What do you call a man, who’s willing to gamble the future security of the world, for his own personal gain? What would you call a man who has so much trouble being truthful himself, that he’s taught his family how to lie indiscriminately. What do you call a man who’s instructed all of his companies to be as deceptive as he and his family are? What do you call someone who flagrantly flaunts the law, through this deception? And then claim that he’s being picked on. I think I hear a cry baby. (Bullies often are nothing more than crybabies.) What do you call a man without scruples, without compassion for the disadvantaged? What do you call someone who can’t possibly care about anyone or anything that doesn’t belong to him? What do you call a man so caught up in himself and so rude all the time that he’s in a perpetual state of fear?
I know what I call a bully like this. I call him Trump. I can see straight through this swindler. He’s nothing more than a presidential con artist. A president who’s willing to be buddy-buddy with Russia (intimately). Actually, our President looks up to the Russian president because he wishes he could have that kind of power. This is a country that Trump trusts before he trusts the US. He actually puts their intelligence above his own country’s intelligence, so he trusts them before he trusts us. In Trump’s eyes, there seems to be more validity in what Russia has to say than what his own country says. It seems that he accepts their lies like he wants us to accept his lies. This tells me how little truth there is in Donald Trump’s world.
With that little amount of truth that exists in his world, how much of it is made up of lies and half-truths? Since we all know how much we can trust Trump, that gives me a good indication of how much we can trust the party that put him in power. I don’t trust anybody in the Trump family as far as I could throw papa Trump himself(and we all know how big he is). It also gives us a really good idea of how much we can trust this administration or what it accomplishes or has accomplished.
He has produced exactly the quagmire predicted by him during the campaign. He predicted that his opponent would be investigated all of her time in office distracting from the nation’s business. This is exactly what has happened, except it’s happening with him. This makes me wonder what else is he telling us about his habits by claiming someone else does them. The only reason he made that claim is that he does it himself. This is your first hint of his crimes. He’s done it in the past, he’ll do it in the future. It’s his nature, he can’t help it and at 71 years old, he can’t change. He told everybody what would happen to her, if she won the presidency, by claiming that Hillary would be spending her time defending herself. He’s now doing that very same thing, defending himself, just what he accused his opponent of doing. It’s a key ploy that bullies use, which brings us to the new world that Donald wants us to live in. It alludes to why Donald likes Putin so much and why they get along so good. (Bullies of a feather flock together.)
Donald wants to control as much as he can. It’s bully nature. The nature of bullies is to control as much as possible. This points to why bullies are so narcissistic. It’s in their nature. I think this is what happens to babies that aren’t loved. It seems that they always have to try harder to get the attention they need and how they get it, isn’t all that important. Isn’t that how our president acts?
The Affinity of Bullies
He looks up to Putin. Trump trusts Putin before he’d trust his own wife. This was clearly evident in how good he got along with Putin, another bully like him, except that Putin is far more successful in his bullying due to the fact that he controls his country. Trump doesn’t control his, especially like he thought he’d be able to. And what control he has shown has proven to be very questionable.
Buyer’s Remorse from Trump’s Election
I’ve never seen as much buyer’s remorse than what I’ve seen since this president’s term has started. He’s accomplished little to nothing and stands less of a chance of accomplishing anything for the remainder of his term if he lasts that long. He must have thought that the presidency was an easy job when actually turned out to be a just a job above his educational grade (which appears to be less than elementary). His educational level is indicated by his propensity to tweet. His tweets prove his lack of education, except in how to use Twitter. Narcissists and egomaniacs have to draw attention to themselves any way they can, it’s their nature.
People in the wrong spend a lot of time defending themselves. People in the don’t transgress don’t need to defend themselves, even when they’re wrongly accused. Who do you know that likes to accuse people of crimes with no proof? People who’ve done no wrong won’t even defend themselves until they have to in court, which is always brought by a plaintiff with little to no evidence. Defending one’s actions is best left to the guilty. The innocent have too much to do to be bothered by defending themselves for something they didn’t commit.
This is why Trump has actually spent more time defending his actions and decisions than anything else. Why else would he be on Twitter defending himself a 3 AM? I don’t remember Obama doing that. But then, he never had to. Only the guilty need to defend themselves like Trump is doing. Obama was a popular president except to the far right and the right loaded media. They did as much as they could to not allow him to accomplish anything. They even bragged how they’d try to keep him from accomplishing anything, yet they failed.
They’ve learned, however, how to sucker the American people into believing that what they need in their lives is to be afraid of change. (Make America great again?) Is not this a plea to return to old ways? That kind of change, that puts us in reverse, can’t be a good change. If it’s the conservative party’s goal to instill fear in everyone, they just succeeded with me. But it’s not the fear they were looking for. This is a fear of those who instilled this fear.
Yes, I am afraid. I’m afraid of what Trump can do and what he will do. I’ve lived on disability for the better part of 25 years due to two severe strokes 34 years ago and nerve entrapment that I’ve lived with for 25 of those years. I’m afraid for my survival. You see, I’m one of those that Trump doesn’t like, the downtrodden. I’ve been this way ever since a drunk driver slammed into a car that I was riding in to put me in a coma for a month. I came out of the coma completely paralyzed and still live with some of that paralysis, today. Yeah, I’m afraid, I’m afraid for my survival and the survival of those like me, many of which served our country and are yet left fending for themselves with no help from those they gave up their freedom for.
Trump has built an administration on fear. Fear is not a good foundation. It’s actually a very crumbly one and I think that Trump knows this. I think he’s playing us like a poker hand, willing to gamble with money that’s not his, willing to take chances that he wouldn’t ordinarily make. Keep in mind, this man has already been in trouble with the law, with his business dealings. If that type of behavior got him into office, what’s to persuade him to change his colors? Donald has always used fear as a tool, just as terrorists do. Fear is what drives conservatism. That’s why conservatism is a dead end. Fear is a very low emotional tone and is controlled by more by what you eat than anything else. (If you doubt this, read my book, An Ultimate Cure for the World. Better yet, go keto and lose your fear of the unknown.) Fear is too often used for personal or private gain. In our country, fear is most widely used by bullies and corporations to achieve their own personal/corporate goals and aspirations. This practice of using fear, the kind that they like to impose on everyone, is the clearest form of evil one can present. Actually, that’s the definition of terrorism. How much more evil can you get, than terrorism?
Does that mean that our current President is a terrorist? Some in his own country, consider Putin a terrorist and he’s a successful bully, Trump is a wannabe bully compared to Putin, so he has to work extra hard at his bullying to be better than his idol. Are we one of his attempts? I just got a sick feeling. This can’t end well if something doesn’t change (in the form of new leadership). This may be a time for impeachment and prosecution of treason.
That is the only logical conclusion that I can ascertain from this presidency and it scares me, extremely. Now I’m hearing stories of collusion with Russians to smear Hillary during the campaign, which is exactly what happened. Now it makes sense. He is hiding something, but then when have you known Donald not to hide something. It’s his nature, he’s a real estate mogul. They always hide multiple things, as Donald has historically done throughout his career. Proof lies in all the trouble he’s been in with the law, in the past in his business dealings. That makes me wonder even more about collusion conspiracy with Russia to collect the emails that were released.
I’d be worrying more about what’s in his past emails. How much illegal activities would we find there? This man has proven to be a crooked, lying, power seeking individual, who cares nothing about the law, let alone anything or anyone else. We’ve already seen how ignorant he is of the law? He can’t afford to be aware of it. That takes too much time. He’s too wrapped up in himself to take the time to learn what he should. In his mind, he already knows everything and can’t learn anything new. Like Putin, he needs conquest to feel important. This is why he admires Putin, the Conqueror. Putin can get away with that though, he owns his government, not the people. They only have the illusion of a people’s government. When the government controls the media they control the people. When the government can’t control the media the people control the government.
In our country, everything is driven by profit. It’s the nature of capitalism. And it’s corporate profit that drives our economy and media, and thus our government. Because profit is so important, it’s become the “end all”, the utmost important goal a company can strive for. A free market society has a tendency to do this and this is why Trump uses his companies as tools to achieve his goals. Why pay debts when you can bankrupt companies like he does. What message does that send to everyone about responsibility? What message does that send about his honesty? With all those broken promises to pay, how can anyone believe this man?
This must be why he buys and bankrupts so many companies. They’re like toys to him. Now, he’s treating our country like another toy. I wonder if he’s going to bankrupt our country like he did to 6 of his companies. If this isn’t, buyer’s remorse, I don’t know what is. I wonder how many other people feel the same way as I do. Why did so many people believe him, in the first place? I wonder if those people who said they believe in him believed more in the fear he spread. That would make more sense, to me.
He’s certainly created more anger than any past candidate. Fear brings out anger, and that’s too bad. I would think that an educated person would know that. Anger only serves the purposes of terrorists and bullies. We know which one Donald is. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s both. That is what tells me that Donald isn’t educated. His daddy must have bought his degree and diploma since Donald couldn’t have earned it himself. He just doesn’t have the intelligence to have done so. He doesn’t even know how to stay quiet. He doesn’t have the capacity to be quiet.
Having to voice one’s self to defend oneself, as often as he does, is a sign of one who transgresses frequently. Sounds like typical behavior for a bully to me, doesn’t it, to you? That’s because he is a bully and that’s how bullies are. They’re boisterous, pugnacious and belligerent to say the least. Their innate desire to acquire more power just to prove their own worth to themselves. This is the nature of narcissism. It also the nature of bullies. That tells me that bullies are little more than narcissists. How many bullies do you remember from school that did well while they were in school? Were they smart, or just smart asses? What do you consider our president? Smart or smart ass, who loves to argue?
When are America and the Republican party going to learn that when you flaunt fear, you get anger, disgust, deceit and despicable behavior in return? Isn’t this exactly what we have right now in our government? It seems to me that our President’s name has become synonymous with falsifying facts. Before his term is up, people everywhere will be saying, “did you trump to me?” “I don’t need your trumps, I need the truth.”
At this pace, this man in disrupting our country, no one stands a chance of survival if he remains in office. Our country has never been looked down on like it has since he’s taken office. Across the world more people despise our country than ever before which can only lead to more terrorism, as fear inevitably leads to anger, anger leads to terrorism.
The greatest gift you can give anyone is their dignity. This man makes a practice of taking away people’s dignity. He’s an expert at it. This is indicated in his words. His words, in showing his lack of education, show exactly how he loves to demean people. Demeaning anyone takes no education, it only requires a personal desire for more power or money, both of which Donald loves to accumulate. This to me proves the ignorance of what a lack of education can present in itself, as it’s done in our President. Stupidity breeds ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds anger. It’s that simple and this president loves to prove his ignorance, due to his stupidity and narcissistic, bullying nature.
Does that make you think that he deserves to be where he is? If you do, then you’re complicit in our country’s demise. When shit hits your fan, don’t expect my help. I consider you more despicable than him because it was your vote that is ruining this already great country. In his attempt to make America great again, he’s destroying any resemblance to what’s made it great. Thank you, Donald, but I don’t need or want your leadership or influence in my government. Save it for your own failed companies, you’re accustomed to bankrupting them. I don’t need you to do it to my government.
Obama’s success compared to Trumps disasters
If one were to compare the success that Obama had in his first two years to the success that Trump has had, there’s no comparison. Trump’s done nothing but rescind as many of Obama executive orders that he can. That has only proven how ignorant and stupid his actions are. Are they constructive in any way? How can they be when they’ve proven to be destructive, as they have, in the past.
From the king of fear, through his deception, we’re now getting his fear imposed on the whole world because one man STUCK IN A STATE OF PERPETUAL FEAR can’t stay his mouth. His fear will continuously get worse and this man will continuously press his limits of what he can get away with until he pushes someone too far. I just hope that he can be removed from office before he does. This man has intentionally made himself the most dangerous man in the world. What’s scary is that he enjoys it.
I’ve never read The Art of the Deal and never will. That’s because the co-author of that book is a master at deception. Being a master of deception, he’s conned a country into believing an outsider to the government can show how government should work. It takes no rocket scientist to know that business tactics don’t work in government, but Donald is no rocket scientist either. He just happens to be ignorant enough to not know anything about government. This author has stooped low enough to show his disdain for the law, not only in his words, but in his actions, though many of his business practices, and now through the Presidency. And we’re allowing it to happen, much to the chagrin of the rest of the world.
The last President to not know this little about the office was Reagan and was displayed in his appointments to his cabinet. More of his cabinet were investigated for wrongdoings than any other cabinet in history. That was until Trump took office. For shady cabinets members, Trump will show Reagan how to really do it unscrupulously.
Trump’s the master manipulator. Reagan was only a rookie, but at least he had some experience in public office, being Governor of California. Trump doesn’t even have that much experience. Government to Trump is completely foreign territory. He’s knows nothing about government. He doesn’t even know what’s really going on in the world. He only thinks he does. It seems that his view of foreign affairs comes from overseas, somewhere close to the Kremlin. Doesn’t he want to build one of his towers in Moscow? He’s got one in Washington, why not the capital of the other strongest nation in the world.
What is this desire, (divine in his eyes),
that’s driving our country in the world to be despised?
This is a man who only thinks he knows what’s going on. As he’s spent all of his life misdirecting everything in his life to achieve his own greedy goals, he’s lost sight of the truth. He no longer knows what the truth is. He’s completely oblivious to it. This is displayed in his paranoia in thinking his trump towers were bugged, during the campaign. In my opinion, I think it would have been a very good idea to bug his phones, especially with his coziness with Russia. That would raise eyebrows anywhere. Yet Donald’s propaganda is enough to quell the poor ignorant voters that were promised “a great America” and voted for him completely in the dark about what kind of human being he really is. I’ve got news for those who want America to be “great again”, it’s always been great, except when lead by deception.
Now, that we have a master deceiver at the helm, and that spells disaster for America. (As if people didn’t trust us enough, as it was.) Now, no one is going to want to trust us. That’s a clear unwanted consequence of the 2016 election and the gerrymandering of Trump into the oval office. A whole world that fears us to the point of not being able to trust us and thus is always suspicious of us. That’s what leads to terrorism. This will not be easy to work with, but that’s just the way Donald likes it.
I see this as a mental condition. It’s a mental condition expressed in one who wishes to control others, as he always has. This art of deception condition or this condition to create misdirection is an intent to control that which is deemed uncontrollable and it’s the favorite condition our current President enjoys, more than any other condition, as he’s NOTHING more than an entertainer, plain and simple. He’s a bad entertainer at that. I can only hope that the public will remember this when the next entertainer runs for office. Entertainers know acting and little more. Acting is different than being and our nation needs to learn this. We need someone who’s willing to be, not just act like our President and this man clearly doesn’t fit that bill (speaking of whom I wish was still in charge).
Too bad he hasn’t learned that this kind of condition is not conducive to the Presidency. It can only work to undermine any trust that he needs to build. I’ve found it almost impossible if not impossible to believe anything he says. He’s a liar. He always has been and always will be. How is any country supposed to trust us, as a country, now? We’ve shown that we support deception by electing the master deceiver of all time. Control may work well in corporate America but it won’t work in government. Good government requires cooperation and collaboration. That requires honesty, which is something that this man doesn’t possess. Of everything he does own, honesty isn’t one of them.
It’s obvious that this President relishes in the mystery he creates and he doesn’t want people to trust him, he only wants them to fear him. For this, he doesn’t need to be deceptive. His ignorance and stupidity combined with his wealth are more than enough to scare anyone. Now that he has what he thinks is true power, our fears have been magnified exponentially. Fortunately for us, what he deems as true power has far more limitations than what he realizes. Unfortunate for us, he doesn’t know that or even, think that. This will be his demise.
