I guess it’s just easier to point a gun at a black man who has a warrant for shoplifting or selling individual cigarettes and shoot that man because he posed a risk to the man holding a gun. Think about that for just a minute or two or three. Take five minutes and think hard about it. Where is the justice in the scenario? It isn’t there. What justice there is in this picture, is in the hands of the deputy who’s only had rifle-range training in how to shoot the gun and not in how to holster it.

What training does this deputy have in approaching a black man? Is it to draw his weapon automatically? Why is it I see that so many times? That is not how I’m approached. But then, I’m a white man. I was born on the lucky side of the fence. It doesn’t seem to matter what the cause is, but the resulting death is becoming increasingly more prevalent. A kid gets pulled over for expired tags, something that’s happened to me multiple times, but never have I been shot at because of it. But then, I’m a white man.

I’ve been pulled over for nonsense things before when I was driving a beat-up pickup, the same kind many Mexicans drive, where I live in the southwest. Yet, after the sheriff’s deputy reached my door and saw that I was a white man, I was let off with a warning. Would that same thing have happened if I weren’t white? I’m realizing, finally, that it wouldn’t. That is a fear I’ve never had to worry about.

If my skin were a different color, I’d have been dead 40 years ago, when I was in my 20’s. Considering that I would be dead if my skin color was darker, has changed my perspective on this issue like I’ve never had before. For me, it’s a wake-up call making me understand just how lucky I’ve been throughout my life of bad luck.

I know what it is to live with bad luck. I’ve spent a month in a coma at the hands of a drunk driver. It forced me to have two massive strokes that left me partially paralyzed to this day. After beating less than a 50% chance of surviving the week after the accident, my recovery has only been miraculous for the last 8 years after I changed my diet to eliminate all carbs from entering my body. But, that’s a whole different story you can read about in any of my books.

Why is it that just a simple knee to the back is killing so many black men? What do they do to deserve a knee to the back? How can anyone be that threatening? Why aren’t these officers trained in anger control? Their fear is what’d driving their behavior. Why can’t that be corrected in their training? Are they trained to kill black men? Is this their favored MO, a knee to the back with handcuffs on? Then hide the autopsy report or alter it? Why is it that so many departments around the country are willing to suppress the information to the citizens of their communities? Are they hiding their brand of lynching?

I’ve been pulled over several times, some for ridiculous little things such as turning into the wrong lane when going through a stoplight that I’d been waiting at for several minutes. (Because my vehicle appeared to belong to someone less fortunate, which in this case it did. My poverty is built from my disability, though, and not my skin color.)

In my case, I was offered an apology. Why was that? It was a Pinal County Sheriff’s deputy who pulled me over. I was in my 50s at the time. My vehicle was a 25-year-old Chevy S-10 pickup. The kind, a lot of Hispanics drive. I know why I was pulled over. It was midnite and I was coming home after taking care of Margaret, my 93-year-old “girlfriend”. They thought they had more fodder for our privately run prison system in Arizona. By the looks of the vehicle I was driving, I could have been that fodder to fill a PRS for our privately run corrections facilities in Arizona.

That makes me wonder how much of a bonus they get for filling the order? What appalls me now, is the undue, and unfair treatment of men and boys of color, those of African-American descent. Truth be told, these Homosapien’s are further advanced than white men are, as all white men are part Homo-erectus, in the Neanderthal that we have in our DNA. Only Africans on the continent of Africa are pure Homo-Sapiens. That would also include all slaves that we transported over here to feed our slave business for 300 years. That makes for a lot of pure Homo-Sapiens on the continents of the Americas, as well.

Don’t cops ever think about that? Or are they just ignorant to that fact? Every black man they shoot they’re killing pure Homo-Sapiens, creatures that are purer than all the neanderthal white men doing to shooting. Is that why they are shooting these more advanced species? It must be. It must be nice to have a pass to shoot anyone you don’t like. All you have to do is make up a story that you feared for your life. That makes me wonder, how many cops leave home every morning fearing they won’t come home? Do they shoot their car? Hmm…

Cops are afraid of pure Homo-Sapiens, but not other neanderthals. I think that it’s a Homo-erectus malfunction. Neanderthals got along with Cro Magnon men and even co-mingled with them and ultimately interbred with them, yet, Neanderthals still can’t accept anyone of a different color than what they are. Cro Magnon were early Homosapiens who comingled with the Homo-Erectus, Neanderthal, as they occupied the land first. Neanderthals had been around for 100s 0f thousands of years. Cro Magnon, only for a few thousand, making them a much younger breed of the Homo species of human beings.

