As the master of American disaster opens his mouth to puke on America, again & again! Never-ending ’til he’s threatened with jail time. 

This bastard has only one ability. And that is to destroy freedom wherever he step a foot. The truest bastard ever shown in any publication ever, in America. He is the bonafide downfall of freedom in America. The shithead of New York, Florida, New Jersey, and every other shithole where he has a hotel, as all his hotels are, shitholes!


The party that’s sending US

back to the stone age!


welcome home to your nightmare

which happens to be

Donald’s wet dream!

To the criminal who conned the entire nation. Thank you for your treason. None other than a Republican could ever carry out such a criminal offense. He’s following in his grandfather’s traitor’s shoes.

He did dodge his obligatory military duty in Bavaria, so he had to escape to America. I’m not surprised it took a German to subvert American Democracy. A dirty rotten German is all Donald Drumph, is…rotten to the core.

I should know. I’ve been victimized by this criminal for nine years.My losses will extend far into  this century. Solely due to a criminal President that I warned everybody about 9 years ago.

But his CON won out. And I lost everything. (This fucker owes me my life.) I’d like restitution by taking his. (And he is nothing more than a fucker of people.) His record proves it, out loud. He’s the biggest con man to ever cheat America.

Such is the only recognition he deserves.

My losses since he decided to run for supreme ruler…which his followers gave him, have surpassed over $2,000,000,000.00. Is he going to repay me for what he caused me to lose? I don’t think so.

Everyone who votes for such a scoundrel is themselves a dirty rotten scoundrel. No more.No less. Rotten to the core and that makes all Republicans as much of a traitor as he was and is, as none of your are the lovable Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. They all, owe me just as much as he does and I can never see it any other way.

You’re all as despicable as they come. Maybe no more, but a hell of a lot less. Never has our country had an insurgent such as your appointment as our AG. That points to the ultimate in corruption…turning our Democracy against US.

Doesn’t that deserve death? That is a far worse crime than what Benedict Arnold ever committed…and he got the death penalty for his crime.

Why not this worse example of an offense against America? WTF does he deserve? Especially for appointing a criminal as our AG.

As far as I’m  concerned, Donald,       Just roll over and DIE!     Take MGT and Loren Boebert with you to your Never Ever Democracy land. The land of give and take where they take everything, you’re forced to give to them. The sooner you accomplish that simple task the sooner our country can heal.

I curse my father for leaving me this world of corruption brought on by his corrupt party. If you consider yourself a Republican, sorry, but you are corrupt, too…no two ways about it. Do not expect me to give you the time of day regardless of how you ask. I do not cater to traitors. I condemn them…if I had my druthers, it’d be to hell forever.

And die now! Too many bonafide idiots dressed in flaming red are screaming at the bit to get their dirty hands on Democracy to kill itIf you truly love America like you claim to, you’d commit suicide right now!

Bill Barr(f), You are the epitome of corruption. A man still willing to vote for a bonafide traitor to American Democracy. I’m at a complete loss as to why you are such a traitor! WTF is your problem? Other than being a corrupt Republican, you’re as dishonest as they come, but I guess that goes along with corruption…and you brought it to our AG’s office.


How else does one label a traitor to America? This one is as full-blown as they come. He defines treason in his actions and speech. He’s still willing to vote for a traitor who committed the worst treason  ever committed in our country. Where does that say where his brains sit? In his ass! He’s got nothing but shit for brains.

Bill, maybe you should just roll over and die. My suggestion; the sooner the better. Nobody is more despicable than you. No life form is lower than you.

I can’t  wait to see the history books, forty years from now. I know how Bill will be labelled. As a b.b. brain. What else could BB stand for”? I used to shoot what’s in his brain when I was a kid. He is the same as the criminal who appointed him…as a man destined for treason. 


actively carrying out obstruction of justice

thanks to a fully corrupt Supreme Court

installed illegally by a criminal President

who was installed by our foreign adversary

and is

currently pulling their strings,


It’s time to give Trump the jail time he longs for. (With Donald in court, defending his criminal actions, now, his minions are carrying out his path of destruction.

And Bill Barr(f) is still willing to endorse a bonafide criminal over the one who pulled our nation back from the brink of death, due to that criminal, forcing him to deserve no respect from anyone but Putin. How much more seditious can anyone be than one who Barrfs on our country?

I guess he doesn’t see what’s good for America as being good for America. He’s must have Putin’s vision for America, something I do not need. Why isn’t this guy in Prison for not prosecuting the known chief insurgent at the time, DJT? Didn’t he see the criminal activity going down? He had to be blind, not to…or complicit.

I choose to believe the latter. Why else would a criminal appoint him? Don’t you think, he knew of the help, Barr(f) could arrange for DJT?

Why else does the Supreme Court act as they do now? Who do they answer to?


Donald J Trump and his corrupt Republican party. The threat to America is in the leadership born of Russian persuasion. That of DJT. He is born of a seditious family to become the biggest traitor the world has ever seen.

Even his father who fleeced as much as he possibly could off of the government during the first two world wars, could never compare to the corruption his son brought US. (He’s been an asset for Putin since his election 8 years  ago, since Putin put him there.) His wife, afterall is Slovenian.

Nobody but Russians have had to put up with the victimizing that this kind of corruption brings. Look at them! What do they have, now? Poverty! Exactly what DJT wants to give you…(after he takes everything you have.) I’ve been victimized for the last 8 years by this mob boss, and I’m sick and tired of seeing his kind of corruption infiltrate my government. 

It’s corruption born of Russia, where poverty rules. DJT wants only to bring it here so he can rule over a poverty stricken people as DJT povertizes America!   It’s in his blood! 

How much has he stolen from you? From me, it started 9 years ago…and that was just the start! I’m still waiting for it to end. How much of what he’s stolen from you did you give freely? DUH!


Republicans! Who else? They all cater to the madman of Moscow. Who else has the money they all want? Rep. Massie, you need another think. Where did you go to school? Did you graduate? Do they make it a habit of educating traitors, there?



I became this man’s victim before he became President, when he invited Russia to steal HRC’s emails. It only took Russia 7 months to hack into my site to start sending me ransom emails forcing me to shut down my only money earning site, at the time. To date, I’ve probably only lost $800,000.00…but that could have grown to 1.5 million, which I am out. 

I knew then as I know now, this man is a thief…on  top of being a con artist. The only con artist to be elected  a U.S. President. What does that say for the party he ran for?

Rep Massie, maybe it’s you who should resign! Who else is driving the division that keeps America from uniting? Who else is catering to Putin’s desire to divide US? When are you going bye, bye???for good! Who is denying aid to the country protecting US from Russia’s aggression? Who is catering to Putin in doing so? 

