So the President thinks that hiring Joe diGenova

is going to make him stronger?

Maybe in smell only. Poor Joe, the next one to join the Trump treason train. All of his attempts to make his legal team more aggressive will only louden the thud when this man falls. It’s a thud I look forward to. Remember the joke, “How do you know if the President is lying or not? If he’s talking, he’s lying.” That is the sad state of affairs today.



















  1. Donald Trump – for the theft of the Republican moral values and the conscience of America, the assumed security of America, and now, America’s money and government. Tomorrow, it’ll be the complete safety and security of our very country as control of that will probably go to Putin in about 20 years. For aiding and abetting Russia in the disruption of our government. Collusion? – no – treason? – yes.
  2. ROBERT MERCER – for hiring Cambridge Analytica and not only allowing, but encouraging (possibly bordering on goading) and instructing them to influence our 2016 election on the behalf of Vladimir Putin, just so he could export more of his influence and terrorism here in America, just like he is throughout the rest of the world. I call this treason, on the largest scale ever seen, and anytime, in any country.  This is worldwide corruption coming directly from the heart of Russia, Putin. And he’s there’s for another 6 years, to keep conducting it. With control of a greater portion of the free and 1/2 the communist nations, and already being the richest man in the world, due to his conquests, he’s poised to be Earth’s ruler and disrupter for the rest of his life. Is this treason? I add Robert to my Trump Treason Train.
  3. Sen Rand Paul – I never realized until now, he may be the source of Russian influence in the halls of the Senate. That ranks him, right up near the top.
  4. Freedom Caucus – Who funds this wing of the Republican party?  They seem to be intent on proving their interests are eastern born, through their actions and politics. Are they the oligarchal wing of the Republican party?
  5. Federalist Society – One of the primary sources of our problems as a free society. This group takes all cases as the absolute worst influence on America, who has shown, almost complete capitulation to Russia, Putin, and his oligarchs. THANKS, BUT NO-THANKS! It’s become very clear that Russia and Putin came right after you and your organization due to your need, to fear change. You display the inherent flaw in conservatism, fear, the most easily used emotion for controlling influence. Putin knows this and uses it to his advantage. So does our President, but our President isn’t as smart as Putin. Not nearly. Putin understands the power of persuasion, Trump knows the power of rath and little more.
  6. Alexander Nix – Because he’s English, he can’t be tried for treason, just labeled as a co-conspirator, for being the instrument of destruction of honest elections. There may not be a punishment severe enough for these perps. they are the ones who provided the ammunition to start this cyber-war
  7. Aleksandr Kogan  Russian conspirator of Cambridge Analytica – stealing the integrity of the American people without their consent – ala Trumpetarium democracy
  8. Rupert Murdoch – for theft of America’s respect and honor by creating fear and anger and Donald Trump to use as his personal tool to tear America apart More treason? I’ll let you decide, his actions prove where his allegiance lies. It’s his fight with Vlad Putin that’s tearing the world apart. He does it to profit off the news. Putin does it for control of the world. Who’s going to win? Ask Trump, he’s playing to, both.
  9. Fox Faux News, Putin’s favorite tool  – for their truly unbalanced choice of FAKE news to air with the intent to drive the fear and hate they are insistent on spreading, even now, through their aiding and abetting of Donald Trump’s theft of America. They spread as many lies and fear as this inept, insane President, making them just as guilty as the President who they defend. Are they insane? I often wonder how they will feel about their treason, 15 years from now when we’re living in their Russian America. This is the true fake news source. Without their help, Putin wouldn’t be able to create all the all the havoc he’s been able to. Our insurrection is padding the bank accounts of the Russian Bratva and Rupert Murdoch. These two are vying for control of the free world. Putin already controls half of the Eastern world and he’s fighting Murdoch, who an Australian born naturalized American isn’t even a real American himself, making him FAKE. That means that all of his news is FAKE. If there is a rogue news agency that’s reporting face news and stirring up strife for Putin, is Murdoch and his Fox News FAKE source, reporting. Your home of BullS#it News, Your love of presenting news that creates trouble that you’re “always on the watch for”, just demonstrates your love of strife for the sake of news. That’s criminal, ala Cambridge Analytica, NRA, and everybody else on this list of fine perpetrators, instigators, and treasonous villains. Welcome home Fox News, now back to where you came from. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE. The people who should be investigated here, is all of Fox News, from Murdoch all the way down including Insanity Hannity, Tucker the sucker Carlson, Ann “Boulder head” Coulter, Laura Dingy Ingraham, all of you are enablers of the world’s worst President of ALL time. You all deserve to be tried for treason for enabling the most treasonous President this country has ever endured. Who are they loyal to? Putin or America?
