All posts by rwkjrs

Beware of Trumpocracy (Welcome To Trumpocracy after his election)

The Trumpocracy of a Dictator

An administration of fear has beset us.

Originally, titled: Beware of Trumpocracy

prior to his election three years ago.

Goodbye, Democracy.

Hello Autocracy!

Hello Trumpocracy!

Hello Trumponomics!

Hello Trumpidiocracy!

Hello Belligerency!

The assault has begun. The man who thinks he can run a government like he does his businesses is out to prove how it can’t be done. That’s because you can’t run government like you do a business. Government is not a business. Business is in business for the stockholders. The stockholders the government operates for are known as the public, and there’s a huge difference. You can lie to corporate stockholders. You can’t lie to the public. You can skirt the law with your business, you can’t skirt the law if you are supposed to enforce it. News Flash, Donald: you can’t break the law either, no matter how much you want to. Advising your patrolmen to break the law is illegal for you to do. DON’T YOU KNOW THAT? It makes me wonder where did you go to school if you ever did. Is this what we get to expect from Trumpocracy?

Chump Trump Poetry – A toast to the host who boasts the most just to gloat about his moat.

Wherever it was, I know you didn’t pay attention. You were too busy creating scenes yourself to keep yourself as the center of attention, instead of just someone else in the class. I was raised by a class clown, someone who always wanted to be the center of attention, himself. That’s because my Dad was abandoned by his mother and his father couldn’t take care of him and his three sisters, and still work. And this was right at the beginning of the Great Depression. But somehow, my father grew up the most honest man I know. I don’t know anyone else who would walk back into a grocery store to return extra change given back to him due to an error made by the store clerk. (I think he was given a nickel too much.) Even abandoned infants have more civility than this man who was never truly abandoned, just emotionally abandoned.

What were once freedoms for all of us are about to be turned into freedoms for just a few of us, in most cases, for those few who can afford them. In some cases, they’re already being stolen. Equality has taken it’s hardest hit in modern times, at least since the 1860s. It’s fear, unsubstantiated, unfounded, and completely undue fear that divides America. It widens the gap between the classes because of it. See the Equality post to see how that works.

What everyone has seemed to forget is that bullies fight first, and reason later. Don is a supreme artist at doing this. He does it to take the attention off of himself. Divert attention from yourself and that leaves you more room to do your ill works. This is Donald Trump’s modus operandi. He’s always done this. I think he learned it when he was two years old, being taken care of by a nursemaid who barely cared for him or even the family that employed her. I really think this was the start of Donald becoming to world’s biggest bully allowing him to think that he could wreak as much havoc as he wished upon the world, simply because he was allowed to wreak that havoc as he grew up. His problem: he never grew up. He just continued wreaking havoc just like a juvenile. Is it any wonder that he acts like he does when you consider this? This man is proving to be the antichrist that I really thought he is.

Because too many voters bought into the biggest scam that’s ever been committed on the American people, everyone who voted for this master of deceivers was purchased by Russian propaganda. Congratulations America! You’ve been Duped by a Drumpf. Though you may not want to admit it, you would have never voted for a pathological liar, if you weren’t bought. Nor would you have voted for fear and anger. 3 million more voters, voted for his opponent, and he claims that the election was rigged. He’s right, it was rigged. It was rigged for him. Russian hacking saw to that. Just as he said it would be, it was hijacked, except it wasn’t done by whom he thought.

America Bullyfied – Trumpocracy Defined
American Life With a Bully
A collection of my recollections of a dirty campaign of a stomping madman that to us only came, to reek unrest on us, all of our days, and suffer the term of his reign for which we’ll pay.
THE FACE OF TRUMPOCRACY a true dictator-chief wannabe

This is the kind of person we’re trying to teach our children NOT TO BE LIKE, yet somehow, he got elected President. That’s a “shame on us“. To have a real-life bully, bully his way into the Oval Office, is truly a travesty of democracy. The fact that no one in history has been more disliked than this President, proves that he doesn’t belong there, along with the fact that he’s completely out of his league being there in the first place. A man with the mentality of Donald Trump doesn’t belong anywhere close to controlling what’s been entrusted to him to control.

That kind of control requires civility and a lot of it. Donald has none. He’s proven this time and time again, yet too many oafs fell for his ruse. Because of this, we all get to live in fear for the next four years. Unfortunately, there are 3,000,000 more people who would rather have this person out of their lives, than there are, who want him as President. (He’s truly a President for the minority. Too bad it’s the wrong minority.) The minority he likes owns a majority of the money and power. That to me doesn’t spell “good President”. It smells too much of a dictatorship and dictatorships always bring fear. Fear has always brought trouble.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t fear what this man is capable of.) Yet for the next four years, we have to deal with seeing his face, daily. I wonder if he felt the same way when his predecessor took office, due to his fear of a black man. (The difference in his feelings and mine is that a black man can’t change his color. Donald can change his demeanor, he just refuses to.) Now it appears that he’s going to undo as much democracy as he possibly can.

Welcome to Trumpocracy!

The assault continues. With evil strokes of his pen, Donald J Drumpf or should I say Trump sells out democracy with each new executive order. His idea of good is not the majority’s idea of good. No. His ideas of good are for the minority at the top, not the disadvantaged he’s conned into believing that he wants to help them. The only thing he wants to help is his ego.

With eagerness like that of the most ravenous predator, he’s set out to undo all democracy that existed before he darkened our world with his candidacy. Darken it he did, with his rhetoric of fear and hate, so much so that immediately following his announcement to run for president, violence escalated. It’s remained escalated ever since. It escalated even more after he was elected. He’s empowered the darkest minority in our country. They also happen to be the whitest minority. It includes skinheads and supremacists’.  This is easy to understand with all the fear that he generated.

Trumpocracy Starts With Fear

You have to generate fear to sell anything that isn’t needed. This is exactly how Donald started his campaign. His intent was to generate enough fear to prompt change. This is the very same thing that Tom Hopkins teaches in his book How to Sell Anything. He was famous in Realty for selling a house a day for over a year. That’s a feat that I don’t think has been matched since. To do that you need to have master selling skills. This is something Donald loves to prove he has. I can only imagine how proud he is of this sale. He sold himself to America when America didn’t need him, or a change.

Although it could be argued that the recovery was slow, it could also be argued that this recovery was much safer and much less risky than those of the past. (The thing I think about the most is, the administration prior to the depression in every case, was always a conservative administration. When will everyone start to realize that the self-regulating that conservatism espouses, will not ever regulate itself because of one factor that no one ever figures into the equation? Nobody calculates greed in this equation. Greed is what drives capitalism. The problem with that is that there is no fairness or justice in greed. Fairness and justice both require a degree of compassion and that’s a polar opposite of greed.

Greed is an emotion of hunger. It always will be. To remove greed from the equation, you need to remove hunger from the equation. To do that, you need to remove the sugar from the diet, but that’s a whole different subject. But I can see where Donald gets his share of sugar every day. (His size is evidence of that.)  That only means that Donald is a hungry man and with the way Donald does everything, I’m sure his hunger cycles are just as grandiose as he, as he often displays this hunger with anger, inducing fear wherever he speaks.