IS IT NOT YOU MAGAMITES…like MTG (Marjwhorie Traitor Greene)? Where does your funding come from MAGAMERICA? Who the f*ck is influencing you? Is half of your money in rubles? Who has the most money than anyone in the world? Is that where you’re getting your money? I noticed you wear red a lot. Who do you serve?

Are you a rootin, tootin, Putin Suitin’ or (salutin’), Footloose abusin,

Grubhub amusin’, Destitute to loosin’,

awanderin’ & acruisin’

from Moscow still abruisin’

Are you, Loren, & Keri all Domicile-Homicide providers?

(The Moscow Red is for where you give head!)

Mike Johnson, where did your windfall come from? Up until you took the Speakership, you weren’t even worth $300,000. How much are you worth now, all of a sudden? $2,000,000 or $3,000,000 now? Which is it? Are you lips stuck in a circular fashion due to whom you blow?

Why does  your ‘Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act’ have a Russian ring to it? Is that your instructions from Putin where you get all of them from?

We know where the f*ck that money comes from. WTF is buying your influence? Do they pay off your voters, too? What the f*ck with? What do they all eat for breakfast to answer so readily to their greed?

Why does this party cater to Putin so much? It’s not just a few bad members taking them down, it’s damn near the entire party. Why oh why, does MAGA make me want to die? (fie, fie, my cry he wants US to die)!

Did this all start under DJT’S administration when he took the Republican Senate to Moscow with him to thank Putin for his win in 2016? Hmm…I am forced to ponder this as criminal. I see one giant obstruction of justice scheme in this ploy. The question I’m forced to ask myself, does his behavior come through sublimInal commands from his BFF in Moscow? 

Just as the rest of DJTs administration. The entire 4 years was 4 years of criminality in the White House. Never  has this country been through as much turmoil.

Why his supporters enjoy that kind of sedition, I can’t even fathom. Since the bulk of his supporters are anti-democratic to begin with, explains a little but it doesn’t cover the full gamut of corruption going on in the Trumputinrepublican party.

Where do each of these Senators and Representatives get their diet of news? Isn’t that  the Fox pox? What subliminal messaging are they getting  through them? It’s the same shit they’re feeding to the rest of America.







Now he’s got a Putin Supreme  Court put in place to usher Russian justice to Americans. WTF did this miscreants come from? This Kremlin?





WTF picked this court on injustice? A f*cking criminal mob boss! That’s who. What are they doing to America? What does the F stand for?

This is a MUST;  THIS COURT MUST BE IMPEACHED,    during Biden’s second administration, which requires a 2/3 majority of the Senate to carry out any impeachment issued by the House.

That requires a majority Democratic Senate and House…(which this candidate is secretly trying to make happen, with his display of criminality. I think his goal is to trash the Republican party since  he used to be a Democrat, at one time, some 50-60 years ago.) 

Now, it takes a criminal to be a Republican, making all Republicans, criminal.










Didn’t you used to broadcast Russian Propaganda for that network, the Fox Pox? How much have you been subliminally programmed, and by whom? How many rubles are on your bank account? HTF stupid and seditious can anyone be? How much is Putin still paying you? How much do you expect to get paid by him?

Got your Glock strapped on? YOU WILL NEED IT! Keep spouting your Russian propaganda and someone will terminate you before you know it. You mouth is screaming for it!

Comparing a Glock to the armor of God displays exactly who you’re clamoring to impress, C&E Christians who all say they believe in God but cannot follow His practices. They’re all too busy, buying the influence of others. NONE of them have read any full book in the Bible. 

I suggest start with one small book, Jude. It’s the next to last book in the Bible in the New Testament. It’s actually a one page letter and takes only only one page in the Bible.

But, it proclaims the dangers of the Antichrist. who fits the bill of a current Presidential candidate which forces a question in my mind, how much of the Book that you put your faith in, have you, MAGAmites, actually read?

Have you read more than one verse at any one time? How is it that you don’t know about the Antichrist who is loved by all but Christ, himself? Or, do you know about him?

When did dividing America become the #1 plank in Republicans’ platform? When did Russian propaganda become The Armor of God?

Was it when you started broadcasting for the Fox Pox or when you quit to run for office? We all know of your Russian persuasion and due to that, semantics is your failure.

If you want to play semantics with your party, be sure to have your thesaurus handy…but, sorry, they don’t make a Russian version in English.

Dividers such as you, cannot be uniters. You are too f*cking seditious to unite anyone but other Russians with your cause.

KEN MACKIE from Kentucky, how much damage to our Democracy do you wish to achieve? Why else would you be part of a House in such disrepair? Is everybody in Kentucky as seditious as you, Mitch and Rand are? WTF would want to move there, where sedition runs so rampant you can smell it in the air?

Have you not learned yet that while Russia is initiating wars around the world to make US stop them, it is nothing more than another Putin ploy. Why in hell do you continue to fall for the ruse? Are you that stupid?

You must be! I can’t figure out any other reason for your treason…except that you all love it so much. You love it to death, America’s death.





What’s your take on women’s rights? Should AZ go back 160 years into the past to outlaw abortion, completely? Or do you feel differently than the rest of your party and think  that women deserve some rights to govern their own bodies?

When did you pick up the banner for Putin and help him in your refusal to send Ukraine and Israel aid? How much do you wish to hinder our allies and help our enemies?

Why the reluctance to secure the border with your refusal to pass a border bill? Or, are you catering to a known criminal asset working for the Kremlin? You know as well as I that Putin is one of his BFFs.


You’re sure as hell not serving your constituents, as I doubt that any of them live in Russia, China or North Korea. Your refusal to help  NATO country makes you against NATO, which was put in place to protect US.

That activity makes you seditious. Do not expect me to follow you into hell! I will not. But I will do everything in my power to keep you from destroying my state, regardless of your own evilly corrupt intentions.

Are you that traitorous? How can you expect anyone living in Arizona to trust you? I  sure as hell don’t! Why do you follow the Fox Poxed, trumpiest, corruptest party ever to feign working for America?

My guess is that you’re just that easily duped like all greedy, hapless Republicans. You thrive on your issuance of pain, which means that you hunger for your sustenance too much. What did you have for breakfast? What or who are you heeding?

It has clearly come time to install a complete Democratic administration to rid our nation of the corruption put in office by a corrupt party’s control over the last 50 years…dooming the greatness of our nation and condemning US into a forever dilemma of bowing to our adversaries.






It’s now known as certain that The National Enquirer is a platform for an Alt-Right propaganda news outlet. They are financed by Vladimir Putin, himself. Who else has enough money to buy them? That is clear as day…regardless of how smoggy it is. 

“Is the sun up? Putin’s  buying influence! 

Did it go down? He’s still buying it.”