That’s probably because since we comingled with the Neanderthal,  our brains have shrunk to almost 60% of the size our brains were when we were Cro-Magnon. How did that happen? It happened when he learned how to farm and stop foraging for our food. It came about over thousands and thousands of years, altering our genetic make-up so we could tolerate the riggers of the damage this food inflicts.

The grains that we’ve grown our civilizations on, have all but destroyed our entire civilization, due to the amount of fear, hate, and pain they have a tendency to manifest. That’s not even touching on the greed that these grains manifest. That is an enormous factor in how we treat each other. (That has to do with what grains and glyphosate do to your acetylcholinesterase and how it dysregulates it, to the max. Now, with glyphosate added to the mixture of glycation these grains have always created in the body, they are exponentially more dangerous than they’ve ever been.

This is exactly how the pharmaceutical industry makes its fortunes. They clean up on what the crop-seed industry creates with their diet of glyphosate glycating food. It all makes us sick enough of our pain that it creates, that we’ll do anything to do away with that pain. How much aspirin have you taken this year for your aches and pains? Maybe it was Advil or Aleve. That is what I used to take every day, ruining my digestive system. Maybe you take Tylenol. I was prescribed Vicadin, to manage my chronic severe pain, and all it did for me was to make me fat, lazy, and stupid. So, I gave it up and learned how my pain was really manifested.

Once I was able to grasp the magnitude of what really creates pain in the body, I discovered I could rid myself of mine. That is exactly what I did, by altering my diet of the starchy carbs. I discovered that it was those carbs that were creating all of my pain. Not just some, but all.

This was the start of my new life. Once I gave up bread, the pain started to disappear. It felt so great that I gave up all grains. It only got better from there and ultimately cascaded to where I’ve published over 45 books in 5 years explaining the damage, this diet of grains provides.

That is only because what cleaned out my body also cleaned out my brain. It was the cleaning of the brain that’s allowed me to finish so many books. It’s amazing how clean your thinking can be without the carbs mucking it up.

I see this as the problem with the new dragnet that’s lynching black men with bullets rather than rope, these days. I guess bullets are cheaper than rope and easier to carry along with your gun. I wonder how much more is increased the amount of lynching? Lynching by police bullets has become epidemic, as of late.

I see the only way it can stop is for our entire society to kick its 20,000-year addiction that drives this behavior. Since it also drives all modern illnesses and diseases, there is absolutely no reason to continue our addictive behavior.


That’s the first step. Quit buying it and it’s much easier to ignore if it’s not around the house, easy to pick up and eat. This is what I did to kick my addiction. I stopped buying all that was bad for me to never ingest again. Knowing the damage it causes makes it easier to ignore.

We cursed the black man by subjecting him to our diet of grains. His body make-up wasn’t prepared to handle the stress of the carbohydrate diet, that we forced upon them when we made them slaves. It was the same with Native-Americans. their bodies weren’t engineered to handle to riggers of a carbohydrate diet 

But, even though we cursed them with our diet, they sprung their diet of maize on the white man. With the amount of corn syrup we consume today, they’re returning the ill favor by killing us off with the flavor of glycation. It’s called corn. Monsanto’s made certain that glyphosate gets sprayed with its share of crops with the billion lbs. that are sprayed annually on all of our crops. 20 billion lbs. in the last 20 years have been spread in North America alone.

What do you think that would do to your health when you eat a major portion of that glyphosate poison. also known as Roundup. Do you get headaches? Do get stomach aches? Do you have muscle aches and pains even when you don’t exercise? (Exercise pain is normal. Other aches and pains come from glycation, also known as inflammation.) They are not normal. They are the result of a diet high in carbohydrates.

I know, I learned all this from giving them up 9 years ago. Since then, my life has not felt better. I’ve also learned that our glyphosated diet is mostly bought at a drive-thru or any diner that serves pancakes, biscuits, or rolls with tater tots or french fries. It used to be just in the mashed potatoes but now, it’s in everything. If you’re eating it, you’re fouling your body. It will rebel against you when you least expect it.

Since all of these foods have more influence in the fear we experience as well as the pain we suffer, what sense is there in continuing this diet of shame and pain? Especially with all the baggage of disease, it carries with it?

This is a sign of addiction, just as the violence is. Violence only comes about in an angry manner which most often is driven by fear, and that’s exactly what this food manifests in your brain. What creates the anger? 1. fear. 2. other anger. (But that’s really initiated by fear also.) It’s just a natural physical response, left over from our wild side. We adhere to that due to our addiction. Without it, there’s no need for the fear or the pain…or disease, for that fact.