Gullible America, we now have a conman in charge., a master manipulator who’s a master deceiver more than anything. He’s about to become the master of disaster, America’s disaster simply because he cannot operate in any other mode than that of a deceiver.
How will this garner any goodwill in Congress? How does he expect to get anything done? He only knows how to control, not how to cooperate. He’s never known cooperation, only control or be controlled, as displayed by all of his lawsuits defending his actions. This is exactly why the government cannot work like a business. It isn’t a business. My government works for me, not stockholders. That means that they have to answer for what they do and they can’t buy their way out of any wrongdoing. A corporation can and does. And they do it often, like every time it’s profitable. The government can’t do that. It has to follow protocols. That’s because the government is working for me, not stockholders, so there’s nothing to gain. (Only business is profit-oriented.)
Too bad people outside the government can’t understand this. That is the perfect reason not to elect anyone who doesn’t know the law into any government office. I don’t want anyone heading up my government that doesn’t know anything about it and it’s obvious that this man doesn’t know what he doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to lose half of his towers to terrorism as this is the end product of all terrorists. Their lives are all wasted and usually lost in their causes. This terrorist may end up the same as other terrorists, dead. In my mind, his words and actions are already dead. The problem is that he’s out to destroy American because he’s secretly soviet, himself.
The first case in my point is Reagan’s administration, the most investigated and prosecuted administration in America’s history, until Trump’s. Reagan knew nothing about federal government. Trump knows less. His problem is his fear. This is illustrated by his words of anger and detest, which he relishes in spreading. Only people in fear lash out in anger like Donald has. His inability to express the truth has condemned his ability to do any good. Again, this is proof of why businessmen DO NOT BELONG IN GOVERNMENT. They have far too many troubles expressing that which is valid. Now we have the worst example of that, that we could have possibly in Office. The number of times he’s broken the law is proof that he’s in the absolute worst place he can be, in charge. The number of times he’s bankrupted his own companies is proof that he doesn’t belong where he is, right now.
What troubles me the most is that there were some very intelligent people who were buffaloed by this can artist, proving how good his misguided
rhetoric is. This just shows how easily people in America are duped by their emotions. If any of these people had voted with their brains and not their emotions, Donald wouldn’t be where he is, today. He’s just another rich landlord taking as much advantage as he can, of the people he says he wants to help. This is how bullies like to work. through empty promises and bold falsehoods to bolster their own positions.
I read in the paper this morning that he considers Hillary a disgrace. That’s because he is the real disgrace and he’s doing nothing but diverting the attention from himself. This is a typical Trump tactic and ploy. He describes it in his “art of the (s)deal”
The Art of the Deception ala Drumpf (Trump) and his ploy to destroy the deplorables that voted for him. You should know that he doesn’t like them, they’re poor. He’s said more than once that he likes people with money, so why are these people supporting him?
They must know that he’s against their flow.
Thank you, Donald Trump. You poison our minds while the food industry poisons our food. YOU eat too much of this poison to give you an ability to think clearly. Don’t make your demise ours. Continuation of this ruse is doom to our society, as it’s already starting to show.
Know this Donald;
As much as you want to be, you cannot be another Putin. Our laws won’t permit it, which you should already know but your schooling didn’t teach you this…..(so much for private schooling, they just lost my vote). (Another reason not to raise you dies in Arizona, their school budget has lost more in the last 10 years than most all other states.
The fiasco in Puerto Rico is a lasting fiasco,
thanks to this doom of our gloom
that to our society has groomed
the death knell of hatred that too many have doomed
our society to once they succumbed to his woos
Again his ignorance shines like the sun
to tear us asunder and makes us all bums.
He’s now out to either dismantle or demolish his own party in his desire to impose his and Bannon’s extreme views on the rest of the party. He actually thinks, albeit falsely, that he was voted in for those beliefs. The recent rise in Democrats’ approval ratings in the poles is climbing and should be an indication to this man that his modus operandi needs to change. But, it doesn’t. Not even when Bush was President, were approval ratings as low as they are now. Was this part of his plan when he was a democrat? Judging from his behavior, he was probably a democrat only for convenience purposes, whenever it was profitable but only when it was profitable. It’s the “art of the deal”. After all, he does bankrupt companies just because it’s profitable. Isn’t that ‘The Art of the Steal”? Or does he call it a sdeal?
To the man who can’t speak the truth; you have taught me to disbelieve EVERYTHING you say, absolutely everything. You are the most lying SOS I’ve ever known. I can’t tell you how disappointing it is to not be able to believe what your president says. If you NEVER said another word to the press, I wouldn’t miss your face of comments. As a matter of fact, I think you should move to Slovenia into a cave never to be heard of again,….and take your f#@%ing family with you. We don’t want them either. they’re all immigrants, thanks to your wives……..CAN’T TRUST THEM SO THEY MUST BE EVICTED!!!!
I can’t say enough about the stupidity of this President. He has surpassed all superlatives about his stupidity. He has proven to the world the ignorance of the American people in voting for him. Actually, it was Republican gerrymandering of congressional districts that lead to his election and now it’s come back to bite them in the butt, rather severely, in the form of an eastern German who would rather be Russian. (I can’t in all good conscience capitalize anything for this man as he is a little “g” god and nothing else.)
Drumpf again proves his stupidity. No President in history has shown the ignorance and stupidity that this President has. He knows nothing. He knows nothing about government or how to run a government. He simply knows how to be a bully and nothing else. He amazes me every day with his stupidity, plain ignorant stupidity. This excuse for a man has exceeded even the ignorance of our worst Presidents.
Following the same path as that of Nixon, G.W. Bush, and Andrew Jackson, this President is intent on proving his unworthiness to be President to prove to the world how backward America remains. The fact that gerrymandered congressional districts by the Republican party are the only thing that gave an ignoramus the oval office, isn’t important to this President. He still thinks he got the popular vote. That’s why he claims there was illegal voting in this election. He’s right. There was illegal voting but it was for him, not his opponent. We already know of people who voted twice for him, illegally. He goaded them into it by scaring them. He’s has scared everybody, worldwide. It’s the way he has always done business, so now it’s time to run the government that way, as scary as possible. Bullies tend to be like that and Donald is nothing more than a supreme bully.
It’s highly unlikely that this lame excuse of a man can ever smarten up. I really don’t think he has the capacity to. He’s just too ignorant. Bullies tend to stay that way because they can’t learn from their mistakes, as they don’t make mistakes. At least, they don’t make them in their own mind. In their mind, they’re perfect and everything they do is perfect. When you perceive everything you do as perfect, where is the need to improve? This is the dilemma of our current Joker in Chief.
Yes, I said joker, as that’s all, he is. He’s never been anything but a joker, more precisely a joke. He is the biggest joke our country has ever elected President. Thank you ignorant America for electing a wannabe Russian. You really know how to pick ’em. How do you feel now that you’ve been completely bamboozled by bullshit? Welcome home! Whatever this idiot does to destroy any resemblance of government that we once had, you idiots who voted for him deserve it. The real problem is that those who didn’t, which is the vast majority, don’t. They deserve another President. It’s time to recall this one. Donald J Drumpf, You’re fired….in my opinion, forever. I may only find solace in not ever seeing your face again, except for maybe in a coffin, waiting to be buried. Rest assured, you are the ugliest American I’ve ever known of. If there ever was a reason to deport a citizen, you make a convincing argument for it.
I’ve never read The Art of the Deal and never will. That’s because the co-author of that book is a master at, deception. He can’t even go by his real; name, Drumpf. His father, who came here in the last half of the 19 century began the Trump charade when he changed his name from Drumpf to Trump. That’s probably due to the fact that his father was a hotelier and didn’t want the name Drumpf on his hotels so he changed his name to Trump when he immigrated. (I noticed the Wikipedia entry on Trump changed shortly after his election, indicating more deception.)
Being a master of deception, he’s conned a country into believing an outsider to the government can show how government should work. It takes no rocket scientist to know that business tactics don’t work in government, but Donald is no rocket scientist either. He just happens to be ignorant enough to not know anything about government. This excuse for a man has stooped low enough to show disdain for the law, not only in his words, but through many of his business practices, and now through the Presidency.
The last President to not know this little about the office was Reagan and it was displayed in his appointments to his cabinet. More of his cabinet were investigated for criminal behavior than any other cabinet in history. That was until Trump took office. For shady cabinets members, Trump will show Reagan how to really do it unscrupulously. Since Trump is usually the best at what he does, he’ll prove to be the best when it comes to destroying our government.
Trump’s the master manipulator. Reagan was only a rookie, but at least he had some experience in public office, being Governor of California. Trump doesn’t even have that much experience. Government, to Trump, is completely foreign territory. He’s knows nothing about government. He doesn’t even know what’s really going on in the world. He only thinks he does. Because of his ignorance, he’s committing treason, right out in the open. He does this in the open to make it appear innocent. (He figures if people see him doing it they won’t report it as a crime, because it was done, overtly, right out in the open. It’s a crime boss technique.)
This is a man who only thinks he knows what’s going on. As he’s spent all of his life misdirecting everything in his life to achieve his own greedy goals, he’s lost sight of the truth. He no longer knows what the truth is. He’s completely oblivious to it. This is displayed in his paranoia in thinking his trump towers were bugged, during the campaign. In my opinion, I think it would have been a very good idea to bug his phones, especially with his coziness with Russia. That should raise eyebrows anywhere. Yet Donald’s propaganda is enough to quell the poor ignorant voters that were promised “a great America” and voted for him completely in the dark about what kind of human being he really is. I’ve got news for those who want America to be “great again”, it’s always been great, except when lead by deception.
Now, we have a master deceiver at the helm and that spells disaster for America. (As if people didn’t trust us enough, as it was.) Now, no one is going to want to trust us. That’s a clear unwanted consequence of the 2016 election. A whole world that fears us to the point of not being able to trust us and thus is always suspicious of us. That’s what leads to terrorism. This will not be easy to work with, but that’s just the way Donald likes it.
I see this as a control complex. It’s a complex expressed in one who wishes to control others, because of his fear of others. This art of deceptive expression or this unconscious effort to create misdirection is an intent to control that, which is feared and it’s the favorite condition our current President seems to enjoy, very much.
Too bad he hasn’t learned that this kind of condition is not conducive to the Presidency. It can only work to undermine any trust that he needs to build. I’ve found it almost impossible if not impossible to believe anything he says. He’s a liar. He always has been and always will be. How is any country supposed to trust us, as a country, now? We’ve shown that we support deception by electing the master deceiver of all time. Control may work well in corporate America but it won’t work in government. Good government requires cooperation and collaboration. That requires honesty, which is something that this man doesn’t possess. Of everything he does own, honesty isn’t one of them.
It’s obvious that this President relishes in the mystery he creates and he doesn’t want people to trust him, he only wants them to fear him. For this, he doesn’t need to be deceptive. His ignorance and stupidity combined with his wealth are more than enough to scare anyone. Now that he has what he thinks is true power, our fears have been magnified exponentially. Fortunately for us, what he deems as true power has far more limitations than what he realizes. Unfortunately for us, he doesn’t know nor even, think that. This will be his demise.
Gullible America, we now have a conman in charge., a master manipulator who’s a master deceiver more than anything. He’s about to become the master of disaster, America’s disaster simply because he cannot operate in any other mode than that of a deceiver.
How will this garner any goodwill in Congress? How does he expect to get anything done? He only knows how to control, not how to cooperate. He’s never known cooperation, only control or be controlled, as displayed by all of his lawsuits defending his actions. This is exactly why the government cannot work as a business. It isn’t a business. My government works for me, not stockholders. That means that they have to answer for what they do and they can’t buy their way out of any wrongdoing. A corporation can and does. And they do it often, like every time it’s profitable. The government can’t do that. It has to follow protocols. That’s because the government is working for me, not stockholders, so there’s nothing to gain. (Only business is profit-oriented.)
Too bad people outside the government can’t understand this. That is the perfect reason not to elect anyone who doesn’t know the law in any government office. I don’t want anyone heading up my government that doesn’t know anything about it and it’s obvious that this man doesn’t know what he doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to lose half of his towers to terrorism as this is the end product of all terrorists. Their lives are all wasted and usually lost in their causes. This terrorist may end up the same as other terrorists, dead. In my mind, his words and actions are already dead. The problem is that he’s out to destroy American because he’s secretly soviet, himself.
The first case in my point is Reagan’s administration, the most investigated and prosecuted administration in America’s history, until Trump. Reagan knew nothing about the federal government. Trump knows less. His problem is his fear. This is illustrated by his words of anger and detest, which he relishes in spreading. Only people in fear lash out in anger as Donald has. His inability to express the truth has condemned his ability to do any good. Again, this is proof of why businessmen DO NOT BELONG IN GOVERNMENT. They have far too many troubles expressing that which is valid. Now we have the worst example of that, that we could have possibly in Office. The number of times he’s broken the law is proof that he’s in the absolute worst place he can be, in charge. The number of times he’s bankrupted his own companies is proof that he doesn’t belong where he is, right now.
What troubles me the most is that there were some very intelligent people who were buffaloed by this can artist, proving how good his misguided rhetoric is. This just shows how easily people in America are duped by their emotions. If any of these people had voted with their brains and not their emotions, Donald wouldn’t be where he is, today. He’s just another rich landlord taking as much advantage as he can, of the people he says he wants to help. This is how bullies like to work. through empty promises and bold falsehoods to bolster their own positions.
How will history see this President? History will deem him to be the absolute most dishonest, deceiving, and despicable President we’ve ever elected. History will prove the true ignorance this man spouts and will show him to be the anti-christ. Everything he says and does prove this. The saddest part of this story is that most everyone knows this. He seems to be the only one who doesn’t. Donald Drumpf is not my President, nor yours if you’re a true Christian. Nor is Donald Trump. Neither one is a god to me and if he is to you, all I can do for you is to pity you. (But not like I pity him. I can’t pity him as he chooses to remain ignorant, rude, and belligerent, simply because he’s never grown to adulthood, mentally.) He probably never will as he has no opportunity to. He’s never had an opportunity to grow. All of his opportunities that he’s had has only allowed him to stagnate because they’re come too easy to him, due to his wealth. He’s never struggled just to survive. (He’d rather flaunt his power to survive.) He flaunts his power to achieve his own dreams of having more power and therein lies the true danger in Donald Trump. His lack of moral values due to the fact that money and power are his bottom lines, drive his selfishness to serve him and no-one else. (I seriously doubt that he can even put his family before himself.) I don’t think he can put anyone before himself. His ego just won’t allow it.
Sorry Chuck, but today, you’re wrong. The baby food problem is not a government problem. it’s a corporate problem. It’s part of the glucose ruse. Corporate America only makes it important because they depend on it to addict America to its sugar. Babies need milk, not formula laden with sugar and corn syrup solids as most infant formula is.
This is something the food industry doesn’t want you to know because it’s the warning about genetically modified crop seed that’s ready to accept the Roundup herbicide that kills all the weeds that rob the crops of their room to grow. This Roundup is a glyphosate herbicide responsible for inhibiting how enzymes work. That’s how it kills weeds. That’s also how it makes you sick. How sick it makes you depend on how much of it you eat and how fast you eat it. If you eat any of the grains that this herbicide is sprayed on, you will experience future illness. The enzyme inhibiting glyphosate will see to that. The amount you ingest with each bite is so minute that you’ll never notice the damage until it’s too late. By that time, you’ll be a slave to the pharmaceutical industry. Good luck then. Their only goal is to treat you, not cure you. Cures don’t guarantee return customers, only treatment can do that.