It was greedy wild speculation that brought on every recession and depression in the 20th century and the one in 2008. Isn’t that what Donald is all about, taking chances and bankrupting companies? Will he bankrupt our country? (Maybe I should be asking when, and not if.) I shouldn’t worry about these things, but I can’t help it, and neither can 3,000,000 other voters. These are the voters that voted not to see his face for the next four years. That’s 3 million more that didn’t vote for Donald, than those who did. I know every one of them is worried. Who, in their sane mind, wouldn’t be? A man who traffics in fear now has the power to inflict his idea of justice wherever he wishes at his own whim.

I’m amused that he thinks there was voter fraud and is conducting an investigation into it. I’m all for this, as I think he is going to be jolted by the results of his investigation. There was voter fraud but it wasn’t committed by who he thinks it was. It was committed by his own supporters because of the fear that he created. This man’s ability to create fear has only been surpassed once in our history and that’s when the twin towers fell in his hometown. Voters have already been charged with illegally voting twice for him so I wouldn’t doubt that many of his supporters took him up on his suggestion to use dead people to vote for him. When this is discovered to be the case, will we be looking for a new, honest president?

The only people who aren’t acutely afraid are those who are insulated from the damage to democracy, he‘ll inflict. Unfortunately, that doesn’t cover the majority who voted for him. I guess there are those who still think that a man without morals or moral values can actually be a positive representation of our country. Most of us know that he represents only the minority that thinks they can actually be like this man. None of them realize that somehow, someone outside of our country was allowed to steal the election that put him in office. (That’s a shame on us.) We’ve allowed a person already convicted of being dishonest and deceiving in his businesses and already broken several laws, into an office that gives him supreme power over the free world. (Even his own party members fear him. How many of them do you really think are comfortable with him in the White House?) He’s already cheated hundreds of thousands of people out of millions of dollars, yet our country deems this man fit, to be President.

I know a lot of his supporters are worried as well, as they’ve confessed to me, already, that they are. How can they not be worried? How can I not be worried? This is probably why my blood pressure is so high every time I check it now. This man has always dealt with fear, from his TV show where he fires everybody except one person to his business practices of evicting minorities to clear land for developments for wealthier people. This is what we deem honorable. That is what scares me more than anything else. Can our country be that corrupt already or have we just become complacent in our judgment? (As lazy as our country is, I’d say the latter rings true.)

What scares me also, is that this man is intent on undoing, all of the previous administration’s actions which he, in ignorant ways in which can only understand, deems unprofitable. What he can’t see is the benefit these actions have for millions of people, as those people don’t matter, as Donald sees it. Donald doesn’t have the empathy to care about other people except for his own family. This is how he could evict so many people throughout his history as a developer. Notice I said developer, not a landlord. Landlords have to deal with evictions. Developers don’t unless they want a certain building and desire to transform that land to be worth something more. Who gets hurt in the meantime, doesn’t matter as that’s just collateral damage.

Profit to Trump

The way Donald sees it, if it isn’t profitable, it’s not worth doing. There’s an innate as well as an inane problem with this. The innateness of it is that profit hasn’t always been about money or the movement thereof. True profit involves the benefit of the company or entity as a whole. It may not come as fast as the money, but it lasts longer and is healthier for the company. This goes for countries also. This is one of the best benefits of democracy. This is also the best benefit of not being a dictatorship, which also appears to be something that Mr. Drumph has initiated his version of, already. (I say Drumpf because that was his grandfather’s given surname. He changed it when he immigrated from Bavaria. At least, that was the Wikipedia entry 2 months ago. It has changed since then to show that Trump has always been his grandfather’s name, claiming the Drumpf moniker was dumped by a distant relative 200-300 years ago.)

That part of his history, according to Wikipedia, has been changed, since I first read it. It now reads that Trump was always his name. According to his page now, the Drumpf name comes from an ancestor from a couple of hundred years ago. The only way this can be proven is to pull up the old Donald Trump entry in Wikipedia before it was changed. You have to go into the archives to find that page, though. (This shows the downside of an open-source encyclopedia.)

When I first read the story about Donald’s family, it said that his grandfather changed his name, when he immigrated from Bavaria because he didn’t want the eastern spelling of his name to draw too much bad attention to his business and he thought Trump would be much easier to sell than Drumpf. Like Trump, Drumpf was a hotelier and restaurateur.

His grandfather came over here from Bavaria to evade the draft. He had to change his name to not be tracked from Europe. When Frederich Drumpf came over here from Eastern Europe, he was avoiding the draft, making him a criminal to start with. Hi son, followed in-suit, by profiteering during WWII. Why would this President not be like his father and grandfather, a criminal as well?

When will someone correct this entry to show the truth? My guess is, not until Donald fades away into history will the truth be known, as this is indicative of how a dictatorship works, and all of Donald’s companies have been run in this same manner. (It’s the bully factor he doesn’t trust anyone because he’s a bully. He’s afraid because he’s a bully, all of the time )This is the type of control Donald has always displayed. It’s the only kind of control offered by bullies as bullies don’t trust others. That’s indicative of bullies. Bullies only trust themselves and their close associates. This is due to the fact that bullies don’t know how to treat people with respect and have a tendency to make enemies, due to the lack of respect, they express. This is what makes them afraid of retaliation. He uses fear, to fight his own fear.

That’s basically why bullies only trust themselves, and those they control. Do you wonder why he appointed so many family members? Is it because they’re qualified? Or is it because they’re the only ones he can trust as he can control them? It is a control issue and Donald knows that because so many people dislike him, he can have no control over those people. Because of this, they get labeled as enemies. That makes Donald my enemy because of this dishonorable nature. Even though He has the ability to change and become my friend, I’m sure he won’t, as his path of destruction has already begun and because he locked himself into a cycle, it can’t change without him changing himself. Goodbye, democracy.

It would be nice if we had a president that could trust his fellow countrymen, but this is a President that can’t do that, as he can’t trust anyone but himself and his closest associates whom he has full control of. The problem with this is that Donald is quick to trust anyone who likes him and shows loyalty (those who feed his ego). A sign of loyalty is all it takes to earn Donald’s trust. This is due to the fact that bullies aren’t liked, so they’re attracted to those who show they can be controlled. As much as they want to be liked, their nature prohibits it.  As a consequence, they can only be feared. (Their desire is to earn their honor, through fear. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, as fear only brings anger. He’s already proved this. I know too many people who will NEVER honor him.)

It’s also due to the fact that Donald can’t think ahead. He can’t reason, the future consequences of his actions beyond the next quarterly cycle. Is this how conservative politics works, seeing only short-term benefits, and not long-term prosperity? It seems that this is the way Donald is going to run this nation. Is that what you voted for when you voted for this madman? This is what 3 million more voters voted against than voted for, in the election. It’s only because of gerrymandered congressional districts to skew the Electoral College that we’re doomed to the consequences of this election and someone who doesn’t know what consequences are. He’s NEVER had to face the consequences of his own actions. (He’s always found someone else to take the fall for him, as he could always afford it.)

