The Conspiracy Argument

The Conspiracy Argument

I remember taking Margaret down to the county assessor’s office to lock in the valuation of her house. approximately 9 or 10 years prior Pinal county putting her to death. She did this because she recognized that her funds were running low and she feared that she soon wouldn’t be able to pay her property taxes if the property value continued to climb.

When Pinal County offer this program to seniors, to give them property tax relief because of their limited incomes, Margaret decided take advantage of it, because she was determined to live to 100 years old and she feared that her rock steady income from her pension from Illinois was not going to be able to cover the tax increases, as her property values continued to climb. That was about in the year of 2005.

With her property values froze at 2005 valuations, the county had been losing income from Margaret’s property for close to ten years, if not the full ten years.

With Margaret still residing in her home, ten years after freezing her valuation, it’s difficult to say exactly how much money in lost tax revenues, the county had been losing. Since the property freezing the valuation doesn’t freeze the taxes, it only freezes the value of the property, lowering the value of  Pinal County overall. Without ever given a reason for my removal from taking care of Margaret, I can only assume that the Fiduciary Department that removed me, had nothing else more in mind. Regardless of their primary intent, their actions by removing me directly were responsible for Margaret’s death, making the end result of their actions criminal at least. For if they had not removed me, Margaret could probably still be alive. It would have been her 100th birthday this year.

Margaret was one of those rare breeds that had a long life in her genes. I’m sure when the county set up this program, they didn’t expect the people who took advantage of it, to live as long as Margaret had lived.

For this reason, the county may have had the motivation to remove Margaret from her home, put it on the market and sell it to the highest bidder, knowing that whoever purchased the home would not have the ability to freeze the valuation at the 2005 valuation, $50,000 lower than what it currently could be.

Since it was the county fiduciary’s office that committed this offense, there are just too many questions, unanswered, to not consider the county’s desire to eliminate lost sources or tax revenue, in the action they took against Margaret.

This leaves me wondering,
why did Pinal County kill Margaret Dempsey?
the reason that  I think influenced their action;

Irresponsibility – The irresponsibility of not fully investigating the case along with the carbohydrate addiction of those involved was a direct cause of their abhorrent behavior. Their carbohydrate addiction forced them to take ill-advised actions to stem a problem that didn’t exist, except in their twisted minds. Their addiction didn’t allow them to think rationally.

Unfortunately, it’s an addiction the whole world lives with. That’s why the World Needs a Cure;

It’s Time To To Save Your Life and Keep Your Dignity: It’s Time For A Cure

Margaret sure would have benefited.

How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!