  10. SINCLAIR MEDIA – Disseminators of dissension. nothing more, nothing less, but they should be a lot less, due to the damage they’ve done to America by dividing us even wider than we were, or have ever been. Sound Putinesque? It is. Why are they still to operate in America? Who licenses them? Who else drives the division more than they do? Anyone?
  11. Turning Point America – for being the ultimate in deceptive school organizations in brainwashing students into ill-advised attitudes and practices leading to lives of ultra-conservatism with lives based in fear instead of hope and true freedom to explore, research, and experience the real blessing of a higher education. This criminal organization is funded by the likes of Murdoch and his cronies simply to spread their brand of fear and hatred to control as many nincompoops as he can. I have to wonder about Russian influence in this man’s deeds. He’s clearly communist leaning with all that he’s done to promote the discontent they started. He should be investigated as much as the President.
  12. Info Wars and Alex Jones – leading the false front of the true source of fake news, this bombast is a bringer of all your blues and rues, making everything they do a complete ruse. The disillusioned host of Info-Wars Alt-right radio talk show, who clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about except to create fear and anger for the type of listeners he caters to. He is nothing more than your garden-variety fear monger, on Derange steroids. Your candor of pander is a rather illiterate meander of a mentally unstable label waiting to be tabled. Off of my table, you’ll forever be. Please don’t tell me, I loathe hating anyone that much. Hey Alex, FU2 Why don’t you just shut the duck up and die? you deserve nothing better. You have proven yourself to be the lowest scum of the swamp. Go find a theater and shout “FIRE”, that’s your style. isn’t it? You are nothing more than another cockroach smoked out of the woodwork, by Don Drumpf. Alex, you should have your mouth stuffed with locker room socks soaked in nitroglycerin. Maybe then, you’ll keep it shut
  13. Sarah PHuckabee Sanders – should be listed for lying daily, for this criminal President, but she just a stupid pawn that needed a job. She’s the only person in this administration who lies as much as the President. Although she’s instructed to lie and she does so from a script, she still lies to the public on national security matters. Who is she loyal to? A treasonous President or our nation?  She should be held accountable for her dissension of ignorance and lies from the President when she knows better. Is she guilty of treason? I’ll let you decide. Sarah, you disgust me with your continuous lying! You have to be the absolutely most despicable wife any person could have. I really hope you enjoy solidarity. It suits you to a T. I can’t help but feel sorry for the reporters who have to cover her and listen to her. She knows she’s lying. She has no choice, yet I still can’t stand to listen to her voice. When I hear it, my ears shut up, automatically. I just can’t listen to a renown liar, who never speaks the truth, yet expects everybody to report it as such, making it the true source of fake news, from the only fake new sources, the President, faux Fox News, and its cronies of the “FAR RIGHT HATRED SQUAD”…so far right, the R is for Russia. I cannot listen to this liar for more than 3 minutes before my disgust boils over and my blood pressure climbs into an astronomical range. I’m begging this administration to instruct her to answer honestly, directly, succinctly, and without spin. This scumbag is the queen of spin. As much as she disgusts me, I can’t help but feel sorry for her. She has to know what she’s doing to her reputation and name. I almost have to honor for that sacrifice. It’s something I’d never do, myself. I couldn’t. Why do insist on sticking with your illegitimate impression of the 1st Amendment? Because it’s the Presidents? Does that make it right? You, more than anyone else, know how much the President lies…and you’re still covering for him? You know, what’s sad Sarah? It’s you. Trying to profit off the pain of other Americans. You protect a treasonous President. You enable him. That makes, you, treasonous. Ask your boss, why he abandoned America for greed and ego? Too much of him has rubbed off on you and it’s a stain that’ll be with you forever. There is no way to wash off his stain, it’s as indelible as they get. It’s more like an ugly tattoo. When will you stop lying? If you can’t tell the truth, shut the f#ck up….and why don’t you just go away and die also. Don’t ever show up; at my house, you are my enemy and I will protect it as such. liar, liar, you’re completely on fire. Every time I hear this bullshit, that bitch gets uglier, each time. Her boss is always that ugly. His can’t be surpassed. you, however, are closing fast.
  14. Michael Cohen – for fixing things for the President and ultimately fixing his own detention. When this President goes down, you’re stuck, where you are, in prison.
