All America knows of your criminal nature, Jim. Everybody in America knows that you are the most seditious representative in America. Your blind eye to the tragedy in Ohio, proves your level of ignorance.
Just as you were blind to the sexual abuse conducted by your wrestling team doctor, you’re completely blind to the criminality taking place in the Capital Bldg. right now.
How can you expect, Jim, anyone in your bloody caucus of American destruction, to bow to your coercion? Your threats of terror against your own party are backfiring, en masse! You, above all in your party should know that extortion doesn’t work.
It does comfort me to see that there are enough Republicans who recognize your seditious nature and refuse to abide by it, that they refuse to bow to your level of criminality. They know, their constituents won’t allow it and won’t let them stay in office.
So they elect a traitor that makes Jim Jordan look like a lamb of treason. They get a man who led the overturn of the 2020 election.
Mike Johnson, how and what will you lead the House to do? Are you still in your seditious mood? Or, can you take care of the people’s business unencumbered by inborn prejudices? I wouldn’t get too comfortable, if I were you. You won’t be there long. your party has trashed the House of Representatives, making all of them very replaceable.
I see each of them getting replaced, mostly by Democrats. Because, unfortunately, your party does not know how not to be prejudicial about race and ethnicity. It’s built into your psyche. You’re the party that freed the slaves just so you could control them. Didn’t most of you used to belong to the Democratic party, prior to LBJs signing of 1964’s, ERA? (Wasn’t that the brick that broke your back, so you all rebelled against it and left the party?)
I see a whole new House of Representatives coming into power after the next election. I will welcome Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker of the House. I look forward to it. Jim, your House would be no different than that of Kevin McCarthy’s…as corrupt as possible with intentions of serving only Republican corporate business, the power that drives the world’s economy.
We see what you’re doing to the world’s economy. It’s evidence is clearly displayed with Haza’s attack on Israel. Your base problem is that none of your worship your particular God or Allah, you all worship bread more than anything else.
What did God say just over 2000 years ago? He said not to eat the bread. Anyone whose read the Bible knows this. Jesus overturned money changers tables in the market in Jerusalem for exchanging their goods to buy forgiveness. This is why he sacrificed himself, isn’t it?
Why now, are we sacrificing our dignity for the advancement of ultra-right-wing ideology? I know, it’s a Republican obsession, but it’s Fox Pox driven and it’s ultra dangerous to American interests, as Fox News interests are solely self contained greedy interests driven by the world’s biggest criminal,

Putin, as it’s those interests that drive their desires.
Everybody in America knows about the Fox Pox dividing America with their aiding and abetting of Russia and its allies, like China. We are ALL AWARE of the seditious nature of the “New Republican Party”, due to the influence from Fox News’ involvement with the Russian government.
It seems that your party has become just about as anti-democratic as you can get. They’ve made sedition their middle name. It’s time you learned your time is limited. People are much smarter than you give them credit for. With a little vetting, anyone can verify anything.
Most Americans recognize the habits of autocrats and crime bosses and how close they mirror each other. Look at Putin, the world’s biggest crime boss as well as dictator. All of his oligarchy are criminals.

He’s put a large portion of his minions in power around the world to inflict his will upon the individual regions in which they hold their power in. Trump is one of these minions. Those who follow their desires follow Putin’s desires, as our Republican party is happily doing.
I’d like to limit their time in office to none, no more time for their insurrecting activity. They should be prosecuted, along with you, for extortion, due to your recent attempts to earn enough votes to buy your Speakership.
It pleases me that your ill-reputed party is now rejecting the criminality of your life, (evidenced by your blind eye to the sexual abuse of your wrestling team by your team doctor).
But, it does concern me that you party is still looking to restore DJT to his former inglorious post. Rather, the post he made inglorious, while he was there.
He’s just been labeled a “crime boss”. Rivaling the biggest crime boss, Vladimir Putin.

That’s something I’ve been calling him, for years. 8 of them to be more exact.
Why is your entire party, it seems, turning to the criminal nature of DJT is beyond my understanding. Probably due to iconic treatment he got, like Reagan. He was just as criminal on his own. The Sandinistas showed us that. I wonder how many of those weapons are still, killing in South America?
Is this why DJT decided to change parties, from Democrat to Republican? Was it because you’re so much easier to corrupt? Sure sound plausible to me…but then, all of your arguments are just that, plausible.
I find it comforting that there is still some sensibility left in your party. A note to all Republicans, do not expect to be a part of the House after the next election. I predict that we’ll see a giant blue wave, not seen since the Great Depression of the ’30s.
Unlike most Blue Thinkers, Red Thinkers, think the ends, always justifies the means, like L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology once wrote that it is sometimes necessary to step over the “dead bodies”… meaning, it’s best to look past the criminality it took to achieve your aims.
But that was his “seaman mentality” that he carried with him later in his adult life, as a writer. I think he treated all life as it exists on a ship at sea, in an isolated manner. At sea, you can’t worry about the consequences of your actions back on land, so you “step over” any violation that’s not too severe. Thus, the seaman’s mentality that L Ron Hubbard displayed in his writings on Scientology.
I, on the other hand, believe that what you do does come back on you, to either kiss you or bite you. What we do does have consequences that usually, continuously pay you back for your kindness or crimes. Which would you prefer?
Sorry, I didn’t read any of his science fiction novels, so I can’t comment on any of that writing. Although I know about Dianetics, I never read the whole book.
I see Dianetics as nothing more than psychology or behavior with nothing I can argue against…not even the auditing, as it reveals memories that affect your current behavior unknowingly. I did, however learn about Scientology close to 50 years ago as a member of their church in Phx, AZ.
(Auditing is Scientology’s style of therapy, done with an e-meter that measure resistance of a tiny amplitude sent through your hands from the meter’s tin cups. Your answers to specific questions which only you know the answer to are measured on the e-meter for the auditor to see the validity of your answers. It tells you when you lie when you don’t know that you do, due to blockages your mind creates, called engrams.)
I see it as a practice disregarding the consequences of your actions and not realizing the importance of karma. Having had what I’ve done come back on me to bite me, later on,
That is a karmic comeback that I don’t care to live with again. That is why I pay attention to who my actions affect. To me justifications such as that, just invite the comeback that I don’t want.
It’s a shame he never knew about the real danger to society, today, that creates the fear necessary to bring about activity such as that. Fear creates anger before it does anything else, if it doesn’t kill you first.
I consider the real danger to society, glyphosate, a chemical originally made to produce plastics but rearranged to kill weeds, being used as a crop yield enhancer, not regarding its deleterious effects on our environment, society, health, (both physically and mentally) and behavior due to the fear it initiates through its ingestion. That’s explained in my books “It’s Time for the Ultimate Cure” and “A Cure For the World“ and has to do with a process call glycation.
But then, he was a heavy smoker for which they blamed his death from cancer, when in all reality it was his diet that killed him prematurely. A Cure For the World explains how glyphosate affects our world now.
If L Ron Hubbard did die from cancer, it wasn’t due to his smoking. It was due to his fat loaded cheeks starting his cancer. As the fat loaded up in your cheeks is visceral fat, the most dangerous fat in the body, as it’s made from carbohydrates. THIS IS WHERE CANCER STARTS! A quick read of any of my books show that.