Tag Archives: BMI and COVID-19 Severity


It’s being claimed right now, by Admiral Giroir, that we’re in a better place than we were in April. With 60,000 new cases each day, I have to wonder how? How can this claim possibly be made? How can he expect anyone to believe him? Who does he work for? The liar of liars, our President? Who is he speaking to? Us or him? Who is more important? I’m forced to question the sincerity of his words. I don’t know if he talking facts with me and everyone else or if he’s talking to one man who thinks he controls all. He’s definitely on more drugs than I am.



With Secretary DeVoss directing kids to infect their families, it’s direr now to protect yourself from this virus. the government won’t help you one iota. Their only intent is to magnify the deaths from this virus. The intent comes from the top. His whole administration’s goal is to make life worse for all Americans, including his own followers. They’re going to be affected the worst. How many of them like wearing masks? How ignorant can anyone be to diminish the voter base by killing them? Is that the move of a “stable genius”? Kids can get infected and die from this virus. What’s worse is what it does to the brain. The damage there is permanent. They want to risk endangering our children with permanent brain damage. just to open up schools, so he can open up the economy.

Peter Navarro, thank you for telling us where your sanity is, missing. If you’re at odds with Dr. Fauci, you must be really off base as far as this virus is concerned. Is it your wish to see the death toll rise exponentially, even more, than it is? WTF? How can you be at odds with the only scientist in this story? Where are your credentials? Are they bogus, as the President’s are? Your leadership is bogus, just as the President’s is.

We all know that underlying health conditions or pre-existing conditions that threaten your health, also threaten your chances of acquiring the virus, as explained in the below article from Life Sciences News explain how existing conditions are what worsens the effects of Covid 19. That means that the More visceral fat you have in your body, the worse your prognosis. Why? Visceral fat attracts the virus. Why? The virus feeds on the glucose that makes your visceral fat. That, in a nutshell, is what kills you. It takes your nourishment away from you. It turns that nourishment into blood clots and inflammation, which is what you’re already turning the same thing into. The virus just speeds up the damage this food does to your body.

Assessing Visceral Fat Vs. BMI and COVID-19 Severity


The investigators found that the risk of severe COVID-19 was increased by the presence of abdominal fat and was proportionate to the increase in upper abdominal circumference. ICU admission was required for 43% of patients during treatment, with men being affected more often than women in the current study. Of the 13 ICU admissions, 7 eventually had to be put on ventilators, 6 of them being men.

Because carbs require insulin to make the fat, that also instructs the fat to go to storage instead of being used immediately, which is what happens with the fat you eat. That is why I limit my diet to protein and fats. They’re much healthier.

In creating the visceral fat, the glucose creates glycation in the body. This process creates all inflammation that you endure. It’s the glycation that creates inflammation through in AGEs, Advanced Glycation  Endproducts. This is where all disease starts and that is why those with any of these underlying conditions are at a higher risk for suffering and dying from Covid 19.

The same things that glycation creates, this virus creates at an Exponential rate. If the virus doesn’t have the fuel to work with, it can’t create the conditions, to begin with. Therefore to make the virus mute in your body, keep its fuel outside of your body. That means to quit eating all carbohydrates. It’s amazing what this can do for your body. It’s this glycation that leads to dementia. This is what creates dementia. This is why I took out of my diet, that, which creates the glycation. No glycation, no pain, no dementia, no brain fog, no inflammation, and best of all, no disease.

The first thing it did for me was to end my chronic pain, which at the time was severe. It took it a few days to drop the pain level by 50%, but it only took about a month to drop my pain level by 90%. Ever since then, it inched up to almost 100% by now. Yeah, Pain-Free! That’s how I now live. That’s how I now work. That’s how I now play when I can. Fain-Free. My life is now free of chronic pain. Even my back pain that persisted all the time. Since its easier to sit while stretching my back to expand my vertebra, my pain has disappeared 99.9% I almost have to try to make myself hurt now. (A good workout can do that though!)