  15. Kelly Ann Conway – Te second ugliest bitch of the clutch,  she proves that blondes really are as dumb as much of their ignorance proves as such. First, for working for Trump, second for lying for him, third for enabling him, just like all Republicans. Thank you for reminding me why I fell out of love with my second wife. You disgust me almost as much as my Sarah. Please do what you can, to keep your faces hidden from view. For the sake of our sanity, take a permanent powder. Please, do us all a favor, say goodbye to public appearances. You’re as guilty as anyone, for violating the Hatch act and constantly lying to protect Trump making her an ultimate enabler. I’ve never heard as much BS from any blonde bitch EVER. I was married to a couple blonde bitches and none of them were as ignorant as this one. She is the chief enabler, making these crimes against humanity, as much hers as his and every one of his enablers, including the Republican party. She’ actively fighting to become the most stupid, ignorant bitch I’ve ever heard. What do you plan on doing with your lost career? IT’S FAR PAST TIME TO LOCK EM ALL UP!!! Why do you choose to continue to spread his false news? You are the reason our country is in the mess it is today. YEAH! IT’S YOUR F#CKING FAULT, BITCH…OR SHOULD I SAY (COLD CUT, CUNT)! (You would qualify for a dickhead, but you’re the wrong sex. That covers your boss) Your boss found a real evil servant to serve his evil needs.  It’s what all antichrists need. Cold faced bitch with the most insincere smile, I’ve ever seen. Liar of liars, teaching young America, it’s OK to lie and mislead, regardless of your motives. Are you ready to be responsible for the future terrorism that will take place? You’d better be, you’re causing it,, being his smiling face of dissension, deception, and destruction. Why are you so obsessed with protecting a criminal?
  16. Toni Lahren of Fox – for being another blond bitch blowing bullsheet in our faces just for the money and fame that Fox News can bring her…the lowest of the low…except for those in charge. Her ignorance is a shame on her family, for her part in this debacle.
  17. Jared Kushner – Untrustworthy just like the rest of the Trump administration of shame. The absolute worst thing that could ever happen to our country…Shthead supreme just like the rest of the scene in Washington’s worst dream. Too bad he had to marry into a family of seamy characters, it seems. This neo-Russian only belongs in a government behind what used to be the iron curtain, that curtain now runs down Pennsylvania Avenue.
  18. Ivanka Trump-Kushner – for using her dad’s Office to further her personal financial goals.
  19. Lara Trump – Stupid enough to marry Eric, she’s obviously stupid enough to do Donald’s bidding, which is actually Putin’s bidding, to buy off those you can’t shut up. “Stupid is as stupid does” and she seems to have plenty of stupid to go around. (I think it runs ramped, in their family).
  20. The new undrained swamp, now known as Trump’s Real Dump, Washington DC – He drained the swamp alright only to replaced by his swamp rats and pond scum to dirty the halls of honorable institutions to bring his brand of inconsiderate, ill-advised, poor judgment and stupidity extreme, that Donald Trump loves to scream. They’re about to condemn the American people to the worst thing that’s ever hit the shores of this nation. (You think 9/11 was bad? “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”) When the devastation hits that this congress is pushing on the people, We’ll be lucky of 50% of us survive, which would suit Donald Trump fine. The more little guys he can do away with, the better, as far as he’s concerned. After this crime of the American lifetime, the cutting of taxes and the gutting of America for Russia’s sake, Trumps new Dump, the swamp that he drained, will be fully replaced by a competent Congress of a different party.
  21. Steve Bannon – He should be right under Donald considering the damage he’s done to our country. This man is a bonafide, idiot and charlatan. Nothing more yet probably a hell of a lot less. (He’s the one causing most of the stress, due to Donald’s inane impression of him. He sees a person with the ability to disrupt American life as much as possible and he’s done it.) This is a man that deserves a mercy killing for the fear and hatred he’s spread so liberally. This one is really unbelievable, he apparently doesn’t know what a lie is, either. Must be another criminal, but then Cambridge Analytica was a criminal company that he founded.  This one is the real scumbag of scumbags he’s about as scummy as they come. Only  Don Drumpf could drag up this one. He’s a real dreg of the earth. another shthead waiting to be assassinated. A truly Russian born dissident…or is he stupid enough just to be another tool for Vladimir. Not unlike his Zero Hero.
  22. BLACKWATER – Profiteers of violence an terrorism. It may be time to annul their capabilities to wreak their havoc. make their impotence of peace, the impotence of terror.
  23. Stephen Miller – This is the one that deserves the death sentence.I have no idea, how he escaped my condemnation. I’m more than happy to provide it now. He’s little more than another scared enabler, aider, and abetter
  24. Roy Moore – for refusing to wake up and smell the coffee that bigotry and pedophilia are dead ends He makes me sick to have the same name as he. I may start going by my middle name Wesley, Then there’s no way that I could be confused, with sickos like this one.
  25. Sean “Insanity” Hannity – first for spouting Roger Murdoch’s rhetoric for him at his expense (i.e. sold himself out for ideals that are better left dead, but they still reside in his head to make all of us dead) it’s his wish, as well, to just pad his bank account way past red, like mine is too often because of what I’ve had to dread, which means, for me, no more bread. Hey Sean, When was the last time you got instruction from Vladimir? That is what you’re giving the President every night, isn’t it? Destructions direct from Putin for Trump to follow? How much is he paying you for it? You should have you mike revoked and shut up forever for your treason. You’re probably the most corrupt treasonous ignoramus at Fox Gnus.
