I prefer to label this insurgency army as the latter of the above choices. How can they be anything close to intelligent design, when they kill their own chances of freedom, as well as their own population, in their attempt to take over a country that does not belong to them, yet they claim, is theirs.

I prefer to label this insurgency army as an army of ants, marching toward a goal only they know. They can’t explain it to anyone, nor can they justify their fear and anger. I say fear because that’s what drives anger more than anything else. AND THESE GUYS ARE ANGRY! That tells me, they’re all afraid more than anything else. But they don’t fear for their own people. They fear only, loss of their own control over what it is they deem theirs to control.

That is a clear sign of greed. NOTHING MORE! Greed is what drives this army. What one must ask themselves to correct this mal-behavior, what one does, must correct the greed that drives it, but, how do you eliminate the greed?

As far as I know, you can’t correct any greed factor without removing what creates the greed. So, what creates greed? The quick answer to that is, what you eat. And, I’ll bet you didn’t think it would be that easy, but it is.

Our diet of grains has been with us for well over 20,000 years. Some say it’s been with us for closer to 40,000 years or even 35,000 years. It dates back to when we first started eating these seeds after picking them in the upper valleys of the Nile, in Egypt, on our way out of Africa in our last migration out of Africa, starting 45,000 years ago.

Our addiction took its first toll on Egypt, in the way it formulated their greed to collect valuables in the form of gold and sock it away in their pyramids for safe-keeping for when they died. How much gold and valuables did they stockpile in the pyramids? How many mummies had a full set of teeth? Do these clues work together to tell us anything?

Of course! It tells us they were following the cravings of addiction. An addiction to the grains that they’d been picking for thousands of years, and had just learned to grow, in their celebration of this addiction through a new invention it took thousands of years to invent: agriculture.

Once farming started, our addiction, took off. It took off as it never could if we never learned to cultivate them. However, our addiction was too strong to turn down easy food to find and eat. This was the start of our transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers and warriors.

Warriors were necessary to protect the farmers to protect the land on which they grew this easy food to eat. When one thinks about this, one has to consider, is this where greed comes from? Is it from our desire to protect our food source, just as animals have, in their territory in which to hunt their prey?

What lingers in my mind, is how much money will Trump pay, out of his illegal fortune to pay for this cleanup of his debacle? Who created the debacle, anyway? The other question that lingers in my mind is, where does this incessant greed, come from?

What is it that makes us more desirous to keep this land and protect it, more so, over our more primitive neighbors in the animal kingdom? What makes us greedier than other animals? Why are we so wanting? What is it we want? Security? Maybe, that’s it, security. but, why is security so important? Our security lies in our food.

Again, I see that as something that can be summarized in a few terms, our addiction. It’s our addiction that drives our behavior, more than anything else, as all addictions govern the lives of those afflicted with the addiction.

What addiction doesn’t create a craving for the addictive substance?
What addictive substance doesn’t create ill feelings in the body when the addiction isn’t being fed? What addiction, doesn’t ultimately, kill?

What happens when your stomach empties out of what you just put in it? You experience hunger. Hunger is the first sign of addiction. Whenever you crave whatever it is that you’re hungry for, that’s your body complaining, because you haven’t fed it its addiction. That’s precisely what hunger signifies, addiction. But, it can also let you know of something much more important, an adjustment to your hormones.

Does this mean that because I’m not addicted anymore, I don’t get hungry? Precisely! I get hunger pangs, but I never get hungry. I’ve learned how to ignore my hunger pangs. This allows me to feed my body the hormones it needs to stay healthy.

This adjustment to your hormones, not only makes you healthier, it makes you smarter, by increasing your brain size by adding more brain cells. Both are benefits of a hunger hormone that builds antioxidants quicker than anything else you can possibly do.

This is the result of what our evolution has done for us. We learned as a species how to regulate our own hormones, as long as we stayed away from any addictive substances that tore them down. Those addictive substances just happen to be the seeds from the grasses that we learned are easy to grow to cultivate.

What we cultivated was a civilization of terror, horror, war, disease, famine, human degradation to the point where all we live with now are the diseases that are created by the consumption of these seeds from the grasses.

