They think, attacking the world in Israel, is a wise thing to do when in all actuality, it’s probably the stupidest thing to do at any time, ushering question, where is the profit in the actions that you’re taking? 

The definition of stupidity is doing something that is so destructive, it kills more of your own population than it helps. Is this how HAMAS shows it level of intelligence?

(It’s no wonder they’re confined to a strip 6 miles wide and 25 miles long.) Insanity is defined as doing that which is counterproductive to life. How insane was this attack?

I realize that Israel took your land when they should have taken land from Egypt. They did escape slavery from Egypt, after all. Shouldn’t Egypt give them land for their service as slaves?

It appears that Bennie was determined to make his predictions come true. Why else would he display so much animosity? Only people steeped in their deepest fears are even able to be that hostile. This man has some of the deepest fears in the entire world.

With fear as your ally, how can one expect to accomplish any solutions that are viable for everyone? Fear drives nothing but anger or death. One or the other.

But Bennie doesn’t realize  that as he is steeped in fear. and when you’re stuck that deep in fear, nothing else matters as you can’t see it. All you experience is your fear. 

It’s that fear that keep’s peace from being realized in the Middle East. Bennie seems determined to share his fear not only with his own country but with all Palestinians, as well.

The fear he drives is what drives the terrorism and warfare. Why does he pursue the terrorism? No other reason than to retain his job of creating more terror so he can keep that job. If I were Jewish, I’d call that planned sedition.


Benjamin Netanyahu has continuously hit HAMAS targets in the West Bank for the last 5 years with little to no repercussions. How long did you think your one sided peace could last, Bennie? What are you going to do when it’s learned that you orchestrated their attack by arresting so many of them for petty reasons?

You shovel all of Palestine into one enclave where you can bomb the hell out of them in one place. WE SEE YOUR INTENTIONS, ISRAEL. We aren’t as stupid as you would like us to be. Benny, your days are numbered.

Israel, how long did you expect to live without violence when you took their territory in 1948? Who is responsible for this war? Who initially invaded who? Who took the land from Egypt in 1967 and stuffed an entire population within it 141 sq. mile territory, so they could use the rest of their land?

Israel used to be Palestine, until Israel occupied it in 1948. Just because the Jews needed a place to live after WWII, and thought it should be in their “Promised Land”, when they took the Palestinians land for their own.

That doesn’t make their land yours. That only makes you, thieves. But then, wasn’t that what you mostly were when you escaped Egypt ten thousand years ago? Granted, most of you were probably Palestinian before being converted to Jews as slaves, back then, as Egypt had a habit of making slaves out of anyone they could, to build their pyramids. HAMAS, you’re  doing nothing but shooting bullets in the air. You teach your army how to shoot a gun, where the Navy teaches the SEALS them how to kill their target.

Your fighters have no target except chaos, which you can’t kill with gunfire. That is another definition of insanity, trying to kill chaos with gunfire. That only happens when everybody dies, including YOU.

What  I wonder is how long can Palestine or HAMAS survive now, as a nation without being wiped off the face of the Earth as a nation? They had to know that this would be a dead end for them, and bring nothing more than more suffering for their people.

My fear, is not long. This act of war will hasten that unfortunate end. I seriously wonder how long HAMAS can now exist? It seems to me, if Palestine wants to exist, they need to terminate HAMAS’ actions. To save the majority of their civilian population, they need to do it quickly, very quickly.

The GAZA Strip needs to be completely mapped. Tunnels, alleyways, lanes, and all rooms hidden or not need to be identified and located as possible holding centers for captives and hostages.

Israel may need to plug up every tunnel and put cameras in every room, as impossible as it sounds. It may be their only avenue to peace in the area. I heard that there are no bomb shelters in Gaza, yet the whole city is a network of tunnels that can be used as shelters. Considering that, how can they have no bomb shelters?

Considering that, what happened to the Oslo Agreement? Has Bennie’s fears kept it from working? Are they completely keeping it from being realized? Why then, does Israel follow this madman?

It’s easy to compare this war to a fight between siblings. But, I guess that’s all it really is. though, isn’t it?