The question I ask  is, how many Republican does he own? MTG? Josh Hawley? Mark Meadows? The entire Republican Congress?

How about this one of the most corruptible, Kristi Noem, Maybe it’s you who should be put down. How deranged are you?



You clearly are a sicko! Along with the rest of your corrupt Putin-owned party! 

When did your party turn to Putin? Was it a Trump think? It f*cking did in your entire party! Now, thanks to him, you are a demented party  of corruption. NO MORE!

Did he do this because he used to be a Democrat? He had to as Democrats do not destroy our democracy. Only Republican can do that, now.




What else is it that the Republican party is trying to do, first by taking away your rights? And then your freedom. It’s what happens when you bow to the biggest autocrat the 21st century has seen.

It has become crystal clear any Republican vote is a vote for Putin. Vote for DJT and you’re voting for Putin and his influence.


No ifs, ands, nor buts. You committed treason voting for a bonafide insurgent! Congratulations on doing what you can to destroy your own country. WTF is wrong with  you?

Where are  your adults, in the colleges, today? They got replaced 8 years ago when a 4th grader got elected President of the US by these voters, the demented, dimwitted nitwits of America. 

Their ignorance is so glaring, it’s as blinding as a bolt of lightning.

These voters are all traitors to Democracy…every Goddamn one of them. If any of these miscreants come to my house dying of thirst I will turn them away! They can die on someone else’s lawn. (You might see me smiling at the buzzards eating their remains.)

Lindsey, you are political BS. It’s your political bullshit that’s brought this nation to its knees. You define Cacamanie, as that is all your ideas are. 

You should seriously consider taking a flying leap off of a Trump tower. The freefall will do you wonders…as only then will you be able to see who is really behind our demise, since DJT showed up on the stage 9 years ago.

I didn’t fall for the bullshit. You did! I tried to warn you about it. Remember, “Beware of Trumorocracy!”  It buys you shit like this;

Did the National Enquirer commit treason, publishing the lies and false stories about Trump and HRC back in 2016 committing election fraud?

Fuck yeah! Shouldn’t charges for such be brought against this newspaper? If not, Why the fuck not? They broke the law in publishing the shit that they did. Should they not pay the price for breaking the law?

It’s not so much the fact that everybody I see reading this mag as completely ignorant, they’re completely seditious as well. Where did their readers go to school? Or, did they, at all? If so, how many of them could have graduated? My guess is NONE! They’re lucky they remember how to read.

Look out Jake (Hoffman),  you are on my list of traitors to run over when I see you, broken down on the road. Do not ever break down in front of me. I will run  your sorry ass over. That is a promise! I do not heed nor listen to traitors. And, you clearly are one! Where did you go to school? Was it in Russia?

You really need to go home, sit down, and  shut the fuck up. You just may become a target in the sites of a true patriot…one that is American not born of Russia.

I am forced to wonder when this bastard will be assassinated? No politician has ever been more deserving of assassination, than this asshole.

Problem is; he discombobulated more Americans than any single foreign power invading our nation. This man  committed TREASON and should meet the fate  of someone who commits treason, which is, to be put to death!

How else can we protect ourselves from future dictator wannabes?



What’s worse, they’re electively duped.  They want to be duped. Is that not the definition of a traitor, someone who electively looks to other governments to take over ours? How many of these duped traitors get their news from, the Fox Pox, by choice?

How many watched the NFL or the WWE, before they were subjected to Fox’s subliminal advertising? How many were women? What does that tell you? What should that tell you?

STATES THAT WILL NEVER SEE NOR GET ANY OF MY MONEY due solely to their sedition!



They’re all too easily conned! And conned they are, totally! Right down to the last worm in the bottle. (Like the worm at the bottom of a bottle of Mescal, they’re completely drunk on their cocktail of corruption.)



What The F*ck?

What The Fuck are they thinking?

Who The Fuck are these traitors?

What are These Seditious

Nincompoops Thinking?





Your “bad idea” cannot be more seditious than any treason committed by your fucking  party. Did you join the Republican party due to you seditious nature?


Are you stupid enough to eat your own shit? You are! Every time you open your mouths to speak, you’re killing your own party, you stupid shitheads. Do all shitheads shout about what they claim is a “bad idea”?

To those who think as such, FUCK YOU!!! Don’t let me see you walking on the street…that is if your don’t like tire tracks down your back. You should just go home to Russia and stay the fuck there. Your treason is not welcome in America. TAKE IT THE FUCK BACK HOME TO WHERE YOU COME FROM, RUSSIA!!!


(And, who knows where his hands have been…) Doesn’t he fondle women’s private parts?


As far as I’m concerned, these states are the “New Confederacy”…due solely to their adherence to the idiocy of trumpocracy. The confederacy that intends to do more damage than good for all of America. What’s born in Russia doesn’t stay in Russia!

What’s born in Russia? Where does the world’s richest criminal leader of a country reside? They export their corruption worldwide to spread their evil influence, the same, worldwide. Are you buying it? Do you listen to and heed DJT? Who do you heed?

What DJT admires, more than anything, is much about Putin’s corruption. And thus, the reason I question all of his and their motives, as aren’t these the same Senators who visited Moscow with Donald after his inauguration? He’s gotten them to listen to Moscow as much as he does.

What were they subjected while sleeping in their hotel in Moscow? What kind of subliminal music was it and what was the messaging in the music? Have they all been subliminally programmed to hurt America? Hmm…

These are the states they’re from are, along with the other reasons why I will never give them a dime of my money or any of my attention: 