He’s been like this ever since his father sent him to a military academy because of his unruliness as a tot and then gave him a million dollars to start his empire. Actually, he’s been like this all his life. This is typical of rich brats. They think they own everything. Because of this, this man does not know right from wrong, as he’. He only knows what’s profitable from what’s unprofitable. The problem with this is, his definition of profit is not what everybody else’s definition is. This is our dilemma, how do we know how he thinks? (To know that, you have to be able to think like a bully,) This is also how bullies work. They don’t want you to know what they think as that can diminish their control.

This president doesn’t trust anyone but his own family and close associates (those who like him). This is indicative of bullies yet, in this case, it’s also indicative of his dishonesty. This is why he wants to put his family in his cabinet, he doesn’t trust anyone else. He trusts only those who feed his narcissism. This is due to the fact that he’s so dishonest himself.  Because he is so dishonest, everything he envisions is in this realm of dishonesty. He sees everyone else doing just as he would do, himself, dishonestly. He can’t imagine dealing honestly and this is why he can’t trust anyone but those in his own family. Honesty for this man isn’t profitable. He only desires the help of those who are willing to feed his ego by supporting his irrational ways. It’s too bad that he’s looking for approval from the wrong people. I think that’s just that they’re easier to persuade and that’s why he appeals to them.

Ronald Reagan holds the record for the most embattled administration appointed in the last 100 years, maybe ever, but you haven’t experienced anything yet.

According to Wikipedia;

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president.

This man will proceed to put President Reagan to shame in that category of appointing unqualified, but crooked or dishonest people to offices to assist this president. It’s already started with his first picks. The fact that this man knows absolutely nothing about government combined with the fact that he doesn’t know how to speak the truth is going to lead him to be the first president to be impeached from office. Don’t feel bad though America, you’ve done far worse to destroy yourself. Remember slavery? Now you get to experience it again.

Have you ever wondered where Donald gets his information? He probably gets it from sources his wife likes to read, from Eastern Europe. That’s where she’s from and her son is learning her native language, so I wouldn’t doubt that Donald gets a lot of his information from newspapers or periodicals from her country, somewhere in Slovenia. Isn’t that close to Russia? Hmm, I have to think about this one… could this be why he likes Putin? Could this be why he sees him as a strong leader? Isn’t that what Putin has printed in his papers, the ones Trump’s wife reads? Do you really think that this can make him a strong leader or a bought leader? (like you were bought when you voted for him) Welcome to Drumpfocracy, the start of the decline of America. (200 years from now it may be known as dumpocracy, due to the manner in which it sent our country into the dump.)

Hello Drumpfocracy and Trumponomics.

Completely disregarding any consideration of our environment or future safety and security of our nation, and only thinking only of short-term benefits, completely disregarding any consequences, this man has proven the evil nature of his thinking. His thoughts are only for the increase of wealth at any cost, human or financial cost, as long as the benefit is his. This is his nature. He’s bankrupted 6 companies, seeking wealth in the past 20 years, because it was good business practice. Where is it a good business practice to file for bankruptcy, especially when you have the money to pay your debtors? The answer to that question is in Donald Trump’s world, and now you have this man leading the free world, ready to bankrupt it. Is this your idea of freedom? It’s Donald’s. At least he sees it as freedom. To him, freedom is freedom from obligation. Is this the kind of freedom you think is best for America?

3 million don’t think so, as this is how many more voters voted for his opponent. The only reason Trump is in office now is that of Republican gerrymandering of our congressional districts, right under the nose of the Democratic party over the last 20 years. This shows the insanity of modern conservatism. Their goal, to reduce our freedom to one viewpoint, is what’s driven our country to the brink of disaster. True democracy is the viewpoints of everyone in that society. That’s pretty much the definition of democracy. Trumpocracy, on the other hand, is a closed-minded point of view that’s driven by the accumulation of money and nothing else. This is Trump’s nature and at 70 years old, it can’t change. It’s too hardwired in, to change. We can all thank Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for this one. They engineered it. They orchestrated it. They played it perfectly for their benefit. Unfortunately, it wasn’t for the benefit of the people, which is what our government is supposed to be for. Democracy is not meant to benefit only the rich. This is something that Trump can’t fathom.

Welcome to Trumpocracy!

Did this man actually “humbly”? accept his party’s nomination? Humble and humility have no place in the same sentence with Donald Trump. He has neither of either. He’s nothing but a blithering peeper bent on eating freeburgers and cheeseburgers. The mouth of our south whose come out of his grout has opened his spout to give us his gout and make us all shout.

With this kind of mentality, where does a man like this belong in the white house? My answer to that is scrubbing baseboards. This man doesn’t have enough common sense to be where he is and because of that, he has no right to it, either. The only reason he’s where he is is that of outside interference. No sane American would have bought into his hate and anger without it. Was America duped? Not all of us were. 3,000,000 weren’t and it’s those who are suffering now, more than anyone else. Those are the people who could see through this carny barker.

You may be asking yourself how I can say this. I can say this with full confidence because Donald acts just like I do, without forethought or consideration of consequences. It’s gotten me in trouble all my life. It has him too. Six bankruptcies and his childhood schooling, in a military academy, are indicative of this. He can’t control his own urges. They’re controlled for him by our food industry. This is just as I was when I was young. I was uncontrollable as well, except when my belly was full. This is indicative of sugar addiction. I had it really bad when I was growing up. I grew out of it 3 years ago when I went keto. Donald’s never grown out of it. He probably never will.

I act this way now due to my brain damage. Donald, on the other hand, does this out of habit. Does Donald have brain damage? From his carb intake, I have to say; yes he does have brain damage and probably plenty of it. I can see in his face how much he loves his carbs. I’ll bet he has at least, a couple of bagels for breakfast, every day. This means that our President is controlled by our grain and pharmaceutical industries. (It’s the hormonal control carbs have over your hunger cycle that causes this.) It’s this industry that has control over a majority of the public, with their control over the glucose in your system. If you love bread, pasta, or cereal of any sort, you are controlled by this industry just like Donald is and that could spell doom for our nation. This industry has already trashed our environment as well as our food supply. I could trust them as far as I could throw that whole lot of them. And now he wants me to trust the epitome of this control? Sorry, I can’t, I depend on the viability of that system for my income and now we have someone who possesses the capability to tear all that down. He’s already started to do so and that’s what scares me. Will my disability still be there next year? Possibly not, if this man has anything to say about it.

This man actually thinks he is God. Let me explain, first. He may think he’s a god and he may be a god to some but he’ll never be God or anything close to it. This man is much closer to an anti-christ than anything else. His appeal appeals only to those who crave to be like him. Oh, do I pity those who want to be like Don J Drumpf Trump, you need to be:

  • Narcissistic, extremely narcissistic (nothing else matters but you and your wishes)
  • Ignorant of anything that doesn’t make money or feed your ego
  • Driven to make as much of the above as possible, regardless of expenses (especially if they’re other peoples’)
  • Motivated to make those expenses, the expenses of other people, so you don’t have to waste your own.
  • Uncaring enough to allow other people’s expenses to be all of the following, loss of housing, loss of dignity, loss of life, loss of family, loss of health, any loss you can imagine is not beyond the capabilities of this man, as long as he doesn’t suffer, himself.
  • Driven to build the biggest name for yourself without regard for anyone or anything else that’s not owned by you
  • Driven to prove your importance and nothing else. (The drive is for recognition; he craves it like a junkie craves their next hit.)
  • most of all, immature

This is why Donald thinks that he’s God. God’s first commandment is to love him and no other. That’s what Donald wants, isn’t it? That means if you love Donald, you’re not loving God, or what he stands for, and if you voted for him, you must have loved him in the booth over the other choice. If that’s the case, I have you to thank for my concern about my future. I’m sorry, I can’t thank you. I’m too worried. (Don’t ever let me know you voted for him, you’ll lose all of my respect.)