  26. Tucker the sucker Carlson – his ignorance is the supreme expression of the faux Fox news. His gruesome news always brings blues and leave nothing but the crap we all rue. kING OF THE IMMORAL LOW GROUND. I understand exactly what you’re talking about when you rail against the ruling class. You’re talking about the class, you want to be part of and even consider, yourself part of. When you say, ‘you’, you actually mean ‘I’.
  27. Ann “Boulder head” Coulter – for demanding a fence, we should fence her in a 4x4x4 cell so she can swell in her smell all just to tell how she reeks when she thinks.
  28. Matt “Patsy ” Schlapp – He’s proud of his ignorance and is the quintessential idiot in the Trump administration proving that ignorance abounds when your boss has a fourth-grade education. If I were this man, I’d be concerned about the education that was given to me. It obviously wasn’t a fair and impartial education. It was just as tainted as our food supply and our President. Where did he go to school? The only credibility you’ll ever have is in only one way and that’s to shut your yap. Your ignorance surpasses that of the ignorance of your boss, the king of ignorance. Stop coaching him on how to be, we don’t need any more of that, so, do everyone a favor and shut your yap. You take the cake, for ignorance. Maybe you should just, take it home, and stay there.
  29. Senator Nunes – his propensity to protect a known agent of foreign influence should have him looking at treason charges himself, along with all other in the Republican party who are doing the same. Those who can’t see the KGB influence in our Presidents are the epitome of ignorance and are displaying it with their treasonous actions. It’s past due that the Republican party wake up and smell the coffee. I think you can rest assured that you are going to be facing charges of obstruction of justice. You are obviously guilty. How many accomplices have you retained? A majority of the Republican Congress?
  30. Joe DiGenove –  for attempting to soak Donald for a good portion of his billions of dollars. Your lies will expose your sorry show.  Sorry, Joe, you’ll be soon to go, even though you still like to know how you fell into this bowl. We get to remove your name from this list, as you got wise and decided to quit before you started. Smart move Joe!
  31. Randy Credico – for allowing Wikileaks to expose emails from the Democratic servers, allowing Cambridge to use that information to taint and defame HRC.
  32. John Bolton – Hawk of hawks ready to chalk us off the board of humanity forever to live in his insanity. Mr. Magoo, I don’t like you, too…your ignorance of the ignorant makes me blue.
  33. Rupert Murdoch — did I mention him? Well, he deserves to be mentioned twice, as he insists on controlling Trump to continue creating the turmoil. It sells his papers. Criminal? I think so, 100,000 far right bimbos don’t think so, they’re enjoying the ride.
  34. Sheldon Adelson – For being a super-funder of chaos, criminality, and a completely unconstitutional administration. This man deserves a death penalty himself.
  35. NRA – for taking donations from Russian investors and contributing that money to Trump’s campaign. How is that legal? How can they get away with instilling that kind of influence in our government? Quite possibly, the most crooked institution in America. Definitely the most unscrupulous and devious. Their duped horde are still seeing the bliss of ignorance. That could spell the demise of America if they don’t ever wake up, and smell the coffee.
  36. Wayne LaPierre – Bullshit artist Supreme. That is all this man is. Another Russian/Putin puppet, enabling the worst thing to ever happen to America. He allowed illegal contributions from a Russian oligarch to go through his organization, the NRA, to illegally elect Donald Trump.
  37. Sinclair Broadcasting – fake news is no good unless you can broadcast it. Fox is simply a network that uses broadcasters across the country to spread their corrupt version of the news and Sinclair Broadcasting owns a majority of those stations and is trying to buy more to expand its empire of Fake News Purveyors for the actual fake new of Putinair, Sinclair broadcasting
  38. Roger Stone – for enabling a known traitor and even encouraging it with his vocabulary making him very Putinesque even though falsely confident. I can’t possibly believe anything you talk about. I can’t even see how anyone could. It’s amazing that you claim what you say isn’t admissible as evidence of what you do when you claim you knew nothing but said that you did. Which is it? Are we to believe you or are we to believe what you say you know? Which is it? Are you saying that you didn’t know what you claimed? Why should I believe you now when you say that you knew nothing? DUH!
  39. Steve Bannon – Steve deserves to be mentioned again for the extreme stupidity in thinking that he’s a lawyer giving the President sane legal advice. His advice would ensure impeachment. Who does this asshole work for? Putin? Murdoch and Fox News? There all one and the same. He’s guilty of treason just for the reason of releasing our private information for Russia to attack us through Cambridge Analytica. didn’t he actually work in conjunction with Russia? Isn’t that treasonous? With all that treasoning, why listen to any of his reasoning? Cambridge Analytica, on the other hand, is guilty of the largest case of treason that’s ever happened in our country, deserving the most extreme punishment allowable by law. Who started that company? For what purpose?
