The NRA – Are you for Real?

Is the NRA Just Another Russian Puppet?
Or the TrueMasters of Spin?
I have to give you credit for critiquing that which you don’t even read,
giving you far less influence due to your incessant greed
your need to feed what everyone sees as unseen breeding of an unnecessary seed
that’s driven our world to ruin simply to feed his greed,
is a disaster waiting to happen
to those playing this game in Manhattan.
Fox News & Your Pundits,  NRA,  Gun Owners,
what is it like to be on the wrong side of history?


According to NPR“A prominent Kremlin-linked Russian politician has methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association, and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain access deeper into American politics, NPR has learned.

Russian politician Alexander Torshin claimed his ties to the National Rifle Association provided him access to Donald Trump — and the opportunity to serve as a foreign election observer in the United States during the 2012 election.

Torshin is a prolific Twitter user, logging nearly 150,000 tweets, mostly in Russian, since his account was created in 2011. Previously obscured by language and by his sheer volume of tweets, Torshin has written numerous times about his connections with the NRA, of which he’s a known paid lifetime member. NPR has translated a selection of those posts that document Torshin’s relationship to the group.”

“These revelations come amid news that the FBI is investigating whether Torshin, the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia, illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to assist the Trump campaign in 2016, McClatchy reported in January.”

“In a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Senate intelligence committee, the NRA denied any wrongdoing and suggested the FBI is investigating Torshin, not the NRA. Neither the NRA nor Torshin responded to inquiries from NPR.

Investigations by Congress and the Department of Justice have revealed that the Russian government has sought to sharpen political divisions among American citizens by amplifying controversial social issues. Investigators have expressed concern about Russian links to the NRA, one of the most politically polarizing organizations in the U.S.”

“Torshin is a former Russian senator and served as the deputy speaker of Russia’s parliament for more than a decade. Known as a Putin ally, he also spent time on Russia’s National Anti-Terrorism Committee, a state body that includes the director of Russia’s internal security service and the ministers of defense, interior, and foreign affairs.”

“Translation of November 2016 tweet: “For 15 years, I’ve traveled to the US with official delegations, and more often – privately. In this time, I NEVER HEARD ONE BAD WORD ABOUT RUSSIA!”

Torshin’s use of NRA connections to open doors and his 2015 claim to know Trump through the organization, raise new questions about the group’s connections with Russian officials — at a time when the organization is being roundly criticized by its opponents, and at times the president himself, for opposition to gun control.

The president has also defended the group in recent days as the gun debate has reemerged in the wake of a Florida school shooting, including a tweet calling the group’s leaders “Great American Patriots.”

The NRA has been a key part of Trump’s conservative base. After a meeting with lawmakers in which Trump angered many conservatives for entertaining proposals for gun control, the president tweeted that he had another meeting with NRA leaders in the Oval Office on Thursday night.

On his verified Twitter account, Torshin talked about how he knew Donald Trump through the NRA, citing a connection at the group’s 2015 convention. Responding to a tweet about comedian Larry David accusing Trump of being a racist, Torshin said he knew the businessman through the NRA, and defended him.

Translation of November 2015 tweet: “A comedian should make people laugh! Right? So he is trying! I know D. Trump (through NRA). A decent person.”

“I saw him in Nashville” in April 2015, Torshin added later, the date and site of the NRA’s 2015 convention. Trump gave a speech at that convention, the outlines of which would become familiar as his stump speech throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. The White House did not respond to repeated requests for comment by NPR but denied Trump has ever met Torshin to Bloomberg News in 2017.

Among his tens of thousands of tweets, Torshin also documented his attendance at every NRA convention between 2012 and 2016, only some of which have been previously reported.

Torshin’s attendance at the NRA convention in 2016 is where he reportedly met with Donald Trump, Jr.”

“Among his tens of thousands of tweets, Torshin also documented his attendance at every NRA convention between 2012 and 2016, only some of which have been previously reported.

Torshin’s attendance at the NRA convention in 2016 is where he reportedly met with Donald Trump, Jr.”

Torshin had made repeated attempts to meet with Donald Trump himself at that convention during the presidential election year, but there is no evidence of this occurring. A conservative activist with ties to Torshin aide Maria Butina reached out to the Trump campaign in 2016, saying that Russia was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would try to use the NRA convention to make “first contact,” the New York Times reported.

“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” the activist, Paul Erickson wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election.” Erickson has business ties to Butina, having started an LLC with her in South Dakota.

 Torshin has also met the current president of the NRA, Pete Brownell. Brownell was part of an NRA delegation that visited Moscow in 2015.

These relationships that he cultivated appeared to open another door. Torshin came to the United States in 2012 as an international election observer, and watched as ballots were cast during the Obama-Romney presidential contest in Tennessee. This was possible, he wrote, due to his NRA links.

Translation of January 2015 tweet: “I was there at Obama’s last election! The NRA card, to me as an observer from Russia, opened access to any [polling] station.”

Torshin has used his repeated trips to NRA conventions to cultivate relationships with top NRA officials. And his Twitter account documents that he has personally met with every person who has been president of the NRA since 2012.

On Twitter, Torshin portrayed these meetings as more than merely casual encounters. In 2017, he tweeted that he was bringing a gift to then-NRA President Allan Cors, and suggested he was familiar with Cors’ hobbies.”

That was from NPR’s story on Russia and the NRA and I pasted these portions, here, to show the influence Russia has had in our politics. A clear and present danger exists, and only one news source is ignoring this as much as they can.
 Thank you, Tim Mak

Thanks for giving me more faces to distrust. Thanks for turning more honest people into liars, like the President. I can’t trust any of your spokespeople. You’ve made them all masters of spin. You and your Russian cronies are supporting state-sponsored terrorism. That’s the story with today’s gun laws. NRA sponsored anti-gun-control is a direct cause of all of the school and mass shootings that take place in America. Nobody else can claim credit for this debacle. This is the core of Trumprocracy. It’s a deliberate attempt to sow discord and kill Americans, brought on by none other than Russian oligarchs and Putin at the request of Trump. Didn’t he ask them to hack into the democratic servers? Didn’t he invite them to steal? Doesn’t that mean that he invited them to kill also? If he invited them to sew all this discord, he surely invited them to murder us at will. Isn’t that a violation of his vow to protect us? Isn’t that criminal? Isn’t that treason? Isn’t that a hangable offense? I call it murder… the murder of a country, and a free country at that. Now, we’re no longer free. We’re Trump bait. We’re NRA bait. They can’t learn that it isn’t the 2nd amendment that protects us. It used to 200 years ago, but now, it kills us and the NRA needs to realize this. Wayne, don’t let me be the good guy to take your gun away because you certainly are a “bad guy with a gun”. You like to spin as much as the WH. Your spinning is killing Americans.


It’s that simple. If you can’t stop this insanity, you can’t keep your office and will be replaced. What should be done? There’s a list of things that need to be corrected to change this behavior in our society;

  1. Outlaw high capacity magazines and bump-stocks and circular trigger mechanisms that turn semi-automatic weapons into weapons of mass destruction. Why does the NRA advocate WMDs while Congress was trying to dispose of them throughout the world? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical on the MRA’s part? What is it that makes so many of their members believe their hypocrisy? is it their fear? Does that mean that its fear that’s driving all of this violence? Who creates all this fear?
  2. Ban assault weapons from public sale and resale. All assault rifles should be in the hands of the armed forces only. (Not even police of swat teams should be using fully automatic weapons.) All that does is give a perp a chance to take that weapon away from the law enforcement officer to use, making him the first target. What sense is in that? none unless you belong to the NRA and are easily influence from the East.
  3. Stop confusing assault weapons with hunting weapons and start distinguishing between the two of them when sold and its intended purpose for use.
  4. Stop selling assault weapons as hunting rifles and require that all semi-automatic weapons are rigged to never allow a bump stock to be added or any fully automatic capabilities.
  5. Outlaw all bump-stocks.
  6. Ballistics check every rifle and pistol and register it to the person buying it. This way when a ballistics check is done, the weapon is already registered and the owner is known.
  7. Make it the responsibility of the gun owner to transfer any ballistic registration to a new owner when the gun is sold, otherwise, it comes back to him/her.
  8. Limit assault weapon sales to ages 36 and older. If you’re not old enough to be President, you’re not old enough to buy an assault weapon.
  9. Every assault weapon sale need include classroom instruction in the safety of use of a weapon.
  10. Every assault weapon sale must include an intention for use document to be kept on file with the ballistics registration. If used for other purposes, discretion must be used diligently to determine its real intended use.
  11. All assault weapon sales must be accompanied by a registration fee designed to cover the costs of the vetting necessary to release the firearm to the purchaser.
  12. All assault weapons sales must require at least a 10-30 day wait period to vet the purchaser, purchaser’s family, acquaintances, and friends, of the whom the firearm. is to be sold to, without exception.
  13. All assault weapons, whether rifle or handgun, should require a $100,000 registration fee, to be purchased.