As far as Donald is concerned, these are qualities that you must possess if you are to succeed. Regard for others, if they’re not in your family or provide you with a benefit, is irrelevant. Donald is the epitome of our Paleo nature, as predators. As hunter-gatherers, our genetic nature was to be predators. This nature still drives Donald’s behavior. It will always drive his behavior. Unfortunately, empathy didn’t come to humanity for 1,000’s of years.  Considering how Donald thinks, it won’t ever come into his world, so don’t expect to see it in his administration. The people he’s putting in place to run his administration are direct proof of that.

Will empathy ever come to Donald Trump? Not if there isn’t any money in it…and you can take that to the bank. Empathy can only exist where caring exists. Donald doesn’t care. Caring isn’t profitable, financially; therefore it’s not worth the expense, as Donald can only see money as profit, not caring. This nature of his will be the demise of our democracy if Donald has anything to say about it. Welcome to Trumpocracy.

I’d like to say that you shouldn’t expect anything other than this kind of behavior from a Bavarian, but my desire to not be ignorant and bigoted wants to overpower my desire to “say it like it is”, that Donald’s Family is from Bavaria, where his grandfather was born. His grandfather immigrated after the Civil War to make his fortune from miners seeking gold in Seattle and Alaska. He tried to return home to Bavaria where he was denied his return because it was thought that he left to avoid military service.

Like his grandfather, Donald also evaded military service, even though his father had to send him to a military academy for schooling. This was due to the fact that Donald was completely unruly while in his youth. His father thought that this type of schooling could teach his son some civility. Although it taught him structure and discipline, it failed completely on civility as Donald is still undisciplined. Civility requires compassion. Compassion appears to be sorely lacking in Donald. So how can a man who doesn’t know compassion, understand civility? It’s due to his narcissistic nature in how he wants people to view him, that he cares only about his own image. This is indicative of a narcissistic profile and it fits Donald to a T.

The question I ask is how do you work with this kind of behavior? How do you work with a man who can’t understand how to fit into a world to work for the betterment of that world? How do you work for a man who only wants to control it for the betterment of his own empire? This man builds towers for wealthy people. He evicts minorities to pave the way for new towers, without a care in the world. (It’s business.) How do you work with a man so ignorant that he still believes that Global Warming is a hoax (he can’t even see the melting of the Arctic, nor does he care about the decline of the Polar bear or other ecosystems that will suffer irreparable harm), because money is more important than the environment? This man truly worships a different God than I do, he worships the God of the dollar. All who believe in this man worship the God of the dollar because of that. Where does that put them in God’s eyes when it violates the first commandment?

How do you change the behavior of someone who can’t see the truth through his own lies and ignorance? One seems to drive the other. This is where the true danger is, in the ignorance of a man refusing to see the truth because of his own dishonesty, and this is what scares me. It also scares me that if he were to read this, I should start fearing for my life, for writing such. Fortunately, we live in a country that guarantees free speech. At least it did before Trump; he’s trying to thwart that as well. He believes that only his speech should be free.

I’m sure he would call this propaganda when it’s really everything that comes out of his mouth that’s propaganda. He doesn’t know how to speak in any other way. This is how he sells whatever he says, propaganda, “it’s going to be the greatest”.  He monetizes everything he touches. Even classified documents that he’d steal.

Tom would be proud, of Donald, that is. He’s sold America to the Russians for the next four years. Who’s going to get to pay for it? That’s what concerns me. All I can tell you is, it won’t be Donald either. He’ll do the selling, he’ll carry the mortgage (regardless of risk), and he’ll reap any rewards (if there are any), but he will not pay for anything. Will he avoid paying? He did, for at least 6 towers. Who’s to say he won’t do it to our country? Oh! Wait a minute, he’s already done that, he sold us out to the Russians. How quickly we forget.

Welcome to Trumpocracy.

Ode to Trumprocracy
If Tump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand, my contempt for the grand blaster of sand.

The greatest concern I have is this man has lived his life, deep in debt, not only in this country but around the world. What happens to this man’s holdings while he is serving as President? How is that going to influence his businesses? What influence are his debtors going to have? Will there be conflicts of interest concerning any of his business holdings and the government and its actions or policies? Can you believe this man, who doesn’t know how to tell the truth and thrives in secrecy? If so, how? How can a man who’s never been “on the level” with anything, all of a sudden start being on the level? This man is 70 years old. How easy do you think it will be to change his nature? How easy was it to change your grandfather’s nature? I’ll bet he passed it down to you, didn’t he? Will we ever see him pay any taxes on his wealth? (I wouldn’t count on it.) Paying taxes requires a degree of honor and this man has none. Trust requires that the one being trusted has scruples. What scruples does this man have? He’s already proven that he has none, therefore how can we trust him? Trust is a requirement of the office we’ve put him in. If you can trust the one whose supposed to lead you, (which 3,000,000 more voters voted for), how can you represent the majority? You can’t, and you end up promoting a minority that has the same dim view as you do of the world, a view meant only to keep a select few prosperous. It just has to be the select few, you choose.

Welcome to Trumpocracy! Where have you placed your trust? Is it trumst or is it trust?
 This is what I’d like to hear;
Mr. Trump, It’s clear to see,
you’re over your head.
You are UNFIT to be where you are.
Donald, You’re fired!
Find a new job.








































Trump Poetry – A Toast to the host who boasts the most…just to gloat about his moat.
And to the Congress that’s left all in a mess, failing to address the missteps of this President












Thank you, Donald, for the insult to our justice system you just made in pardoning a convicted murderer. Yeah, Sheriff Joe is a murderer. He murdered any resemblance of law in Maricopa County. He was convicted in a court of law of blatantly violating a court order. Thank you for the indignation of justifying breaking the law, as long as you’re a Trump supporter. You have proven just how dishonest and crooked you are. Thank you for confirming all of my suspicions that you really are the lout you make out to be. Oh sorry, you’re not just a lout, you’re a genuine cad, you garner respect only from the darkest side of life. Thank you for proving how stupid you are. I always knew it as well as all those who voted against you. Thank you Republican party for gerrymandering congressional districts to boost your party. This is your just reward, although it isn’t very just for the rest of us. Thank you for it being the beginning of your end. Thank you, Donald Trump, for ending the Republican Party.

Thank, however, Justice Clarence Thomas for this death sentence for America, as it was he who penned the decision to give all corporations the same rights as individuals, even though they have far more assets to protect them.

