You are absolutely right. But you refused to call out the criminality at the right time. Where were you with that exact statement while Trump the grump was in office? WTF were you then? Were you too afraid to open it then? Why aren’t you now? Nooooo, you decided to cave to the insurrectionists. Yes, even then they were insurrectionists. You foster their hate. You did nothing to quell it, but just the opposite, you fostered it. Thank you for revealing that Sunday morning on Meet the Press. I guess the show I watched was a couple of weeks old, for which I apologize, but I can’t control what airs over the airways.

You didn’t call out the real criminal of “thinking he knew everything”, Donald “crime-boss” Trump. You want to blame his predecessor with whom he left the brunt of his crimes. Biden has been sentenced to clean up Trump’s dirty administration. He left the White House so soiled, it’ll take more than 4 or 8 years to clean up. His shit may take 100 years to clean up, and even then, it won’t be fully cleaned. His brand of shit can never be fully cleaned. Like his trashy hotels, his stink will be here forever. That tells me that his foul stench runs not so much in him, but in the crowd, he caters to.

That fouls stench comes from your knuckleheads, and they’re the bulk of the Republican party now. You just explained to me that you allowed this trash into your party. Thanks, John, for trashing your party. Thank you for refusing to trash it any more than you have, already. You caved to their will, to keep their voices on your side. When are you going to admit that you were simply afraid of them? (When did fear become the Republican moniker? When, you admitted your conservatism?

Thank you for confessing that you refused to continue with talk to improve immigration. Just because Obama talked about it shouldn’t mean that you couldn’t still. talk about reform of immigration. You chickened out, asshole. You are an asshole, but don’t feel bad, you didn’t lose my vote, just my dad’s. He died two months ago. I never would have voted for a bonehead like you.  You spent too much time seeking the wrong votes for your party and ended getting the chaos, you’ve got today. Congratulations, John. You’re no smarter than John Bolton. Does Magnus ignoramus run rampant in your party?

(It’s like your breakfast of pancakes and frosted flakes. That is a complete glyphosated glycation station breakfast. I know it was fed to me for years. It re-regulated my brain for 58 years until I gave up the bread. That prompted me to give up all grains, which prompted me to give up all carbs. That was the best decision I have ever made. I and my health are never going back to the incessant damage carbs, cause. It’s too bad these suckers are stuck in their addiction. I can’t stop that no matter how much I want to. I tell everyone how to beat it, but because the addiction is so strong, its pull is stronger than good health,)

Donald J Trump will go down in history as soiling America’s respect for more than 100 years, as, something similar can always happen again, in America. That’s how we will be known from now on. For that, you have to thank the MAGAMITES and their affliction of the Fox Pox. It’s as though they’re allergic to the truth or factual news.

Why did you not learn any lessons from, having been ruled by an Autocrat? You claim there was no proof as to Trump’s guilt. Why did you say, “was not evident”? What do you call kidnapping babies, while suckling on their mother, out of her arms to take that baby away from its mother? What do you call that? I call it kidnapping. That was done on public TV, and you weren’t aware of it?  I call that national security malpractice. Turning away asylum seekers is not in America’s best interest. Apparently, it kept no one from wanting to come here. That was pretty much the definition of national security malpractice.

National security malpractice is four years of a Donald Trump administration, John Bolton. When will you come to grips with your part in it? In my opinion, you’re both guilty of treason, as it was Trump who engineered this secret treaty when he was in office just to sabotage Biden’s term. He ceded Afghanistan to the Taliban. They were just waitin’ for US to leave. I’m not a diplomat, but I’m not stupid as you apparently are.

Your stupidity, though, is elective ignorance, the first sign of an evil mind. John, you’d be much better off keeping your own illegitimate thoughts to yourself. This debacle that Biden’s cleaning up, was set in motion years ago by your old boss, DJT. If you think, you should be bitching about someone’s actions, it should be his, and only his.

What Donald did while he was in office was mostly all self-serving to fill his own pockets off his Presidency. Donald showed just how evil and criminal we as the public can fall for to feed our own greed. That is the only reason Trump is popular. People want to have his greed.


Greed sells that much to this Republican party, making this party of insurrectionists the evilest Republican party that’s even existed since Abe conceived it, in 1856. He thought a Democratic President would keep the Union together, but the Confederacy proved him wrong. That is what we’re dealing with today.

Today, though, it’s much eviler, as glyphosate has been added into the equation, ramping fear levels which naturally increases anger and antagonism. Unfortunately, due to Monsanto’s set up in our USDA and our FDA, EPA, ADA, AMA, CDC, and every other agency involved, We’re destined to eat the foods they provide us, which all comes, glyphosated. The cheaper the food the more the glyphosate. As in all restaurant food. Where do all Senators and Congressmen eat? In the basement cafeteria which serves restaurant food. Fortunately, the Senate is sentenced to drink milk, which happens to be my drink of choice.

