Hmm…learn to curb your carbs! When will you learn to communicate with words instead of bullets? You know as well as everybody does that bullets kill, where words don’t. 

How will your cycle end if nobody breaks the cycle? Do you intend on fighting for the rest of eternity? WTF? Where is that written in your Quran or Torah?

Benjamin, how much proof do you wish to provide history who the real terrorist is, here? How many dead are you responsible for??? On both sides???

How many Jews have you killed, either directly or indirectly? Why can’t you learn what it is that creates the environment for your fear and hate to foster?

Hamas, who last kidnapped your closest family members? Has no one taught you how to walk in your opponents’ shoes? How would you feel losing your daughter to kidnappers? WTF do you do it?  DUH!

WTF?????? Grow up! Both of you! Try to remember when you were brothers, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Of have you eaten too much bread, since then?


Hamas, Israel, Hezbollah; Learn how to live with your neighbor. Who stole whose bread, when you were kids, 10,s of thousands of years ago? Your Torah dates back over 11,000 years, about the same the first loaf of bread was baked.

Is that your problem? What would Abraham say about your bickering? Grow the fuck up! Stop being children! 

It helps to stop eating that which creates the fear, in the first place. It just happens to be the same thing that creates your hunger, pain, anger, hate, antagonism, war, pestilence, and premature death.

What did you eat for breakfast? Was it bread-laden? Surfed with the crust of the usher-must, crud of vagabond buns, served only to satisfy his crusty old bum.

The diet of slaves that we’re all born into, is an addiction and the cause of all of our ailments, and the reason we can’t go to the stars, like the aliens with big skulls, who visit us. They also have small bodies. There is a keto reason for that. 

Ketosis builds the brain while is shrinks the body. Think about that every time you see an alien.

One influences the other! The Science of God or Why We Fight explains it best. My whole series of It’s Time For a Cure explains the whole story or as much as has been revealed. 

You got to fight the Glucose Ruse if you expect to conquer fear, anger,  and hate. That goes a long way to conquering terror. Not to mention, all wars and skirmishes.

Is it YHWH? or Yahweh? or Jehovah?    Which corruption is it? What corrupted it? What did Jesus say after he came  back to Jerusalem after his 40 day/40night fast?   Man cannot live on bread.

Why did he not say “Man cannot live by bread”?  How did he learn that? 40 days and nights of fasting taught him that. It’s a damn  shame it wasn’t written exactly as he said it. 

Learn why he said that after his 40day/40night fast.

(His scribe had to add a word due to his addiction, alone.) 

So, it got written in our Bible with alone in what Jesus said.

Pay attention to his words, Man cannot live on Bread.

What do we eat? What do slaveowners feed their slaves? How else can they control them? Jesus knew this. His followers didn’t. They still don’t. Why do you think we have to live with the terror?

Who are you slaves to? YHWH? ALLAH? BREAD? Have any of you asked that, yet?

What did the Egyptian feed their slaves, the Jews? What did the Romans feed their gladiator/slaves? It was bread, the food of slaveowners. What does our crop seed/pharmaceutical company/chemical industry have in common with your pain and disease? Bread! That doesn’t mention the number of deaths it causes. That is innumerable.


They got fed bread, because it creates hunger that you can control, if you’re the slave owner.

When hunger drives damn near everything, why would you addict yourself to what makes you hungry?

Who is your master? YHWH? ALLAH? Jehovah? Jesus? Bread, pitas, cakes, donuts, pies, tacos, tortillas, …

Who or what do you answer to? Do you eat that which glycates? Do you know about glycation, its causes or consequences?

Glycation is the consequence of our diet. Pain, fear, anger, hatred and terror come from glycation of our society…which is brought on by a diet of that which controls slavery.

Glycation is also the cause of all disease known to man. Do you fear your neighbor? Is it from what you eat? Is that magnified by the chemicals Monsanto demands we put on the crops to grow them?

Who do you fear? Who do  you answer to? Who is your ‘massa’ (master)? Is it your hunger? Or, is it your fear? Are they not connected? Who does not fear going hungry?

Do you want to know who doesn’t bow to their hunger? Ask someone in Ketosis. Would you like to not have to bow to your hunger? Ya gotta give up the bread!

Do you fear your brother? Why do you fight with him?

Are we not all one? Or, is it your re attempt at propitiating to your new God? Do you eat that which creates the fear in you, and why it was originally fed to the slaves, bread? Fear is used to control others whom you wish to control. 

Whose control do you seek? Eating bread forces fear. Fear is used to control. Who is using it to control you? Why can’t we act  like it? Is it our diet? Is it your diet? It is our diet, isn’t it?

Bread was the food of slaveowners. The Jews formed their religion around it, due to that.

Today, a grain industry only interested in helping their sister industry, selling you pharmaceuticals to quell your pain, controls our entire grain industry.

They force your fear and everything that goes along with it. Including the pain. It always comes with hunger also, and worst of all, every modern major disease.

I was raised on bread, as were my sisters. They fought all the time. My younger sister became diabetic…until she read my book It’s Time to Curb Your Carbs to Save your Life and Keep Your Dignity.

Now, she’s off all her medication…including insulin. She no longer has diabetes. She found the cure I discovered and wrote about.

Who has trouble finding common ground? Is it greed or hunger that drives that? Does not bread drive both? Does that not make it the driver of fear? Hmm…

Personally it’s the death-bread of MAGA I can’t stomach, here in America. For it is authored criminally, by a convicted criminal.

When you’re ready to know what it is that creates your hunger, anger, fear, hatred, and terror, read The Science of God or Why We Fight! 

You will be shocked after you read it, as long as you use your dictionary. My books cannot be read without a dictionary. There is that much research included in all of them. So, I must reiterate do not read my books without a dictionary…but read them you must if you want to know where our problems come from.

It’s what we eat! Magnified by the chemicals that are used to grow them…just to increase the profit margin.

Why can’t you all learn how to solve your differences like we always used to, with a deck of cards? Don’t you play cards? Wouldn’t that be cheaper than missiles?

Do you not have anything in common with each other, other than your heritage through Abraham? Have you nothing in common with each other, than the ground you live on, to start a peaceful relationship? Why can’t you build on that? Is it that easier to kill? Than live with the consequences? WTF???