What else can you expect from a Monsanto lobbyist? They’re the company that makes the glyphosate that kills more than 25,000,000 Americans every year, through heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, to name just a few.)

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition for Trumpocracy
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food for Trumpocracy
the color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address for Trumpocracy
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into needing drugs to counteract your pain.


Extended Details of Tainted Food:

tainted food story for state of the union address for Trumpocracy
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union for Trumpocracy
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition for Trumpocracy
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse


Full Details of Tainted Food:

E book Edition Trumpocracy
The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edition Trumpocracy
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition for Trumprocracy
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally engineered to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, the opioid epidemic, and pretty much everything else that’s wrong with the world.

The Murder Of Margaret Dempsey At The Hands Of Pinal County’s Death Squad

This is a story of how Pinal County killed one of their own senior residents by not allowing her to stay in her home as she wished. Without regard to any of her wishes or desires, Pinal County removed Margaret from her home, placed her in a group home, and left her there to die. 4 months after placement she reluctantly submitted to their wishes and died. She died because no one cared for her anymore. If she was allowed to stay in her home, as she wished, she would most likely still be alive today. She would not have been relegated to being just “somebody else”, as she was in the group home. This story details just how Pinal County Fiduciary office murdered Margaret Dempsey. I always knew that state-sanctioned murder took place. I just never though it took place in America, today. But, it does.

This is a story that everybody should pay attention to if they want their estate to transfer to whomever they list as their heirs. This is a story of how a government agency can and will take your home away from you, sell it, move you into a group home, and leave you there until you die. The worst thing about this is, they will wait until you can’t do anything about it.

Margaret's dead feetIf you value your estate and you want to make sure that it goes to your heirs, DON’T BE A RESIDENT OF PINAL COUNTY  WHEN YOU DIEYOU DON’T WANT TO BE ANOTHER STATISTIC

Actually you shouldn’t even spend your golden years in Pinal County.  They can and will liquidate your estate against your wishes if that’s what they wish to do. It doesn’t matter what your last will and testament states. They’ve already done it to one of their most respected senior citizens of over 40 years. (Margaret moved here from Chicago 41 years ago.) The evidence is in the action they took and if they can do it to one person, they can do it to anyone, including you.

All Margaret ever wanted, was to stay in the home she and her husband had built, to live their golden years in. Pinal County, however, didn’t allow Margaret to do that. Even though she wanted to live her last days in her own home, Pinal County wouldn’t allow Margaret her last wish. Because of their callous action, Margaret had to die completely alone, without love in an assisted living home she had no wish to live in. She was forced to die the way Pinal County wanted her to die, cold and alone.

First I need to lay down some groundwork;  I first met Margaret at East Mesa Baptist Church. I was taking Alfred there 3 times a week, twice on Sundays, and on Wednesdays. Margaret always came with Charlie and Zuli but only on Sundays. I think because she couldn’t drive to church herself even though her church, St George’s Catholic Church, was only 3 blocks away from her house. I, being a Methodist, was a bit out of my normal routine, making sure Alfred made it to a Baptist church. But, never-the-less, we got there three times a week for the 3 years that I took care of Alfred. It was on a Sunday in the summer of 2001, after a service when I said to her, “If you ever need any help with anything, give me a call” and she asked for my phone number. So I gave her it to her. It was about a year later when she first called me. She asked for a ride to a doctor’s office for an appt she had. This would be the first time I helped Margaret.

A little background on me should be laid out here. I come from a family of people who like to take care of other people. Even though my family moved around most, all of my childhood, my parents almost always had become the go-to people in whatever neighborhood they moved to. My parents have always had this innate quality that enables them to help other people, regardless of where they lived. It seemed that a lot of other kids and even their families in whichever neighborhood we moved into would befriend my parents and end up being the beneficiaries of my parents’ help. But then, my parents just call it “being good neighbors”. As they moved into their retirement years, they found themselves being “good friends” to more and more people from church, and the mall where they walk every morning, and even next-door neighbors. They had to nurse some of their friends from their church or neighborhood, quite often until their death, simply to make life easier for them. My sister takes in disabled and handicapped children who have nobody else to take care of them. She’s been doing this for the last 25 years. I take care of people who can’t take care of themselves because I can understand what it’s like to be disabled because I am myself. I’m disabled due to a severe closed head injury that I received when a drunk driver ran a red light and t-boned the car I was riding in, at the end of 1984.

December 24th, 1984 shortly after midnight I was taken by helicopter to St Joseph’s hospital in Phoenix. I was unconscious as a result of this severe closed head injury that I received in that car accident that happened when the drunk driver ran the red light at the intersection of Mill and Southern in Tempe. I remained in a coma for 4 weeks and when I woke up, all I knew was that I had to get out of the hospital, because, at that time, I couldn’t stand to be in a hospital. I was thirty years old and trying to start my own construction business. So it didn’t help that I didn’t have insurance, nor did the man who hit us. Fortunately, my fiancee had, uninsured motorist, on her $30,000 policy, but the hospital got that to cover my $84,000 hospital bill. When I came out of the coma, I tried getting out of bed, but I couldn’t stand. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I couldn’t stand because my right side was paralyzed due to the two strokes I had while I was in the coma. I still live with residual partial paralysis on my right side even to this day. Having lost most of my abilities, due to this tragedy, I know what it’s like to live with a disability. My brain damage has caused me numerous problems. Just one of those is with my memory. This is what gives me an advantage when dealing with people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. I know what they go through not being able to remember what they need to remember, to get through the day. Because I have to live with it myself. I just always figured that God gave me these disabilities, so I can help other people that experience the same thing that I did and still do. Knowing what it’s like to have problems with your memory, can be very advantageous when dealing with people who have Alzheimer’s and dementia. I can more than empathize with them, I can understand why they think like they think.

I also figured that was why God didn’t take me 30 years ago. So I can help people who have trouble remembering what they’re supposed to do when they’re supposed to do it. It’s how I ended up taking care of Margaret as well Alfred, Frank, and David, and too many others to list when I was working at the Pavilion Guest Home. I also have the privilege of taking care of people who don’t have dementia or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, their problems are worse. Robert for example is dealing with cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and one kidney. They removed one if his kidneys because they found cancer in it. He knows better than anyone what I’ve had to go through to take care of Margaret because I’ve done most of that while helping him, which started in 2007.

Probably because Margaret came from a socialite background, (her parents were very wealthy prior to the stock market crash of 1928 and the ensuing depression) she has always had a set of very special needs. She is allergic to a host of foods that she can’t eat as well as certain medications. These medications will make her deathly ill or will outright kill her if administered. At one time we compiled a list of these foods and medications that have any kind of impact on Margaret’s health. We tried to keep the list updated as best we could. Margaret was brought up to be quite particular as well, which is just another way of saying picky. I learned, over the years, that is was probably innate to this age of women who were brought up in the manner Margaret was at the time Margaret was reared. It was said by her primary care doctor that Margaret’s social circle was her doctors as she has and always has had many medical problems. Just one of those is type 2 diabetes. Since I’ve known her she has always controlled it with oral medication. Margaret also has numerous idiosyncrasies like her inability to sniffle. No matter where she is or what she’s doing if her nose starts to run she has to use a Kleenex to blow her nose, even if she’s sitting at the dinner table eating. The habit may be disgusting but Margaret was brought up this way, never to sniffle the mucus back into her nose. My guess is, she does this to be a lady because she was taught, it’s unladylike to sniffle unless she’s crying.