Glucose, which used to be called glycose, is the sugar form for glycerin or glycerol. (Glycerol is a sweet lipid used for sweetening.) It’s healthier than the sugar, because it’s slower in satiating, and not as sweet as glucose or fructose, but that’s beside the point. The point here is that fat is healthier than carbs to eat. This points to why it’s better for your body to make its own glucose instead of cholesterol, which is what it does when you feed it carbs and sugar. That’s why eating only protein and fat is healthier for the body, as it allows the body to create its own glucose instead of feeding it that dirty glucose you get from carbs. Every time you eat carbs, you’re getting dirty glucose at best. It’s not only dirty, it’s polluted with a carcinogenic glyphosate herbicide, called Roundup.
Farmers spray the Roundup on their crops to kill them, about two weeks before harvest, so they’ll dry out quicker. This practice is called desiccating and it’s a common practice in northern climates where the environment is a little damper like it is in North Dakota, the nation’s largest wheat producer, where this is practiced on a regular basis. This is news that is not good. This news means that a good majority of bread and pasta that you eat has had Roundup sprayed on it within two weeks of harvesting, simply so the harvesting will go quicker. This puts more money in the pockets of farmers due to quicker turnover, but it puts most of the extra cash in Monsanto’s pockets by selling more Roundup. It’s easy to see now, how 1.8 billion pounds of it were sprayed in the US alone, in the last 20 years. What you need to do is consider how this may affect your health and if there is anything you can do about it.
RoundUp, the very same Monsanto-made product which contains the recently-declared carcinogenic chemical glyphosate (along with inert ingredients that are also extremely dangerous), is sprayed on your food just before you eat it.
That amounts to just about every grocery store food you can think of – after all, what doesn’t contain wheat, oats, soy, or sugar cane just for starters?
What grains do you eat, cereal grains or legume grains? It really doesn’t matter. They’re all doused over and over again with glyphosate herbicide, Roundup. Do you eat sugar? You should already know how bad sugar is for you. I guess Monsanto didn’t think it was bad enough. They want to make it more dangerous. Why?
My guess is because of their involvement in the pharmaceutical industry. Having owned Searle pharmaceuticals and being merged with Pharmacia less than twenty years ago leaves little doubt why they’re motivated to continue this deadly ruse. What is evident is that the same enzyme inhibitors are used in heart medication, which Monsanto may make more off of. We all know that medications bring a lot more income than herbicides. Monsanto gets it from both sides. They get paid, making you sick as well as getting paid to treat you. This is criminal, in my thinking. It’s business to Monsanto.
The only unfortunate thing about this ruse is you’re the victim of it, by buying into it. That means every time you buy your corn chips, you’re buying into this ruse. It’s a ruse to control your appetite by controlling your hunger. It’s basically pretty simple. Whenever you eat any kind of grain it breaks down to its simplest form in your body, and that’s glucose. Glucose regulates your hunger. Glucose does this by controlling your hormones, which in turn, control your emotions, with hunger just being one of them.
What most people don’t realize is that hunger is just as much an emotion as fear or anger. Incidentally, fear and anger are both controlled by hunger. So are composure and sobriety. Those emotions are much higher on the tone scale than fear and anger, though. This only shows the danger of the hunger cycle and the emotions it controls.
That all points to the fact that if you can control hunger you can control everything it controls. So how do you control hunger? To control hunger you must control that which creates hunger. There’s one thing in your diet that influences hunger more than anything else. That one thing is sugar.
Sugar influences your hunger by playing with your hormones, Leptin and Ghrelin first and foremost. Leptin is your satiety hormone. It tells you when you’re full and to stop eating. Ghrelin, on the other hand, is your hunger hormone. It makes your stomach growl when your sugar levels get low. This is the secret to controlling hunger. Control your sugar levels and you can control your hunger. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
It is simple. It’s just not that easy. But it’s vital to accomplish this step if you want to control your hunger. That means that you should eliminate as many grain foods as possible for this task to be accomplished. This will have multiple benefits for your health.
It will cut down on most all glycation that takes place in your body.
It will reduce the amount of glyphosate herbicides that you ingest with every bite you take of your bagel, croissant, or sandwich. (all sandwiches are contaminated)
It will reduce the extra glycation that the glyphosate creates
It will keep you off of future drug needs
That will save you tons of dollars in medical costs meaning no more;
Time wasted in doctors’ offices reading magazines that you’d never read in the first place
Don’t you have enough things to do? Can you really afford to spend that much time in a doctor’s office waiting for treatment or a prescription for your pain? I used to spend half of my day dealing with doctors. Going to the appointment, waiting to see the doctor or therapist at the appointment, then waiting for more at the pharmacy for the prescription I was given to treat my pain. Notice that I mentioned, treat. That’s all doctors do anymore. They’re there to treat your pain not cure it. Curing it would mean that you wouldn’t need their services too much more. That’s why it’s far more lucrative to treat you and not cure you.
This is what I’ve learned in my 30+ years of treatment for my disabilities and pain. My disabilities were created by a car accident when a drunk driver ran a red light into the car I was riding in. My pain was created by my diet. It was this diet that I had been consuming for most of my life that was at the root of almost all of my pain. That’s because I followed what the USDA recommended for our diet. The USDA recommends a diet based on what farmers can provide and not what is healthy to eat and this is where the problem with America’s pandemics of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease come from.
What initially started out as a problem with glycation has turned into extreme glycation due to the amounts of glyphosate herbicide sprayed multiple times as ordered and recommended by Monsanto for their farmers. As you just read above, they told us to spray it just days before harvesting. This ensures that it gets into your food supply, regardless of what you eat, unless you’re not eating the grains (cereal or legume). It’s this food that creates a lion’s portion of the glycation, to begin with. Now, Monsanto wants to help that glycation along by forcing the enzyme inhibiting weed killer down your throats.
It’s no wonder cancer, diabetes, dementia and all disease involved with inflammation have run rampant for the last 30 years. This also includes Autism as displayed by this graph. This is a graph of the rise in autism since the use of Roundup started over 40 years ago. Most of the increase has come in the last 20 years since its use of it has spread worldwide.
I hope it’s easier to see now, how this industry does not have your best health in mind while growing the food you put on your table, for your family to eat. Now you know what’s at the root of all modern disease that has been plaguing the world ever since we’ve been eating grains. You also know what it’s been amplified over the last 40 years. Grains which have always been thought to be a healthy staple are inherently bad for us. Although they’re able to sustain us, they’re just as able to shorten our lives by the glycation that they create in the body. Now you know the missing link in this puzzle of why mankind has been plagued by these modern diseases ever since the start of civilization and why those diseases have been ramped up over the last 40 years, and really intensified in the last 20 years.
Monsanto denies this. They have to. Their business plan relies on the public not knowing this information. If the public knew that they were eating poisonous glyphosate herbicide every time they had a corn chip or bagel, or even just their oatmeal in the morning, how long do you think Monsanto’s business would continue to thrive?
Here’s your first clue to what this food does to you; my health since I quit eating it has improved so much that I experience very little pain now. I never take medication. I never get sick. I always have energy. From the time I get up in the morning (which is a little after sunup) until the time I go to bed (which is always 12 AM – 2 AM). I take very few breaks if any once I start working and I don’t stop to eat. I pause to make a cup of Hot Chocolate around 8 or 8:30 PM, one of two or three that I’ll drink before I go to bed, and then go right back to work, sipping my Hot Chocolate while I work.
Since I started my keto diet 3 years ago, I’ve lost my hunger cycle along with an expanded stomach that I had to keep full of carbs, just to keep my appetite under control. What I didn’t know at that time was that my appetite was never under my control. It was always under the control of the industry that fed me. That’s because I followed their advice. That advice that I followed was to make grains the largest part of my diet. So I ate grains every day, just like you are. But you still get sick, I don’t. I won’t get sick because I’ve broken the habit, the addiction that keeps you from kicking your habit. This is a habit that’s been imposed upon you and not by your choice, consciously. You were inflicted with this addiction when you were an infant and had no control over the food you ate. Too bad your mother didn’t know then what she was doing to you, to guarantee your addiction. The food industry knew. That’s why there’s so much sugar in baby food, formula, and medicine. It’s because it satiates so quickly, it immediately calms a baby down. Whenever you can quiet a crying baby, it’s assumed you’re being a good mother. How many “good mothers” have addicted their kids by not knowing?
The dangers of sugar
The addictive nature of sugar
The glycative effects of sugar
The addition of glyphosate Roundup to all sugar
Is this the kind of food you want your baby to eat? It’s the kind of food you’re eating. This is the kind of food that’s giving you headaches and stomach aches. I know. I lived it for close to 60 years. It was imposed on me by my mother. She thought she was feeding me clean healthy food to grow on. It may have been food to grow on, but it wasn’t healthy or clean. The clean food factor didn’t come around until Monsanto invented their glyphosate herbicide, Roundup. After the emergence of Roundup on the market, modern diseases skyrocketed and have not slowed down since. The rate of these diseases will continue to increase until Roundup is no longer used. (What will happen to the millions of dollars invested in Monsanto when their products are deemed carcinogenic?) This is why Monsanto can’t afford this profitable, yet deadly behavior to discontinue. Their bottom line depends on this ruse continuing and continuing for as long as they can make money off of it. It depends on it from two angles, from the crop seed side as well as the pharmaceutical side, even though they’ve supposedly divested themselves of their pharmaceutical holdings. I’m sure they all still have multiple stock options in both industries and if you think that won’t influence their decisions, I think, you need to think again.
The use of Roundup is not going to wane as long as Monsanto is making millions of dollars on the sale of it. Over the last 20 years, over 2.6 billion lbs of Roundup have been sprayed on U.S. farmland, according to ECOWatch.com With all that herbicide sprayed on your food, how much of it do you think you could stay away from? If you eat food from a grocery store of a restaurant, you’re eating Roundup with the food you eat. Monsanto makes certain of that. They have for the last 40 years. Are you starting to see the correlation of the addition of the herbicide and the condition of your health?
What glycation these grains create in the first place is magnified by the Roundup that’s been sprayed on the crops these foods come from. Your addiction to these crops and their subsequent foods is what’s behind the pandemics of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, dementia (including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases), and all other diseases involved with inflammation. Basically, that means that if you’re eating these grains, both cereal and legume, you’re subjecting your body to poisons that are not only carcinogenic, they’re atherosclerotic and inflammatory, to say the least. If they are they responsible for cancer, I’m not going to chance to eat them ever again. Now I’m really happy I quit and it explains why I’ve felt so good since I quit. It’s easier to understand now why so many people are going ketogenic.
Remember when I mentioned that glyphosate is an enzyme inhibiting chemical that’s an active ingredient in Roundup that it’s also used as a component in many medicines to make the medicine more effective? This is the legal corporate engineering Monsanto has formulated over the last 30+ years, to take more and more of your money. And it’s all for the sake of profits. Health? Well, that’s just collateral damage. Enzyme inhibitors are commonly used in medicine as well as in herbicides. The same enzyme inhibitors that are used in Roundup are also used in some heart medications. I’ll be if the person knew that the food that this industry gave them to eat for the last 30 years, gave them that food to get them to buy their medicine years later, they would have made better choices when they had the option to do so. I’ve got to hand it to Monsanto, though, in terms of business savvy. This is the ultimate ruse. It’s a gargantuan ruse perpetrated on the public without anyone finding out until now.
Does baby formula make babies healthier? That’s the myth. A quick read of the Glucose Ruse will tell you, that it’s just another phase of the Glucose Ruse that our entire society is subjected to, against our will, that’s is fattening our society while at the same time is making everyone sicker every day.
How do they do this? In one word: GLYPHOSATE. Glyphosate is sprayed so abundantly, you can’t help it, to not be deranged from all the poison spread on all of our crops. It all starts with your ACHe or Acetylcholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase is the regulating enzyme in every cell in your body that regulates the neuronal signal from the brain, which dictates how your body is going to operate. When glyphosate gets added into the mix, it dysregulates the workings of every cell in the body, POSTEHASTE, by disregulating the MiRNA in that enzyme that tells the DNA how to operate for the impulse the brain needs ii for.
When one considers how this can regulate your emotions by disregulating your ACHe, one learns to steer clear of any kind of glyphosate contamination. But, that is impossible when your cells are being controlled by a foreign substance that is abusive, to say the least, to the body.
With ACHe, your control is taken away from you by what the glyphosate does to your ACHe. Look at what the disregulation is responsible for in the graph below. I have several other, graphs of several other diseases that look eerily the same.
Acetylcholinesterase is what governs your actions, emotions, ambitions, knowledge to reach those ambitions, and ability to reach those ambitions and goals that are all regulated by our ACHe. As well as governing all of your actions and emotions and ambitions, it governs the thoughts that create those goals and ambitions.
So what does this have to do with the baby formula that you feed your child? Consider the emotions that it dysregulates. Fear is the most important of these that it arouses, as it’s fear that arouses anger, antagonism, and animosity. And, that’s just to start with. The amount of emotions that fear provokes, is truly astounding.
But that is not the only damage glyphosate does to engineer its change to your physiology. Probably the worst of the damage it does is wrapped up in the addiction it creates. That is because of the glycation it ramps up. Glycation is the absolute worst disease known to man that isn’t classified as a disease.
Glycation is just the cause of every major modern disease that mankind fights today. From cancer to heart disease, to Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s, every disease of inflammation is caused by glycation which is fully preventable. Glycation is a simple result of a carbohydrate diet based on grains.
Glyphosate was added to the mixture 40 – 50 years ago to increase the crop yield by killing the weeds in the fields. It turned out to kill as many people as weeds due to the glycation that the grains that cause, because of the deleterious effects of the glyphosate poisoning compounded on top of the glycation
Glyphosate cannot make for a healthy body of any sort. Nor can it add to a healthy body in any way shape or form. Glyphosate is good only for inhibiting enzymes. That is all it’s good for. Killing weeds and humans.
When one compares, the number of people who have died from cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and every other modern disease in our “new world”, with the increases in the spraying of glyphosate on all of our crops, you can see what the cause of all these deaths is.
These lines, over the last 40 years follow the same graph lines. They are almost identical. They are only separated by the manner in which they kill. Whether it be with cancer or heart disease or brain disease, all caused by glycation that gets ramped up exponentially when glyphosate is added into the equation, this disease of glycation is the deadliest disease known to man.
With this knowledge, how can anyone feed their baby that, which dysregulates the human body while it’s dysregulating our entire society due to the deleterious nature of dysregulating our ACHe throughout our entire bodies and brains?
It starts with what may be one of thE most important enzymes in your body, ACHe or Acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme is a cell-signaling enzyme that relays the neuronal signal from the brain to tell that cell how the brain needs it to function for the need that the brain wants it to fill for the impulse that that cell is needed for.
When one considers the ramifications of this. the results of what, this is possible of manifesting, are truly astounding. It is responsible for ramping up, exponentially all glycation that happens in the body, which in turn is responsible for every modern disease known to man.
All of this is a manifestation of the addiction that has adhered us to this diet of glycation for 15,000-20,000 years. It first got ramped up when we learned how to cultivate these grains. That was when civilization took off.
That was also when the fate of man changed and the physiology of man began to change, as the grains that we fed on for thousands of years, shrank our modern brains from what they used to be when we were paleolithic. Cro-Magnon man had much larger brains than modern man has today.