This is my short list of what’s necessary to stem the violence. You may have many more items to include in this list. I invite your input.

Will this change anything? Not while a conservative party remains in control. Republican control = corporate control. It’s that simple. That means if corporate can be terroristic, the Republicans can be also. They’re already under the control of Russia. Why wouldn’t they want to control our country through our behavior, through the Republican party? Things are starting to look a little clearer, now that I see that. It’s Russian influence being perpetrated through the President that they put in Office, not us.

You may ask why I put the NRA in Russia’s corner. Who else directs more killing in America than the NRA? Who promotes more guns in America than the NRA? Who buys more Senators and Representatives? Who “Won’t let the government have my gun unless they pry it from my cold dead hand”? While the NRA accuses everyone else, for the violence their guns commit, people are dying. They call these tragedies a failure of law enforcement.  Your failures of law enforcement probably came directly at the request of the NRA. It’s they who influence more gun owners than anything else, except for tragedies like the one our nation is now enduring. Don’t you think, creating all the fear you do, would incite more violence? Whether you think so or not, that’s exactly what’s doing it. That means that this is your fault, completely. And you have the gall to call yourselves American patriots. Your patriotism ends where money picks up, just like our President.

They are the ones that truly profit from this, not the liberal media. That a statement out of Trump’s playbook. Nobody profits from this upheaval more than the gun industry and the NRA. Why wouldn’t they want to encourage it? It’s only in their and their shareholders’ better interest to see this unrest. It pads their coffers. Too bad it doesn’t ours.

What is so hard for them to understand it’s the law that they’ve designed that have caused this. Now, the NRA wants to blame the FBI for all of these tragedies, saying it’s the government that’s failed us. Look who’s in Office, right now. Who lobbied the government to act like this?

NRA – You make me sick to say that I used to be a member of your organization.
Wayne, get an education. Learn that it’s guns that kill.
Your mouth is giving terrorists more credence to carry out their terror.
According to;

The NRA donated 30.3 million to Trump’s Campaign completely legally. Legal Russian Influence in Our Election by a Foreign Communistic Government.

Who benefited Donald…er, Don Trumpf?
That makes you the true terrorist. 
Will you please protect us from you and your party?
Are You All Terrorists, Republicans?

Why do you spread false news just like the other communist controlled lobbyists and corporations, like Fox News, Monsanto, Bayer, and Syngenta? You are all terrorists. Cold, uncaring, conniving, calculating terrorists. You all deserve to be hanged for your crimes. Your criminal behavior forced me to abdicate my membership and support for your organization. Why do you defend the violence in America, when it was your imposed laws on our Congress, that’s given us all of this terror? You, just like the President and most corporate America, are the true terrorists of the world, intent on selling your guns. Everything I hear from you in defending your position, argues exactly why you shouldn’t even be in business. Your industry that you’re doing your best to protect is behind all murders.

This influence forces me to question their allegiance? Where does it lie? With the same country trying like hell to sow discord throughout this country? That makes me wonder a lot about this entity, the NRA. Are they communistic? Their drive for power points to that. Their widespread influence almost proves it. If their backing is coming from their members, I have to conclude that their membership is as communistic as anyone, simply for their desire to sow violence and discord in America.

NRA = Whiners! – Whiners, Stuck in Fear of…?

How galling can you be? You whine and blame everyone else for your crimes just like our bully President. NRA- the true criminals in America. They are the true terrorists. Just listen to how much they try to divide our nation even more. I’ve never been exposed to a more despicable organization that this terrorist organization, the NRA, the true terrorists and communists of America. Your actions and the manner in which you conduct business, tells me you’re as much of a bully organization as has ever clouded American ground. That tells me that because you bow to Russian influence to divide our nation, even more, you are more communist controlled that probably any other organization in America. I’m hearing, right now, exactly how the NRA conducts their business. Like the President, they blame everyone else for their own crimes and expect people to believe it because they use fear and anger to spread their message. You’re the best and finding excuses. Your the best at brushing off responsibility for what your guns do. You sicken me. It’s time you quit finding excuses, and realize the truth, your refusal to be responsible for your assault rifle sales. But you can’t. Corporate bylaws prohibit you from doing so. You actually have the gall to call everybody else dishonest, when it’s YOU that IS misleading the public. Why can’t I hear the truth from you? Everything the NRA says against the “liberal/socialist state” is a confession of their crimes and they are plenty, starting with lying to Americans to further their corporate goals. Their words make me ask who are the real socialists? Who are the real communists? The NRA? Yeah, they’re the only ones trying to divide us even more, and that’s exactly what Russia wants us to do. The NRA is playing the tune in their playbook. Who’re the socialists, here? Who’s blaming someone else for being a socialist? Can’t you see how bullies work? The President has taught us this.

You recommend to arm teachers to fight gun violence. Again, you suggest something that is completely ignorant to anybody’s safety and security, and completely void of any sanity. Your actions in defending yourselves, speak highly of foreign influence. Where does your funding come from? All that would do is make that armed teacher or guard, no matter how well trained, the very first target. Duh! Do you do this to start a secret Russian army in our own schools? Why are you so anxious to load up our schools with more guns? Where is your allegiance? How many bullets do you suggest they spread around, with the ones already flying? How many kids do you really think that’s going to save? Or do you just want to sell more ammo? Why are you so intent to give Russia exactly what they want? Our population to have more guns to kill more Americans, so they don’t have to. Where is the sense in that? In your compliance, to their wishes, they’re succeeding in killing us, in spades.

That makes me question the patriotism of all NRA members. If I meet you on the street, please don’t confess your NRA membership to me. I used to be a member 40 years ago before I grew up. The NRA was a different organization, then. It was a hunting club, Now it’s terrorist’s club. That’s when I got smart, I got smart and learned what the NRA really is, now. I learned that they are the root of a lot of terrorism in this country and yet, they still defend their actions, all for the sake of profit. The drive for corporate profit, that destroys life like the NRA does, is also found in other industries, like our food industry, as explained in the books below,

It may be time to start boycotting states who support the NRA’s destruction of America. My list starts with my own state

  2. UTAH
  6. TEXAS

With their judgment so clouded by their diet, I’m not surprised by their beliefs of fear or why they fear as much as they do. All they see is what threatens their existence and not how to correct that which aberrates that vision of their future. What else can drive fear except, basically, hunger? Learn what it is that’s increasing your hunger.

 Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.


The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.


Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.


Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.


E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.


state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse


Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition


black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.


Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic


Deranged and Unhinged? Just who is?

Deranged and Unhinged? Just who is?…
Uh…let me guess, Don Drumpf?…
Matt Schlapp?…
Devin Nunes?…
or any of a myriad of Trump supporters
in Congress, Senators, and Representatives…
(who used to be against Trump before the election
yet turn their colors, for a better reflection)…
Carter Page? Jared Kushner? Ivanka Trumpf?…
Paul Manafort? or 13 indicted Russians,
all interested in Trump’s campaign
through his son-in-law Jared?
or should it be the Chinese
or the UAE?
There’s plenty of corruption for all here, to see?