Keep in mind that your neutrophils can’t work properly to keep viruses at bay, from entering your body, if you have glucose, fructose, or sucrose in your body. Those are the glycating sugars that initiate the inflammation. If you’re serious about avoiding Covid 19, cut your carbs. It could save your life. For more information, your best read is It’s Time for a Viral Cure.

One of the most important aspects of a carb-free diet is in what it allows your neutrophils to do. That’s to combat disease and invasion from foreign invaders in your body. Your neutrophils are your immune cells. Your white blood cells that consume viruses and foreign bacteria. What your doctor won’t tell you is that they will consume glucose, fructose, or sucrose before they’ll consume any virus. That is what makes all viruses so dangerous. Especially this one, since this one clots your blood to an extreme.

The problem with this virus is that it aggravates what glycation creates, inflammation. That glycation is sped up and amplified when combined with glyphosate, the weed-killing herbicide that’s sprayed liberally on all industrially grown food. Glyphosate aggravates your acetylcholinesterase in each of your cells. This cell-signaling cell is the little part of each cell that controls all actions and thoughts in your body and mind. When this cell signaler which relies on miRNA to operate properly, and since glyphosate affects all RNA, I call this a glyphosate virus. Glyphosate simply aggravates what glycation allows to happen to your body when you eat your carbs.

With a good portion of this industrially grown food being served at all of your fast-food restaurants, it readily gets into our bodies and easily allows its damage to occur, when you eat at your favorite drive-thru. It’s the cheap food they serve that must be produced as cheap as possible and still produce a large profit, Glyphosate allows that. Dicamba allows that. Both are killing herbicide that are quickly becoming ineffective due to their chemical traits. 

They’re also poisoning our ecosystems beyond recognition and repair. Bee populations have dwindled as well as butterfly populations, that have suffered tremendously. That’s not to say what it’s doing to the fish with the runoff of this herbicide. It’s virtually killing everything. Even us. I attribute this virus to our spreading of glyphosate. I see it as mother nature’s way of returning the favor of homo-sapiens being a virus on the Earth.


As of August 1, 2020, 4,664,282 confirmed cases, with 155,908 deaths. According to my estimates, which have been close so far, we will be approaching 400,000 deaths in about 3 months. By the time this pandemic is gone, we’ll end up with far over 1,000,000 deaths, due to the ineptness of this President. 

We experienced around 3/4 million deaths from the Civil War. This is going to make that look like a cakewalk, if our tactics, don’t change.  If Buchannan was the worst President to this point. this one has far out-blustered him. To me, that signals that he is the most criminal of President’s we’ve ever had. Without a doubt, he’the deadliest.

For sure, he’s the closest thing we’ve had to a crime boss as President, and he’s using those well-honed skills to completely subvert our government for his own greedy purposes. This is the definition of treason, and he’s openly committing because he said he would and we didn’t take him at his word. Because too many of the MAGA-RIGHT love to be duped, we now, have to eat his bullshit and illegal policies and projects.

I’m listening to Mark Meadows and Steve Menuchin, say how they have faith in what they’re doing, which is a complete mystery to me as I don’t have any confidence in any part of this administration nor political party to have my best interest at heart. This is a party of greed. One that thinks only of themselves and not the people who voted for them. This is the epitome of irresponsibility.

The one question I want to ask the President is, How many more innocent soles must die for this virus to become significant? In the Civil War, close to half of the deceased were traitors. This time they aren’t.



If the Republicans are now depending on herd immunity to protect America, America can expect another 229,740,000 dead before that can even happen. How is that Protecting America? Isn’t that protecting our enemies, by hurting US? Who is advising this? Where are they from? Is this coming from Jared? Has he been infected, yet? Is this a sign of his covid brain damage?

The 215,000+ death toll that exists, now, will be minute compared to what the Republican party wants. What American could possibly want that?