That is because when we started eating grains and the grasses of the fields, our brains started shrinking. The reason this happens is because of what these grains do to shrink our brains while feeding them at the same time. And that starts with the ACHe in each and every cell in your body and brain. This was also when that same glycation began eating up our teeth, which can be seen by all archeologists when our diet changed from hunter-gatherer to farmer and home-maker-cooker.
The manner in which it’s displayed is in what glycation does to the body it infects. It starts in the mouth with the teeth. Glycation rots the teeth. Because glycation can only happen with the ingestion of sugar, that is why it’s known that sugar rots the teeth, when in all reality it’s the glycation caused by the sugar that does the rotting.
It does this as well throughout the body. In your arteries, it clogs and stiffens the walls. with plaque In your body and brain, it floods them with AGEs or Anti-Glycation End-products. AGEs are the foundation of all modern disease and what leads you into the twilight zone of the pharmaceutical ruse side of the Gluvosed Ruse, the never-ending cycle of drug use until you die.
This is precisely why I steer clear of any product that may have any glyphosate in it, risking that when I drink coffee in a restaurant, I’ll be drinking glyphosate, as coffee is probably the heaviest glyphosated product grown.
Now I also know why so much drug use leads to more and more drug use. It’s a true dependence inflicted upon you by Monsanto. First, they addict you to sugar. Then they addict you to the drugs you’ll need to fight the pain created by the sugar. Then they’ll addict you to a cycle of prescription medication that will continuously create a need for more medication until the cycle ends in premature death. The saddest part of this story is you’ll probably never believe it…until you break your addiction. The next saddest part is that you were never told, until now.
The industry has formed its own “Industry Task Force on Glyphosate” to disseminate information on how healthy glyphosate is and how much benefit it is to the environment, yet more and more consumers are becoming aware of its inherent dangers. More and more people are waking up to the true poisoning that this enzyme inhibiting herbicide inflicts on the uneducated public. Isn’t it bad enough that the grains they grow, glycate proteins and cholesterol? Do they really need to make it more poisonous? It’s already at the heart of all major modern disease, isn’t that enough? Are they really that greedy that they’re willing to poison the whole world to increase their profits?
Monsanto’s Covert Chemical Terrorism
This has very little to do with .your best health in mind. It has everything to do with the greed and profit-making ability of an industry driven by a few select chemical corporations. What they’re doing to your health is of paramount importance because you’re being poisoned against your will and without your knowledge. If you get hungry, you’re under the influence of this industry. It has to do with the influence they put covertly on your hormones. If you eat bread, cereal, or any kind of processed food you’re under the influence of these chemicals.
These chemicals are enzyme inhibiting chemicals that affect how enzymes work in your body. Enzyme affects how your hormones work which in turn affect how your body works. If these enzymes aren’t working right, your hormones won’t work right and your body won’t work right. It’s really kind of simple. Don’t eat what’s poisoned and life will be better.
Do you use Roundup? You know how good it is at killing weeds, yet do you know how good it is at creating most modern major diseases? Would you drink Roundup if you could? Probably not. At least I wouldn’t. Would you eat something that it’s been doused in it? If you knew what it was, you probably wouldn’t touch that either. Do you realize that every bite of bread you take, you’re eating Roundup and massive amounts of it? Every corn chip you eat, you’re eating massive amounts of glyphosate with it. It’s in the nature of how this herbicide is used. Changing your diet to change your health has never rung truer than it does right now.
Who knew that our greatest terrorist threat would be a clandestine threat from inside our country and it doesn’t carry a gun or bomb, or any kind of explosives, for that fact. This threat is a completely hidden threat, making it the worst threat we’ve ever faced. This threat is in your diet. It’s in something you eat multiple times a day. In all actuality, your hunger cycle is the instrument of your destruction, with this threat. It’s your hunger cycle that locks you into the cycle of destruction that glycation is responsible for as its the glucose that’s responsible for all inflammation, which in turn, is responsible for all modern disease.
All this damage from the enzyme inhibitors in the glyphosate, that’s done to your hormones, is no small matter. These hormones are important hormones affecting digestion, hunger, and sleep. (Those are the very same things affected by your diet. also.) Where’s the similarity? It’s explained in the way it affects its targeted enzymes, like tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. These are all enzymes that influence your hunger, digestion, and sleep hormones. If you have problems in any of these areas, this is your answer why.
It involves your consumption of glyphosate. (I’ll bet you didn’t know that, did you?) Would you eat it in the first place, if you knew? You probably would because you’ve been addicted to this substance without you even knowing it. This was literally done right under your nose, when you were fed, as a baby. The industry makes certain that this substance gets into most all baby food. This ensures that you have no choice in this addiction. It ensures your lifetime of compliance in feeding the addiction. It also guarantees your compliance in the second half of the glucose ruse, the need for pharmaceuticals for a good portion of your life
Targeted enzymes influence the senescence of plants also influence the senescence of your body. They are important enzymes your body uses for digestion and controlling hunger; Glyphosate is absorbed through foliage, and minimally through roots, and transported to growing points. It inhibits a plant enzyme involved in the synthesis of three aromatic amino acids: tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. Therefore, it is effective only on actively growing plants and is not effective as a pre-emergence herbicide. An increasing number of crops have been genetically engineered to be tolerant of glyphosate (e.g. Roundup Ready soybean, the first Roundup Ready crop, also created by Monsanto) which allows farmers to use glyphosate as a post-emergence herbicide against weeds. The development of glyphosate resistance in weed species is emerging as a costly problem. While glyphosate and formulations such as Roundup have been approved by regulatory bodies worldwide, concerns about their effects on humans and the environment persist. Many regulatory and scholarly reviews have evaluated the relative toxicity of glyphosate as an herbicide. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment toxicology review in 2013 found that “the available data is contradictory and far from being convincing” with regard to correlations between exposure to glyphosate formulations and risk of various cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). A meta-analysis published in 2014 identified an increased risk of NHL in workers exposed to glyphosate formulations. In March 2015 the World Health Organization‘s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic in humans” (category 2A) based on epidemiological studies, animal studies, and in vitro
These targeted enzymes affect your emotions with fear being affected the most. this is evidenced by this graph, showing the spraying of glyphosate and the presentation of phobias. That’s your proof, of how this enzyme inhibitor affects your fear levels. Is it any wonder, there’s so much terror in the world today? This is directly due to affecting your hunger. It’s funny how they use the same enzymes.
In November 2015, the European Food Safety Authority published an updated assessment report on glyphosate, concluding that “the substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (i.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans.” Furthermore, the final report clarified that while other, probably carcinogenic, glyphosate-containing formulations may exist, studies “that look solely at the active substance glyphosate do not show this effect. In May 2016, the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues concluded that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet”, even at doses as high as 2,000 mg/kg body weight orally.
Targeted Enzymes are Important for Regulating Sleep, Digestion, and Hunger
1Tyrosine influences hunger by controlling enzymes that control how receptors react to stimuli that control your hunger. Tyrosine is a precursor to Dopamine, your primary hormone influencing hunger. This is the hormone triggered by leptin, your satiety hormone. If it takes more leptin to trigger the dopamine, it’s going to take more food to trigger the leptin. Was this engineered intentionally?
2Tryptophan is also a precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is another feel-good hormone that’s affected by glyphosate. Melatonin is the hormone that allows you to sleep. without it, you’re going to have trouble sleeping. Is it no wonder why so many people suffer from insomnia now? (They sell medicine for that, don’t they?)
3Phenylalanine Phenylalanine is a precursor to tyrosine; the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline); and the skin pigmentmelanin. That was according to Wikipedia. All of those enzymes influence your hunger.
The WHO has finally recognized glyphosate as a Group 2 Carcinogen, meaning that it probably causes cancer. We know that it affects your sleep, hunger, and digestion, let’s see if these chemicals can be responsible for cancer. The evidence for this lies in the multiple graphs showing the increase of glyphosate increasing right alongside the increase of multiple disorders and disease, including autism.
In Monsanto’s desire to spread as much of this on the earth as possible, they’re poisoning every bit of food you eat, unless you grow your own and raise and butcher your own. All forage for feed is sprayed multiple times, maybe even more than the grain used for your bread. Cattle slaughtered for beef, never live long enough to get cancer, yet it goes into their food supply. 1,8 billion lbs in 20 years have been dumped on your food supplies. Ultimately, it goes into your body in multiple avenues, increasing the amount you consume, thereby increasing a number of enzyme inhibitors affecting your health. This has brought the pharmaceutical industry record profits, not to mention what it’s brought Monsanto and their crop seed companies, pharmaceutical companies, and chemical wing of their manufacturing. Monsanto has engineered clandestine distemper on our health without us even knowing or approving of it.
It’s not been good for the unsuspecting public who are still condemned to eating this food to feed their addiction as evidenced by these studies from PMC;
Glyphosate is a likely cause of the recent epidemic in celiac disease. Glyphosate residues are found in wheat due to the increasingly widespread practice of staging and desiccation of wheat right before harvest. Many of the pathologies associated with celiac disease can be explained by disruption of CYP enzymes. Celiac patients have a shortened life span, mainly due to an increased risk to cancer, most especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which has also been linked to glyphosate. Celiac disease trends over time match well with the increase in glyphosate usage on wheat crops.
Glyphosate is also neurotoxic. Its mammalian metabolism yields two products: Aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and glyoxylate, with AMPA being at least as toxic as glyphosate. Glyoxylate is a highly reactive glycating agent, which will disrupt the function of multiple proteins in cells that are exposed. Glycation has been directly implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Glyphosate has been detected in the brains of malformed piglets. In a report produced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over 36% of 271 incidences involving acute glyphosate poisoning involved neurological symptoms, indicative of glyphosate toxicity in the brain and nervous system.
In the remainder of this paper, we first introduce the link between glyphosate and manganese (Mn) dysbiosis, and briefly describe the main biological roles of Mn. We then describe how glyphosate’s disruption of gut bacteria may be a major player in the recent epidemic in antibiotic resistance. We then explain how glyphosate can influence the uptake of arsenic and aluminum, and propose similar mechanisms at work with Mn. In the next section, we describe how Mn deficiency can lead to a reduction in Lactobacillus in the gut, and we link this to anxiety disorder. We follow with a discussion on mitochondrial dysfunction associated with suppressed Mn superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), and then a section on implications of Mn deficiency for oxalate metabolism. The following section explains how Mn deficiency can lead to the overexpression of ammonia and glutamate in many neurological diseases. The next two sections show how Mn accumulation in the liver is linked to cholestasis and high serum low density lipoprotein (LDL), and how this can also induce increased susceptibility to Salmonella poisoning. We then identify a role for Mn in chondroitin sulfate synthesis, and the implications for osteomalacia. The next two sections explain how glyphosate exposure can lead to Mn toxicity in the brain, and discuss two neurological diseases that are associated with excess Mn, PD and prion diseases. After a section on the link between male infertility and Mn deficiency in the testes, we discuss evidence of exposure to glyphosate and end with a short summary of our findings.
The report goes on to detail how this herbicide is involved in suppressing dopamine which leads to an overactive thyroid. It’s also involved in ;
Manganese (Mn) is an often overlooked but important nutrient, required in small amounts for multiple essential functions in the body. A recent study on cows fed genetically modified Roundup®-Ready feed revealed a severe depletion of serum Mn. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, has also been shown to severely deplete Mn levels in plants. Here, we investigate the impact of Mn on physiology, and its association with gut dysbiosis as well as neuropathologies such as autism, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), depression, anxiety syndrome, Parkinson’s disease (PD), and prion diseases. Glutamate overexpression in the brain in association with autism, AD, and other neurological diseases can be explained by Mn deficiency. Mn superoxide dismutase protects mitochondria from oxidative damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction is a key feature of autism and Alzheimer’s. Chondroitin sulfate synthesis depends on Mn, and its deficiency leads to osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Lactobacillus, depleted in autism, depend critically on Mn for antioxidant protection. Lactobacillus probiotics can treat anxiety, which is a comorbidity of autism and chronic fatigue syndrome. Reduced gut Lactobacillus leads to overgrowth of the pathogen, Salmonella, which is resistant to glyphosate toxicity, and Mn plays a role here as well. Sperm motility depends on Mn, and this may partially explain increased rates of infertility and birth defects. We further reason that, under conditions of adequate Mn in the diet, glyphosate, through its disruption of bile acid homeostasis, ironically promotes toxic accumulation of Mn in the brainstem, leading to conditions such as PD and prion diseases.
Remarkably, Mn deficiency can explain many of the pathologies associated with autism and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The incidence of both of these conditions has been increasing at an alarming rate in the past two decades, in step with the increased usage of glyphosate on corn and soy crops in the United States, as shown in [Figures
Chronic kidney disease is clearly associated with multiple environmental toxicants. There has been an epidemic in recent years in kidney failure among young agricultural workers in Central America, India, and Sri Lanka, particularly those working in the sugar cane fields. A recent paper reached the unmistakable conclusion that glyphosate plays a critical role in this epidemic. A growing practice of spraying sugar cane with glyphosate as a ripener and desiccant right before the harvest has led to much greater exposure to the workers in the fields. The authors, who focused their studies on affected workers in rice paddies in Sri Lanka, identified a synergistic effect of arsenic, which contaminated the soil in the affected regions. This paper is highly significant, because it proposes a mechanism whereby glyphosate greatly increases the toxicity of arsenic through chelation, which promotes uptake by the gut. Glyphosate also depletes glutathione (GSH) and glutathione S transferase (GST) is a critical enzyme for liver detoxification of arsenic. As a consequence, excess arsenic in the kidney causes acute kidney failure, without evidence of other symptoms such as diabetes usually preceding kidney failure.
In this section, we will show that both glutamate and ammonia are implicated as neurotoxins in connection with autism and other neurological diseases, and we will offer the simple explanation that Mn deficiency leads to impaired activity of glutamine synthase and arginase, both of which utilize Mn as a cofactor. Mn deficiency can also explain the increased risk to epilepsy found in autism, due to the fact that Mn decreases T2 relaxation time. Mn-deprived rats are more susceptible to convulsions.
Many diseases and conditions are currently on the rise in step with glyphosate usage in agriculture, particularly on GM crops of corn and soy. These include autism, AD, PD, anxiety disorder, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel disease, renal lithiasis, osteomalacia, cholestasis, thyroid dysfunction, and infertility. All of these conditions can be substantially explained by the dysregulation of Mn utilization in the body due to glyphosate.
It may seem implausible that glyphosate could be toxic to humans, given the fact that government regulators appear nonchalant about steadily increasing residue limits, and that the levels in food and water are rarely monitored by government agencies, presumably due to lack of concern. However, a paper by Antoniou et al. provided a scathing indictment of the European regulatory process regarding glyphosate’s toxicity, focusing on potential teratogenic effects. They identified several key factors leading to a tendency to overlook potential toxic effects. These include using animal studies that are too short or have too few animals to achieve statistical significance, disregarding in vitro studies or studies with exposures that are higher than what is expected to be realistically present in food, and discarding studies that examine the effects of glyphosate formulations rather than pure glyphosate, even though formulations are a more realistic model of the natural setting and are often orders of magnitude more toxic than the active ingredient in pesticides. Regulators also seemed unaware that chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors (such as glyphosate often have an inverted dose–response relationship, wherein very low doses can have more acute effects than higher doses. Teratogenic effects have been demonstrated in human cell lines. An in vitro study showed that glyphosate in parts per trillion can induce human breast cancer cell proliferation.
This is only a partial list of what this herbicide is responsible for. Visit the link at the head of this section for the full story. You should visit it, if only for your health’s concern. This just points out the fact that what you eat has more impact on your health than anything else. It would be nice if you could get away from it, but you can’t. The pollution is everywhere you go for food. You have to produce your own food to be completely free from this curse.