Who in this list of players, do I look for, to find the deranged power broker in this deal? Who is it that’s trying to steal our dignity? And, probably at Putin’s request. It’s the death blow to America dealt from a Russian Cyber volley. I now ashamed to say, I’m American. I now have a better idea of what it’s like in Slovenia. Is all of the First Lady’s family here now? Were they all able chain migrate in? If so, time to shut that spigot of freedom, now that the President’s got his family in. Maybe that’s why he closing that avenue, (he’s had it up to his neck. with in-laws).

As an independent voter who has voted for both Democrat and Republican candidates, pretty much equally over my lifetime. Word has spread widely of the mental stability of our President, but I have to wonder about the mental stability of the Americans supporting him. Where is their mindset? Why do they stand up for a man who has the vocabulary of a fourth grader? That tells me he has the mentality of a fourth grader. How can anyone defend a known woman abuser? Are they making excuses for him? They hardly need to. He makes enough of them himself. Why is it all of the excuses made are false claims about how the claims aren’t false. If they weren’t false claims, they wouldn’t make the news that they’re making.

Today I see the Republican party as Russian allies doing what they can to destroy any resemblance of democracy that we’ve ever had and all for the protection of a known liar and deceiver. He’s also a known bankrupter of six of his own companies. How can the Republican party defend anyone of this nature? I thought they were the party of fiscal responsibility. How does defending anyone who’s bankrupted 6 companies give them any credibility? Are they too, Russian moles aiding and abetting them in this dismantling, of our government?

This President has proven that the ignorance of bigotry is nowhere close to dead in America, as he is a master of the trait. His bigotry goes much further than just color, it includes all people, not like him. That includes people without money. His tax cuts prove this. He’s also said it himself, I like people with money, lots of money. That means that he doesn’t care that much for people without money. To me, that’s just another sign of his ignorance, and it can’t be covered up…at least to me. Trumprocracy truly has replaced Democracy. It’s a sad, sad, very sad day for America….and the world.

Few people are as electively ignorant as this President and he’s shown time and time again that he is truly, bully-deranged. Any man who spouts as much fear and anger as this man has done throughout his whole campaign is controlled far too much by his emotions to be a stable President, and he seems to be proving this as well as any past President, maybe even better. (After all, Donald is “the best” at everything he does, isn’t he?)

It’s really unfortunate that through all the distractions, the FBI let slide a tip they received about a mass potential murderer about to unleash hell soon and sure enough, exactly that, took place. This does make me wonder if all the distractions about a slanted FBI investigation, weren’t voiced so much, would they have stopped this tragedy before it occurred? According to the news today, it sure seems so. (Today’s news is about 13 Russians being indicted for interfering in last years election.) Russia should know better than anyone, you only “hunt witches” when witches are raising havoc. Russia has plenty of witches and they’re raising plenty of havoc. To me that says that witches are in season…good hunting FBI!!!

Don’t expect this President to do anything about Russia’s interference in our election. He doesn’t recognize it as interference. He’s too indebted to them to call it interference. The sooner our nation realizes that it was Trump’s calls to action that urged Russia to interfere in the first place. That is criminal and he did it in front of everyone, in full view of the press and the cameras, just to make a show. Everything this President does “is for the show” and nothing else. It may be good for Hollywood, but not for a President. What this President has done since he’s been on the campaign trail has been mostly criminal behavior….and yet, how many were duped by his deception.

He’s even gone as far to demonize our nation’s law enforcement agency, the FBI because he can’t take responsibility for his own actions. (He can only take credit.) He even redefines blame when he does something illegal. He’s not to blame, it’s always someone else’s fault. No buck stops in this office. all get passed on. I think it’s time to pass this President on. Give him back to Russia.

This could easily rank him as the best “bad President” this country has ever elected (if you like superlatives, worst)…oh, our country didn’t elect him, Russia did. How easy it is to forget. I think the whole Republican party forgot. They’re playing up to a Russian placed mole in our white house playing as our President. If you can prove me wrong, I invite you to present your evidence trying to disprove me. Mr. Tyschper, I believe you too must be deranged to be defending this Russian mole. Can’t you see the writing on the wall? Or are you too, electively remaining blind? Congress is and that’s why their low approval ratings. I thought you would know that. You are educated, aren’t you? I’m not and I know that.


Many blame the voters for allowing this to happen. They are all discounting one fact; Russian influence in our election to dismantle a fair vote. With the intrusion into our voter registration roles, who knows how much they changed the actual vote? That completely invalidates this election, making Donald Trump’s election a false one. So, who should we blame, right now,

(I blame Matt Schlapp the dunce of a douchebag, Donald’s idiot supreme,

he knows not what he blows,

to lead us all astray, it seems.)

That means that NO! DONALD TRUMP WAS NOT ELECTED. He was appointed by Putin. Who won the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes? Doesn’t this tell you anything? It speaks volumes of gerrymandering, and I wonder who instigated the gerrymandering? Was it Russian influence? It’s been taking place for the last 30 years, and it stinks of KGB involvement. Is Russia influencing our Republican party secretly? We know they do it with the voters, that’s what influenced the 2016 election. If they can influence voters like they’re doing, they’re surely influencing the majority of the Republican party. The rest of the Republican party is quitting rather than face the fury.

The sooner his supporters realize this fact, the sooner our nation can impeach this President and get on with the business of running our own country and not letting Russia run it. Since I can’t support any of the actions of this President, I support all those who stand up to him. I also oppose all those who defend his actions and demeanor. Those who defend and support him are also supporting Russian influence in our government. I’m sorry, but it’s that plain and simple to me. It’s also as disgusting as anything that’s ever happened in my life. And I’ve been through the living death of lifetime hemiplegia due to two strokes I suffered from a severe closed head injury at the hands of a drunk driver. (I was just a passenger in the car he hit.) That damage is as everlasting as the damage being done right now, in the White House. That damage, though, is far more dangerous. He’s actually toying with our way of governing and our government itself. That’s what’s so dangerous. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. His power came from his dad’s $1,000,000 gift to get him started in business. He’s only proven that even a dolt can succeed if given a big head-start. This dolt has educated himself in the art of deception. He’s learned it from his series.

I’ve heard it said that some are happy about the way he’s upsetting the government. Are they Russians? Those who are enjoying this fiasco are playing right into Russian desires and because of that, I wonder about their allegiance. Are they true Americans? Or are the Russian moles also. Russia has them planted all across the nation, so I have to wonder, where does their allegiance lie? Wherever it is, one thing is for sure, I would’ve never suspected it if Trump weren’t in office. Is this the turmoil that elates you?

 Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

Congress, should I thank you, curse you, condemn you, or just replace you?

Thank you, Congress!!

You’ve done it again. Your gutless actions have gutted America at the request of an oligarch wannabe. This Russian disguised as an American is doing his absolute best, at the behest of Vladimir Putin, his favorite dictator, to tear our government asunder. And you still think we’re safe from outside influence? THINK AGAIN! Dope it out, idiots.

Those who can’t read the writing on the wall
are destined to eat their words of gall.
Those who heed these words of gall
drive the message that not one nor all
are sublimely buying a diet of offal.
Garbage in, garbage out
leaves little room for any doubt,
that what you hear is full of gout
when you listen to the one who shouts,
it’s all brought on by a wondering lout
who is making us all wonder about
the Russian appearance
of detailed interference
in our election with the intention
of turning our country into another deception
of freedom to which only a few have a recollection.
Instead, we suffer an endurance in non-concurrence
to dispell the interference of foreign influence
due to the adherence to the President’s elective ignorance
in the normal workings of our government’s manner of working in conference
to instill freedom for all and not just a few.
As the President wants, it matters not to you
what you may want or what you feel that you can do
to avoid the clamber of the hammer coming down on you too.
Ode to the man who wants to be king knowing, in this country, we don’t stand for that sort of thing, but thinking that he can get away with anything, this man’s torn asunder our united way of free living.