The party had its “twilight time in the late 19th century, building trust after trust to be broken up by the last good Republican, T.R. Teddy Roosevelt. He is the original TRUST BUSTER, as he knew the damage unbridled greed presented American ideals.  When you think about it, the anti-thetic. It’s opposing views wrapped up in the same dogma, and you expect us to accept it as valid dogma. With antithetical dogma, how can you expect anyone who knows anything to respect what it is, you say.

Currently, this group of anti-Americans wants to add insult to injury by not allowing any refugees from Afghanistan into the U.S. mostly because they are not white men espousing Christianity. They’re Muslim Arabs who most neo-cons are afraid of. Trump ceded their land out from under their noses, yet they can’t enter our country, even though we’re responsible for their blight.

Americans used to abhor that kind of behavior. but now thanks to a crime boss as President for a lying four years, that sect that voted him into office, have now brought that behavior, mainstream. It’s a continuation of a war the started over 160 years ago. This is about discrimination. It’s discrimination that’s never ended for those 160 years. It never disappeared it just morphed into something more seditionistic. This group of seditionists turned our country over to a foreign entity, our worst enemy ever, Mad Vlad the Bad. Is this what the confederate party has turned into? And I thought it was a Republican who freed the slaves. Why are they now seeking to make slaves out of all Americans? Except for them, of course…Hmm…

Those whom they can’t make slaves out of, want to kill with their anti-vaccine rhetoric,  so bad, that they then turn around and boldly and blatantly lie about who is at risk and who is putting them at risk. Why has your party, John, turned to so much corruption. Is this a result of the Fox Pox? I can’t fathom anything else that could possibly be. Why didn’t you stem this when it was a bud. Why did you allow it to flourish and blossom into full-blown treason?








Thank you, Joe, for opening my eyes to the Afghan corruption that our corruption fostered. Who fostered our corruption, John? Why did you allow it to boil over into Afghanistan? (Oops, that was thanks to pompous ass Mike Pompeo); Now, your party wants to ban these refugees from seeking asylum. Why is that John? Is your party afraid of what they’ve created?

Most people don’t want to see this, because it is so anti-American. Even my Democratic friends deny that Trump could do anything so devious or seditionistic. When I look back at the four years of horror that existed during the Trump administration, I see crime after crime, committed by our government under Trump’s explicit orders, most of which were prompted by Stephen Miller. (He is the trasher of my best friend’s name. He died of AIDs 35 years ago, though.) 


Thank you Ben Sasse for your words of anti-wisdom, Thuesday AM on Morning Joe. You fully clarified your position of anti-China when you’re refusing to see where the real attack came chaos came from in the last five years. You should be thanking Biden for cleaning up Trump’s shit. The biggest pile of shit left behind by any President, at any time, in our history. I don’t know whether to believe anything you say or not. IO don’t know if you really know what it is you’re talking about, or if you’re just feigning to.

It wasn’t a Chinese attack. It was a Russian attack, and only one President has ever worked for the Russian consortium, the President you refuse to acknowledge who is at the core of this corruption. Why are you trying to inform us that the attack came from China? Is deception the only too you can use as a Senator? Don’t expect me to move back to Nebraska. (That was the state I broke both arms in, and I was only there for 18 months.)

Thank you Ben Sasse for clarifying your knowledge of what didn’t happen in our government and what you want us to think happened. When are you going to fully open your eyes to see the real Russian danger? Why are you trying to distract everyone with your talk of China coming after Americans? Why the deception, Ben? WTF is your problem? Is your little corner of Nebraska owned by Russia, too, just like Mitch’s aluminum plant? Is that why you’re deceiving the world? Ben, you don’t need the air-time. Your time in Congress is all used up anyway simply due to the fact that you’re a Republican stooge…and there’s far more than three of you, idiots.

This must be your last gasp, as a political party, before your party dies. That’s the only way I can make sense out of what you’re doing to yourselves, as Republicans. Who in the world, would ever vote for the likes of idiots such as you? You’re actively proving your stupidity in choosing personal freedom over public safety. That’s akin to saying it’s OK to shoot yourself or your family and we really don’t care if any stray bullets kill anybody. What kind of a DUH is that? It’s one born of greed. That’s the stupidity of choosing not to get vaccinated.

What logic is there in killing off your own voters? However stupid, it’s fully owned by the Republican party now. The next time you vote, what’s the first thing you’ll question about who you’re voting for?

I’m starting to wonder if I might have any recourse in court, against this Republican party for endangering my life. Can I charge Fox News for their Fox Pox of disinformation? Or, should I just sue Tucker Czarlson? and Dinghy Inghy, Laura Ingraham?