It’s cursing you not only through the grains you eat but through the damage done to feed crops, contaminating beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and even dairy cows, poisoning even the cheese, milk, and butter you buy. The only way you can get around this ruse is to grow your own food and raise and butcher your own meat. Monsanto has every other path sewn up, tighter than a drum. To eat grains is to court death. It’s become that simple.
This poses a major question in my mind; can the target in this ruse, be you and your money? It’s obvious what the end result is and that’s displayed in the record profits of the pharmaceutical industry. The more disease caused by this herbicide, the more medicine the pharmaceutical industry sells. Monsanto owns the crop seed companies, produces the herbicide, and owns the pharmaceutical corporations, so they’re profiting much more than two or three times in this ruse. It’s that simple. Only you can control this transformation of your health, this travesty of justice. Only you can say no to the grains that this herbicide poisons. It’s your choice to remain a slave to Monsanto or be free. All you have to do is to give up the grains.
For the full story, read Ultimate Cure for the World
Although this should be an article about how much our sugar and grain industry is poisoning America, it’s become apparent that I must make this article political. My survival may depend on it.
With all of the validation that a truly maniacal bully is getting in this campaign, I really didn’t want to make this website a political statement in this context, but with the ensuing campaign, it’s becoming apparent that I must (at least for the time being). I can’t afford for our country to go back to the destruction, degradation, and irresponsibility of government that’s taken place much of last 35 years, ever since the Reagan administration. Because I depend on my Social Security disability benefits to, live on, I have virtually no other enterprise except for my websites, to help me live. (And because of my brain injury, all of those are failures.) My life is dependent on what happens in this election. My disability is directly due to a drunk driver running a red light and hitting the car I was riding in, to put me in a coma for 4 weeks suffering, 2 strokes while in the coma. The paralyzation of my body taught me how to overcome problems that I never thought I would have to.
This election is an election between love and hate, more than anything else. If hate wins, we get an anti-christ for President, if love wins we get the most qualified candidate our nation has ever seen. This campaign has become a fight for America’s dignity, thanks to Donald Trump and Reince Priebus. Every question asked of either of these IPs (Ignorant Person) is spun to answer a completely different question, a question that diverts the point of the initial question asked. The greatest majority of us know why they prefer to do this. It’s because they have no answer that the majority of people will accept. Their choice is to spin rather than answer the question asked. This may have helped Donald T more in business than what it hurt him, but Donald doesn’t know what he needs to know here. It can’t work in public service. What has made Donald Trump successful in business is his drive to make money and nothing else? He fails to realize that it can only help him in business and not politics.
Politics isn’t about making money. It about helping people. Donald Trump doesn’t know this. As far as he is concerned his drive for money is going to make him successful in politics. Donald needs to wake up. He needs to learn that this won’t work. He needs to change his tactics and approach to this election if he has any desire to win. Politics does not work, like a business. You have no stockholders to pay in government, your responsibility is to every person in the nation. It has nothing to do with you. And it has nothing to do with the acquisition of money. It has everything to do with who you are working for. Donald T. needs to learn that politics doesn’t work like a business. Business is concerned with profits. Government is concerned about the integration of the physical well being of every person, enterprise, and public service necessary to create and maintain a peaceful environment for a prosperous nation to grow and be safe. As good as DJT is at building towers, and making himself a TV star, he knows nothing about people except to treat them with disdain and contempt, when they don’t agree with him. That is no recipe for the leadership of the most powerful nation in the world.
I think he got his first taste of this after the first debate. Even though he couldn’t win any of them, the day after lost the first one, he mentioned that this was “Big League”. As soon as I heard him say that, my thought was “duh”. Of course, this is big league, Donald. It sounds like you didn’t expect it to be. Is that because of your opponent? She is a woman, which you love but, have little respect for. Your problem is that you can’t differentiate between the two of them when you open your mouth and talk. Somehow, you think that to like and adore is to respect. Guess what? It isn’t. You don’t respect anyone. The proof of this is how you can’t take criticism.
You would rather go on the offensive and blame the people for not electing you, claiming the whole election as being rigged. This is the definition of irresponsibility. This is also the definition of whining and crying, blaming someone else for your errors. Maybe you should grow up first. But then, irresponsibility goes with being a bully, doesn’t it? Bullying is for inferior people. Is that what you’re trying to show us, just how inferior you are? This is living proof that money is not everything and Donald Trump is a good representation of that living proof. The most troubling factor in this year’s election equation is the people he attracts. What does that say about them? These are good people that he’s corrupting. What they see is an election is between one candidate with questionable dignity against another candidate who has no dignity whatsoever, so nobody ever questions it.
Well done Donald.
You’ve proven how much of a bully you really are
and that you’ve never grown up into a man of any honor.
You’ve taught me that your code word “special interests” actually means the people. When you say that you won’t work for the “special interests”, you’re actually talking about everyday hardworking people, the very same people you’re talking to. You’ve taught me that all Republicans see “special interests’ as people and corporations as taxpayers. It’s clear to see now, with Republicans running for office, “special interests” are the interests of the people. Only the people are “special” enough to have their own interests. Now, when I hear that a candidate wants to work for the taxpayers, I know they’re talking about corporate America. When they talk about not working for special interests, that means they aren’t going to work for the people. I guess they’re too special to work for. Thank you for teaching me that.
The election was one candidate with a dignity that people question against another candidate who has no dignity whatsoever, so nobody ever questions it. His answers to questions are spun more than any other candidate’s answers ever in history. His use of the word “but ” is unprecedented. It’s his keyword that he uses to spin most all of his answers. Because of his excessive use of it, he now has all of is surrogates abusing it. It was an election between a candidate who people were persuaded to distrust and a candidate who is beyond trusting because he can’t trust anyone but himself. Which of these candidates has any dignity at all? Which of these candidates even wants their dignity to show? In Donald’s case, money can’t dignify his actions or speech. His drive to make money kills any dignity that could possibly exist. People may question HRC’s dignity but at least, she has the dignity to question.
Dignity for Sale
Trump seems to be doing his best to sell our dignity to the lowest bidder. He is, after all, a salesman more than anything else. But with all of his recent actions and disavowals of his past actions, he’s intent on proving his incompetence. He’s already sold any dignity that he’s ever had. I’m sure he got far more than what it was worth. he’s selling our dignity by expecting us to believe his ever continuing lies and deceptions. By expecting us to believe him, he’s put our dignity up for sale.
I actually think that he grew up with a conduct disorder. Since these disorders weren’t even recognized prior to 1990, they would have never been recognized in his childhood. He did display a lot of aggressive behavior when he was young. It was this bad behavior that got him enrolled in the New York Military Academy. This is where he learned to be disciplined, so I can see where would explain this type of behavior with his type of childhood. His discipline is to make money to garner praise. He needs this because he was deprived of it when he was young and has focused his life on garnering this praise. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to garner this praise, so he is a bully. All bullies are bullies to increase their own self-worth, because they have little, to begin with. They need it to prove how strong they are. This is also why bullies can’t take criticism, it challenges self-worth, so Donald does the only thing he knows, he fights back. Goes on the offensive and starts to let his aggressive side through. This is the bully in Trump. His whole, spoiled childhood has led up to this point. It’s evidenced by the way he acts today. Everything he does displays this RAD disorder.
I actually think that he grew up with a conduct disorder. Since these disorders weren’t even recognized prior to 1990, they would have never been recognized in his childhood. He did display a lot of aggressive behavior when he was young. It was this bad behavior that got him enrolled in the New York Military Academy. This is where he learned to be disciplined, so I can see where would explain this type of behavior with his type of childhood. His discipline is to make money to garner praise. He needs this because he was deprived of it when he was young and has focused his life on garnering this praise. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to garner this praise, so he is a bully. All bullies are bullies to increase their own self-worth, because they have little, to begin with. They need it to prove how strong they are. This is also why bullies can’t take criticism, it challenges self-worth, so Donald does the only thing he knows, he fights back. Goes on the offensive and starts to let his aggressive side through. This is the bully in Trump.
This is scary. Presidents MUST be able to accept criticism. Donald needs to prove that he can. I don’t think he can. He’s 70 years old and set in his ways. Being a bully has always proven (to Donald) that it works. Unfortunately, Donald can’t look past his victories to see the end result to those victories. The end results, in too many cases, were Bankruptcies, which did nothing to help anyone except Donald.
Donald’s Favorite Tool – Bankruptcy
I’ve since learned that he’s used Bankruptcy as a tool in building his businesses. Six times he’s done this. What’s unfortunate is the fact that even though Donald can see what happens to other people when he does this, he doesn’t care. He can’t. That is not productive. Being ruthless is productive, being compassionate isn’t. His productivity requires that he be too involved with his own desires to be bothered by anyone else’s concerns. His corporation requires that he is ruthless, at least in his mind. To Donald, ruthlessness is a requirement for success. (It has something to do with not wasting time because time is money.)
With Donald Trump’s lack of dignity right now, I can’t see him bringing back any dignity to America. His only concern seems to be with himself. Is this why he wants his family to be his entire cabinet? Are those the only people he trusts? If so, that means he has no faith in the anyone else, including the American people. When you don’t have faith you’re filled with either disinterest or contempt. I can see his contempt in his eyes, every time he speaks.
This brings me to another conclusion about Trump. Because he can trust no one other than his family, his actions themselves are not trustworthy. He subconsciously blames others for what he would do. This is a common ploy for bullies because they are so quick to blame anyone else for anything, the first thing that pops into the mind to blame someone for, is something they would personally do. I’ve seen this occur many times with many bullies and even though I’m not a trained psychologist I know human behavior. My experience and training as a master in the field of non-manipulative negotiations taught me human behavior. I know non-manipulative selling techniques, which Trump knows also. (I know that you should not use some of these techniques with other manipulative selling techniques.) Donald knows this also but doesn’t care. To him, it’s not important. What’s important is winning and nothing else. You see, to care means that you have to have ethics. Ethics, to Donald, are things that only get in the way.
A few questions I’d like to pose to Trump, a “job creator”, as you think you are. What good is a job when you don’t get paid? How many people do you claim to have put to work? Did all of them get paid? How many didn’t, when you filed for bankruptcies six times? Isn’t this your MO for doing business? Another question about your surrogates, why are you intent on ruining their lives as well as yours and your family’s with your continuous lying? You force them to lie simply to back up yours. Why do you insist that each and every one of them lie for you as you lie to us? This is criminal behavior, at the very least. You’ve raised spinning to a new high. It’s now become acceptable for anyone to lie. As much as I want to thank you for this new challenge – to never know when someone is telling the truth – I’d rather not. I have enough trouble discerning when people are truthful with me right now, because of my injury.
Unfortunately, too many deplorables actually want to believe what they hear from you. The true deplorables are those who spread the message you’re trying to declare. They know as well as I that there is no message. Saying the country is in terrible shape is an opinion. It’s nowhere close to a fact. For you Donald in your world, it may be worse. How? I don’t know. But I can see that you’re doing what you can to convince everyone that what you profess, is true for everybody. For many remnants of the middle class, it’s still the case.
The credit for the bounce back in our economy is a clear indication that what Obama was doing was working, as this is left-over prosperity from his administration. The de-regulation that you’re proposing will bring about our next depression which looks like it will be much bigger than any of our previous recessions.
What they don’t want to recognize or remember that between the two periods of growth, the 90’s and up until recently, we had a Republican administration’s war that we had to pay for and another runup in the mortgage market that damn near broke our economy again. It was the inflation of property values in the late 80’s that lead to the S&L crisis in ’88 that lead to the recession of the early 90’s that Clinton brought us out of. The same thing happened again in 2008 when the banks lost their value from a Mortgage Meltdown.
More banks were affected this time, so the recession was quite worse. The recovery may have been slower, but it was steady, none the less. It would be a cardinal sin to revert back to when Donald Trump considered times good. Those times for us weren’t so good. I live in a different world than Trump.
Fox News could do a lot by refusing to spin their news. Even Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone wouldn’t have spin except, for one thing, he opens his mouth. They can’t tell the truth. Their candidate won’t let them. Since nothing but lies come out of his mouth, everyone who defends his words has to spin their words as well. I hate to think about what his surrogates are going to do after he loses this election. They already have no validity in their word as they’re all proven liars, just like Trump. Because he doesn’t care about who he takes with him, he truly is running a scorched earth campaign. I’m sure this is something that most liberals are loving, watching Fox news go down the tubes along with Donald Trump. Could this have been his goal all along? Didn’t he use to be a Democrat before he switched to republican? As if Trump’s sex scandals weren’t enough, I’d rather not even talk about the sex scandals that surround O’Reilly and Roger Ailes. The longer this campaign goes on, the more Fox News continues to hang themselves along with their candidate. How anyone can find them valid as a news source without bias after this election cycle, is far beyond my comprehension.
It’d be nice if MSNBC didn’t spin there’s so much either. But then, that may be impossible to do this election cycle. I’m astounded every day about what comes out of the mouth of Trump. Just when you think you’ve heard the absolute worst, you think you can hear, he tops it. He says something even more damning of his own character as if he doesn’t even care. This person whom I hesitate to call a man somehow seems to fall lower and lower into a deeper level of deplorable that’s yet to be seen even in his own sinking campaign making the name Trump synonymous with supreme idiocy. And he seems to keep sinking lower into his hole of deplorability. I wonder if he’s enjoying his murder of the Republican Party. Their complicity in this is in every time they defend this indefensible man. It amazes me at how many Republicans are so willing to hang themselves just by defending this joke of a candidate. Obviously, they can’t see how insane this whole episode is.
Just now, as I was listening to Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, about his take on the election, his support of Trump may be his downfall. He actually has the audacity to accuse HRC of what DJT is already guilty of, hoping she’ll also be found guilty. His statement about a possible indictment against HRC with nothing said about indictments that have already been made about DJT, could prove to be a huge benefit to his opponent.
That would prove to be true if he had an opponent. The Republican party skillfully crafted his congressional district to make it majority republican despite having a heavy democratic population in the city of Milwaukee, leaving their voices unheard. It’s easy to understand his boldness in defending DJT. He has no opposition. That only means that not everyone in his district is heard. He cares only for the alt-right voice, which is declining at an ever faster rate, all thanks to DJT.
Now Trump is condoning copying his abusive behavior as being right and respectable when his subordinates do so. This is the epitome of evil. This is exactly what an anti-christ would do, encourage deceit and lying from his own people.
The most troubling problem I have with Trump is his Russian alliances. Isn’t his current wife is Slovenian? Didn’t that use to be a Republic of the USSR when it was Yugoslavia? Isn’t his first wife Czechoslovakian? We all know that was in the USSR. Donald seems to have a love affair with women from eastern European Slavic states. Does this also mean that he’s influenced by these states as well? Is this where he’s getting his news from?
It’s no wonder where he gets his news from, as her source – I’m sure it comes from an eastern Europe source – and is heavily Russian influenced. Whether what they report is true or not, who knows. I’m sure he uses the source to please his current wife. He doesn’t care if it’s true as he doesn’t speak the truth. As far as he is concerned, the truth isn’t important. What’s important is creating animosity and a lot of it. He sees that as his only chance to win this election.
Probably the most discouraging thing I see is what Trump has taught his republican subordinates to do. They whine and cry like a baby just like he does when things don’t go their way. One of his biggest supporters happens to be the county sheriff where I live, who is being prosecuted for contempt of court for refusing to follow court orders to cease their questionable raids on businesses with illegal aliens working there. Now, Joe Arpaio is whining because he, like Donald Trump, thinks that the media and the public are picking on him. He, like Trump, can’t take responsibility for their own actions and instead, complain about everyone else’s actions, when they should be looking inward to their own faults that have brought on their persecution.