From the videos I’ve seen I wonder how the interior of their cars smell, dragging around women who shit their pants due to the fear they instilled in their victims.


It’s the drug of violence they’re addicted to. They live and die by their AK 47’s. How much better of a life can they have, for a terrorist? But, what else is HAMAS other than terrorists?

HAMAS, may just as well, have condemned they own future. They are all as good as dead, right now, as all of their days are limited to what Israeli forces deem they should be.

Hey, HAMAS, have you ever had to deal with the SEALS? It’s possible that this could bring your first encounter. How many Americans are you holding hostage?

Especially for taking women and children as hostages. What I saw was the epitome of atrocious. Nobody deserves what they put these innocent people through and those perpetrating the crime deserve themselves to be beheaded and thrown in a mass grave to be forgotten by history.

Knowing how Israeli forces are trained, I wouldn’t ever want to fuk with them. The important thing to do now, is to keep Iran from supplying Palestine or HAMAS with weapons of war since they never have liked Israel in their backyard.

It’s been that way since 1948 when Israel became a nation after their 1947 war with Egypt and Palestine, but they secured the GAZA Strip in 1967.

Israel, did you expect to live there peacefully considering the manner in which you moved in? How do you treat invaders? Isn’t that all you are, to the Arabs? 

I wonder now, how HAMAS feels, now that they are a target of the U.S.? Now, how smart was their attack? They just quadrupled the intelligence that will be used against them by bringing in U.S.

Talk about DUHs…this may be their biggest one ever. Only time will tell. As much as I don’t like dissing anybody for their beliefs, this war dates back to the beginning of their species for these people.

This is nothing more than an argument between two brothers, both sons of Abraham, Jacob and Ishmael. Two sons of different fathers. I good read of the Genesis will confirm that. 

Ishmael is technically the first born, but of Sarai’s handmaiden, Hagar and is the father of the Arab nation. He was not born of Sarah, whose name was changed from Sarai, Abraham’s wife whom Isaac was born of, later.

I suggest three reads to get full understanding. (It helps to look at the first book in the Quran, also.) There are far too, many similarities to dismiss. They’re basically the same tale told by two brothers from different mothers, Ishmael and Jacob , the sons of Isaac, Sarah, and her maid, Hagar. Ishmael was born, of Hagar, is considered father the Arab nation.

Abraham, father of Ishmael, through Hagar, Sarai’s maid and Isaac who was born of Sarah (Sarai). This means that the Arab nation is basically a nation born of a slave. Is this why Israel considers them less relevant?

The Hebrew nation originally came out of Egypt as a nation of slaves. Egypt’s slaves were usually captives from all of their wars over the centuries. This is what comprised the Hebrew nation, making today’s Jewish nation, descendants of those Hebrews.

I like to look at their diet of bread and beer, what every empire controls its slaves with. How similar is that to their diet of today? Today though, they’re controlled by corporate America, due to America’s capitalism and the profitability of The Glucose Ruse.

Palestine has only had Israeli land since 1920. As descendants of the Ottomans, where else have they got to go? With no Ottoman empire left to be part of, don’t they deserve their own land? But should it be where Israel has existed for thousands of years? 

(The problems in the middle east right now can be attributed to the conquests of the Ottoman Empire throughout history.)

Coming out of Egypt, I think Egypt should grant Israel land for their nation, instead of them having to occupy Palestine, for a land they think, belongs to them. But then, that would be too simple.

Maybe it’s time for Palestine to move its borders into the Sinai Peninsula.  The questions that keep running through my mind, are basically, what are the basic desires of each nation? Don’t they each need a land in which to reside? When does that need become an evil desire? When money is involved?



We didn’t save  save them from the Nazi’s to be killed in Gaza. I see there are only two letters different in the spelling of the words, Gaza and Nazi. The guts of the word points to destruction from A to Z.

What I can’t understand is why the Israelis don’t have a spelunker unit to go cave diving, if all of Hamas hide out in tunnels under Gaza? Wouldn’t cleaning out to caves be safer for the Palestinians living above their underground fortresses?

