ABOUT A Government Without Regard for Life

This site was initially set up to protest the actions of, Pinal County Fiduciary Dept. Due directly to their actions, the lady I had taken care of for 15 years was removed from my care to place in a nursing home,. killing her within 6 months. My first 6 posts explained their actions and results and losses in those first posts.

Since then, I’ve been writing about the injustices of this Presidency. It started out as a warning against his President Trump, but soon turned to an ongoing tirade against his injustices, stupidity, ignorance, and belligerent law-breaking. Now it’s just a narrative of his stupidity, ignorance. fear, and blatant anger.

In the 4 years, he was President, he did more damage to this country than any previous President, making him worse than Buchannan. His ultimate destruction could take more lives than the Civil War. All I can say, I told you so. You should have listened. I have no other reason for my ranting and raging other than I really hate this MoFu.

I’m learning to recognize the faces behind this criminal who have all encouraged his criminality. I hold each and every one of them as responsible as our Congress. This MAGA revolution is really a 21st century Civil Rebellion. These Jim Crow white nationalists are rising up the south again, except, this time, it’s throughout the entire nation, so I’m doing my best to point out the insanity. 

The problem I have to deal with is hiding my disgust when I see any of these faces in public. I could easily provoke their desire to display their stupidity. That could lead to trouble. If not for me, for them. That leaves my only recourse, to explain my motivations while writing my posts. I can only hold these faces in disgust every time I see them, for they are the faces who put this criminal in office. They are responsible for the 1,127,152 American deaths that could have been avoided, had any other President been in office. They would have recognized the threat in December 2019 and cut the losses by at least 90%.

I don’t need to say anything about today’s state of affairs. I’ve over 300 posts that state that.

How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!