All the help I’ve given Margaret, I’ve done while helping other people at the time and without compensation except for an occasional dinner afterward. Robert can tell you how many times I’ve had to abandon him to go out to help Margaret. But then Margaret had little ways of making you feel guilty if didn’t go out to help her. This could possibly be why Margaret decided to put me in charge of her estate when she dies. Because I have known Margaret for over 13 years and I am the only person that’s taken care of her for most of those 13 years.
Charlie and Zuli used to help her out quite a bit, but they had their own financial problems (some of which Margaret has helped bail them out of) and hadn’t always been able to be there when she needed them. They used to be the first people Margaret called, but they often had something else they had to do when Margaret needed their help, so Margaret called me to help her out. It wasn’t long until I became the first one she called, because she started turning to me before she asked anybody else for help. But then she knew that I would always be there to help her.

At first, it started out just taking Margaret to a doctor’s appointment, or to get her hair done or do some shopping. These appointments were every two or three months apart, but that changed over time to two or three appointments a week. It soon became a daily experience where I would have to go out and help Margaret on a daily basis, without compensation with the exception of a dinner out. Once in a while, she gave me money for gas, but nothing else. In return for all this help, she wanted me to leave me her estate when she died because she felt that I knew her better than anyone else and that was the reason why she wanted to leave everything to me. She may have wanted to do this because I was the only one who ever cared about her when nobody else did.

In order to allow me to keep helping Margaret, I have needed help from Margaret from time to time, mostly in the form of auto repairs, to keep my truck on the road so I could keep helping her. Two or three times that I can remember, she’s given me the money to fix my truck so I could continue helping her. Actually 75% of the miles that went on my truck, were put on it so I could help Margaret. I would probably have a hundred thousand miles less on my truck right now if I didn’t have to drive out Margaret’s house on a daily basis for close to six years in a row to help her. This is probably why she sold me her car for $1, 4 years ago. It seems that since she sold me that car, though, she’s expected a lot more from me. I was happy to provide it, but it has interfered with some of the help I would provide others and sometimes, they had to do without, simply so Margaret could get a light bulb put in or something else that she wanted, like taking her mail to the post office since she would never use her own mailbox for fear that her mail would be stolen. On a side note; whenever I took Margaret to the post office to send her mail out, she wouldn’t let me drop it in the drive-through box as she still didn’t trust that either, she made me take her mail inside to drop in the box inside the post office. I only say this to give you an idea of how hard it was to help Margaret out as she wasn’t always happy with just helping her; she wanted me to help her in ways that not only inconvenienced me but also others, without regard. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t my place to judge Margaret. That’s God’s job.
Five years prior to my moving in with Margaret, I made daily trips out to her house to check on her blood glucose, to see she how was doing and take her out to dinner. While she appreciated this, she seldom gave me money for gas, and never gave me anything for my time. This was taking me away from my duties with other people that I help and often those who depended on me had to do without, simply so I could help Margaret. But then Margaret was the oldest of all of them and they were all nice and understanding enough to allow me to help Margaret.

Two years prior to my move in with Margaret I was helping Frank, who was dying of pics disease and I had to schedule my time carefully, to help Margaret. Pics disease is another form of dementia that makes the patient very angry. Susan, his wife, thought at the time I came to them, that I was a godsend simply because of my ability to work with difficult patients. Even though Frank got upset with me many times I was always able to calm him down. This is something that other caregivers had a lot of trouble doing, due to what Pic’s disease does, to make you very angry.

It’s a type of dementia that eats up the memory but it changes the personality first and it changed Frank’s for the worse. It made him more hostile toward everyone he didn’t know, and sometimes toward those he did know. Frank also didn’t have use of his legs as he had been wheelchair-bound for several years and even simple tasks like helping to stand Frank up or sit him down would set Frank off and he would get really angry for no reason. But because I have an understanding of what it’s like to live without your memory and a lot of other abilities, it was easier for me to work with Frank than it was for many of his other caregivers. Frank’s disease took him in the spring of 2012. It was shortly after that when Margaret’s doctor said that she had to have 24/7 care and since I was available to move in to take care of Margaret in the summer of 2012, I moved in with her in September, one month after I had my hip replaced.

Although I started helping Margaret in 2002 or 2003, I really started helping her right after Alfred died in 2004. At first, it was just a trip to a doctor, for Margaret had many doctors. Her primary care doctor says that Margaret’s social circle was her doctors. I got to take her to most all of them, not just her primary care doctor, I took to her podiatrist, her ophthalmologist, her cardiologist, Chiropractor, orthopedist, and physical therapy when she needed it. Every week I would take her to her hair appt, often to church, and shopping. These trips would grow over time probably because she used up her other resources (other friends who would give her rides), or she would lose their help when they passed away. Over the years, I found myself helping Margaret more and more, to where after just a few years it became daily help, even just to check her blood glucose. During this time, I got to know Margaret intimately, as well as all of her doctors. I can take you to the doctor who injected her knee with so much prednisone that all the blood vessels in her eye burst and made her completely blind for 2-3 days. The only reason, we could figure, was that he failed to see that she was diabetic when he injected her with the prednisone. I can take you to Dr. Park, the doctor that gave her a portion of her eyesight back with injections directly into her eyeball. She may have gotten back 5% of her sight, but no more than that.

It was then that my duties really picked up with Margaret’s care. I then started taking her shopping whenever she needed it, as well as to her hair appt every Friday, to the post office almost every day since she wouldn’t put her mail in her mailbox for the postman to pick up because she didn’t trust it to stay there until the postman came. She always thought someone would steal it. I eventually learned that it was her need to have someone help her, which drove her to call me on a daily basis, to take her to the post office or shopping. It was always something that she didn’t have to do, she just wanted to, regardless of who else it inconvenienced. She just wanted to be with someone. Yet all this time she still wanted to live in her house.

She had previously asked me to move in with her but I refused. 3 times I refused but when Dr. Lawson said she had to have 24/7 care, it became evident to me that God wanted me to move in with her to take care of her. Her greatest desire was to stay living at home. She never wanted to be put in a group home. We had already looked at some group homes and even though they were nice, she didn’t want to be placed there. She just wanted to stay home. Needless to say, this is something that never happened after Adult Protective Services stepped in, issued me with a restraining order, and moved me out of her house. Moreover, they expected me to move out everything I own in two hours. It took me two weeks to move everything in. I still had a major portion of my belongings in her house when it was put on the market with the description that said, “buyer must remove contents. Again, needless to say, I wasn’t able to retrieve anything. 90% of everything that was mine along with everything that was going to be mine was sold without my or Margaret’s consent. I call that theft……..theft by, a government agency. What would you call it? They did it to Margaret and me, who’s to say, they won’t do it to you?