  1. Texas; Alex Jones, the BFF of Putin. Need I add more? (I don’t think even jailing him would encourage me to change my mind.) I even gave up on the Dallas Cowboys. There are very few reasons to set foot in Texas, their politics are so f*cked up. The first thing they need to do is open up their order and allow the workers we need. Search them all for Fentanyl as they sign up for work. They can start building housing. I’d use containers for a quick setup. 
  2. Kentucky; Mitch McConnell  Need I say more? This  man is the definition of dereliction of duty! Talk about asleep at the wheel, he has done more to destroy democracy than any American. He deserves a total reconstruction of his mind, as it truly is demented beyond repair. Does that come from living in Kentucky?   Where else can you find an original hillbilly? Mitch shines their light blinding everyone in their path. It’s no wonder nobody there can see any truth, (Thank you for finally realizing that the aid you did send Ukraine, was late.) Problem is, it’s rubbing off on Ohio and I haven’t even mentioned Rand Paul, yet. He’s a whole other story of sedition. This state elects insurrectionists for Senators. Nobody will ever take me home there. If your party wins the Senate again, Mitch, our country will be doomed to Russian control. FU Mitch and your Russian influence. The voters of your party support sedition, Mitch  and that is why I’ll never see the inside of your ugly state. You make it ugly for  supporting sedition! Again, FU Mitch…roll over and just die…you’re already death warmed over.
  3. Louisiana; Mike Johnson, Senators Ted Cassidy & John Kennedy how much more treason could anyone want to encounter? Nothing can turn me lousy. I’ll leave all of that for you.
  4. Florida; Matt Gaetz, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio  Ever since your ancestor, Jackson expelled your native Americans, you’ve lost all esteem or respect I could ever garner.
  5. Georgia; (specifically Rome,  Marhorie Traitor Greene’s hometown) She needs to be ousted. Who does she really work for? Putin? In all reality, she could use a lobotomy to make her forget about her allegiances to him. Why else would she display it in everything she says and does? Who is programming her mind? Where does she get her dose of news? grOAN? NewsLax? or is it from the Fox Pox? She’s been fully dosed with Russian propaganda and if you believe her, so have you.
  6. Mississippi; Senators Roger Wicker & Cindy Hyde-Smith, unknowing Putin puppets. Whether they’re unknowing of just ignorant, I’d chose the latter. They have to know better.
  7. Tennessee; Senators Marsha Blackburn, & Sen Bill Hagerty, unknowing Putin puppets as well. What can you expect? They all from the South, America’s home of rebellion.
  8. Arkansas; Like Texas, what reason would anyone have to go there? Aren’t the Ozarks there. Doesn’t that mean, more hillbillies?
  9. Oklahoma; I know that’s where the Seminoles were sentenced to live by Jackson, so white men could take the fertile land of Florida, but the bulk of Okies are only there for free land. Would you rush for dust? I sure as hell wouldn’t.
  10. South Carolina; Not even to visit my nephew who lives in Charleston. Home of slave  trading is not for me. I’m allergic to blocks and chains. Just the site of them turns my stomach.
  11. North Dakota;  wheat capital of the world, producing more glycation than any other state, to create more cancer and heart disease than any state. 
  12. South Dakota; these states are the new grain capitals in the world. Through them we export all the hunger, pain, disease, terrorism, death and destruction that they offer,due to their addictive nature of glycating the body more than any other food. What does that say for our country? Don’t they make US the bringers of death? Hmm…
  13. Wisconsin; as I always  thought it a sin to make and drink so much beer…just another part of The Glucose Ruse that the above two states take part in, as well. Not even Izzy could persuade me.  As far as being a cheese head, I’m all for that.
  14. Missouri; I don’t think,  even Jim Stillwell could entice me. (He was my 7th grade teacher and took me to the Ozarks in Arkansas when I visited him that summer.) Thank you, Jim, for a summer I’ll always treasure.
  15. Indiana; next to my parent’s  home state of Ohio, it’s impossible for me to imagine going to that state…but then, Ron or Don’s family could easily persuade me.
  16. Arizona; As much as I don’t want to  list it here, I have to. I would love to not list the state I live in, as I was brought here as  kid of 8 years old, but I can only list half of the state. The part that is dwindling, the vocalized criminal  element of my state that still lives in the 19 century, the rustic, reprehensible, irresponsible, totally inconsiderate Republicans. Their sole desire is to limit rights, except for their own. Due to them, this state is as backward as they come. 40 years of life here has taught me that. Forty years of neighbors as such, has taught me that I live in a criminal state of discombobulation with neighbors who are just as criminal as this Ex-President, DJT the most criminal element to ever serve as President.
  17. Utah – I’m still hoping my northern neighbor isn’t as criminal as my state has become. I hate to think of Salt Lake City raining dirty rain every afternoon, due to its ugly conservative politics…but something has to clean out the air.

And, I do pay attention to where things are made and where I spend my money. And,I do read labels. 

When I think of those other states who have yet to earn my respect, I’ll add them.







If you get your news from the Kremlinited Fox Pox,


Only Fox News has been knighted by the Kremlin to report its propaganda in America. They have been dubbed to be “the insurgent media” outlet to be followed and quoted, as they have proven themselves to be the most dishonest media outlet ever to broadcast news in America. Why else would insurgents listen to and heed their illicit word of propagandized bullshit?





Are you a slave to your addiction? I used to be until I went Keto. But then, I got a lot of headaches, then, too. I don’t, now.  I was on a lot of prescription medication, then, too. (None of which I take, anymore…but then, I don’t get mosquito bites anymore, either, as both are gifts of a keto diet, the diet that cured epilepsy.)

Jesse, is it possible for you to ever speak truthfully? Why is your reporting so seditious. WTF do you really get your funding from? Does it come from Moscow, too? How much of a slave are you, Jesse, to your addiction? From your exclamations, I’d say, you’re more addicted than 90% of US.

HTF did you ever get a job broadcasting bullshit? Why is it that the only thing that comes out of your mouth is bullshit? Is that the only thing you know? I think it is. 

Oh, I forgot, you broadcast your lies on the network of lies, Fox. The network nobody can trust. How easily I forget. Thank God, I only hear what you say when it’s reported on other networks. I can’t watch your network of lies and disinformation, not to mention all of the misinformation that you continuously dispel.

As far as I’m concerned you broadcast bullshit and nothing more. Can you not ever speak an iota of fact?  WTF? Do you know how to discern fact from fiction, or are you just that easily duped? 

Where are you from? Where do they breed insurgency such as yours? What did you eat for breakfast? What news were you watching when you ate that shit? What shit for news did you feed your mind?

This post can explain why all terrorism exists, today, if you pay close attention. It’s a little off my usual fare of TrumPutin criticism and the damage they’re leading US into.

But, they are definitely linked as they are two of the most addicted individuals in the world. Do you listen to bullies who have to get their sleep in court? 

(Why does court bore DJT? Rehashing old crimes for him can be very monotonizing. He’s got so many crimes that he commits on a daily basis. His life is nothing but crime and court is making him recall all it.)

Do you heed the greed of corrupt corporate profits over the well being of the totality of Humanity on Earth? What is it that influences you? Who you heed is, more often than not, as important as what you heed, for who you heed is who you are a slave to.

What did you have for breakfast? Was it grain based? Are you displaying the symptoms of addiction?  If you do and are, you are addicted, which means that eating the same food as that of the slaves of Egypt who’re still eating the same thing today. To share their faith, it was and is mandatory that they share their diet. 

Where do you buy your groceries? What advertising do you follow to tell you what to eat? Who buys your meal ticket with their advertising? What medications are prescribed for you? When was your last headache? What did you take for it? Was it what  I used to take for mine, opioids?

Got pain anywhere? Are you hungry? What do you worry about? Is it where you’re going to get your next meal or what you’re going to eat? What occupies your mind, most of the time? Is it what eats at DJT’s mind? I think know why DJT’s addiction is so bad. It’s his love of Big Macs and fries….both dishes of extreme glyphosate poisoning.

