bad and the emergence of another Hollywood personality, by the name of Reagan, the Republican party came back with the help of newly born conservative media of Fox News, It came out to take the country by storm to give Republicans an edge in the White House for another 12 years.

That was until a midwestern/southern Democrat was elected in, by the name of Bill Clinton in 1992. Scandal removed this President from Office to allow the re-emergence of Republican power with the Bush/Cheney Ticket, which in my opinion violated the emoluments clause on behalf of what money the Vice President’s companies made off the war in Iraq. This was a trumped up war used just to increase the profits of Cheney’s companies that ran the war for the government. Again, the Republican party was engaging in questionable behavior, just as it did with Reagan and Nixon. This cemented my independent attitude, driving me even closer to progressive politics that didn’t involve fear in any way.

The next eight years brought us our first black President. Possibly the most educated President, his administration ran into a block wall after his first term that vowed to “not let him accomplish anything”. Have you heard anything like that from this Congress? You may have heard it from the President, but not Congress. This Congress has bowed to this President, yet they’ve got nothing constructive to hang their hats on.

Since the founding of our nation as a Federalist democracy, we’ve strived to break away from the centralist conservative political attitude, to a more constitutionalist people’s right’s democracy but we still seem to keep drifting back to this conservative side of our nature.

I feel a giant swing back to the other side of the spectrum that may end the conservative fear that’s kept us from advancing as far as we possibly can. It may suppress this fear forever by eliminating the conservative side or our politics, as we know them now. Unfortunately, for us, this fear is inbred and “stuck in stone”, to never be removed by logic or reason. This fear is the type of fear that can only be conquered by a greater fear. That greater fear just happens to be Health Care and the ACA and a little clause called “pre-existing conditions”. This is the Achilles heel of the Republican party’s platform. They have nothing to stand on when it comes to health care for everyone. This is especially the case with all the cuts in aid, that have been initiated to make it more expensive. This is really the product of a smart, educated legislature that enacted that ACA. But, because of its enactment, many House members lost their seats after just one term. Barack Obama never recovered from the midterm elections that ensued.

Even though he won his next election, he still had to work with a Republican Congress inhibiting his policies and abilities to enact worthwhile legislation that could keep us advancing. Now, we have a Republican Congress unwilling to get anything done, worthwhile, that benefits everyone, yet, bows to the man who can do little more than create havoc. I’m beyond being amused by this President who thinks he’s got it worse than the last one and still thinks of himself as being a better President than even George Washington. C’mon man! He has to reward himself because no one else will. They’ll only play with him along, due to the fear he stokes, in everything he does.

Fear may have been a good way to bankrupt 6 companies, but it’s no way to conduct a government for the benefit of the majority of the population. This is especially true when you have the largest bully pulpit in the world and your words influence millions of faithful followers. This fear incited drives almost 100 % of the terror that we get to live with, now.

No other administration has operated this much using fear as a weapon, such as this one has, and that is to the complete detriment of his Trumpublican party which may decimate the Republican party and conservative politics, in America. Although hate to see the end of conservative politics, I’m really looking forward again to progressive politics. It’s always seemed to bring with it prosperity with less fear.

When looking back on the very worst administrations in our history, I often ponder, what could be worse than sending our country into a Civil War, akin to what Buchanan did? Then I think about bowing to a foreign power to hand them our sovereignty. Which is worse? That is a question for the ages, that only time can determine through it’s manifestation on our civilization from this point forward. Right now, that future does not look good. Worse than a Civil War? How about a nuclear war with our worst adversary, because of the insolence of a 4th-grade schoolyard bully, whose best asset is defaming people with his vile mouth, and whose base is a dwindling faction of white trash Americans, who’re mentality is stuck in the 19 century, in the days of slavery. They lack the courage to step out of their bigotry. They’re impotent, when it comes to growing, in this manner.

They’re afraid of their unknown. Because they don’t know and they are afraid, they turn to their addiction to feed their emotions. Knowing what I know now, in respects to what everybody has to eat to stay alive, I know for certain, what’s driving a good portion of this is, fear. It’s in the food, we’re forced to eat that’s all been tainted, on purpose, with glyphosate, which sets our bodies up for a host of problems. You’ll find all the details, below in the Glucose Ruse and the Glucose Ruse Blues in paperback.

You've been LIED TO, about what you should be eating and it's been ruining your health. Learn the truth. BY MORE THEN THE MANHATTAN BASTARD