  40. Scott Pruitt – The ultimate swamp sludge, Trump could possibly find, for the EPA Secretary. He is the environment’s worst advocate and biggest enemy. This man only cares about corporate America and not the public he’s supposed to protect, let alone the environment. His interest? Like everyone else on Trump’s team, himself, and only himself. This is the stinky swamp gas that comes from the muck and mire of dissolution and deception. Scummers come and scummers go, when will this one eat his crow? Scum of the swamp, he’s ripped off America almost more than the President, himself.
  41. Mitch McConnell – maybe, the guiltiest of enablers with interests only in his party and not America, nor even his career. When will he retire? Tomorrow isn’t soon enough. For blocking Obama’s Supreme Court Appointment to give it to an egomaniacal ignoramus who’s afraid of his own shadow. POSSIBLY THE LOWEST LIFE FORM IN CONGRESS. You won’t let your treason, rest, will you? Blaming Democrats for what Republicans are guilty of, just like the President, whose controlled by Moscow. And, you want to continue in your treason.
  42. SAM NUNBERG – The ultimate Trump supporter, A full out Trump supporter, ignorant to the bone begging for a phone. He belongs in the winner’s circle of trump losers. Your treason is as complete as the Presidents. Maybe you just go away and die.
  43. Mike Pompeo? – The start of your career, here, is already suspect, we all fear. We’ll wait to cheer, but not if you bring us, even more, fear of losing what we hold dear. Is there a possibility that you might ever get your head in the game?
  44. John Dowd – for a lifetime of defending criminal enterprises known as Trump’s industries and in doing so, enabled a Russian mole a position in our White House. Treasonous? I think so.
  45. Rudy Giuliani – I still wonder about Rudy, when you think he’s going to help the President, he does exactly the opposite. I don’t know whether to curse him or bless him. Because of his intention, I have to curse him. Is he too, Russian born? When is he going to jail for what he says that is a flat out lie? He’s betraying the country he used to work for. I consider that treasonous when it’s done for a crime lord. This poor indignant soul has been so duped that he’s stuck in a delusional world where he only hears one voice, his masta’s. Again, this is a man begging for an end to his career, never to be resuscitated. In which case, he cares not about his legacy. You continue to amaze me with your stupidity and gall, mostly the gall. It’s clear that you’ve been lied to and you only prove that, every time you open your mouth, forcing me to ask, why do you continue to open that trap? You just can’t stay out of the limelight, regardless of what it brightens. Is this man a typical New Yorker like Trump, ready to take advantage of anyone they can? Doesn’t anyone in New York, tell the truth? Is there anybody, not by the name of Trump of Giulian, that cannot lie? Or, do they all possess that surreptitious trait? Do you really think, for real, that you have credibility? You really need to think again. You have none. Your mouth keeps you from garnering any. Credibility? Ha Ha Ha! Truth, Mr mayor, is in the video. haven’t you seen any of them? You deserve a well-done on ruining your entire career. Welcome to the Trump Treason Train. You rank in the top ten of his treasonous enablers. I won’t miss your face when it’s gone.
  46. Oliver North – Oli’s back! Now, he’s right at home with a treason train, Trump’s treason train. Who better to cover up for an unscrupulous organization, the NRA,  funding an illegal administration?
  47. Lawrence Alan Kudlow – You are completely typical of corporate mentality in that you don’t want to punish success, you’d rather reward it. That’s a cop-out! That is ignorance defined. Larry, you need to learn that success is NEVER punished. It’s only taxed.  Taxes are not punishment.  They’re the cost of being able to do business. DUH Maybe you need to go back to school…or maybe, you should have gone to a better school? Who graduated you? You are nothing but a corporate porker that should be turned into ham.
  48. Thomas Homan  – For thinking that he’s a compassionate immigration and customs director in protecting Americans. This guy is completely off his rocker on Trump Treason train.  The poor man has no heart. He’s more proof of how cold-hearted some of us are, in the shadow of Donald Trump. His mantra seems to be, how can I make the world hate America?
  49. Harold Hamm – For financing domestic terrorism on our ecology in his support of Scott Pruitt.
  50. Larry Kudlow – this is the definition of ignorance when he talks about betrayal. When will he realize that his shthead hero is the only international leader that can betray his own country, so don’t talk about who betrayed who? YOU IGNORANT STUPID NUMBSKULL, WHERE DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL? I’ll be sure not to ever recommend it to anyone, as they teach the absolute most stupid people in the world. Is it the same as Donald’s school? Again, you understand how stupid Donald is, yet you lie to protect him. That’s worse than being stupid, that’s treasonous because he is a fake President brought about only by treasonous behavior with Russia. Can’t look at that, though, can you? You’re just too ignorant. Everything between your ears must be numb, and you know what that makes you, that numbskull, I referred to.