I was trying to change her diet to foods that would allow her to live that to 100 years old, whereas her other caregiver (Helena) didn’t think I should take these certain foods out of her diet. This was simply because she (Helena) liked them. It didn’t matter that these foods were killing her; all that mattered was that she liked them. That is the inherent problem with the foods I was trying to limit in Margaret’s diet, they’re addictive, and it’s very difficult to say no to them. Margaret and I discussed this more than once. Actually, we discussed it on many occasions. Margaret knew what these foods were doing to her yet when they were placed in front of her to eat, she ate them, forgetting what they were doing to her. This was evidenced the last time I saw her in court. She looked 8 years older than when I was living with her. This is something even Jacqui can even attest to. She mentioned last winter when she came out here that Margaret looked like she could live to be 103 or 104 years old. The way she looked when I saw her last, gave me the impression that she wouldn’t live throughout the year, a very drastic change from last winter.

My only goal when I moved in with Margaret was to see her to her 100 birthday and hopefully more, but that goal has been eliminated by the restraining order that was placed on me in regards to Margaret and worst of all, the removal of Margaret from her home.

I was initially told that Margaret would be allowed to stay home, but I see now, that this is something that couldn’t possibly happen. Keeping Margaret in her home is very expensive. I know because of the money it was costing me to help keep her there. I was relieved for their action of removing me from Margaret’s care at first until I realized, that although it may have been the best thing for me, I can see that it wasn’t the best thing for Margaret and I wouldn’t have been surprised if she didn’t last until the end of the year. She didn’t. October 19, she died. Alone, lonely and in a strange place, feeling that nobody cared. As far as I’m concerned, it would be nice to know who is responsible for removing me from caring for her and ultimately cutting her life short.

4 months after having my power of attorney removed and Margaret placed in a group home; the house was on the market for sale with a notice whoever buys the house has to remove the belongings inside the house. The problem is those belongings inside the house belonged to me, not the owner who was a complete invalid at the time of my removal. Adult protective services and Pinal County Fiduciary Office sold something that they had no right to sell, the house that was supposed to become mine, as per Margaret’s wishes. I think, that they thought they were doing this simply under the premise that they were protecting Margaret, which they obviously weren’t.

Margaret was put in a strange environment where she couldn’t see, she could hardly hear, and she knew nobody in her new world. This is not the way Margaret wanted to die. She wanted to stay in her home until she died.





Because of this, those responsible are guilty of murder. Those responsible are Geraldine Role, Ernie Appel, and Judge Lawrence A. Wharton who ordered the action, without proper investigation, to remove me. All of these individuals are, in my opinion, are guilty of murder and should be removed from office and held accountable for their actions.

This is how Pinal county murders its own residents. They’ve already done this to Margaret. Nobody can prove that they won’t do it to your family. Not even you!

To corroborate this story, Click Here.

The Consequences Of Their Actions; The Death Of Margaret Without Dignity

Margaret's dead feetThis is a story of the death of Margaret, a travesty of justice. It’s what happens when people jump to conclusions without obtaining all the facts (or even half the facts) and don’t consider the consequences of the actions they take. This is a story of how one of the most respected seniors of Apache Junction was not allowed to live as she wished. This is a story of how she was killed at the hands of Pinal County Fiduciary Department and Adult Protective Services. This is a story of how the lives of her two caregivers were turned into shambles by this same department. This is a story of how to not treat the elderly in order to protect them. And, unfortunately, this is a story that didn’t have to happen. Margaret shouldn’t be dead, yet. Most importantly, This is a story that should NEVER happen again.


Their removal of Margaret from her home against her wishes and the subsequent sale of her home ultimately killed her. You don’t need to take my word for it, her doctor will tell you the same thing. Margaret’s best chance for reaching 100 years old, her primary goal, was best if she could have stayed in her home and I could have continued to take care of her. Too bad they didn’t know that was what she wanted. But then, they never interviewed me.


Due to the actions of Geraldine Roll, Ernie Appel and the (honorable?) Judge Wharton, Margaret’s life was taken from her, her caregiver’s lives were trashed, and Margaret’s wishes were never realized. One caregiver lost a job that she quit a good career to do, just because she loved Margaret so much. I lost most everything I owned and all of what I would’ve owned if Margaret could have waited to pass away in two or three years. Yet, her strength wasn’t strong enough without my care.30365245-portrait-of-an-unhappy-senior-lady-with-eyes-glasses36029009-portrait-of-an-elderly-woman-with-problem17062891-old-sad-woman-on-a-gray-background

Three lives were either lost or completely ruined, because of one agency’s failure to fully investigate whatever they thought they were supposed to investigate. Since they couldn’t charge me with anything and Margaret was never in any danger or apparent threat, had no marks or injuries anywhere on her body, there was absolutely no reason for the action they took.


One would have thought, with the way Margaret looked for a 98yr, they would never have questioned the care that Margaret was getting. She looked like she was in her eighties. She looked great for a 98yr woman. But for some reason, they did question her care, yet they never questioned me. The question that I never got answered, is why. Why did they remove Margaret from her home? Why did they sell her home out from under her and leave her to die somewhere with no rights and no connection to her loved ones? Why did they take her dignity away from her?


In respect to her own care, she had no say-so in what they did to her. All I know, is that they were not concerned about how she was living. They weren’t even concerned about how she died. Apparently. they weren’t concerned about her at all. I wish I could tell you what their concern was.


I often wonder if the reason that they could have done this was that the county wasn’t getting the optimum tax return on her property because the valuation on her property was frozen in 2006 to keep the taxes low. This is something most seniors do. Her taxes were still being assessed at a 2006 valuation, not 2015 valuation. I don’t want to think that our government could have taken her life by being that micro-managing. But then, I’ve been accused of being naive more than once.


Their actions were definitely deadly for Margaret. Although I’m still alive, my life has been totally ruined. I break down every time I see a commercial for a reverse mortgage, simply because it reminds me of Margaret. I try not to think about the way Margaret had to die, because of the actions of these people, but I can’t help it. I end up breaking down when I do. It was exactly the way she didn’t want to die. Why was she forced to? Because of the actions of these people, Geraldine Roll, Ernie Appel, and the (honorable?) Judge Wharton, to not choose life over death.


And all for want of a reason…I can now understand how people who’ve lost everything to a natural disaster like flood, fire or earthquake feel. I have to accept what has happened. Except for the fact that their loss was due to a natural disaster, or “an act of God”, where they had no choice, it wouldn’t feel so bad. Margaret’s and my loss was directly due to the irresponsibility of a “gung-ho” gang of county officials who sought nothing more than to destroy the lives of those helping others.

Margaret's dead feet

Too bad their actions ended up being the death of Margaret.

It was fear that led them to do this. Fear directs everything that happens in a government run by Republicans. With a party designed to be controlled by fear, what else can you expect?

That means that it was fear that was responsible for the death of Margaret.

The Loss


Below is a summary of the items in Margaret’s house that I was NEVER given an opportunity to retrieve and the money Margaret owed me that was irretrievably lost due to the action of the Pinal County Death Squad.