Israel; Where are you spelunker forces? Why don’t you train troops to go cave diving? Is retribution the only thing you seek? Is that not mongering for war? (Benjamin, what are you going to do when it’s found that you orchestrated this war just to change Israelis’ opinion of you?)


It’s what is desired that makes it evil. The reason it’s desired is far more important than the desire itself. It’s the reasoning for the desire that makes it evil or not.

Is it a survival desire or a greedy desire? Is your desire, one that’s necessary for your survival, or is it just something you want due to greed?

What justifies an evil act? What initiates that evil act? Is it a desire created by hunger? That’s the kind of desire that creates fear. That is where evil resides, as fear drives anger, more than anything else.




When I think about that, I think about the fears that hunger brings with it. The problem with that is side effects of what drives the hunger. Those side effects are driven by the same thing, our diet of primarily grains.

Like Putin and HAMAS, some think the ends should justify the means, like L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, thought. He once wrote that it is sometimes necessary to step over the dead bodies to get a job done…meaning, it’s best to look past the criminality it took to achieve your aims.

But that was his “seaman mentality”  that he carried with him later in his adult life, as a writer. I think he treated all life as it exists on a ship at sea, in an isolated manner. At sea, you can’t worry about the consequences of your actions back on land, so you “step over” any violation that’s not too severe. Thus, the seaman’s mentality that L Ron Hubbard displayed in his writings on Scientology.

You step over dead bodies as they’re going to be thrown overboard anyway. I know that’s a cold way of thinking about it, but you have no choice at sea, and why you need to adopt that kind of mentality.

I think, that kind of mentality might be necessary at sea, but on land where nobody is isolated, it’s not necessary, but can be and is detrimental to everybody’s health and well-being. Why is Netanyahu trying his best to show the world the world that he is stuck in that mentality. Has he not the ability to grow up?

Knowing that, that kind of mentality leads to that kind of behavior, I chose not to put that kind of karma out into the universe for it to come back on me. I don’t want to be one of those dead bodies that get stepped over. (Especially when we’re not dead, just comatose.)

Sorry, I didn’t read any of his science fiction novels, so I can’t comment on any of that writing. Although I know about Dianetics, I never read the whole book.

I see Dianetics as nothing more than psychology or behavior with nothing I can argue against…not even the auditing, as it reveals memories that affect your current behavior unknowingly.

(Auditing is Scientology’s style of therapy, done with an e-meter that measure resistance of a tiny amplitude sent through your hands from the meter’s tin cups. Your answers to specific questions which only you know the answer to are measured on the e-meter for the auditor to see the validity of your answers. It tells you when you lie when  you don’t know that you do, due to blockages your mind creates, called engrams.)

It’s a shame he never knew about the real danger to society, today. Which I consider glyphosate, a chemical originally made to produce plastics but rearranged to kill weeds, being used as a crop yield enhancer, not regarding its deleterious effects on our environment, society, health, and behavior due to the fear it initiates through its ingestion. That’s explained in my books It’s Time for the Ultimate Cure” and A Cure For the World“. 

Hi died about the time they invented glyphosate as a product for making plastics. It was later turned into an herbicide, where it poses a clear and present danger to human health, through it rampant spraying on almost all the crops we ingest.

But then, he was a heavy smoker for which they blamed his death from cancer, when in all reality it was his diet that killed him prematurely. A Cure For the World explains how glyphosate affects our world now. My books are based on several studies from PubMed and PMC.

The only book of his on my bookshelf is “Science of Survival.  The bulk of my collection are books of my own, that I’ve gone through for editing and amending purposes. (50 books in 5 years, builds a collection rather quick.)

I, on the other hand, believe in karma and that what you do to each other goes around to come back on you. Whether it be good or bad. I don’t know if L Ron ever considered karma in his decisions to step over the dead bodies in his wake. 

We all make a wake throughout the tidal flows of our lives. Anything that flows makes a wake. All life leaves a wake after its passage.

Mine is not to say who this land belongs to, as I’d rather believe that land cannot be owned or possessed. It can only be occupied, as native Americans believed.

Could an attitude such as that work here? But then who owns America? Old Europeans. Who are most Hebrews? Didn’t these Jews come from Europe for the most part?