  51. Carrie Sheffield – Ignorance defined in a journalist, her admiration for the worst thing to ever impose itself on diplomacy and the world in general, is as pathetic as her words. As much as I try, I can’t find any respect for her or for anything she says. Obviously, she’s never been bullied, she must have always been the bully…like her boss. her enabling is nothing short of treason. It’s shtheads like you Carrie, that are dividing America…congratulations, now I know who to blame the next Civil War on!
  52. Brad Parscale– The digital director of Trump’s campaign, for being a flat-out liar and putting Trump in Office with illegal advertising.
  53. Peter Navarro – Another shthead whose head is so stuck so far up his ass that all he can smell is shit. This ignoramus is as stupid as they come. Where did he go to school? He’s just another dumped brain sold on Trump shame awaiting the very same. His ignorance is as impure as it comes. He’s definitely in search of his place in HELL. It’s impossible to speak bad enough about this shthead. Now superlative is sufficient.
  54. Markwayne Mullin – the epitome of ignorance in a congressman. It’s no wonder the Republican party is so stupid. Where did he go to school? In Oklahoma? Are all Okies like him? He’snaught more than another mindless Trump stooge, so it would make sense.
  55. Katie Arrington – inflamed with Trumpitis and a very severe case of me first, you fend for yourself, we don’t want your help or to help. Her inflammation is so severe she’s coming down a bad case of Trump cancer. The only way to fight cancer is to remove the contaminating fuel, the fear, hate, and division that is Russian driven by Putin’s chief puppet.
  56. Tom Berrick –Chief enabler and close ally. That makes him an ally of Russian influence.
  57. Jeff Sessions – He has abased himself to his lowest level that anybody can lower themselves to. To kidnap children and babies from the arms of their mothers hasn’t been done since Nazi Germany. America has lowered itself to that level, due to the crimes that this man has committed. There is no worse enabler than him. He has turned America into something nearing the audacity of Nazi Germany. Who could possibly want this? This guy is really a shthead, a supreme shthead. This asshole is so f#%!ng stupid he should never be allowed in front of a mike again. For aiding and abetting he’s as guilty as the president of kidnapping. What’s the penalty for kidnapping?
  58. Paul Manafort – I can’t believe  I don’t have him listed above. Wow! I guess I was too concerned with Trump’s enablers and financiers to worry about the campaign criminals. This one is the real thing, though. Glad he’s down, only 51 more to go? I smell roast goose. Your escapades with Rick Gates is what doomed U.S. to the likes of your Russian tyrant and his constant lying. Is it the same with all criminals? Do they all lie, this much? How can you trust anyone? Oh, you don’t, you can’t you cheat too many people. Kind of like your friend Donald. You must be the “no collusion” reason for this season of terror. I would dread, being in his shoes, In prison, the Bravda knows where to get him, yet if he turns on the president and the Russian oligarch. Either way, he’s in jail for the rest of his life, or he’s dead, prematurely. Probably, in the next couple months. no, I don’t envy him. You are definitely, no saint.
  59. Sen Corey Stewart – Nothing more than another Trump enabler, who’s stuck in his fear of “the Left Wing” for no reason than popularity. He is nothing more than a BOGUS SENATOR enabling a president who is nothing more than a crime boss bully, Don Drumpf. If I were you, Corey, I’d just resign like most of your party. You, like them . are not needed, for a free America.
  60. Trey Gowdy – According to this bast@rd, only Republicans have the right to be innocent before proven guilty. He considers HRC and the DOJ guilty without any proof, simply to roil the investigation into his savior, the true criminal. His problem, He knows it and this is, his mad grab at anything, to save “The Crime Boss from Manhattan”, without regard to his reputation or legacy.  Just like all of his other followers, Russian bred, glyphosate fed, soon to be dead. This man needs to be charged with obstruction of justice. The longer we wait to do so, the more this country will be torn apart. Trey, America doesn’t need your opposition nor your Russian influence. Which oligarch is paying you? do you really enjoy being as ignorant as you are, or are you just that bias? Have you looked at the evidence against your hero? How much of your campaign fund comes from Russia? Why are you looking for guilt in the wrong place, and ignoring the actual corruption that’s taking place right under your nose? Are you really that stupid, or just that ignorant? Are you happy being a f#ckhead? What have you concluded about your president? Why are you searching for worms in, infertile ground, when you can find all you want in the fertile ground of your president? You are extremely well at displaying how stupid you are, what are you missing?” your intelligence. That’s what’s missing. Why do you believe Russian propaganda before your own government? Where does your allegiance lie? This guy a real boner. Finish it the hell up?  How ’bout finishing your term up? Or, are you afraid that it is going down the tubes with Trumps administration? All I can say is bye bye!