I have to wonder, just what does Russia have that they are holding against our President?” It’s obvious that it’s substantial. Simply by the way he disputes it, we know that it’s substantial. The dishonesty of this President has surpassed everything this country has ever seen in its supreme office. Never in the history of this nation have we ever witnessed that hidden take-over of our government right under our noses. We should be ashamed and we would be, except for a party that’s trying beyond and reasonability to save their face for backing an oligarch wannabe.

Does it have something to do with the money-laundering? We now know that his properties were used by Russian oligarchs to invest in America. For what purpose? We know that he doesn’t care. We also know that he’s prone to do it more. As long as these Russian’s have dirt on Trump, they’re going to be using him as their pawn and patsy.

This is the turmoil that our President predicted his opponent would bring but he, instead, has wrought on our government and country. His false confidence (vanity) leads him to think he knows more than he really does due to his choice to remain ignorant of the facts of the matter, whatever the matter is. We know that this President would rather get his news from his favorite source (the one that lauds him the most, FOX News), instead of reading his own reports. This proves his distaste for reading, a highly crucial skill for running a country. Doesn’t he know this? I guess he doesn’t have the education that a President should have. This President didn’t win the popular election, either. That speaks volumes against a fair election, about Russian interference in our polling process. That should scare all of us, Republican as well as Democrat. I know it scares Independents. It terrifies me.

What I can’t figure out is, why doesn’t our Congress do anything about it? Our government is set up to reign in the power of an over-reaching President intent on turning our government into a dictatorship. I would really like to know, why is our Congress is allowing him to get away with his crimes? Does Putin have something on them too? From the way they’re acting, he must. Just how much influence did he have in our election? We know they were in the voter registration roles of many states. Did this also give them control over our election? Is he now controlling most of our elections like he controls his own? His M.O. says that he is. Donald Trump’s actions say he is. Our country’s devastation says it is. His pleasure in this debacle says it definitely is.


I don’t know about you, but this whole thing disgusts me and makes me demand that our Congress impeach any and all Russian influence in our government. (Which includes all congressmen also. They’re as much to blame as the President.)

This poisoning of our government it directly due to the high carb diet of our obese President, he needs to read and heed my warnings, indeed to free himself from any more underlying greed that’s driving our country to its ends and therefore cleaning our house of all of its seeds.

It’s the same drive that Monsanto is perpetrating on the public just for the sake of profit and nothing more. Just like our President and his attitude of “ME FIRST” and the discontent that that BS brings. What would have happened in Jesus said, “ME FIRST”? We wouldn’t have a savior.

Now we have an antichrist who espouses “ME FIRST” before the world, saying we don’t care about anyone else unless you serve me, first. That’s not what Jesus preached.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic



Treasonous……….Un-American? Sounds ’bout right!

Are you describing your actions again?

Are you bragging or is this your confession? This is your M.O. To accuse everyone else of what you, yourself are guilty of. You’ve always done this in the past and you’re doing it again. You are proving that you can’t learn from your mistakes. When you don’t make mistakes, you’ve got nothing to learn from. There was only one perfect person in the flesh of Jesus Christ, which you obviously are not. Everything you do is not perfect. You make ginormous mistakes but won’t take responsibility for them. Instead, you change the definition of the goal to make your mistake worse by making it not sound like a mistake by changing the definition of your error. You use deception to hide your mistakes and errors. When you do that, you’re building a false edifice on quicksand. The appearance will only last temporarily at best.

You have the nerve to call all Democrats, treasonous when it’s you, that is actively being investigated for collusion and obstruction of justice when what will ultimately be discovered, it’s you and your family, your overseas business partners and connections that are guilty of treason. When has our country ever entertained a President who has laundered money for a foreign entity? Why does our Congress think it’s prudent to do so now? This sounds like a typical bully ploy. You see it all the time in fiction as well as the movies, but to see it in real life is a little unnerving, especially when it’s your government and the President of your country. This is the way bullies act, though, with contempt for everything they don’t want or agree with, and this is the way Donald has always acted.

Adolfo Franco, who the hell are you? Why are you defending a spy? Does Russia have something on you too? How indebted are you to them? I’m now witnessing the biggest duping of our Congress that I’ve ever seen. This is down-right scary. How much do these congressmen and senators owe Russia? What do they have in their possession that they’re holding over them? It has to be something very severe to be getting the results that they’re getting. You’ve proven to me where your allegiance is and it isn’t with the U.S. It’s with the same people as Trump’s influence which is definitely, outside influence, that apparently coming from Russia. The Russia-republican party is making its mark on our government…and I’m not happy with any of it. Personally, I’ve never witnessed treason to this extent. Worse yet, I’ve never seen it simply to appease an egomaniac’s desire turn over the control of our country’s government to Russia.

How can a country elect a President so ignorant that he encourages a shutdown? How smart is this man? Treason? What have you done that isn’t treasonous? Treasonous? You’re right absolutely!!! Everything you’ve done has been treasonous…no doubt. You’ve proven beyond any doubt when you accuse others of what you think is a crime, it’s actually you that commits that crime. Treason? You bet, you and your party are the ones guilty of treason. While you ignore the meddling of Russian influence in our election, your ignorance is aiding and abetting Russia in their meddling, making you treasonous just for your ignorance alone. How much help do you want to give Russia in their attempt to take over America? How much are they paying you? Or is this part of the money laundering you do for them? Treasonous? I think you’re absolutely right and you’ve just done just about the best job of treason our country has ever seen. You should be rewarded for your treason. What is the penalty, again?

What more can you expect from someone so contemptuous,
but a yearning to do that which is treasonous
when all through his life he’s shown to be poisonous
to the multitudes of those who think he’s not at all devious
when in all reality, it’s he who creates all the dangerous
dialogue with the mischievous intent driven by ignorant insolence
of a desire hell-bent on the destruction of our democracy
to be replaced with a Trumprocracy of idiocy.

Who was it that invited Russian interference in our election? Treasonous? I think so. I don’t wonder why they interfering now, I know. It’s at the request of our President when he was a candidate. Who voted for that? Whoever it was, they don’t want to let me know. To me, that was criminal behavior. To vote for a man who invites attacks from abroad is criminal in every sense of the word. Treasonous? You bet! Placing and keeping unscrupulous people in his administration who can’t even pass a background check, due to their enormous debt to foreign powers. This has never happened in this country. Why are Republicans encouraging this now? What is their true intent? Are they really patriotic? Or are they just that stupid that they can’t see the writing on the wall through the graffiti of Don Trumpf?

Your treason, Mr. President, can be traced to your hunger cycles, the foundation of all evil. (And you have plenty of it to express.) If you get hungry, you should mind what you eat. Eating carbs creates a hunger cycle which is a clear indication of your addiction. Fix your addiction, fix your life. This is the President’s problem, his heavily laden diet of carbs, it’s just like his brother’s addiction to alcohol. This President’s addiction is the bread and sugars mostly consumed in his cheeseburgers and Big Macs. It’s a clear cause of his deranged mind, the major reason is due to his diet. That’s right, this man’s diet is ruining our country because he’s so easily influenced. Due to his diet of Big Macs and cheeseburgers with the addition of foreign Russian influence (that’s why they’re using him, he’s easily persuaded due to his diet), our country is doomed to the same fate as that of Senator McCain. a slow very uncomfortable death. This could have been avoided with a ketogenic diet. It could have also been avoided if Monsanto had not invented glyphosate pesticides. Avoidance of these chemicals should be avoided at all costs.

The value of my book below will be fully realized after Sen. McCain gets over his glioblastoma (brain cancer). I gave him a copy, five months ago. I know about this disease. my niece died from it 26 years ago. She was the first in my family to suffer from cancer (that I know of). I’ve lost two uncles to heart disease. I’ve also had two other aunts that have suffered from cancer. The correlation? Sugars, in the form of bread, pasta, pastries, and cereal. My mother cooked for her siblings when she was young. In doing this, she taught her sisters how to cook for their families. In essence, she unknowingly brought disease to my immediate family, as well as extended family. None of us looked anything like the photo below until I gave up my carbs. My story is different now.

We should all look this fit;

If you don’t, Your cure is here!