  1. Piano – $5000 – This is one of the biggest losses for me, as I’ve never lived without my piano.
  2. Invisible Fence – $2000
  3. Microwave – $ 100
  4. Various food, spices and Stevia – $220
  5. Cordless Drill set- $230
  6. Special step stool – $ 180 (specialized for handicapped people)
  7. Lumber – $600 (for making bed cabinets)
  8. Small appliances and kitchen tools (hand mixer, can opener, electric mixer, food processor, crock pot, and various items that will only be realized as lost when I need them and go to look for them only to realize that they’ve been taken away from me ) – $2000
  9. Everything that Margaret left me, inside the house, in here will – $22,000 – $32,000
  10. The most important loss – MARGARET

In lieu of losing all of the above along with the house, time spent caring for Margaret in house – 600 – 12 hour days = 7200hrs @ $20/hour = $144,000 (what Margaret would have left me, with her house, as per her wishes.



How Pinal County Steals The Dignity Of Its Seniors


This is a story of a government agency gone rogue and in the process killed one of their most respected senior citizen’s and destroyed the lives of her caregivers, simply because of the lack of a proper investigation. They took action based on assumptions, not on facts which were readily available.

governing board : businessman talking on business meeting

Unfortunately, this anti-dignity board decided that they didn’t need all the facts before they acted. In doing so, they directly caused the death of my oldest and best friend, Margaret Dempsey.

government board : MOSCOW - JANUARY 27: People work in an office in day-time on January 27, 2011 in Moscow , Russia. On whole 370 thousands of small enterprises operate in Moscow.

In their action, the Pinal County Fiduciary department’s anti-dignity board, Geraldine Roll and Ernie Appel,  deemed it best, to take Margaret’s estate completely away from her, before she died. As I had moved everything I owned into Margaret’s home long before, to take care of her, they auctioned off what was left of my estate also. This was all done without my knowledge or (as Margaret’s appointed guardian) my approval.

It didn’t matter what Margaret’s wishes were in this case (she wanted to die in her home). It didn’t matter that Margaret couldn’t qualify for hospice while I was taking care of her. (She was too healthy.) It didn’t matter that Margaret was one of the founding members of the Catholic Daughters of America, Arizona Chapter at St. Georges Catholic Church. It didn’t matter that she had lived in her house for over 40 years doing nothing more than helping other people in need.

All that seemed to matter, was that they were determined to not let Margaret live out her life in her own home. They probably thought, that they were “protecting” Margaret. Yet, Margaret is dead, now. And she didn’t die how she wanted to. She died penniless, alone, unwanted and in a completely strange place. Not what she wanted or deserved. Apparently they weren’t concerned about where she wanted to live, or die.

Because of this, her death is directly due to the action of the (?)honorable Judge Lawrence M Wharton, who based his decisions on incomplete and erroneous evidence.  His decision to remove Margaret’s caregivers and remove her from her home, stole Margaret’s dignity and took her life. He never asked any questions of her primary caregiver and in doing so, his action forced Margaret into a group home to die, something she had long fought……to no avail.


The minute they moved Margaret out of her house, they robbed her of all her dignity. This is clear evidence that the Pinal County Adult Protective Services and the Fiduciary department is not dignity minded. They don’t really care how their seniors live or if they have any dignity left at the end of their life.

This is how Pinal County Murdered one of its most respected seniors. Did they do this legally? I don’t know, but if they can kill Margaret in this fashion, what’s to keep them from doing it to you or anyone in your family?

If you live in Pinal County, you have a few choices;

  1. Move out of Pinal County
  2. Push to change the law
  3. Push to change gov depts; County Fiduciary and Adult Protect Services
  4. Donate to our Preservation of Dignity fund to keep this from happening again. (You don’t have to live in Pinal County to donate.)

For me, my estate is already gone. I lost my best friend and who would have been my lover had she been 30 years younger. I’ve lost my piano, which I’ve never had to live without for my entire life. I’ve lost inventory for my business (which is now all but defunct). I’ve lost thousands of household items. And worst of all I’ve lost most of my dignity.


Don’t wait for this to happen to you. Be Proactive.

Preserve Your Dignity!


This story can be corroborated by those who know Roy and are familiar with the amount of time he spent with Margaret.

The following people are familiar with the relationship between Margaret and Roy and can corroborate the basics in this story. Although they don’t know the specifics well, they know what was done for Margaret.

James M. Alfred’s son can be contacted at 480-243-????

Susan M. Franks wife can be contacted at 480-772-????

Robert T can be contacted at 480-433-????

Dr David Lawson (Margaret’s primary care doctor) can be contacted at 480-807-2400

Isabel P (My old neighbor in Mesa who was a psychologist for dept of corrections at the time but now working for Banner hospitals) can be contacted at 480-703-????

If anybody wishes to contact any of these people, please contact me first, for their name and number. With their OK, I’ll be happy to share it with you.

The Conspiracy Argument

The Conspiracy Argument

I remember taking Margaret down to the county assessor’s office to lock in the valuation of her house. approximately 9 or 10 years prior Pinal county putting her to death. She did this because she recognized that her funds were running low and she feared that she soon wouldn’t be able to pay her property taxes if the property value continued to climb.

When Pinal County offer this program to seniors, to give them property tax relief because of their limited incomes, Margaret decided take advantage of it, because she was determined to live to 100 years old and she feared that her rock steady income from her pension from Illinois was not going to be able to cover the tax increases, as her property values continued to climb. That was about in the year of 2005.

With her property values froze at 2005 valuations, the county had been losing income from Margaret’s property for close to ten years, if not the full ten years.

With Margaret still residing in her home, ten years after freezing her valuation, it’s difficult to say exactly how much money in lost tax revenues, the county had been losing. Since the property freezing the valuation doesn’t freeze the taxes, it only freezes the value of the property, lowering the value of  Pinal County overall. Without ever given a reason for my removal from taking care of Margaret, I can only assume that the Fiduciary Department that removed me, had nothing else more in mind. Regardless of their primary intent, their actions by removing me directly were responsible for Margaret’s death, making the end result of their actions criminal at least. For if they had not removed me, Margaret could probably still be alive. It would have been her 100th birthday this year.

Margaret was one of those rare breeds that had a long life in her genes. I’m sure when the county set up this program, they didn’t expect the people who took advantage of it, to live as long as Margaret had lived.

For this reason, the county may have had the motivation to remove Margaret from her home, put it on the market and sell it to the highest bidder, knowing that whoever purchased the home would not have the ability to freeze the valuation at the 2005 valuation, $50,000 lower than what it currently could be.

Since it was the county fiduciary’s office that committed this offense, there are just too many questions, unanswered, to not consider the county’s desire to eliminate lost sources or tax revenue, in the action they took against Margaret.

This leaves me wondering,
why did Pinal County kill Margaret Dempsey?
the reason that  I think influenced their action;

Irresponsibility – The irresponsibility of not fully investigating the case along with the carbohydrate addiction of those involved was a direct cause of their abhorrent behavior. Their carbohydrate addiction forced them to take ill-advised actions to stem a problem that didn’t exist, except in their twisted minds. Their addiction didn’t allow them to think rationally.

Unfortunately, it’s an addiction the whole world lives with. That’s why the World Needs a Cure;

It’s Time To To Save Your Life and Keep Your Dignity: It’s Time For A Cure

Margaret sure would have benefited.