Now that Trump is claiming election fraud, he’s actually created it. Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa. Thank you, Trump. It is happening, but thanks to you. I guess it’s true, what you bitch about comes about. Thank you for your bitching and your deception of voter fraud, you actually started it, well done! Donald. You truly a master of disaster. (and that’s coming from an old republican)
Post Election
Donald was right. There was voter fraud. It probably came from Russia. That’s the only way he could have won. Nobody with that much disrespect can be President and if you think DJT will be a good or even fair one, think again. We now have an anti-christ in office. Look out world! America’s been conned. Donald has proven himself to be the biggest con artist the world has ever seen. Not even PT Barnum served as president. Now we have someone even lower on the rung, than a carny barker. Congratulations America. You either gave us an extreme dictator or an anarchist. That brings the question of the year; How will Donald rule? Uncaring and civilized or extremely maniacal as he usually does? Only Donald knows and that’s where our fear lies for that’s poison for the U.S. Until we know, America’s still being poisoned.
Russia stole this election from HRC. Their parliament was the ONLY group of people watching the results that weren’t shocked. They were elated, as though they had just won a grand prize. Nobody else in the world acted in that manner. Their efforts in suppressing Hillary’s chances were successful, at the cost of our freedom.
We now get to live with the most antagonistic candidate that’s run for the office in the last 100 years. He is actually despised by more people, nationally and internationally, than any candidate in our history. Russia is tickled pink about this.
Looking at his picture with the President, he looks like a little boy. A surprised little boy that just opened the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten. He didn’t expect this to be happening and worse yet, he isn’t prepared for it. He doesn’t prepare for anything. If he runs his office like he ran his campaign, it will be an angry administration, probably the angriest this country has ever seen. Thank you, Russia.
America has been trumped by Russia, bigtime. He didn’t win this election. He didn’t expect to, along with the rest of the country. This election was given to him by the Russians. They’re rejoicing over the results and their rejoicing is proof that they succeeded.
No emails of his were exposed. I wonder what those would have shown. We already know what he talks about in private, what else does he do? If you’re as scared as I am, please share your thoughts.
Now Bill O’Reilly is trying to quell his display of anger by trying to tell us to say please. Is this a joke? Do you Bill expect us to do as you say and not as you do?
don’t you know that actions speak much louder than words? Please teach that to our President-elect, it seems that that’s something he needs to learn as he relies far too much on his words and thinks nothing about his actions. That is a dangerous combination.
Bill, please wake up out of your ignorance and show us the person you think you are, not the one you show you are.
By the way, if you’re interested in the real poisoning of America, you can find out about it at Save Our Dignity because it is happening. And it’s happening to you right now, under your nose!
The assault has begun. The man who thinks he can run a government like he does his businesses is out to prove how it can’t be done. That’s because you can’t run government like you do a business. Government is not a business. Business is in business for the stockholders. The stockholders the government operates for are known as the public, and there’s a huge difference. You can lie to corporate stockholders. You can’t lie to the public. You can skirt the law with your business, you can’t skirt the law if you are supposed to enforce it. News Flash, Donald: you can’t break the law either, no matter how much you want to. Advising your patrolmen to break the law is illegal for you to do. DON’T YOU KNOW THAT? It makes me wonder where did you go to school if you ever did. Is this what we get to expect from Trumpocracy?
Wherever it was, I know you didn’t pay attention. You were too busy creating scenes yourself to keep yourself as the center of attention, instead of just someone else in the class. I was raised by a class clown, someone who always wanted to be the center of attention, himself. That’s because my Dad was abandoned by his mother and his father couldn’t take care of him and his three sisters, and still work. And this was right at the beginning of the Great Depression. But somehow, my father grew up the most honest man I know. I don’t know anyone else who would walk back into a grocery store to return extra change given back to him due to an error made by the store clerk. (I think he was given a nickel too much.) Even abandoned infants have more civility than this man who was never truly abandoned, just emotionally abandoned.
What were once freedoms for all of us are about to be turned into freedoms for just a few of us, in most cases, for those few who can afford them. In some cases, they’re already being stolen. Equality has taken it’s hardest hit in modern times, at least since the 1860s. It’s fear, unsubstantiated, unfounded, and completely undue fear that divides America. It widens the gap between the classes because of it. See the Equality post to see how that works.
What everyone has seemed to forget is that bullies fight first, and reason later. Don is a supreme artist at doing this. He does it to take the attention off of himself. Divert attention from yourself and that leaves you more room to do your ill works. This is Donald Trump’s modus operandi. He’s always done this. I think he learned it when he was two years old, being taken care of by a nursemaid who barely cared for him or even the family that employed her. I really think this was the start of Donald becoming to world’s biggest bully allowing him to think that he could wreak as much havoc as he wished upon the world, simply because he was allowed to wreak that havoc as he grew up. His problem: he never grew up. He just continued wreaking havoc just like a juvenile. Is it any wonder that he acts like he does when you consider this? This man is proving to be the antichrist that I really thought he is.
Because too many voters bought into the biggest scam that’s ever been committed on the American people, everyone who voted for this master of deceivers was purchased by Russian propaganda. Congratulations America! You’ve been Duped by a Drumpf. Though you may not want to admit it, you would have never voted for a pathological liar, if you weren’t bought. Nor would you have voted for fear and anger. 3 million more voters, voted for his opponent, and he claims that the election was rigged. He’s right, it was rigged. It was rigged for him. Russian hacking saw to that. Just as he said it would be, it was hijacked, except it wasn’t done by whom he thought.
America Bullyfied – Trumpocracy Defined
American Life With a Bully
This is the kind of person we’re trying to teach our children NOT TO BE LIKE, yet somehow, he got elected President. That’s a “shame on us“. To have a real-life bully, bully his way into the Oval Office, is truly a travesty of democracy. The fact that no one in history has been more disliked than this President, proves that he doesn’t belong there, along with the fact that he’s completely out of his league being there in the first place. A man with the mentality of Donald Trump doesn’t belong anywhere close to controlling what’s been entrusted to him to control.
That kind of control requires civility and a lot of it. Donald has none. He’s proven this time and time again, yet too many oafs fell for his ruse. Because of this, we all get to live in fear for the next four years. Unfortunately, there are 3,000,000 more people who would rather have this person out of their lives, than there are, who want him as President. (He’s truly a President for the minority. Too bad it’s the wrong minority.) The minority he likes owns a majority of the money and power. That to me doesn’t spell “good President”. It smells too much of a dictatorship and dictatorships always bring fear. Fear has always brought trouble.
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t fear what this man is capable of.) Yet for the next four years, we have to deal with seeing his face, daily. I wonder if he felt the same way when his predecessor took office, due to his fear of a black man. (The difference in his feelings and mine is that a black man can’t change his color. Donald can change his demeanor, he just refuses to.) Now it appears that he’s going to undo as much democracy as he possibly can.
Welcome to Trumpocracy!
The assault continues. With evil strokes of his pen, Donald J Drumpf or should I say Trump sells out democracy with each new executive order. His idea of good is not the majority’s idea of good. No. His ideas of good are for the minority at the top, not the disadvantaged he’s conned into believing that he wants to help them. The only thing he wants to help is his ego.
With eagerness like that of the most ravenous predator, he’s set out to undo all democracy that existed before he darkened our world with his candidacy. Darken it he did, with his rhetoric of fear and hate, so much so that immediately following his announcement to run for president, violence escalated. It’s remained escalated ever since. It escalated even more after he was elected. He’s empowered the darkest minority in our country. They also happen to be the whitest minority. It includes skinheads and supremacists’. This is easy to understand with all the fear that he generated.
Trumpocracy Starts With Fear
You have to generate fear to sell anything that isn’t needed. This is exactly how Donald started his campaign. His intent was to generate enough fear to prompt change. This is the very same thing that Tom Hopkins teaches in his book How to Sell Anything. He was famous in Realty for selling a house a day for over a year. That’s a feat that I don’t think has been matched since. To do that you need to have master selling skills. This is something Donald loves to prove he has. I can only imagine how proud he is of this sale. He sold himself to America when America didn’t need him, or a change.
Although it could be argued that the recovery was slow, it could also be argued that this recovery was much safer and much less risky than those of the past. (The thing I think about the most is, the administration prior to the depression in every case, was always a conservative administration. When will everyone start to realize that the self-regulating that conservatism espouses, will not ever regulate itself because of one factor that no one ever figures into the equation? Nobody calculates greed in this equation. Greed is what drives capitalism. The problem with that is that there is no fairness or justice in greed. Fairness and justice both require a degree of compassion and that’s a polar opposite of greed.
Greed is an emotion of hunger. It always will be. To remove greed from the equation, you need to remove hunger from the equation. To do that, you need to remove the sugar from the diet, but that’s a whole different subject. But I can see where Donald gets his share of sugar every day. (His size is evidence of that.) That only means that Donald is a hungry man and with the way Donald does everything, I’m sure his hunger cycles are just as grandiose as he, as he often displays this hunger with anger, inducing fear wherever he speaks.
It was greedy wild speculation that brought on every recession and depression in the 20th century and the one in 2008. Isn’t that what Donald is all about, taking chances and bankrupting companies? Will he bankrupt our country? (Maybe I should be asking when, and not if.) I shouldn’t worry about these things, but I can’t help it, and neither can 3,000,000 other voters. These are the voters that voted not to see his face for the next four years. That’s 3 million more that didn’t vote for Donald, than those who did. I know every one of them is worried. Who, in their sane mind, wouldn’t be? A man who traffics in fear now has the power to inflict his idea of justice wherever he wishes at his own whim.
I’m amused that he thinks there was voter fraud and is conducting an investigation into it. I’m all for this, as I think he is going to be jolted by the results of his investigation. There was voter fraud but it wasn’t committed by who he thinks it was. It was committed by his own supporters because of the fear that he created. This man’s ability to create fear has only been surpassed once in our history and that’s when the twin towers fell in his hometown. Voters have already been charged with illegally voting twice for him so I wouldn’t doubt that many of his supporters took him up on his suggestion to use dead people to vote for him. When this is discovered to be the case, will we be looking for a new, honest president?
The only people who aren’t acutely afraid are those who are insulated from the damage to democracy, he‘ll inflict. Unfortunately, that doesn’t cover the majority who voted for him. I guess there are those who still think that a man without morals or moral values can actually be a positive representation of our country. Most of us know that he represents only the minority that thinks they can actually be like this man. None of them realize that somehow, someone outside of our country was allowed to steal the election that put him in office. (That’s a shame on us.) We’ve allowed a person already convicted of being dishonest and deceiving in his businesses and already broken several laws, into an office that gives him supreme power over the free world. (Even his own party members fear him. How many of them do you really think are comfortable with him in the White House?) He’s already cheated hundreds of thousands of people out of millions of dollars, yet our country deems this man fit, to be President.
I know a lot of his supporters are worried as well, as they’ve confessed to me, already, that they are. How can they not be worried? How can I not be worried? This is probably why my blood pressure is so high every time I check it now. This man has always dealt with fear, from his TV show where he fires everybody except one person to his business practices of evicting minorities to clear land for developments for wealthier people. This is what we deem honorable. That is what scares me more than anything else. Can our country be that corrupt already or have we just become complacent in our judgment? (As lazy as our country is, I’d say the latter rings true.)
What scares me also, is that this man is intent on undoing, all of the previous administration’s actions which he, in ignorant ways in which can only understand, deems unprofitable. What he can’t see is the benefit these actions have for millions of people, as those people don’t matter, as Donald sees it. Donald doesn’t have the empathy to care about other people except for his own family. This is how he could evict so many people throughout his history as a developer. Notice I said developer, not a landlord. Landlords have to deal with evictions. Developers don’t unless they want a certain building and desire to transform that land to be worth something more. Who gets hurt in the meantime, doesn’t matter as that’s just collateral damage.
Profit to Trump
The way Donald sees it, if it isn’t profitable, it’s not worth doing. There’s an innate as well as an inane problem with this. The innateness of it is that profit hasn’t always been about money or the movement thereof. True profit involves the benefit of the company or entity as a whole. It may not come as fast as the money, but it lasts longer and is healthier for the company. This goes for countries also. This is one of the best benefits of democracy. This is also the best benefit of not being a dictatorship, which also appears to be something that Mr. Drumph has initiated his version of, already. (I say Drumpf because that was his grandfather’s given surname. He changed it when he immigrated from Bavaria. At least, that was the Wikipedia entry 2 months ago. It has changed since then to show that Trump has always been his grandfather’s name, claiming the Drumpf moniker was dumped by a distant relative 200-300 years ago.)
That part of his history, according to Wikipedia, has been changed, since I first read it. It now reads that Trump was always his name. According to his page now, the Drumpf name comes from an ancestor from a couple of hundred years ago. The only way this can be proven is to pull up the old Donald Trump entry in Wikipedia before it was changed. You have to go into the archives to find that page, though. (This shows the downside of an open-source encyclopedia.)
When I first read the story about Donald’s family, it said that his grandfather changed his name, when he immigrated from Bavaria because he didn’t want the eastern spelling of his name to draw too much bad attention to his business and he thought Trump would be much easier to sell than Drumpf. Like Trump, Drumpf was a hotelier and restaurateur.
His grandfather came over here from Bavaria to evade the draft. He had to change his name to not be tracked from Europe. When Frederich Drumpf came over here from Eastern Europe, he was avoiding the draft, making him a criminal to start with. Hi son, followed in-suit, by profiteering during WWII. Why would this President not be like his father and grandfather, a criminal as well?
When will someone correct this entry to show the truth? My guess is, not until Donald fades away into history will the truth be known, as this is indicative of how a dictatorship works, and all of Donald’s companies have been run in this same manner. (It’s the bully factor he doesn’t trust anyone because he’s a bully. He’s afraid because he’s a bully, all of the time )This is the type of control Donald has always displayed. It’s the only kind of control offered by bullies as bullies don’t trust others. That’s indicative of bullies. Bullies only trust themselves and their close associates. This is due to the fact that bullies don’t know how to treat people with respect and have a tendency to make enemies, due to the lack of respect, they express. This is what makes them afraid of retaliation. He uses fear, to fight his own fear.
That’s basically why bullies only trust themselves, and those they control. Do you wonder why he appointed so many family members? Is it because they’re qualified? Or is it because they’re the only ones he can trust as he can control them? It is a control issue and Donald knows that because so many people dislike him, he can have no control over those people. Because of this, they get labeled as enemies. That makes Donald my enemy because of this dishonorable nature. Even though He has the ability to change and become my friend, I’m sure he won’t, as his path of destruction has already begun and because he locked himself into a cycle, it can’t change without him changing himself. Goodbye, democracy.
It would be nice if we had a president that could trust his fellow countrymen, but this is a President that can’t do that, as he can’t trust anyone but himself and his closest associates whom he has full control of. The problem with this is that Donald is quick to trust anyone who likes him and shows loyalty (those who feed his ego). A sign of loyalty is all it takes to earn Donald’s trust. This is due to the fact that bullies aren’t liked, so they’re attracted to those who show they can be controlled. As much as they want to be liked, their nature prohibits it. As a consequence, they can only be feared. (Their desire is to earn their honor, through fear. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, as fear only brings anger. He’s already proved this. I know too many people who will NEVER honor him.)