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition
The complete story of how a major chemical company has tainted your food to keep you hungrier and sicker than you’ve ever been, all for the sake of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

A Question of Equality

Are We All Treated Equal?

How do you judge what’s equal? How do you separate your equality from another person’s? What I consider equality you may not. You and I obviously grew up different. It’s those differences that differentiate how we each define equality.

For example, for me, equality means being able to pursue a comfortable life with the liberty to do everything legally in my power to achieve the results I desire. To me, any infringement on that fundamental right is an infringement on my equality. This may be a simple definition of equality, but I like simplicity and I’m a white man who just lives with a severe enough disability to inhibit my ability to improve my life.

This was God’s rude way of teaching me how to appreciate freedoms that I have always had but too many other members of our society never could, due to their color, religion, or sex.

For example, I’m not afraid to walk down the street at night. But, I can’t imagine what a black man has to say to his son, to keep him safe on the street at night. That’s a different kind of equality than what I’m used to. Unfortunately, this is a  cold truth that we get to live with today. Will it change? Only after we bring back together the polarization that’s been increasingly taken place over the last 40 years, ever since Reagan demonized our government.

Government is a country’s best friend, and our’s has been touted as the best government possible in the modern world due to the freedoms it allows our citizens. This freedom though comes at a price that most conservatives collectively refuse to acknowledge, and that’s responsibility. Responsibility is on the flip side of the freedom coin that’s so liberally tossed around, mostly by the Republican party. Maybe they should heed their own words of 3,4,5,6 and 7 years ago.

Unfortunately, they refuse to acknowledge this responsibility side of the coin, due to their influence from corporate America, Corporate America is all about freedom but when it comes to responsibility, corporate America is seriously lacking. They take no responsibility for their misdeeds due to the fact, it’s expensive.

Case in point; Monsanto. Monsanto is quite possibly the dirtiest player in this field, literally, field. It’s Monsanto that’s driven the pharmaceutical needs of our entire society due to the cornering of the grain market in North America. They actually force farmers to grow their GMO seed so they have to spay their crops with Roundup pesticide on almost all grains grown on this continent.

That action alone, taints all the bread, snacks, cereal, and processed food that you eat. If you eat at a restaurant, you’re eating processed food. If you buy your groceries at a grocery store, you’re eating processed food that’s been poisoned by Monsanto. This food is making our society need every pharmaceutical from opioids to all NSAIDs, that promote kidney cancer.

Cancer would be very rare if Monsanto weren’t in the business of tainting our food beyond any recognition of nutrition. Do you wonder where heart disease comes from? Read any of my books in blue below to learn of the greatest ruse to ever hit America and the world.

What does this have to do with equality? Monsanto is quite possibly responsible for more premature deaths every day than any other one entity. I estimate that more than 2000 people die every day (in this country alone) due to the actions of this corporation and their influence in our entire food industry, our entire pharmaceutical industry and most of the chemical industry. They have more control over the USDA, FDA, EPA and maybe even the CDC than what anyone corporation should have. These are the agencies that regulate Monsanto’s various industries. If Monsanto is controlling the regulation, who’s controlling Monsanto?

The only people who can control Monsanto in the public who buy their products. Their products include anything made from any grain, including sugar, corn wheat, rice, oats, and most legumes. This comprises just about everything everyone eats.

This is also what’s driving the insanity in our President, due to his diet of Big Macs and cheeseburgers from McDonald’s, the king of processed food and purveyors of disease and premature death. It comes in all the glucose he dumps into his body. It incites his hunger cycles, which in turn drive is emotions, which in turn drive his fears. It’s these fears that are currently driving our society to polarize itself and it’s the polarization that drives inequality.

To understand the above paragraph, you may need to read any of my books in blue, below. We can change the degradation of our society, the destruction of our Government, and the insanity of constant pain that comes with the digestion of grain foods. We don’t have to eat it. We don’t need it.

I know the USDA still says that we need to eat a certain portion of grains every day. This is because the USDA is controlled by Monsanto and it’s in their best interest to continue this grandiose ruse. They’re making more money off of this ruse than any other company. They are the perpetrators of it. It’s their chemicals that everyone eats to make them sick. Yet, they continue to deny this, just like the cigarette companies did for 30 years. This company’s been denying the dangers of their chemicals for over 40 years and it’s responsible for well more deaths than all wars combined, throughout our history.

This Glucose Ruse is responsible for an addiction so bad, everyone in the world is born into it. It’s an addiction that can be broken, but not without a certain amount of discomfort and this is what keeps people addicted. It’s the same with any addiction. Whether it be to Alcohol (which is nothing more than concentrated sugars), opioids, which are driven by the pain created by the grain diet. or even cigarettes, which is widely driven by the hunger cycle. All of these addictions could and should be attributed to a heavily laden grain loaded diet of cereal in the morning, sandwiches for lunch and biscuits for dinner. All these grain foods dump so many chemicals that inhibit enzymes in your body, they are directly responsible for your extra weight, all of your discomfort, headaches, stomach aches, and everything right down to your arthritis. Is this criminal?

You’ll have to be the judge of that after you read the Ultimate Cure for the World or It’s Time for a Cure Too. They both explain what this industry is doing to America and the world’s health. They are responsible for your pain and all cancers, known to man.

Evidence of this discord is being played out in the Congress as I’m typing this. More discord is being driven by the supreme carboholic in our Government. The President is right now saying, “it a disgrace, what’s happening in our country”, and I have to agree with him for maybe the first time in my life. It is a disgrace. The disgrace is being led by the same one claiming the disgrace. It’s just like every other claim of assault that he cries about. The disgrace that he’s trying to pin on who he sees as his opponent (first the Democrat party, now the FBI and the Justice Dept), is really his disgrace, just like every other false claim he makes.

These are the most troubling times I’ve lived through since the Cuban Crisis and it’s downright concerning…to the point of being even very alarming or even scary. I don’t know of anyone who isn’t scratching their head over this dilemma. I sit here with pity in my heart because I know what’s behind all this turmoil. To me, is simple. It’s all created by our diet of heavily, chemically laden grains. In other words, I condemn Monsanto and Putin for this mess.

The influence that Russia is having in the workings of our government is clear and evident to me and should be clear and evident to everyone else, but some just don’t want to recognize it. Those are the ones won over by the President’s rhetoric and bullying. They would rather take the easy road when it comes to the bully President.

They are actually afraid of him more than they are of their constituents, the voters they are supposed to represent. Instead, and possibly because of Russian influence, they’re balking at investigating a clear and known danger in the form of our President. Even to the point of releasing a White House memo through Devin Nunes, which to me is another impotent attempt to discredit a valid, honest, crucially important investigation. This smells to high heaven of Russian involvement.

It is my belief that the ones trying to block the investigation into the President, should be investigated for Russian influence. This whole fiasco just smells of Russian involvement. Evidence has surfaced of money he’s moved for Russians, and more is surfacing each day, confirmed by his actions and refusal to follow the law when it comes to sanctions, virtually proving he’s being pressured by an Eastern power, making everyone wonder, what power do they have over him?

That is a probability that few can deny. Due to the fact that Donald Trump has had many business dealings in Eastern Europe that would definitely leave him open to outside influences, especially when you consider the people he’s had running his campaign. We know that this President is the most deceptive, dishonest, deranged President we’ve ever had to endure. I can see where every accusation he claims, no matter who it’s against, is really a confession of what he would do and many times does. It’s past due that the media and our government realize that this man was not elected by America. He was put in Office by Russian influence.

That is our clue to what he’s going to do
with his power of new to undo the glue
that’s held our union together the last 150 years
due to his undue influence, we now weep the tears
that have been wrought on us, due to all his fears
the fears bought with a hunger cycle
that to you can only end with
a premature death of your life cycle
it’s this grain that drives everyone’s brain
to disparage our chain
of command to drain
our Government’s better way to sustain
the people’s claim that the drained
the swamp has been replaced by a deranged
congress indebted to the corporate domain
this remains your only hope to maintain
your health and better yet your brain

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

The Antichrist Come to Life?

Is this real? Can our President be the Antichrist come to life?