Maybe they could learn something from native Americans who had no idealogies to misguide them. But then, they took care of what they were  given, by their environment and nature , to use. They never learned to abuse it until we corralled them into reservations, like livestock.

Historically, they never ate bread until the white man introduced it to them. They had no addiction to wheat until the white man came into his territory. Now, their diet is polluted with wheat. Look at how much weight they all carry, now, due to the result of it. 

Jews have always eaten bread, as its a staple of their diet. What does bread break down into? Glucose or sugar, and sugar kills. It’s addictive. It creates your fear and pain. Fear drives anger, so bread drives terrorism. Bread is not the “staff of life” but rather a stalk of death. It’s that simple.

Hamas, how much bread have you eaten today? How much of it do you eat every day thinking it has no effect on your thinking? When will you learn, what really kills.

Jews, historically come from multiple backgrounds as their nation is a ragtag group of defeated nations grouped together as slaves, in ancient Egypt.

They all escaped Egypt together to make up their ragtag Israeli nation. All Jews were defeated peoples from other nations. What does that make them, now? In my mind, blended ethnicities are what make up the Jewish faith, just like America. (Which the faith I was brought up in is based, Methodism.)

How many of them know their real heritage, or where their roots go back to? I submit, none of them. it’s all been lost to history. How many Jews look like they’re from the same place? Is Sammy Davis a a Jew? What race is he, a black man or a Jew, or both. Where do his roots extend to? Africa or Asia, or Europe? Who knows? Not even he knows.

I submit that no Jew knows where his or her roots extend to. But, they did give us their diet of death when they shared their bread with the world. You are, however a very talented people, yet you don’t use them to your advantage. 

Why can’t you send in a Hamas doppelganger to “takeout” your targets of HAMAS generals and orchestrators of destruction, instead of using blanket bombing that kills everybody? Wouldn’t that be slightly more honorable to carry out?

With the talent you profess to have, why can’ you strategically remove these targets without your carpet bombing? I KNOW YOU’RE NOT THAT INEPT…but you refuse to even try. You just continually bomb the daylights out of your neighbors, mercilessly.

How does this activity make you any better than HAMAS? And I thought you were bigger than this. (Instead of being bigger you play as the nigger of the Middle East, doing bidding for Putin and the likes.)

Monsanto came along and magnified that danger exponentially when they added glyphosate into the equation. Bread the the way it’s grown is the reason there are mass shootings, now. They use glyphosate to grow wheat. Those who eat bread ingest glyphosate and that is the start of a cascade of problems, mentally, behaviorally, and physically. (It has to do with what glyphosate does to your ACHe in every cell in your body.)

It’s no wonder to me, why this happened. He went to two different places to carry out his crime before he killed himself. This happened just after he got his new hearing aid. Didn’t he say he was hearing voices in his head?

What did he hear when he turned up the volume? Something he heard led him to commit his crime, but it was the deregulation of his ACHe from the glyphosate, that discombobulated his head. You’d have to read The Science of God or Why We Fight to fully understand that.

To those who think that it can’t have anything to do with the turmoil in the Middle East, need to think again. How much do each of these religions worship bread more than Allah or God? I know Christianity does, even though they were warned, by Jesus, against it.

Every Sunday after the last service, we enjoyed a huge potluck dinner. And we all enjoyed fat faces and bellies, not knowing the danger it brought within our bodies and brains. We were feeding our addictions, each and everyone of us.

We didn’t pay heed to what Jesus said, to not eat the bread. We enjoyed eating it. Thus, we generated our problems of today, ourselves, while trying to believe in Jesus. To fully believe in Jesus, one needs to do as he did, fast for 40 days and nights.

That one action opens the eyes more than you can ever believe. How many of the decisions made about war were done after fasting? My guess is very few to none.

Because fasting can teach you to end your own hunger cycles, it has the power the be a cure for what hunger brings. When you eat what makes you hungry, you’re going to be hungry. Fasting keeps you from doing that by allowing you to see what makes you hungry as it did with Jesus.

Remember what  he said about eating bread! “Man cannot live by bread!”