About Me

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If you’ve read the narrative, you already know almost all there is to know about me. I have nothing to hide, so I bare as much as I can, so everybody can make a fully informed decision about me, as best as I can present it. My apologies if anything is too hard to understand. I can only attribute that to my head injury.

I challenge anyone to show me just cause for any of the actions taken against Margaret and myself by Pinal County. But, that won’t happen, for there was no just cause.

All accounts of events in this document can be corroborated by the following;

James Mahr, Alfred’s son can be contacted at 480-???-1894

Susan, Franks wife can be contacted at 480-???-8810

Robert Thomas can be contacted at 480-???-5144

Dr David Lawson (Margaret’s primary care doctor) can be contacted at 480-807-2400

Isabel Price (My old neighbor in Mesa who was a psychologist for dept of corrections at the time but now working for Banner hospitals) can be contacted at 480-???-8333

I omitted a portion of their numbers, but if you wish to call them to confirm anything in this story, please feel free to contact me for their number. I’m happy to share.

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How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!