I am sick and tired of hearing a President brag about what he’s done to America claiming it was for America. This President is deranged and it’s about time people started realizing it while we still have a country to defend. Is this man the real Antichrist? A concern like this requires examination of what an Anti-Christ is, what makes up a qualified Anti-Christ, and what are the consequences of the real Anti-Christ.

First, let’s look at what the Bible says about the “real Anti Christ”. My largest King James Bible defines Antichrist as “a word used by John to describe one who would assume the guise of Christ (1 Jn. 2:18; 4:3-6; 2 Jn. 1 7)” It goes on to say, “In a broader sense it is anyone that counterfeits the true gospel and is openly or secretly in opposition to Christ.” All I ask is to observe the behavior, speech and actions of the one who I think fits the bill, to a tee.

I shouldn’t have to point out everything this man has done throughout his life that is definitely against the gospel. Yet, he’s given “mulligans”. Doesn’t this sound a little like something an Antichrist would command? A man who can’t determine truth from fiction, equipped with a glib but forked tongue is the perfect definition of the Antichrist, as well as a one-man recipe for the decimation of the United States, thanks to the undue influence from our most dangerous adversary, Russia. (It’s a clear indication of his knowledge of what transpired meetings with various Russian delegates and members and x-members of his cabinet.) With the control, this man commands, how could he not know of collusion? That’s why he’s fighting the obstruction charge. He’s already proven that 83.5% of what he says is outright false and misleading.

There are several other references to the Antichrist in the New Testament. They start in Deuteronomy and continue through Kings I and II, Psalms and many books of the profits and throughout the new testament. Most of these accounts speak of a false christ who speaks with a glib but forked tongue to mislead a multitude of people into believing that he alone can fix things, to save the world.

The reality if this situation is, it’s happening right now, as I write this document. It’s been happening for the last 20-25 years with the grooming of Donald J Trump. From his days in beauty pageants to his time evicting residents to build bigger high-rises in Manhattan and New Jersey, to his days “firing” people who rarely really deserved it, this man has been grooming himself to be an excellent antichrist. He’s doing his level best to prove to me, at least that he is. He should be proving that to every other Christian in America, but unfortunately, he’s only proving that to foreign Christians.

Too many American Christians still put their faith in him and think that he’ll return things to their version of normal. I think the time for that think, has long passed. I think it passed about a year ago when he took office. And, I don’t think it’ll come back until long after he’s gone. I think he’s irreparably damaged America’s position in the world, not only politically, but economically and worst of all morally and ethically.

It’s that last one that I have problems with. I just can’t come to any logical reason why a man like this should be in power. He obviously doesn’t have the education for it. He obviously doesn’t have the temperament for it. Worse than all he has no patience for anything he doesn’t understand, just like a fourth grader. And yet, how many people still put their faith in him.

Are they listening to his lies are do they put more in his words than what’s really there, just to justify their false belief in a false christ? Are they worshipping the wrong God? Their god, I know worships the god of the dollar, ego, and self-fulfillment. How most evangelicals can follow an antichrist like this, I have no clue to. All I can believe is their ability to buy anything that offers a glimmer of hope for the cheapest price, which is exactly what an antichrist would offer.

If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land. This Putin wannabe is beyond all control that I can see to bring all the calamity and indignity that is brought by all the dishonesty, thanks to the inclusion of Russian infusion in our election that’s left the detection of obstruction brought about by persuasion of the Republicans that this man is one of them, making a mockery of our system to confuse all who listen to the insanity being spread by a man who’s brain is all but dead leaving us all misled to the conclusion, through all the confusion, that we need resolution to this intrusion into our freedom’s existence and furthermore, threatening its continuance.

He complains that the FBI is prejudice against him. (I wonder if he feels like everyone he’s prejudice against?) He’s right they are. The FBI is prejudice against him. They’re prejudiced against crime and Donald J Trump is a criminal. He’s been one maybe since the fifth grade. He boldly claims that he’s being spied on and that hi’s being “wiretapped” trying to divert the real attention from his criminality to make it appear that the Justice Dept. is criminal in this case, when they were only doing their job, keeping track of spies. It just happened that those spies they were keeping track of worked for Russia and were helping the Trump campaign. (This is what he calls his “art of the steal.”) No collusion? Maybe not collusion, just outright treason. Because Donald is President now, he thinks he’s immune from prosecution. Too bad he can’t determine what’s bad advice from his lawyers.

The only difference now is that he can’t buy or pressure his way out of it. As President, he’s forced to face his crimes, all of them, from yesterday to 60 years ago when he learned that what he couldn’t bully his way out of, he could buy his way out of. His MO is still to bully first and buy second, but he can’t buy influence in the FBI or Justice Dept. so he’s trying to bully his way out of his conviction.

He actually thinks that as President, he has the power to do this and this is the indication of this man’s fourth-grade mentality. He’s just too impatient to stop and think about the consequences of his actions.  The worst part of this story is the age of the President and whether or not he’s too old to change this destructive behavior. If I had to bet on this, I’d have to bet no, he can’t change, he’s too set in his ways.

e book edition for an Antichrist's manifesto
If you like Trump, you need a cure and with luck, you ‘ll find it here. If this doesn’t your mind change, then that’s proof to me that you, too are de-ranged like the man with the mane. You need a more permanent cure as that below in It’s Time for a Cure.

The real cost here is what we get to pay in the end for it, and I didn’t vote for this. I didn’t even ask for this. I warned about this before it happened. But nobody wanted to listen. Their preference was to listen to a glib, but forked tongued showman who is nothing more than a con-man and everything less than a true President.

Because nobody wanted to listen to me 2 years ago, we now get to “pay-the-piper”, but this piper already has more money than 99.989% of the rest of Americans. It has me wondering, how happy is Russia now?





Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition Antichrist
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food Antichrist
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address Antichrist
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address Antichrist
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union Antichrist
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition Antichrist
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition Antichrist

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edition Antichrist
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition Antichrist
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

State of the Union Address?

If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land.

I heard that there was a State of the Union Address yesterday. From what I’ve heard of it, I’m glad I missed it. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t listen to it. I have an aversion to listening to liars who can never tell the truth and I can’t believe anything this President says, ever. Listening to this man raises my blood pressure to dangerous levels and I suspect that I’m not the only one this happens to. If you are one of those who can pick the truth out of all the BS he spouts, I salute you. I commend you for your steadfastness to cling on to a losing cause. Diligence is something to be commended for, but in this case, it’s threatening our freedoms. It may even be threatening our existence. If you still are sold on the idiocy this master con-man has displayed, you need to open your eyes to what’s really happening and not what you want to happen.

Evidence has been accumulating for more than 13 years on this investigation on certain people in the Trump Campaign (Paul Manafort) and it shows his involvement with foreign powers to influence other elections around the world. Why would that not happen here? As Xandar Cage of “XXX” said “Dope it out”, there’s something dirty goin’ on in the White House and it started, probably, well more than 13 years ago when this investigation started in 2004.

Check the timeline of the investigation.    This is what Republicans are afraid of and why they’re trying to discredit this investigation. It’s in a Trump plan, from the beginning to sow discord and contempt for our fellow man. Donald J Trump definitely was not a Boy Scout. He probably would have been kicked out if had tried to be. Now he’s doing his unlevel best to subject all of us to his idiocracy.

Trump tales for state of the union address
My Ode to King Trump and his dump-truck full of junk that we don’t want.

I have to wonder how much does this party need to prove to them that who they are following, is going to lead them into an abyss they’ll never be able to climb out of. For everything good that every President has done over the last 50 years was just outdone in a destructive manner that will reverberate through the halls of Congress, decades to come. This may be the beginning of the end for the Republican party. The party my family’s belonged to for as long as I can remember.

state of the union
If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land.

The way this party is acting right now, I can’t be part of. This is the definition of corruption and it starts at the top. That’s what scares me and it scares me immensely. I can’t say how much this scares me because it’s downright dangerous that our President respects a foreign adversary more than he respects he own government that he’s in charge of. If you can’t see the danger in this, you’re not American. My guess is you’re another Russian mole. If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land.