Truth Derangement Syndrome by Alex Preiss |

It’s the most logical reason for his treason. It’s due to his own addiction. Where does he get most of his groceries? Isn’t it McDonald’s? You cannot find more glyphosated food, anywhere, indicating the amount of ‘Grain Brain’ that he’s afflicted with.

Glyphosate drives our addiction to grains. The proof is in the science of how it works. Roundup is an enzyme killer. That’s how it kills weeds. You’re eating it if you eat anything sweet, which includes bread.

This just proves the level of DJT’s addiction due to his love of the criminality he generates. How many crimes did he commit while in Office? I actually lost count halfway through his administration of crime.

It turns out that he committed far more crimes than I ever thought he did. Now, with his Covid brain, only true criminals themselves can love a guy who loves to “FIRE PEOPLE”. 

Those who adore this man and the criminality he breeds, are lovers of criminals, themselves. Chances are, they themselves are criminal, in nature. Is that why he chose the Republican party to criminalize?

He was a Democrat 40 years ago, wasn’t he? That ushers the question, does that make all Republicans more susceptible to criminality than Democrats? Does that also make them more likely to fall under foreign influences? Kind of like DJT?

This post deals with an addiction that you may hold dear and may be holding you even closer, by influencing your life. If it does, pay close attention to it.

What influences you? What influences your mind more than anything else? Is it the opinions of others who have no interest in you? Or is it the interest of your friends and family with the traditions that have been brought down through the ages by your family.

Do you cater to idiosyncrasies of dimwits who think they’re supreme over others? Do you listen to those who appear amusing but have no interest in your well being because they care only about themselves, and nobody else as they’re not willing to share anything but their woes and evil ways.

Do you cater to the idiosyncrasies of corporate chemical who clearly has their own interests in mind. If bread or carbs are in your diet, you are. Are you a DJT follower?

You are, then, one of those dimwits! Congratulations on your stupidity and how you wish to express it. Do you love or hate America?

Driving your hunger and fears only proves that corporate America is nothing more than a projection of our collective addiction as a species to that which creates this behavior. It goes along with what feeds our hunger and fears.

These are all signs of an addiction to the need to feed a greed that has lived with us for over 20,000 years. It’s been ramped up by the addition of weedkillers to help it grow more to pollute our bodies more.

This forces our need for the pharmaceuticals to fight the disease they’ve wrought upon US and the world to whom we export our grains.

It’s done through the weedkiller, glyphosate that gets sprayed at the rate of a billion lbs a year on what you eat. Beware of the Glycation Stations in your local supermarkets, when you buy your groceries. 

It’s here, where you’re buying your need for the pharmaceuticals that your doctor will be prescribing to quell you pain and discomfort from the consumption of such glycating foods. It’s this station that adheres us to our collective addiction.

When you cater to corporate chemical, you’re feeding the oldest addiction in the world. I didn’t know this until I gave them up (which was completely by chance). But, that was how I learned  just how bad for our species they are.

Incidentally, Dr William Davis did the same exact thing as I, to learn the truth. Read Wheat Belly, to learn what he learned. My books are based on Dr Perlmutter’s research on brain loss from our diet of grains that he expressed in Grain Brain.

Twelve years of research has taught me just how dangerous this food is. That is why I went Keto 14 years ago and have never regretted it.

Carbs make the one who eats them, hungry. That means,  they carry an addiction with them. When you eat that which makes you hungry, you’re feeding your addiction. That means that they also manifest your pain.

I can remember my dad telling me, one day a long time ago that bread makes you hungry. He realized it after eating every day at a restaurant where they served rolls with the menu.

Although, he never  equated the hunger and pain with the addiction. But the two go hand-in-hand. When you buy your satiation to carbs, you’re feeding an age-old addiction that has followed our species for probably 40,000 years.

Long before we learned how to cultivate and grow them, we stored them for future  use. When we combined the two of these manifestations, our addiction took off like a bat out of hell.

Now, it’s used against us, to feed it further. They (Corporate Chemical) do this to stimulate your appetite. It’s a known fact that bread makes you hungry when you eat it. It was over 50 years ago when he told me that. I only wish that he could have equated the two of these facts. (This is the “catch-22” that we  live with today.)

He’d still be alive, today, if he had. Atherosclerosis could not have taken him. Cancer would not have taken my mother, or my aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, either, for they would have eaten otherwise, had they known.









The only thing that’s changed since then, is that it’s more addictive now, than it’s ever been. You can thank glyphosate for that. If you’ve ever heard of Roundup, you should know what glyphosate is, as they’re one in the same.

Glyphosate is an enzyme inhibitor, meaning it keeps enzymes from doing what they supposed to be doing, in your body. And that is regulating the processes your body goes through to function.

When you think about that for a short while you soon realize that if you’re eating this food, you’re not in control of yourself, at all.

You’re leaving that control up to someone else, Corporate Chemical. You are  allowing a chemical corporation control your body by controlling what you put in it.

When you do that, you’re sacrificing your health to the extent of your life, just to enjoy your ADDICTION.

(Sorry, that  last word got capitalized. The caps lock is right beside the aA THAT I always hit together. That has to be the definition of a Freudian slip.)

Addiction is simply an expression of our diet of addiction that we’ve suffered with for over 20,000 years. It’s species wide as we’re all born into the addiction.

We all pick it up in the womb as fetuses and then pass it on to those we rear. None of us have a choice in this addiction.

It’s simply and addiction that we have to fight to rid our species from it. Failure to do so, could lead to an end of us as a species.

Who do you heed? Do you follow the influence of those who wish to enslave you? What did you have for breakfast? Did you feed your addiction like I used to for 55 years? Do you believe BullShit that suits you? Or, can you handle the truth?

Case in point:


Little to MAGAmites know that Trump’s grandfather Frederich Drumph came to America in 1872 dodging Bavaria’s obligatory military service, as the Austro-Hungarian war was happening then.

It was then that he changed his name to trump. Hey, Trumpublicans, Do you truly trust the man who’s working as hard as he can to send mankind back into the stone age. What shit are you eating? He actively pursues chaos to destroy our Democracy. He does it at the behest of Vladimir Putin, his BFF.

And that is why bullshit breeds its filth in the deepest decrepit sinkhole in southernmost part of America! It has to be the septic system of America. Isn’t that where gators grow? I hear, there are plenty of crocs to go around,now, too. They call it miralago.

No matter what you call them, they’re man-eaters! These have to be the gators and crocs that eat Democracy for breakfast. They’re all Republican devourers of decency as well of democracy. Not one of them should be listened to. Our evolution depends  on it.