  61. Orrin Hatch? – another spinner spinning for Trump. That’s aiding and abetting. You need to take care, in your suspicions. Why do you suspect a true Christian but not a true crime lord? Doesn’t he deserve the same suspicion? His crimes are far worse and most of them are against humanity. What were her crimes? Being Methodist or honest? Did she ever deceive you, like this man has or with the consistency that this man has?
  62. Secretary Krisjen Nielson – The dishonesty coming from this mouth, is another clear indication of the emotional imbalance of this administration. All I hear, is another enabler, catering to her crime boss. Do you know what we find offensive? The answers you have for this tragedy, along with your cavalier attitude. You are an easy one to detest.
  63. Mark Short – this man is willing to exchange any compassion for his fears. which is unacceptable showing exactly the problem with this administration, stuck in the president’s fears…which happen to be tremendously many.
  64. COREY LEWANDOWKSKI – waa-waa, this crying your mock, is your president at work How low can you go? Just like everybody else over there at Fox, you enable this playground bully. you are guilty of aiding and abetting.
  65. Rep Paul Ryan – SKIRTING RESPONSIBILITY AGAIN…”WE’LL VOTE TOMORROW” while 80 children a day, are being traumatized, by our country at the instruction of an imbalanced President that you can remove and change. If you weren’t spineless, you’d be standing up to the playground bully in the white house. Are you becoming the new Faux Fox Noose, spokesman of doom?
  66. Rep Roger Marshall  – this guy is so ignorant, he doesn’t deserve his position. He is nothing more than a Trump worshiper, another one seduced by the “Man With Golden Tongue”; lear, deserving annihilation, along with the rest of this decrepit party This man is abominable. Roger, your fired! Lia,r liars catch on fire… I, personally, am glad, your time is limited. When will you wake up? You’re closer to the edge than anyone in Congress. Are you ready to say goodbye to your career?
  67. Rep. Bonehead Robert Pittenger – This ignoramus, can’t tell the difference, between fact and propaganda. If this is the brightest that the Republican party, has to offer, they’re doomed, for a long time. This guy is really off his rocker. This guy is the king of trumpidiology. He’s a proven idiot. he thinks courage to “seal the border” is taking children hostage, for a wall.     …..Idiotic? (Your ignorance earns you a nickname.)
  68. Stephen Miller – This man is downright dangerous to our democracy. This man is another maniac behind the President. Man, does he collect them? This one is really kuku (that’s a foreign-born, coo-coo), with ideas that’ll doom u.s., quicker than liquor, and slicker than your clicker. I don’t know, how I missed this one.
  69. Rep Jim Jordan– He needs to learn that Donald Trump did not win the election. It was given to him, by Russia, therefore, none of his mandates are what America wants. It’s what Russia wants. Is this what you want?. He makes me happy I no longer live in Ohio, I couldn’t imagine him as a neighbor. EVERY TIME YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH, YOU PROVE YOUR TREASON. Do you really believe everything you read in sleazy papers?
  70. Sen James Lankford – Why don’t I believe anything you say? Again, you place all the blame on Obama. Typical Republican response of irresponsibility and not being able to take any responsibility for what they do. He’s just another ignorant Republican. This one is electively ignorant. Damn sure glad I don’t live in Oklahoma. Don’t think I ever could be. I’d sooner think, at least, that not all Okies are that stupid.
  71. Rep Gohmert – Another lemming. He’s not got the brains to break from the insanity, so why not fall in and…then, fall out of Congress.
  72. Bill Shine – Just being a producer for the Sean Hannity show is enough to list you, but now, your desire will probably be to limit the scope of the news, to that which Fox bends theirs, too. I have to wonder, how long will your tenure last? I give you 8 months before you can say goodbye to your entire career. (And all to work for a born con man artist.) The swampiest comes to this administration. The absolute lowest of the low. This proves the boldness of this President to disrupt as much as he can of, what used to be a “status quo”. It just doesn’t get any lower, until the next time, when he finds a new absolute low.
  73. Andrew Wheeler – the new Scott Pruitt, but worse, on the regulations, we’re waitin’ to see your kind of devastation. Another one who insists on remaining ignorant, as he refuses to look at accepted data on climate change. He’s choosing to remain ignorant, just like everyone else in this administration. It all starts at the top. (I anticipate this entry to grow substantially)I don’t welcome his endangerment of my life, though.
  74. Michael Bidwell – For supporting Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice. No other reason is necessary because he owns the AZ Cardinals. He’s condemned to own and operate a possibly cursed football team. Not even Warner could give them a super bowl.
  75. Rand Paul – Why are you still standing behind the president? Why do you enable, him? Why do you believe the Russian propaganda, so easily? I never thought you could be so stupid or ignorant. Why are you being treasonous? Answer the damn question, who do you believe is lying? If you still think it’s not the president, it’s time for you to leave. Is your impeachment up next?