This may well be a Russian ruse of epic proportions to tear the United States apart at the seams, and unfortunately, very unfortunately, it seems to be working. The ruse that’s behind this ruse is displayed below in my three books about the glucose ruse, the deadliest scourge to hit mankind, ever.

The Glucose Ruse

Listed below is the other ruse, the glucose ruse that’s killing over 2000 people each and every day in America. It’s costing Americans even more. This ruse has cost us more in lives, dollars lost to medical care and medicines, times lost from work, that it has become the largest and costliest scourge set on mankind.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

Imagine A Trumped up Story

A Trumped-up Story
The story of an out-of-tune blaring trumpet
that maintains a diet full of crumpets
Of this trumped up story, I wish we could dump it
but unfortunately, it’s us that gets to hump it
to avoid the rumble from the concrete jungle
of his diet ever blaring of that which he can bungle.

Imagine that you never had to make your bed. When I was a little kid, I think 4 or 5, my mom taught me how to make my bed and expected me to make it every morning. Did this ever happen to you? Imagine never having to make your own bed, ever. I still make my bed every morning, do you? Even if you don’t you still have to wash your sheets…unless you live in a hotel.

Imagine a man who has never had to make his own bed nor wash his own sheets. He’s always had it done for him as he has always lived in a hotel. He was brought up in his father’s hotel and continued to live in his own hotel for the extent of his life. It may be a nice and comfortable way to live, but it doesn’t teach you much about real life, where one has to make their own bed, where everyone is responsible for cleaning up that which they mess up.

imagine a Trumped up story to set world straight about the man with the mentality of a fourth grader acting as a president.


Donald J Trump has never had to make his bed, no do his own homework. He has always had his bed made for him. How can anyone who has always had their bed made for them, clean up that which they mess up? They can’t. That is why Donald is having as many problems as he has. He can’t manage the calamity of cleaning up anything. He’s always bought his way out of every jam he’s ever been in. The problem this poses now is that it’s our money he’s spending.

Imagine a boy that has had everything given to him (usually on a silver platter) and seldom, if ever, had to work for anything he’s accomplished. Now, imagine that this boy learned in the fourth grade how to buy his grades. Imagine that this boy bought almost all of his grades throughout his schooling. What kind of mentality would this boy grow into as an old man? If he stopped learning, going into the fifth grade, wouldn’t he have the mentality of a fourth grader?

Imagine a man who has always had the money to buy anything he needed or wanted. Now, imagine a man who could bully anything out of anyone if he couldn’t buy it. Imagine this man running a government like he would his businesses, 6 if which he has bankrupted.

Imagine now that this man has a subconscious will to build up an Eastern power that was instilled in him as a young man. Imagine that this man respects this other power more than he does his own country. Try to imagine to what extent he’d go to appease this other power. How do you think that would affect your life and business?

Imagine this man befriended someone who needed his help moving some money for him. Imagine him helping this person and that help, increasing over the years. Imagine how easy this would be for a man who already owns multiple companies, several of which have already failed, and many others on the edge of failing. Imagine how this could help the bottom line of many of those companies. Now, imagine the stress this would put on that man committing that laundering. What kind of impact could this have on the decisions this man would have to make concerning our security?

Imagine that this young man befriends a woman in Czechoslovakia who (unbeknownst to him is a secret KGB agent) and offers him a deal so sweet that it has “massively-profitable-money-maker” written all over it. This ultimately sets up a money laundering operation through his properties, forcing this man to be their patsy for years on end, by creating a path to create havoc in our government with the help of moles in the Republican party, strategically placed by gerrymandered congressional districts to assist in the creation of the havoc. Can’t you imagine this possibility?

This stinks of a KGB log term plot to influence the U.S. It seems to be working very well, as far as they’re concerned. I’ll bet they couldn’t have expected a better result than what they’re getting out of this fiasco. This has to be their dream come true. (This begs the question, what’s the U.S. going to do to retaliate, once the patsy is gone and we’re no longer under his control?)

Putin probably thinks things are pretty “hunky-dory” right now, with the control he seems to have over Trump. I wonder how much sleep he’ll lose after his patsy is gone and the US. does retaliate. He’d better sleep lightly for the rest of his life, however short or long it may be. He may ultimately be blamed for destroying any civility left in the world by turning loose a loaded unaimed ballistic missile in the name of Donald Trump.

imagine a Trumped up Story to set world straight about the man with the mentality of a fourth grader acting as a president.

Imagine a man who learns how to pick up on people’s fears and learns how to incite those fears into anger, then rides that wave of anger into the White House. Now imagine a master salesman who says whatever he needs to say just to get the sale, in this case, a certain, desired reaction from his audience, regardless of the consequences of his spiel and the promises he’s made. Imagine also a salesman devious enough to sell fake jewelry at a highly marked-up price that was only easy to see after the sale had been closed. In other words, imagine buying an Edsel, simply because of its own self-proclamations, advertising how good it is, when underneath it was little more than a lemon.

Imagine a man who is so paranoid that he buys his groceries at McDonald’s because he’s afraid of being poisoned by someone he’s wronged. Imagine that this man has moved money for entities in Russia that would pose a clear and vital threat if that information was discovered. Do you think this man would do everything he could to keep that hidden? Imagine a man who respects Russia more than his own government. Now, imagine that this man thinks he’s President and is in the role of the President but he can’t act like a President simply due to his fourth-grade mentality.

His Trumped up assumption of how to govern.

Imagine the world of anger this man has created simply to buy his election and subsequently used to distract and antagonize his adversaries. This is Trump’s “art of the deal” when it comes to his type of dealing. It’s deceptive at best, sinister in all reality. The real cost of his election was and is the sanity of the United States government. If our government can stand up to the abuse this President has demonstrated, it can and will stand up to anything and therein, stand up for everyone.

Now imagine a Congress bowing to the insanity being spouted by this man completely dividing a government as well as a society into factions ready and willing to “kill forever” anyone who threatens his or her idea of democracy, forgetting that it’s the differences in opinions that make us a democracy.

Imagine that the man they’re putting their faith in was brought up to be an angry man from the very first steps that he’s ever taken. Imagine that this man was given everything that he ever wanted. If it wasn’t given to him, he bought it, just like his grades ever since he was in 4rth grade.

Imagine a man who has never had to clean up his own mess. Imagine a man who has never had to fix anything he’s ever broken. Now imagine a man who has so little self-esteem, because of this, he’s always touting how great he is, just to get his validation that he so desperately needs. I don’t think I need to tell you to imagine the havoc he can cause.

Is this something I just imagined or did this really happen? Imagine instead, how do we clean it up? Imagine now, a world without hunger and fear. Imagine a world with disease and pain. Imagine a world without Glucose Addiction. Imagine; “It’s Time for a Cure.”

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:

state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.


The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.


Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.


Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.


E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.


state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse


Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition


black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.


Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic


Has the Cold War Ended?

Our worst fears are starting to manifest.
The Cold War hasn’t ended.

I would have liked to put a question mark after those statements, but I’m afraid that I can’t. It’s now evident that our President, possibly in collusion with Russia is turning the Republican party into a Ruspublican party. This is not only scary it’s the most dangerous ground our country has entered since the “end of the Cold War”. This makes me question that statement; the end of the Cold War. Did the Cold War end? Or is this an extension of it 25 years later, in the placement of Donald Trump in the Oval Office by a suspect electoral college election.

Post-election; I saw one country that wasn’t shocked by our election and was actually excited about it. That one country: Russia. Has Russia been secretly infiltrating their operatives into the Republican Party to create the gerrymandering that’s been taking place over the last 40 years so they could influence our election from the outside? They were, after all, the only country his election wasn’t a shock to. From their reaction to it right after the election, they almost expected it. With the action that’s been taking place in the Republican party of late, it’s starting to really worry me, is the Cold War back? Did it ever end?

This is enough to scare the Pope. We’ve known of this president’s affinity for Eastern Europeans and their countries, it only makes sense that he’s been secretly groomed for this assignment by the KGB. They did work in all Eastern European countries when they all belonged to the USSR.