It’s also due to the fact that Donald can’t think ahead. He can’t reason, the future consequences of his actions beyond the next quarterly cycle. Is this how conservative politics works, seeing only short-term benefits, and not long-term prosperity? It seems that this is the way Donald is going to run this nation. Is that what you voted for when you voted for this madman? This is what 3 million more voters voted against than voted for, in the election. It’s only because of gerrymandered congressional districts to skew the Electoral College that we’re doomed to the consequences of this election and someone who doesn’t know what consequences are. He’s NEVER had to face the consequences of his own actions. (He’s always found someone else to take the fall for him, as he could always afford it.)
He’s been like this ever since his father sent him to a military academy because of his unruliness as a tot and then gave him a million dollars to start his empire. Actually, he’s been like this all his life. This is typical of rich brats. They think they own everything. Because of this, this man does not know right from wrong, as he’. He only knows what’s profitable from what’s unprofitable. The problem with this is, his definition of profit is not what everybody else’s definition is. This is our dilemma, how do we know how he thinks? (To know that, you have to be able to think like a bully,) This is also how bullies work. They don’t want you to know what they think as that can diminish their control.
This president doesn’t trust anyone but his own family and close associates (those who like him). This is indicative of bullies yet, in this case, it’s also indicative of his dishonesty. This is why he wants to put his family in his cabinet, he doesn’t trust anyone else. He trusts only those who feed his narcissism. This is due to the fact that he’s so dishonest himself. Because he is so dishonest, everything he envisions is in this realm of dishonesty. He sees everyone else doing just as he would do, himself, dishonestly. He can’t imagine dealing honestly and this is why he can’t trust anyone but those in his own family. Honesty for this man isn’t profitable. He only desires the help of those who are willing to feed his ego by supporting his irrational ways. It’s too bad that he’s looking for approval from the wrong people. I think that’s just that they’re easier to persuade and that’s why he appeals to them.
Ronald Reagan holds the record for the most embattled administration appointed in the last 100 years, maybe ever, but you haven’t experienced anything yet.
According to Wikipedia;
The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president.
This man will proceed to put President Reagan to shame in that category of appointing unqualified, but crooked or dishonest people to offices to assist this president. It’s already started with his first picks. The fact that this man knows absolutely nothing about government combined with the fact that he doesn’t know how to speak the truth is going to lead him to be the first president to be impeached from office. Don’t feel bad though America, you’ve done far worse to destroy yourself. Remember slavery? Now you get to experience it again.
Have you ever wondered where Donald gets his information? He probably gets it from sources his wife likes to read, from Eastern Europe. That’s where she’s from and her son is learning her native language, so I wouldn’t doubt that Donald gets a lot of his information from newspapers or periodicals from her country, somewhere in Slovenia. Isn’t that close to Russia? Hmm, I have to think about this one… could this be why he likes Putin? Could this be why he sees him as a strong leader? Isn’t that what Putin has printed in his papers, the ones Trump’s wife reads? Do you really think that this can make him a strong leader or a bought leader? (like you were bought when you voted for him) Welcome to Drumpfocracy, the start of the decline of America. (200 years from now it may be known as dumpocracy, due to the manner in which it sent our country into the dump.)
Hello Drumpfocracy and Trumponomics.
Completely disregarding any consideration of our environment or future safety and security of our nation, and only thinking only of short-term benefits, completely disregarding any consequences, this man has proven the evil nature of his thinking. His thoughts are only for the increase of wealth at any cost, human or financial cost, as long as the benefit is his. This is his nature. He’s bankrupted 6 companies, seeking wealth in the past 20 years, because it was good business practice. Where is it a good business practice to file for bankruptcy, especially when you have the money to pay your debtors? The answer to that question is in Donald Trump’s world, and now you have this man leading the free world, ready to bankrupt it. Is this your idea of freedom? It’s Donald’s. At least he sees it as freedom. To him, freedom is freedom from obligation. Is this the kind of freedom you think is best for America?
3 million don’t think so, as this is how many more voters voted for his opponent. The only reason Trump is in office now is that of Republican gerrymandering of our congressional districts, right under the nose of the Democratic party over the last 20 years. This shows the insanity of modern conservatism. Their goal, to reduce our freedom to one viewpoint, is what’s driven our country to the brink of disaster. True democracy is the viewpoints of everyone in that society. That’s pretty much the definition of democracy. Trumpocracy, on the other hand, is a closed-minded point of view that’s driven by the accumulation of money and nothing else. This is Trump’s nature and at 70 years old, it can’t change. It’s too hardwired in, to change. We can all thank Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for this one. They engineered it. They orchestrated it. They played it perfectly for their benefit. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for the benefit of the people, which is what our government is supposed to be for. Democracy is not meant to benefit only the rich. This is something that Trump can’t fathom.
Welcome to Trumpocracy!
Did this man actually “humbly”? accept his party’s nomination? Humble and humility have no place in the same sentence with Donald Trump. He has neither of either. He’s nothing but a blithering peeper bent on eating freeburgers and cheeseburgers. The mouth of our south whose come out of his grout has opened his spout to give us his gout and make us all shout.
With this kind of mentality, where does a man like this belong in the white house? My answer to that is scrubbing baseboards. This man doesn’t have enough common sense to be where he is and because of that, he has no right to it, either. The only reason he’s where he is is that of outside interference. No sane American would have bought into his hate and anger without it. Was America duped? Not all of us were. 3,000,000 weren’t and it’s those who are suffering now, more than anyone else. Those are the people who could see through this carny barker.
You may be asking yourself how I can say this. I can say this with full confidence because Donald acts just like I do, without forethought or consideration of consequences. It’s gotten me in trouble all my life. It has him too. Six bankruptcies and his childhood schooling, in a military academy, are indicative of this. He can’t control his own urges. They’re controlled for him by our food industry. This is just as I was when I was young. I was uncontrollable as well, except when my belly was full. This is indicative of sugar addiction. I had it really bad when I was growing up. I grew out of it 3 years ago when I went keto. Donald’s never grown out of it. He probably never will.
I act this way now due to my brain damage. Donald, on the other hand, does this out of habit. Does Donald have brain damage? From his carb intake, I have to say; yes he does have brain damage and probably plenty of it. I can see in his face how much he loves his carbs. I’ll bet he has at least, a couple of bagels for breakfast, every day. This means that our President is controlled by our grain and pharmaceutical industries. (It’s the hormonal control carbs have over your hunger cycle that causes this.) It’s this industry that has control over a majority of the public, with their control over the glucose in your system. If you love bread, pasta, or cereal of any sort, you are controlled by this industry just like Donald is and that could spell doom for our nation. This industry has already trashed our environment as well as our food supply. I could trust them as far as I could throw that whole lot of them. And now he wants me to trust the epitome of this control? Sorry, I can’t, I depend on the viability of that system for my income and now we have someone who possesses the capability to tear all that down. He’s already started to do so and that’s what scares me. Will my disability still be there next year? Possibly not, if this man has anything to say about it.
This man actually thinks he is God. Let me explain, first. He may think he’s a god and he may be a god to some but he’ll never be God or anything close to it. This man is much closer to an anti-christ than anything else. His appeal appeals only to those who crave to be like him. Oh, do I pity those who want to be like Don J Drumpf Trump, you need to be:
Narcissistic, extremely narcissistic (nothing else matters but you and your wishes)
Ignorant of anything that doesn’t make money or feed your ego
Driven to make as much of the above as possible, regardless of expenses (especially if they’re other peoples’)
Motivated to make those expenses, the expenses of other people, so you don’t have to waste your own.
Uncaring enough to allow other people’s expenses to be all of the following, loss of housing, loss of dignity, loss of life, loss of family, loss of health, any loss you can imagine is not beyond the capabilities of this man, as long as he doesn’t suffer, himself.
Driven to build the biggest name for yourself without regard for anyone or anything else that’s not owned by you
Driven to prove your importance and nothing else. (The drive is for recognition; he craves it like a junkie craves their next hit.)
most of all, immature
This is why Donald thinks that he’s God. God’s first commandment is to love him and no other. That’s what Donald wants, isn’t it? That means if you love Donald, you’re not loving God, or what he stands for, and if you voted for him, you must have loved him in the booth over the other choice. If that’s the case, I have you to thank for my concern about my future. I’m sorry, I can’t thank you. I’m too worried. (Don’t ever let me know you voted for him, you’ll lose all of my respect.)
As far as Donald is concerned, these are qualities that you must possess if you are to succeed. Regard for others, if they’re not in your family or provide you with a benefit, is irrelevant. Donald is the epitome of our Paleo nature, as predators. As hunter-gatherers, our genetic nature was to be predators. This nature still drives Donald’s behavior. It will always drive his behavior. Unfortunately, empathy didn’t come to humanity for 1,000’s of years. Considering how Donald thinks, it won’t ever come into his world, so don’t expect to see it in his administration. The people he’s putting in place to run his administration are direct proof of that.
Will empathy ever come to Donald Trump? Not if there isn’t any money in it…and you can take that to the bank. Empathy can only exist where caring exists. Donald doesn’t care. Caring isn’t profitable, financially; therefore it’s not worth the expense, as Donald can only see money as profit, not caring. This nature of his will be the demise of our democracy if Donald has anything to say about it. Welcome to Trumpocracy.
I’d like to say that you shouldn’t expect anything other than this kind of behavior from a Bavarian, but my desire to not be ignorant and bigoted wants to overpower my desire to “say it like it is”, that Donald’s Family is from Bavaria, where his grandfather was born. His grandfather immigrated after the Civil War to make his fortune from miners seeking gold in Seattle and Alaska. He tried to return home to Bavaria where he was denied his return because it was thought that he left to avoid military service.
Like his grandfather, Donald also evaded military service, even though his father had to send him to a military academy for schooling. This was due to the fact that Donald was completely unruly while in his youth. His father thought that this type of schooling could teach his son some civility. Although it taught him structure and discipline, it failed completely on civility as Donald is still undisciplined. Civility requires compassion. Compassion appears to be sorely lacking in Donald. So how can a man who doesn’t know compassion, understand civility? It’s due to his narcissistic nature in how he wants people to view him, that he cares only about his own image. This is indicative of a narcissistic profile and it fits Donald to a T.
The question I ask is how do you work with this kind of behavior? How do you work with a man who can’t understand how to fit into a world to work for the betterment of that world? How do you work for a man who only wants to control it for the betterment of his own empire? This man builds towers for wealthy people. He evicts minorities to pave the way for new towers, without a care in the world. (It’s business.) How do you work with a man so ignorant that he still believes that Global Warming is a hoax (he can’t even see the melting of the Arctic, nor does he care about the decline of the Polar bear or other ecosystems that will suffer irreparable harm), because money is more important than the environment? This man truly worships a different God than I do, he worships the God of the dollar. All who believe in this man worship the God of the dollar because of that. Where does that put them in God’s eyes when it violates the first commandment?
How do you change the behavior of someone who can’t see the truth through his own lies and ignorance? One seems to drive the other. This is where the true danger is, in the ignorance of a man refusing to see the truth because of his own dishonesty, and this is what scares me. It also scares me that if he were to read this, I should start fearing for my life, for writing such. Fortunately, we live in a country that guarantees free speech. At least it did before Trump; he’s trying to thwart that as well. He believes that only his speech should be free.
I’m sure he would call this propaganda when it’s really everything that comes out of his mouth that’s propaganda. He doesn’t know how to speak in any other way. This is how he sells whatever he says, propaganda, “it’s going to be the greatest”. He monetizes everything he touches. Even classified documents that he’d steal.
Tom would be proud, of Donald, that is. He’s sold America to the Russians for the next four years. Who’s going to get to pay for it? That’s what concerns me. All I can tell you is, it won’t be Donald either. He’ll do the selling, he’ll carry the mortgage (regardless of risk), and he’ll reap any rewards (if there are any), but he will not pay for anything. Will he avoid paying? He did, for at least 6 towers. Who’s to say he won’t do it to our country? Oh! Wait a minute, he’s already done that, he sold us out to the Russians. How quickly we forget.
Welcome to Trumpocracy.
The greatest concern I have is this man has lived his life, deep in debt, not only in this country but around the world. What happens to this man’s holdings while he is serving as President? How is that going to influence his businesses? What influence are his debtors going to have? Will there be conflicts of interest concerning any of his business holdings and the government and its actions or policies? Can you believe this man, who doesn’t know how to tell the truth and thrives in secrecy? If so, how? How can a man who’s never been “on the level” with anything, all of a sudden start being on the level? This man is 70 years old. How easy do you think it will be to change his nature? How easy was it to change your grandfather’s nature? I’ll bet he passed it down to you, didn’t he? Will we ever see him pay any taxes on his wealth? (I wouldn’t count on it.) Paying taxes requires a degree of honor and this man has none. Trust requires that the one being trusted has scruples. What scruples does this man have? He’s already proven that he has none, therefore how can we trust him? Trust is a requirement of the office we’ve put him in. If you can trust the one whose supposed to lead you, (which 3,000,000 more voters voted for), how can you represent the majority? You can’t, and you end up promoting a minority that has the same dim view as you do of the world, a view meant only to keep a select few prosperous. It just has to be the select few, you choose.
Welcome to Trumpocracy! Where have you placed your trust? Is it trumst or is it trust?
This is what I’d like to hear;
Mr. Trump, It’s clear to see,
you’re over your head.
You are UNFIT to be where you are.
Donald, You’re fired!
Find a new job.
Trump Poetry – A Toast to the host who boasts the most…just to gloat about his moat.
And to the Congress that’s left all in a mess, failing to address the missteps of this President
Thank you, Donald, for the insult to our justice system you just made in pardoning a convicted murderer. Yeah, Sheriff Joe is a murderer. He murdered any resemblance of law in Maricopa County. He was convicted in a court of law of blatantly violating a court order. Thank you for the indignation of justifying breaking the law, as long as you’re a Trump supporter. You have proven just how dishonest and crooked you are. Thank you for confirming all of my suspicions that you really are the lout you make out to be. Oh sorry, you’re not just a lout, you’re a genuine cad, you garner respect only from the darkest side of life. Thank you for proving how stupid you are. I always knew it as well as all those who voted against you. Thank you Republican party for gerrymandering congressional districts to boost your party. This is your just reward, although it isn’t very just for the rest of us. Thank you for it being the beginning of your end. Thank you, Donald Trump, for ending the Republican Party.
Thank, however, Justice Clarence Thomas for this death sentence for America, as it was he who penned the decision to give all corporations the same rights as individuals, even though they have far more assets to protect them.
What else can you expect from a Monsanto lobbyist? They’re the company that makes the glyphosate that kills more than 25,000,000 Americans every year, through heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, to name just a few.)
This is a story of how Pinal County killed one of their own senior residents by not allowing her to stay in her home as she wished. Without regard to any of her wishes or desires, Pinal County removed Margaret from her home, placed her in a group home, and left her there to die. 4 months after placement she reluctantly submitted to their wishes and died. She died because no one cared for her anymore. If she was allowed to stay in her home, as she wished, she would most likely still be alive today. She would not have been relegated to being just “somebody else”, as she was in the group home. This story details just how Pinal County Fiduciary office murdered Margaret Dempsey. I always knew that state-sanctioned murder took place. I just never though it took place in America, today. But, it does.
This is a story that everybody should pay attention to if they want their estate to transfer to whomever they list as their heirs. This is a story of how a government agency can and will take your home away from you, sell it, move you into a group home, and leave you there until you die. The worst thing about this is, they will wait until you can’t do anything about it.