  76. Jeanine Pirro – If I know you, your book is all about you. You are everything you rail against because you are the same kind of bully, the President is, except your anger is quite a bit more assinine and stupid as well as angrier. I guess none of you assholes at Fox News are smart enough to see the truth. Jeanine, you, especially turn my stomach every time I see your ugly face. KEEP IT HIDDEN. STAY SAFE. er, no don’t stay safe. DIE NOW TO SAVE THE REST OF U.S.!
  77. Thomas Masie – Who pays you? The NRA and Russia? Your speech tells me. I hope you don’t think your career in government, will last. With that attitude, I don’t think so.
  78. The whole Republican party. They all take money from the NRA.
  79. Rep Kristi Noem of NDak Another bold Trumpite on her way out because she refuses not to support this Russian mole. You are as ignorant as the rest of your party. Goodbye! I hope you liked what you once had of your career…it’s gone, now, Ms, Ignorant. I’m almost glad to not have to look at your face again. How much do you owe the NRA? How much do you owe Russia? Whatever it is, I now have an idea.
  80. Rep Steve Scalise Another Republican NRA bought schmuck. You know less than my shoe. Keep playing to your dwindling base and your party will lose you too! I could say more about your level of ignorance, but I’ve got better things to do than to waste my time and effort on you…or even the likes of you.
  81. Sen John Kennedy Soiling the Kennedy name to bring it, everlasting shame. This man should’ve been put out to pasture as well. Shame on him for taking the Republican moniker.
  82. Rep Jim Jordan You’re worth mentioning twice. Your impeachment request is actually a call for the impeachment of your own idol. We know that. You just have to admit it yourself. We know, underneath, you really trust our justice dept. We also know that you really don’t trust the only deceptive entity in our government, your idol, the President.
  83. Betsy DeVos Your criminality will have the most lasting effects of this criminal administration, as you criminality affects the education of our children. That makes you more guilty than most. At the very least, it makes you one of the vilest of his criminals. I can’t believe it took me so long to add your name. Why don’t you, make like Scott Pruit and bail? Your ethics demand the same.
  84. LAURA INGRAHAM – please accept my apologies for not including you much earlier, due to your extreme prejudice. You’re are much more deserving of my condemnation of your continuous attempts to divide my beloved country even further apart, in full support of this fully Russian influenced and coached President. That makes you, Laura, treasonous.  Can you live with that moniker? I couldn’t and that precisely why you have my full condemnation. You, now qualify for the ” most disgustable of the month club”. I can only recommend crawling back into the hole you came from. Allow me to make this explicitly clear, you are a racist. You just can’t come to grips with that fact.; How long has your family been Americans? However long it is, they were once immigrants. WE ALL ARE IMMIGRANTS IN THIS LAND UNLESS YOU’RE A NATIVE AMERICAN. I highly suggest that you learn that, as Pocahontas, you are not. The sooner the better for you and our society. Your America that you, and you alone, know and love is dying. Why can’t you die, with it? You can be welcome in our new America, but you must change your racist attitude. You just need to realize that you truly are. Who raped you? I’ll tell you who raped me. ignorants, like you. You truly are as disgusting as they come. Even more so, if you do this, only to keep your job. If that’s the case, you truly are despicable. You need a complete revamp. Again, forgive me, for not giving you top billing, on this list, your face definitely qualifies you for it but your ethics are as demented as they come. I’m a white man twice your age, with ten times the sense, you seem to have to know that your America is dead. My America was coming to life until your zero, hero showed up. Thanks to your help, the division in this nation, has never been wider since the Civil War. THANKS, BUT NO THANKS. FU2 NSTD
  85. MARTHA McSALLEY – Arizona candidate for Congress is just another Russian mole for President Trump. If she’ supporting him she’s enabling, then she’s Russian influenced. That’s a DO NOT VOTE FOR ME alert.
  86. KELLI WARD – Another Arizona candidate for Congress is another Russian mole who supports King Trump with another DO NOT VOtE FOR ME EITHER alert, boldly displayed wherever they go. A vote for either one is a vote for Trump and more of the indignity.
  87. JACK BAKER – Thie doofus wants to make discrimination legal again. I suggest we discriminate against his hate and boycott his bakery. THIS BE MY WARNING TO THEE TO CURB ALL OF THY BIGOTRY BEING A CHRISTIAN SHOULD MAKE YOU SEE THAT YOU ARE NOT ALL OF SOCIETY AND HELP YOU GIVE THAT NEEDED RESPECT TO ALL THAT DESERVE NO LESS.
  88. LARA TRUMP – Good job. you just proved your ineptness. You hired the “dog”.
  89. BILL JAFFA – Another stupid Republican asshole cake decorating baker scared of his own shadow, just like his impotent zero, hero, Don Drumpf. Another chump for Trumps dump.