In my view, conservatism is de-evolutiary. Conservatism seeks to maintain the status quo and nothing more. Evolution demands that we evolve into new beings and my vision of our newer selves is not the one they carry.

Where they seek to refrain freedom and rights, I see the need to enhance the abilities people have, to gain new freedoms and rights, that we deserve in the first place.

Ours is not to control, but to buffer the control. That means to control the control we offer. Why is it, the Alt-Right seeks something else?

They seek full control of what you need to think. Isn’t that going back to slavery? Who do they seek to enslave? MAGA mites? Hmm…

Is this a corporate chemical ruse? So they can push their glyphosated goods, to influence US more? Hmm…Isn’t it Corporate Chemical that’s trying to poison with their food, to make us use they chemically laden drugs? The Glucose Ruse will tell you the truth about Corporate Chemical, and how they’re poisoning you.

Corporate Chemical goal: Ensure your need for the drugs they manufacturer and sell.

How they do it: chemically laden grains that magnify the addictive factor of the grains. They make you hungry. Anything that drives your hunger, drives  your pain.

Who do you heed? Do you heed maniacal barkers that bark at everything? Like DJT? You are Putin’s best friend. How’s it feel to have Putin as a BFF? Would you like to buy some beachfront property in the middle of a cornfield? Do you have a Fox Poxed brain? Where do you get your diet of news? Is it factual or is it propagandized? 

Do you keep it on the same station as your football game or professional wrestling? They are Fox’s greatest draws. It’s what hooked my Dad to their news, when he was alive. It forever changed his values. And he was as conservative as they come.



WIC is doing their best to now kill their recipients by reducing milk to replace with more death-dealing grains. Their decision to reduce the only true nutrition they offer in milk, in replacement of a true death-dealing food, which is the sole and only cause of diabetes is a decision of addiction. WTF are  you thinking WIC of Arizona? Or, are you thinking, at all? Who are you working for? Corporate Chemical?

Why is Arizona doing this? Because they are STUPID BEYOND REASON! This decision will definitely increase their cost of medication that they’ll be buying for these people in the future, guaranteed!


Just how addicted are Arizonans to want to move back into the stone age? That is simply the purest indication of any addiction.

(We’ve got in in spades,in Arizona. How many tacos and tortillas do we eat in Arizona? How many Cervezas are consumed every day?) 

These malcontents are worthy of only excommunication from  government. Did you get this recommendation from Corporate Chemical to influence your need for their pharmaceuticals and drugs?

How much did they pay you to do this? To lead Arizonans into lives of dependence. Didn’t they make a death sentence for killing people? Why then are you doing your best to KILL Arizonans? You deserve death, yourself.

Grains lead only to drug dependence. The proof is in all of my books, including   “It’s Time for a Cure”, (the whole series) The Glucose Ruse”, The Science of God or Why We FightIf you read any of these books and heed my message, you’ll end your need for drugs and pharmaceuticals. You won’t have to be a slave to Corporate Chemical anymore.

It just occurred to me that we have a choice;

  1. Government control of everything we eat, drink, trade, and consume.
  2. Corporate control over everything we eat, drink, consume, use, or trade, which only influences everything we say and do or don’t do.

Who do you heed? What do you prefer, Corporate control where everything is done for profit or Government control where you have control of who regulates US.

If you are still following your addiction, (which 90% of US are doing) and eating grains, you are contributing to the problem. How much glyphosate (Roundup) did you consume today? What are your odds of getting cancer?

Did you have some toast for breakfast, like my Dad used to have? It’s worse when you spread peanut butter on it like my Dad used to. He taught me the same behavior by doing that everyday. 

He died 3 years ago from atherosclerosis. My mother died 8 years ago from cancer. As she was the oldest of her siblings, she spent a lot of time cooking for them.

Due to that fact, I’ve lost 3 uncles to heart disease and heart attacks, as well as 2 aunts, two cousins, a nephew and niece to cancer. Each of her siblings cooked as my mother did, giving them the same diseases that we had to deal with.

When I have a choice between that which protects me and that which eats off of mne, I’ll choose, protection, which is what the Government offers me.

Who do you trust?

MGT doesn’t trust the people who feed  her. And, she tells US not to either. Isn’t it a treasonous statement for a House Representative to utter such nonsense, especially on the floor of the House, speaking to her constituents?

Doesn’t that mean that Marjorie Traitor Greene is a traitor, who follows traitors?  IT SURE AS HELL OES TO ME! Who caters to communists more than Marwhorie Traitor Greene? Doesn’t she love wearing RED? Who else wears red other than  communists and whores?

Hey MGT’s constituents, are all of you traitors, too, or just the one who voted for treason by voting for MGT? Or are y’all just whores?

Hey FOX? Will you ever report anything but the whore feed of Russian propaganda? It’s they who are feeding the whores of Putin here in America. They just happen to be all MAGA.


Why are you so determined to work for foreigners trying to destroy our Democracy? WTF is wrong with you? Why are you determined to be so treasonous yourselves? Don’t ever break down in my part of the country. You’ll get no water in this desert. Who pays your bills? Is it Vladimir V Putin? You cannot prove to me that it isn’t when everything that comes out of your mouth proves that it is!

WTF DO YOU BROADCAST SO MUCH RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA when all it does is dismantle Democracy? Where did you go to school? Who did you pay for your grades in school?

Is that your goal, FOX POX? Just how evil does that make everyone in your organization? Purely evil, or just ignorantly evil? How evil does that your viewers?

You take the cake for both. That is why I hold you in the absolute lowest of esteem. YOU HAVE NO HONOR, WORTH ANYTHING!

But, at least, the bulk of your viewers, I believe, choose the latter. They’re all just electively ignorant in their display of evil, due to the subliminal programming they all get from the Fox Pox that they get their diet of news from.

Just ask Keri. She’s very familiar it, as she used to broadcast news for Fox. She is so embroiled in their corruption, she has to be paid by Putin. Nothing else can explain her level of insanity.

That limits their choices of who to trust and allows the Kremlin to spread its influence within its ranks. Who else distrusts the Government? Hmm…

Does MTG come to mind? Who the f*ck is backing her? She is as treasonous as they come. I wonder what she eats for breakfast. Polluted pancakes of sedition?

Talk about a grain brain, she has to be the original GRAIN BRAIN! I’m sure you can see right through the holes in her brain.


Polls are meaningless. They are simply a snapshot of feelings taken at any time. All polls can influence their answers by how they ask the questions and in which order they’re asked. 

Polls cannot tell you how people will vote. They’re only an indication of how people feel at the time they’re polled which is easily influenced by the order of the questions asked.

This can lead the answers to the they want to get from the people they question. DUH! How can anybody trust that?