Actually you shouldn’t even spend your golden years in Pinal County. They can and will liquidate your estate against your wishes if that’s what they wish to do. It doesn’t matter what your last will and testament states. They’ve already done it to one of their most respected senior citizens of over 40 years. (Margaret moved here from Chicago 41 years ago.) The evidence is in the action they took and if they can do it to one person, they can do it to anyone, including you.
All Margaret ever wanted, was to stay in the home she and her husband had built, to live their golden years in. Pinal County, however, didn’t allow Margaret to do that. Even though she wanted to live her last days in her own home, Pinal County wouldn’t allow Margaret her last wish. Because of their callous action, Margaret had to die completely alone, without love in an assisted living home she had no wish to live in. She was forced to die the way Pinal County wanted her to die, cold and alone.
First I need to lay down some groundwork; I first met Margaret at East Mesa Baptist Church. I was taking Alfred there 3 times a week, twice on Sundays, and on Wednesdays. Margaret always came with Charlie and Zuli but only on Sundays. I think because she couldn’t drive to church herself even though her church, St George’s Catholic Church, was only 3 blocks away from her house. I, being a Methodist, was a bit out of my normal routine, making sure Alfred made it to a Baptist church. But, never-the-less, we got there three times a week for the 3 years that I took care of Alfred. It was on a Sunday in the summer of 2001, after a service when I said to her, “If you ever need any help with anything, give me a call” and she asked for my phone number. So I gave her it to her. It was about a year later when she first called me. She asked for a ride to a doctor’s office for an appt she had. This would be the first time I helped Margaret.
A little background on me should be laid out here. I come from a family of people who like to take care of other people. Even though my family moved around most, all of my childhood, my parents almost always had become the go-to people in whatever neighborhood they moved to. My parents have always had this innate quality that enables them to help other people, regardless of where they lived. It seemed that a lot of other kids and even their families in whichever neighborhood we moved into would befriend my parents and end up being the beneficiaries of my parents’ help. But then, my parents just call it “being good neighbors”. As they moved into their retirement years, they found themselves being “good friends” to more and more people from church, and the mall where they walk every morning, and even next-door neighbors. They had to nurse some of their friends from their church or neighborhood, quite often until their death, simply to make life easier for them. My sister takes in disabled and handicapped children who have nobody else to take care of them. She’s been doing this for the last 25 years. I take care of people who can’t take care of themselves because I can understand what it’s like to be disabled because I am myself. I’m disabled due to a severe closed head injury that I received when a drunk driver ran a red light and t-boned the car I was riding in, at the end of 1984.
December 24th, 1984 shortly after midnight I was taken by helicopter to St Joseph’s hospital in Phoenix. I was unconscious as a result of this severe closed head injury that I received in that car accident that happened when the drunk driver ran the red light at the intersection of Mill and Southern in Tempe. I remained in a coma for 4 weeks and when I woke up, all I knew was that I had to get out of the hospital, because, at that time, I couldn’t stand to be in a hospital. I was thirty years old and trying to start my own construction business. So it didn’t help that I didn’t have insurance, nor did the man who hit us. Fortunately, my fiancee had, uninsured motorist, on her $30,000 policy, but the hospital got that to cover my $84,000 hospital bill. When I came out of the coma, I tried getting out of bed, but I couldn’t stand. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I couldn’t stand because my right side was paralyzed due to the two strokes I had while I was in the coma. I still live with residual partial paralysis on my right side even to this day. Having lost most of my abilities, due to this tragedy, I know what it’s like to live with a disability. My brain damage has caused me numerous problems. Just one of those is with my memory. This is what gives me an advantage when dealing with people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. I know what they go through not being able to remember what they need to remember, to get through the day. Because I have to live with it myself. I just always figured that God gave me these disabilities, so I can help other people that experience the same thing that I did and still do. Knowing what it’s like to have problems with your memory, can be very advantageous when dealing with people who have Alzheimer’s and dementia. I can more than empathize with them, I can understand why they think like they think.
I also figured that was why God didn’t take me 30 years ago. So I can help people who have trouble remembering what they’re supposed to do when they’re supposed to do it. It’s how I ended up taking care of Margaret as well Alfred, Frank, and David, and too many others to list when I was working at the Pavilion Guest Home. I also have the privilege of taking care of people who don’t have dementia or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, their problems are worse. Robert for example is dealing with cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and one kidney. They removed one if his kidneys because they found cancer in it. He knows better than anyone what I’ve had to go through to take care of Margaret because I’ve done most of that while helping him, which started in 2007.
Probably because Margaret came from a socialite background, (her parents were very wealthy prior to the stock market crash of 1928 and the ensuing depression) she has always had a set of very special needs. She is allergic to a host of foods that she can’t eat as well as certain medications. These medications will make her deathly ill or will outright kill her if administered. At one time we compiled a list of these foods and medications that have any kind of impact on Margaret’s health. We tried to keep the list updated as best we could. Margaret was brought up to be quite particular as well, which is just another way of saying picky. I learned, over the years, that is was probably innate to this age of women who were brought up in the manner Margaret was at the time Margaret was reared. It was said by her primary care doctor that Margaret’s social circle was her doctors as she has and always has had many medical problems. Just one of those is type 2 diabetes. Since I’ve known her she has always controlled it with oral medication. Margaret also has numerous idiosyncrasies like her inability to sniffle. No matter where she is or what she’s doing if her nose starts to run she has to use a Kleenex to blow her nose, even if she’s sitting at the dinner table eating. The habit may be disgusting but Margaret was brought up this way, never to sniffle the mucus back into her nose. My guess is, she does this to be a lady because she was taught, it’s unladylike to sniffle unless she’s crying.
All the help I’ve given Margaret, I’ve done while helping other people at the time and without compensation except for an occasional dinner afterward. Robert can tell you how many times I’ve had to abandon him to go out to help Margaret. But then Margaret had little ways of making you feel guilty if didn’t go out to help her. This could possibly be why Margaret decided to put me in charge of her estate when she dies. Because I have known Margaret for over 13 years and I am the only person that’s taken care of her for most of those 13 years.
Charlie and Zuli used to help her out quite a bit, but they had their own financial problems (some of which Margaret has helped bail them out of) and hadn’t always been able to be there when she needed them. They used to be the first people Margaret called, but they often had something else they had to do when Margaret needed their help, so Margaret called me to help her out. It wasn’t long until I became the first one she called, because she started turning to me before she asked anybody else for help. But then she knew that I would always be there to help her.
At first, it started out just taking Margaret to a doctor’s appointment, or to get her hair done or do some shopping. These appointments were every two or three months apart, but that changed over time to two or three appointments a week. It soon became a daily experience where I would have to go out and help Margaret on a daily basis, without compensation with the exception of a dinner out. Once in a while, she gave me money for gas, but nothing else. In return for all this help, she wanted me to leave me her estate when she died because she felt that I knew her better than anyone else and that was the reason why she wanted to leave everything to me. She may have wanted to do this because I was the only one who ever cared about her when nobody else did.
In order to allow me to keep helping Margaret, I have needed help from Margaret from time to time, mostly in the form of auto repairs, to keep my truck on the road so I could keep helping her. Two or three times that I can remember, she’s given me the money to fix my truck so I could continue helping her. Actually 75% of the miles that went on my truck, were put on it so I could help Margaret. I would probably have a hundred thousand miles less on my truck right now if I didn’t have to drive out Margaret’s house on a daily basis for close to six years in a row to help her. This is probably why she sold me her car for $1, 4 years ago. It seems that since she sold me that car, though, she’s expected a lot more from me. I was happy to provide it, but it has interfered with some of the help I would provide others and sometimes, they had to do without, simply so Margaret could get a light bulb put in or something else that she wanted, like taking her mail to the post office since she would never use her own mailbox for fear that her mail would be stolen. On a side note; whenever I took Margaret to the post office to send her mail out, she wouldn’t let me drop it in the drive-through box as she still didn’t trust that either, she made me take her mail inside to drop in the box inside the post office. I only say this to give you an idea of how hard it was to help Margaret out as she wasn’t always happy with just helping her; she wanted me to help her in ways that not only inconvenienced me but also others, without regard. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t my place to judge Margaret. That’s God’s job.
Five years prior to my moving in with Margaret, I made daily trips out to her house to check on her blood glucose, to see she how was doing and take her out to dinner. While she appreciated this, she seldom gave me money for gas, and never gave me anything for my time. This was taking me away from my duties with other people that I help and often those who depended on me had to do without, simply so I could help Margaret. But then Margaret was the oldest of all of them and they were all nice and understanding enough to allow me to help Margaret.
Two years prior to my move in with Margaret I was helping Frank, who was dying of pics disease and I had to schedule my time carefully, to help Margaret. Pics disease is another form of dementia that makes the patient very angry. Susan, his wife, thought at the time I came to them, that I was a godsend simply because of my ability to work with difficult patients. Even though Frank got upset with me many times I was always able to calm him down. This is something that other caregivers had a lot of trouble doing, due to what Pic’s disease does, to make you very angry.
It’s a type of dementia that eats up the memory but it changes the personality first and it changed Frank’s for the worse. It made him more hostile toward everyone he didn’t know, and sometimes toward those he did know. Frank also didn’t have use of his legs as he had been wheelchair-bound for several years and even simple tasks like helping to stand Frank up or sit him down would set Frank off and he would get really angry for no reason. But because I have an understanding of what it’s like to live without your memory and a lot of other abilities, it was easier for me to work with Frank than it was for many of his other caregivers. Frank’s disease took him in the spring of 2012. It was shortly after that when Margaret’s doctor said that she had to have 24/7 care and since I was available to move in to take care of Margaret in the summer of 2012, I moved in with her in September, one month after I had my hip replaced.
Although I started helping Margaret in 2002 or 2003, I really started helping her right after Alfred died in 2004. At first, it was just a trip to a doctor, for Margaret had many doctors. Her primary care doctor says that Margaret’s social circle was her doctors. I got to take her to most all of them, not just her primary care doctor, I took to her podiatrist, her ophthalmologist, her cardiologist, Chiropractor, orthopedist, and physical therapy when she needed it. Every week I would take her to her hair appt, often to church, and shopping. These trips would grow over time probably because she used up her other resources (other friends who would give her rides), or she would lose their help when they passed away. Over the years, I found myself helping Margaret more and more, to where after just a few years it became daily help, even just to check her blood glucose. During this time, I got to know Margaret intimately, as well as all of her doctors. I can take you to the doctor who injected her knee with so much prednisone that all the blood vessels in her eye burst and made her completely blind for 2-3 days. The only reason, we could figure, was that he failed to see that she was diabetic when he injected her with the prednisone. I can take you to Dr. Park, the doctor that gave her a portion of her eyesight back with injections directly into her eyeball. She may have gotten back 5% of her sight, but no more than that.
It was then that my duties really picked up with Margaret’s care. I then started taking her shopping whenever she needed it, as well as to her hair appt every Friday, to the post office almost every day since she wouldn’t put her mail in her mailbox for the postman to pick up because she didn’t trust it to stay there until the postman came. She always thought someone would steal it. I eventually learned that it was her need to have someone help her, which drove her to call me on a daily basis, to take her to the post office or shopping. It was always something that she didn’t have to do, she just wanted to, regardless of who else it inconvenienced. She just wanted to be with someone. Yet all this time she still wanted to live in her house.
She had previously asked me to move in with her but I refused. 3 times I refused but when Dr. Lawson said she had to have 24/7 care, it became evident to me that God wanted me to move in with her to take care of her. Her greatest desire was to stay living at home. She never wanted to be put in a group home. We had already looked at some group homes and even though they were nice, she didn’t want to be placed there. She just wanted to stay home. Needless to say, this is something that never happened after Adult Protective Services stepped in, issued me with a restraining order, and moved me out of her house. Moreover, they expected me to move out everything I own in two hours. It took me two weeks to move everything in. I still had a major portion of my belongings in her house when it was put on the market with the description that said, “buyer must remove contents. Again, needless to say, I wasn’t able to retrieve anything. 90% of everything that was mine along with everything that was going to be mine was sold without my or Margaret’s consent. I call that theft……..theft by, a government agency. What would you call it? They did it to Margaret and me, who’s to say, they won’t do it to you?
I was trying to change her diet to foods that would allow her to live that to 100 years old, whereas her other caregiver (Helena) didn’t think I should take these certain foods out of her diet. This was simply because she (Helena) liked them. It didn’t matter that these foods were killing her; all that mattered was that she liked them. That is the inherent problem with the foods I was trying to limit in Margaret’s diet, they’re addictive, and it’s very difficult to say no to them. Margaret and I discussed this more than once. Actually, we discussed it on many occasions. Margaret knew what these foods were doing to her yet when they were placed in front of her to eat, she ate them, forgetting what they were doing to her. This was evidenced the last time I saw her in court. She looked 8 years older than when I was living with her. This is something even Jacqui can even attest to. She mentioned last winter when she came out here that Margaret looked like she could live to be 103 or 104 years old. The way she looked when I saw her last, gave me the impression that she wouldn’t live throughout the year, a very drastic change from last winter.
My only goal when I moved in with Margaret was to see her to her 100 birthday and hopefully more, but that goal has been eliminated by the restraining order that was placed on me in regards to Margaret and worst of all, the removal of Margaret from her home.
I was initially told that Margaret would be allowed to stay home, but I see now, that this is something that couldn’t possibly happen. Keeping Margaret in her home is very expensive. I know because of the money it was costing me to help keep her there. I was relieved for their action of removing me from Margaret’s care at first until I realized, that although it may have been the best thing for me, I can see that it wasn’t the best thing for Margaret and I wouldn’t have been surprised if she didn’t last until the end of the year. She didn’t. October 19, she died. Alone, lonely and in a strange place, feeling that nobody cared. As far as I’m concerned, it would be nice to know who is responsible for removing me from caring for her and ultimately cutting her life short.
4 months after having my power of attorney removed and Margaret placed in a group home; the house was on the market for sale with a notice whoever buys the house has to remove the belongings inside the house. The problem is those belongings inside the house belonged to me, not the owner who was a complete invalid at the time of my removal. Adult protective services and Pinal County Fiduciary Office sold something that they had no right to sell, the house that was supposed to become mine, as per Margaret’s wishes. I think, that they thought they were doing this simply under the premise that they were protecting Margaret, which they obviously weren’t.
Margaret was put in a strange environment where she couldn’t see, she could hardly hear, and she knew nobody in her new world. This is not the way Margaret wanted to die. She wanted to stay in her home until she died.
Because of this, those responsible are guilty of murder. Those responsible are Geraldine Role, Ernie Appel, and Judge Lawrence A. Wharton who ordered the action, without proper investigation, to remove me. All of these individuals are, in my opinion, are guilty of murder and should be removed from office and held accountable for their actions.
This is how Pinal county murders its own residents. They’ve already done this to Margaret. Nobody can prove that they won’t do it to your family. Not even you!
This story can be corroborated by those who know Roy and are familiar with the amount of time he spent with Margaret.
The following people are familiar with the relationship between Margaret and Roy and can corroborate the basics in this story. Although they don’t know the specifics well, they know what was done for Margaret.
James M. Alfred’s son can be contacted at 480-243-????
Susan M. Franks wife can be contacted at 480-772-????
Robert T can be contacted at 480-433-????
Dr David Lawson (Margaret’s primary care doctor) can be contacted at 480-807-2400
Isabel P (My old neighbor in Mesa who was a psychologist for dept of corrections at the time but now working for Banner hospitals) can be contacted at 480-703-????
If anybody wishes to contact any of these people, please contact me first, for their name and number. With their OK, I’ll be happy to share it with you.
How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!