Why can’t Republicans see this ruse? Are they really that blind? Are they that willing to forfeit our country? What really has me scared, is this just the first step? It just occurred to me you can’t witness something when you’re the perpetrator. There must be a group of Republicans that are under the same control of the KGB to create all this havoc, by enabling the tool they placed in the Oval Office. Even Tery Gowdy can’t differentiate between paying for research and buying the report. He still continues to profess that the study done for MI6 was financed by the Democratic party when they just bought the report. According to this President’s semantics, that doesn’t even prove they paid for the research, yet Trey wants too dearly to hang on to this illusion that the President has created. Is it just to save the President or his own face?

A bigger question is what is behind their rebellion against the norms of our inner-workings in the Government? Why are they questioning their own government? Is there more, behind their desire to back this President who seems to have clear ties to Russia? Has Russia infiltrated our government that much and we are completely unaware of it? The action of the Republican party, in following this highly questionable President, has made me question their motives. Are their motives for America or for Russia? Russia’s smiling. America’s not.

The biggest question in this equation is what is FOX News’ role in this drama? They aren’t really smiling either. They’re almost reeling from this debacle they and their puppet have created. We know how much weight the President puts in their opinion. He actually thinks they are the do-all end-all of honest news and governs our nation by what they say. (Actually, that means that he’s just as easily bought and sold like the rest of the public he’s conned.) He really believes they’re “fair and balanced” when in all actuality, they’re the least fair and most unbalanced news ever reported. If there is a “carny news agency”, it’s Fox News. They are the leaders of misleading. (At least next to the President.) I can’t say how disgusting it is having our country being run by Murdoch Media. Now I have to wonder how much of Murdoch’s influence comes from Russia? It’s obvious to me that he’s passing it on to our President which makes me wonder, just how much of this contention is coming from East Europe?

Does this mean the corrupt media coming from the “right side media” (FOX News) is actually Russia influenced? that’s about the only thing that makes sense. That’s the only reason the whole Republican party, with the exception of a half dozen who see the real truth, is enabling a man who has had obvious ties with Russian oligarchs. The way the President is acting only supports this theory. Many arguments could be made for all this disruption that Donald Trump has wrought on our institution of government. He’s turned it completely upside down and inside out, to say the least. No one trusts anyone anymore in any department in any branch of government right now. That to me sounds like a perfect recipe for KGB involvement. What better tool could they have than an unwitting President to do their bidding? He could have easily been conditioned by the Russians and with his fourth-grade mentality that the President shows with his constant tweeting, it’s not hard to imagine how easy it would have been to brainwash this man into a perfect tool.

We need to examine the actions of the President and who they benefit the most. That will be our first hint at who’s buying influence in the President’s actions. The problem with this President’s actions, almost all of them look to be done for the benefit of Russia, alone. Our previous president said, “freedom is more powerful than fear.” Is that why our current president is trying to prove him wrong?

cold war
There comes a time in our life when we have to take a stand, when what we’re supposed to stand for no longer stands. I’m taking a stand against what’s trying to ruin our land, which is the hand of a man who wishes me to only have a strand.

It’s becoming easier to imagine with all the animosity that he loves to create within the ranks of the government that he seems to be constantly doing. I really don’t believe that Donald J (Drumpf) Trump is that smart. He’s always had money to buy him everything he wanted out of life and that does not make anyone smart. That actually keep them from learning. This is clearly evident in Donald’s case, and that would make him the perfect tool for the KGB to use.

cold war
Is this the man who thinks he has a plan to tear asunder the makings of our great land? Is this the one who Russia has sought to rip apart our world with what he has wrought? He’s doing his best to turn our country into his jest but fortunately, there are the rest of us who can see through this mess.

Every statement that Donald speaks has me wondering this, since he never tells the truth, ever. It has me feeling sorry for all the evangelicals who still back him. They have no idea they may be backing a subconsciously covert KGB agent who doesn’t even know he is one. That’s what’s scary. If someone wants a conspiracy theory to dig into, that may be it. Robert Meuller may be our only hope of knowing the real truth, something that was

never revealed during the Cold War.

This has me wondering; is he a Russian puppet…and not aware of it consciously? He sure acts like it. He even talks like it and I was always told if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. He talks like a Russian dictator. acts like one but we know he’s not. He’s just a wannabe dictator being used by a real one.

Whatever happened to Teddy’s party? Is this the same party that freed the slaves and saved our Union from the terrorism of the South with their rebellion, the Civil War? Has the Cold War ended or is this a return to it or even the Civil War? These scary times deserve Donald Trump rhymes of crimes to be found in my books of the times.

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse













Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition

black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

It’s time to stop enabling the Supreme Bully Republican Party

What’s happened to Teddy’s Party?

I’ve read historical articles on the Republican Party ending slavery and keeping the Union together when terrorists threatened to break-up the nation. We all remember is as the Civil War, and the terrorists were called rebels.

It’s easy to say that things were different in those times, and I’d have to agree with you, they were. There was no such thing as instant communication to disseminate false news that hasn’t been vetted but, false news got disseminated anyway. A lot of innocent people were ultimately raped, tortured and hanged, needlessly because of it. More were falsely persecuted because of it. But then, times have changed. Now, people instantly spread their views, opinions, and even threats via Twitter and Facebook now. Yeah, it is a different world. Even the guns are different.

When the Civil War started gunmakers were just introducing a pre-made cartridge for a rifle, which had just recently been invented. (Rifling is what gave Americans an edge in the Revolutionary War.) When the Civil War began, they had just designed a cartridge that a soldier could carry instead of having to muzzle load their guns to fire them. Now, the .22 caliber rifle I grew up with, can be rigged up with a bump–stock to turn it into a fully automatic rifle. Yeah, it is a different world, now.

Abraham Lincoln basically started the Republican Party before the start of the Civil War and ultimately the southern states, who all believed more in states-rights than federal jurisdiction, felt the need to revolt and secede from the Union. It seems that that’s happened recently in the past with a few states that didn’t agree with our former President and threatened to secede. I guess what their citizens wanted, though, was different and they are still a state in the Union.

By the time is turned into Teddy Roosevelt’s Republican party it stood up for those who didn’t have a loud voice in government and proved it by breaking up Trusts and Monopolies, showing that the Republican party did really care about the people. All of that seems to have changed. What happened to “compassionate Republicanism”? I can remember a time when Republicans cared about their constituents. Even when they didn’t, they could feign their care, with “compassionate Republicanism”. Things are different now.

Now they have a “me first” President, who’s proving to the world how a spoiled brat acts as President of the U.S. He’s making our country a country of spoiled brats who can’t see past their own nose when it comes to equality and justice. Their equality is bought with money and nothing else. What they’re actually doing to proving to the world how a German can do more damage that an earlier German by the name of Hitler that wasn’t even a true German. (He’s was born in Austria.) If he truly wanted to destroy the world, he could’ve learned a few things from this man.

Although, this may be the one thing that Donald Trump is remembered for; saving the Affordable Care Act with his tax cut. Now people will have the money to afford their insurance, but it is a shame that they won’t have much left for anything else. The real hurt will come when they see their Government shut down.

Republican party
The Irresponsibility in the Capacity of Audacity in the Complicity of the Capacity and Audacity of the Insanity of the Presidency…thank’s all to our Republican Party

It’s easy for me to see just why this President acts like he does. It’s his insatiable appetite for his sugar in the form of bread in the diet of cheeseburgers that he keeps. He’s driving his Republican party to its demise. It may be fortunate to recover from his grasp.

Now that people have a resemblance of equality at least in their health insurance, most are realizing how good it is to have this benefit of the Obama era and thanks to a huge tax cut, most will be able to afford their coverage, now. I guess there is something to attribute to Trump’s era. Most of the people are much happier having medical insurance, especially those who couldn’t get it before. Now, thanks to a massive tax cut, they’ll be able to afford that insurance. Too bad it can’t be used for anything else.

They all really need to read one or all of my books;

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.











Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic

How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!