How many diseases? How about damn near, every modern major disease, known to man. Research shows that all diseases and illnesses stem from a process called glycation, which can only happen when glucose is digested by the body.

That tells me to not ingest any glucose. Som I don’t. Since my cessation of glucose intake, my body has turned healthier than it’s ever been. Because of my lack of need for any medication in the form of pharmaceuticals, I don’t take drugs.

I use a natural substance for my pain relief, cannabis. I use nothing else. Cannabis has one side effect that I kind of like. It does nothing else to harm or hurt my body. This is why I stick with my natural sedative and pain reliever, cannabis. It pretty much corrects whatever my body needs correction on, which are all body parts, hurt by my 57-year-old addiction.

From my brain, which I can’t restore due to dead brain cells from brain damage caused by a car accident where I was put in a coma by a drunk driver to the multiple injuries I have on my body, grains have played a part in each one of my injuries and diseases.

This is all beside the point I was trying to make. The point of this post is to declare where all greed comes from, which is a desire or want of something that really isn’t needed to survive. Its only purpose is to satisfy an impulse for hunger that comes from our addiction.

Our problem is that it’s this addiction that governs everything that happens in our lives, right down to the migraines we live with. For a final thought, I’ll leave you with this iota of wisdom, if you want to know where migraines come from, break down the word, migraine.

What does migraine stand for? DUH, my grains. That is exactly where your migraines come from. It’s the glyphosated glycation set up by the chemical industry forcing the need for you to buy their pharmaceuticals. (To me, that’s a bigger DUH!)

You might be thinking this wouldn’t be happening to Muslims, would it? What is the base of a Muslim’s diet? It happens to be the very same thing as a Christian’s. Bread. We add the beer to it just like the Egyptians did. (And still, people wonder where their aches and pains come from.) They seem to think, they magically appear, like a lucky charm. In all actuality, it’s those lucky charms that give you every disease in the book. The book didn’t even start until well into our addiction…about 25,000 years into it.

A haphazard happenstance is the result of the detrimental effects of a 25,000-year-old addiction. Wouldn’t you think, it’s time for a cure by kicking this addiction, goodbye? To get the full explanation, you should really read, The Science of God or Why We Fight. It explains how and why this food messes up our thinking as well as our health. (I can safely say, this will be the hardest book you will have ever read after you complete it, but you’ll come out knowing more than your doctor about what’s healthy to eat and what isn’t.

(I wouldn’t know what ISIS stands for in Arabic, but in English, I see ISIS as “Insolent Stupidity Insurgency Supreme”, but should it be, ” I See Ignorant Stupidity”!) But then, I’d have to add another letter, “E” for Everywhere they exist, while trying to keep in mind, that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s rebel, inciting insurrection.

Only time can afford us that knowledge…and that’s something the Taliban seems to have plenty of.  But Rep Wild of PA can’t see the miracle of this evacuation. She only sees what is, but not what caused it. All I can say to her is wake up! Shake out the cobwebs in your brain to see reality, and not what they display on the Fox Pox. It almost appears that’s where you’re getting your news from.

How you can possibly see this as you do, I’ll never understand. Why do you close your eyes to the miracle that Biden is producing when you called this the atrocity that you seem to think, it is?

It’s only an atrocity because of what Biden was left with by the previous Russian asset of a President. Who else would want to see this kind of chaos ensue under America’s watch? V.V.P.? Hmm…Rep Wild, you’ve earned my wrath and despise. The question is, what will you do to earn back my respect?

Why does ISIS fight? Why does Israel fight? Why do they fight each other? Why does each fight the Taliban? Why does all of the Middle East fight? What is the base food in their diet? Is it not bread? Are they worshipping their bread and not God or Allah? Hmm…Where does their true intelligence, lie?


Hey, Mr. bolthead. You look at things from an economic standpoint and nothing else. That alone makes you and your opinions, full of shit and not worth listening to. But, it does make you a common Republican, full of worthless ideas of how democracy should be presented. Thanks, Chuck, but I didn’t need to know what John only thinks he knows. But you did prove to me that he doesn’t know what he thinks he knows. Without your story, it would not have been as evident.

If you going to try to mislead people, John, stick to Fox, not MSNBC. Its viewers read ‘right’ through you.