Who do you heed? What did you eat for breakfast? Was it grain-based? Who’s greed do you feed? Do you still read Truth Social? What else are you a slave to?

Do you trust polls? You’re a complete idiot if you do! I pay no attention to polls except to give me a snapshot of how idiots feel at the time they’re polled.

No poll is ever conclusive of how people really feel. It only catches them at one particular time, and the order of the questions and how the they’re are asked can influence any poll.

Putting your faith in polls is for media use only, as it tells them who’s paying attention to what, so it’s easier to determine how to market their news…which in turn, is a sign of greed, which is a sign of addiction, again.

So who’s immune to the effects of our slave diet? What did you have for breakfast? What did you snack on before you went to bed? Why are you still snacking? Isn’t that an addictive behavior?

That is why I see as the causative effect of our society is the result of our slavery to their diet, as given to them by their owners in Egypt 10,000 years ago.

Theirdiet was basically bread and beer. Foods and drink that controls people through the those who control the supply of such.

(To keep slaves, you have to feed them…so you control their food to control them.) Who’s controlling you through their influence? Who do you heed? Who are you a slave to?

How much Russian propaganda do you get from them? How much are you paying that for that disinformation? Or rather, how much are they stealing from you for it? Do you really like being stolen from? Ya wanna gimme your bank accounts?

Donald, it’s been an experience having you as our President, but I never thought anyone could get a majority of our voters, as you did, completely duped about your true nature, but we as a country, can’t take it anymore….   









To the man who thinks that fighting terrorism is like fighting fire, you have to use it to vanquish it. Are you trying to kill off the dead brush, in  the innocent Palestinians who must die in your pursuit of justice? 

How in hell can you justify that? What fear do you create, when you do that? Doesn’t that prompt more terrorism? WTF???

How can my country justify sending its weapons of war to magnify their revenge, when it kills as may innocent victims as it does? 

In my opinion, it can’t! Why do we sell them bombs that we have to repair the damage of, through food kitchens for the displaced and homeless? WTF? Why are you making them homeless? What fears do you harbor that demand such behavior?





How did you acquire your land? What did you expect, then? Do you want the definition of terrorism? Look to the Jews.

They’ve had it inflicted upon them for 1,000’s of years, so now. they inflict it wherever they feel they need to. This is a fire you cannot put out with fire. 

Cause, every time you act, you act out of fear. Nothing else. Fear alone drives your behavior. Why it that? Are you still eating that which makes one hungry? You feed the hungry with it. You feed the terrorism with it.

That includes blowing up the weakest of their opposition. They herd them into zones to kill them with fewer bombs. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM and it’s Netanyahu that orchestrates it! That makes him the world’s greatest terrorist.

Why do you do this? Because you live in fear. Why do you live in fear? What did you eat for breakfast? Was it grain-based? Was it cereal or toast?

If so, you live in fear 80% of the time. Everything you do, you do out of fear. Your diet of grains demands it. Just like it demands your hunger, it demands your fear.

The Science of God or Why We Fight will tell you exactly why this is, and what our chemical corporate industry has done to ramp up the damage to increase their profits.

The proof of you fear lies in the manner in which you bomb the least significant of the Palestinians, because they’re used as shields to protect the guiltiest of the terrorists in Palestine.

You’re fighting the world’s greatest terrorist nation. Nobody in this world has not been terrorized. I guess, that’s what you get with the shit they eat for breakfast. Their biscuits and gravy is clearly eating their brains up as completely as possible and forcing all of this behavior. Just take a look at the glyphosate buddies!

One of them has just been found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying records, by a Manhattan Jury, just to con the American people, hasn’t he? Doesn’t that label  him as a con man? Doesn’t that make the both of them the greatest terrorists in the world?

His friend, Netanyahu justifies every action he takes as defense against Hamas. Why the fuck does Hamas exist? Isn’t it to counteract the devastation wrought by Israel against Palestine? How many of your own, being held as hostages, have you killed with your incessant bombing?

Who is the real criminal entity in this ugly picture, Benjamin? Is it not, he who delivers death to his neighbor? Who wrought that death and destruction, first? Who stole the other’s land to have some for themselves?

Who else but a terrorist would herd an entire nation into one small location so they could kill them with fewer bombs? That is Bennie’s intent and it’s all driven by fear, and fear, alone. What the hell did he eat for breakfast to drive that fear?

The Republicans can’t send this terrorist  enough arms to kill all the innocent people they want! They desire to ramp up the terrorism that goes on around the world. Why else do they clamor about holding back arms to Israel? Can’t they kill enough innocent people?

All he’s done is to start a full out war of terrorism on both sides. Terrorism against terrorism. How many more will it take to satiate their appetite? What is it about genocide that Republicans see so much promise in it?

Who wreaks more terror on more people than anyone else? Who kills more of his own people to kill more Palestinians? Who is the current Deathwalker? Who is more intent on retribution than saving any hostages that may still be alive. 

I wholeheartedly agree with The New York Times, Netanyahu must step down for the good of his own people. Terrorism no longer needs to be at the base of Israeli democracy. 

I know all Jews come from conquered peoples. Not too many of you still have any of your original traditions that you used to have before you were conquered thousands of years ago.

They’ve all been replaced with newer traditions that your people as a whole, adhere to. Yet, you still play second fiddle to Vladimir Putin.

Netanyahu’s doing nothing but ensuring the future grief of Israel with his thirst for vengeance. Why does he do this? Is it hunger, or pain that drives his behavior?

Or, does he buy his groceries at McDonald’s, too, like DJT? You couldn’t find two more glyphosated brains than these, if that were the case…which it probably is.

They are birds of a feather not unlike Vlad, greedy, autocratic, with fully glyphosatedly deranged brains. I’d rather believe that it’s their fear that drives their behavior. That is what glyphosate drives the most.

The only reason I see, is because of his extreme amount of fear that he has to deal with. More than likely, both, due to his addiction. Do they eat bread in Israel? Doesn’t bread create fear? I know our news does.

But then, they also create our diet of what we eat. That drives our need for the drugs that relieve  the pain our foods create. (And, what do you see advertised on the news other than pharmaceuticals?)

It starts with Saturday cartoons and all the cereal commercials they play and profitize off of. You can’t find a bigger display of addiction than this. This is where it starts.

What did you eat for breakfast, Bennie? Was it in your newspaper, or in your toast? Both seem to be killing you ever so slowly. It ends with your painful and disgraceful death…probably to atherosclerosis or cancer. The two biggest takers of life in our world.




How many innocent palestinians do you want to kill? WTF? Where did you get your ethics? In East Germany? YOU ARE INSANE. Not anyone of the other side of your political spectrum. It’s you who are clamoring to kill more innocent civilians. How much more of a terrorist can one be?

Tell me how can the Jewish state be destroyed? YOU CAN’T tell me, can you? That makes another false statement you just uttered out loud. How many of those utterances have you let slip? Why do you constantly falsify facts? Is it that “R” behind your name?

When will you learn that the jews are historically a conquered people. They evolved that way. They’ve been conquered by more people than any other nation, throughout history. 

They are actually a ragtag nation of anciently conquered nationalities, made into slaves. Why else do you think there’s so much diversification in the people? How many nations did the Egyptians conquer?

So Lindsey, why don’t you just shut the fuck up, forever. Go home and stay there. Don’t ever let your head peek out from under your covers. Stay in your jail. You deserve it. We deserve it.

Is this why you’re trying to kill all Palestinians? Is it because they’re Muslims? How many Muslim enemies are you making? Did you help Hamas to initiate this disaster, just so you could kill more Palestinians?

You did steal their land from them in 1948. Israel did belong to British Palestine which was established in 1920, was it not? Only mistaken beliefs tell you the land is yours.

When  are you going to  be a human being, instead of a terrorist wannabe? Why  the deep desire to make your entire country a country of terrorists?

Who else kills foreign aid workers just to kill more Palestinians? Is this what your blue eyes mean? Why do you want to teach me not to trust blue eyes? I sure as hell don’t trust yours…and never will.





If that isn’t terrorism, what constitutes terrorism? Are you out to prove why the Egyptians cast you out of their Eden? Or, are you trying to prove, your best, how much better of a terrorist, Jews make?

Didn’t moses tell you to curb you vengeance, as God warned him; “vengeance is mine”? When did you stop following your Torah? Are not the Palestinians the same as your people, a conquered people? How did Moses say you should treat them?

You’ve done nothing but bring that question to my mind. I now deem you the world’s worst terrorist, which only makes me wonder, ir we’re conducting a war against terrorism, why are we sending arms to sponsor it? Hmm…

It’s obvious, your fight is with the innocent and is easy to see your desire to take out your wrath against them. I don’t understand why you insist on more killing than getting back all the hostages. How many of them have your rockets killed?

Being brought up a Christian, our faith is based in/on the Word of a Jew, and you’re making it hard for me to reconcile the faith I was brought up to have.

I was brought up to have faith in a man who declared himself to be a Jew, yet spoke of forgiveness as being one of the most sacred gifts one can give anyone. How is any of that displayed by your behavior of retribution? Isn’t retribution and vengeance, a pathway to certain death through continued wars and the terrorism it fosters?

How any Jew can act like a terrorist, to me, harkens back to why they were conquered thousands of years ago before they became slaves of Egypt. How many ancient civilizations does the nation of Israel come from?

How many different nations were conquered by Egypt, thousands of years ago to enslave to work on their pyramids? Isn’t that where Israel came from?

Being slaves, Egypt controlled them with their diet of bread and beer. When I think, about I think about what our diet is, today, bread and beer.

Doesn’t that make  those consume such a diet, slaves of those who push the diet? Who feeds US grains by saying they should be on every plate? Isn’t that the USDA? Doesn’t the FDA follow, in suit?

When I was growing up grains were at the bottom of the food pyramid, designed by the USDA so the farmers could sell more of their product, which they now ship world wide to fight famine.

It’s a shame none of them realize that when you feed people food that makes them hungry, you’re going to create starvation. And, grains make you hungry. They always have, they always will. That is why they’re used to control slaves.

Do you still eat bread? Who is controlling you, now?

Maybe you need the read the entire series, but for starters learn why Jesus told us not to eat bread. It’s all explained throughout the series, starting with, “It’s Time For a Cure”, and ending with The Science of God or Why We Fight.

The Glucose Ruse will tell you who really is in control…and it ain’t pretty. But, it is costly! But then, all addictions are. When you eat what makes you hungry, you’re eating what’s eating at you.

It’s a shame how few of us know true cost of this addiction over the life of our species as Homosapiens. It’s cost us our brains. I see the evidence everywhere I look. 

It’s a scientific fact that modern man’s brain is smaller than of Cro-Magnon man when they roamed east Europe and Asia 40,000 – 60,000 years ago. That is due to three facts;

  1. we’d been eating grains more than 25,000 years
  2. magnified when we learned to cultivate them 15,000 year ago,
  3. grains shrink the brain, by eating up the brain-matter through glycation.

That’s why I’m trying to rebuild mine by not eating any. So far, it seems to be working…as I’ve published around 60 books since I started writing, some 12 – 14 years ago which was shortly after  I went completely ketogenic.

I know the damage carbs do to the body and the brain. Twelve years of research taught me. If you allow it, Ketosis can teach you a thing or to, too.



on propagandized military information from Hezbollah and its allies. You are far stupider than I ever thought. WTF did you eat for breakfast?



WTF did you eat for breakfast? You’re swimming in your dose of extreme glycation. How the fuck did you ever get elected with your extreme notions belligerence?






Who is sending arms to Palestine? Who sells them the rockets they send into Israel? Who is the real terrorist? Doesn’t he live east of the Volga?

You’re only pissed off because we make those weapons in your state, don’t we? It’s money lost to your state, isn’t it?



I resent that you represent my nephew who lives in Charleston, SC. You do NOTHING for him or America, but to condemn US to death.


You prove your seditious attitude, you fucking rebel, you. You are working for Russia, aren’t you? It’s they who are sending arms to Hamas, and you know it!

Your buddy Benjamin Netanyahu is being a real yahoo in his indiscriminate bombing of Palestine! What can more killing bring Israel that it doesn’t already have? MORE DEAD BODIES TO BURY? WTF SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?

Lindsey; what the fuck happened to your sensibility? Did you lose it in the swamp?

Bennie is the world’s newest terrorist. You need to learn and accept that. You can’t satiate the miscreants in your state anymore with your love of terrorism. You have to accept the facts, regardless if they do or not. Bennie is a terrorist. The worst the world has seen, to date.

Palestine just made the mistake of trusting the British in the placement in their land back in the 1920’s. Was it Britain’s land to give away? Hmm…

Israel’s God says the land belongs to Israel. But, who’s to say their God is right? I see it as a misinterpretation of holy scriptures, as definitions change over the course of time, but a lot of Evangelicals don’t see that. 

Too many of them  still adhere to the ancient scrolls while using today’s definitions to define them. How sensible is that? Is that what’s making Benjamin so terroristic?


Jardiance; Your medication is deadly! Your advertisement of it kills people. There is  only type of management for diabetes and it’s called a KETO diet. Ketosis is the only real management of diabetes that can extend ones life. You know that but you still advertise your drugs of death, only because they extend the need  for more drugs, increasing your profit margin exponentially.

YOU ARE THE REASON It’s Time For a Cure!