Did I mention, I’ve not gotten a mosquito bite in the last 8 years, except when grains were snuck, unknowingly, in my omelet in the form of a wheat binder in a sausage patty. It was because they didn’t have ground sausage that I allow them to put a sausage patty in it instead. Sausage patties need a binder to keep them together, in one piece. (that’s why I only eat links and brats.)

Aah… the bliss of no fear

from going carbless is so dear.

By reducing my fear and anxiety, I’ve reduced my anger more than I ever could have expected. This was better than counseling. (I know, I’ve been to anger management classes. I’ve talked to psychiatrists.) This is far better…it cost far less and I got a lot more out of it. Anger mgmt didn’t help me lose my belly. Nor did the psychiatrists and psychologists, either. It took a change in diet to alter my perspective about life in general, by vacating my fear and anxieties.


I’ve always wondered why I liked you so much. I could like you to the point of loving you if I knew you better, but I have to settle for loving your newcasting on MSNBC. Your birthday falls one day after mine, but 50 years after mine. Oh…if I were a younger man. Happy Birthday, I sincerely hope it brings you everything you deserve and want to help you make it through the next year. Thanks for staying Keto. It looks good on you.



I gotta hand it to ya! you’re good are looking, the camera straight in the lens and lying straight to it. Why is it so hard to tell the truth? If your conference is unified, I have to thank you for unifying against America. It’s a damn good thing you’re term lasts for 2 years. I hope you’re prepared to leave your seat in Congress and go back to your pastures, where you can feast on your glyphosated grains, They’ve already saturated your brain with poison. What’s it feel like to be a Monsanto product?

If I had a penny for every time I’ve shot my screen because a Republican nimrod is spouting off their idiotic politics, I’d be richer than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos combined. Every time I see the dumpTrump on TV I shoot it out of principle. In my book, there’s no better place for a crime boss president than dead. This criminal needs to die alone in prison…along with each of his children and political cohorts. Including Mitch the shithead McConnell, now, Putin’s right-hand man.

It’s obvious, North Carolina is no longer the state of sheriff Andy Taylor, although it’s still full of Bary Fifes. I just witnessed another sheriff dept.’s murder of another black man because he was simply black. Why are these people detained while trying to go to work to earn a living? Think about that for just a minute. How much easier to want to make it, to make criminals out of ordinary people? 

Why would you detain someone going to work? To make them late for work to endanger their job? Hmm… This is how all law enforcement works. Why the hell is that? Who is making criminals out of people who are not? Who is doing this intentionally? Is it their intention to make these people criminal to fill the privately run prisons? Hmm…

Do they get their PSR (prisoner supply request) from private prison corporations? Is that a reason they like to act as they do? Is this endemic in every state that has private prisons, or just those in the South? Arizona wanted to be part of the South, as the westernmost battle of the Civil War took place at Picacho Peak, in southern Arizona. (The South lost.)

Do we need to stay out of those states? Or, do we just need to change the state Legislatures to get rid of private prisons? If these PSRs are what’s driving cops to pull over people who are all, all but innocent of a minor violation, which I’ve had in the past, myself, it’s time that the prison-for-profit industry, be disbanded. Too many people are being killed unnecessarily. How much BOUNTY do these cops get for filling their PRS? Enough for an outdoor grill, or a new car?Hmm…

Why do we even have privately run prisons? They are a criminal enterprise, to begin with. But because they’re corporately controlled, so there’s no regulation of any sort of how this industry mistreats our fellow Americans. They’re virtually free to do whatever they want…to whomever they want to, do it to. Where is the sense or logic in that? There is none. It’s strictly a fear and anger cycle that drives it, due to the hunger and greed that drives that cycle. It’s all part of the Glucose ruse. You might want to read about that someday.







And a hell hole it is. How, humid, and completely unbearable, April through November. It’s a state where only alligators can live. The last time I rode my motorcycle through Louisiana, I entered the state from Texas, when my windshield fogged up. It didn’t clear up until I was halfway to Mississippi. Every trooper I passed gave me an evil eye, as bikers were frowned on, forty years ago.

A question that keeps coming to my mind is why are corporations so willing to donate their resources to a defunct party? This is the only reason Republicans act as they do. They want to protect that financing. They’re desperate for it to save their vote. What corporate America doesn’t want to realize is that they rely on all voters and not just 23% of them, so why should they cater to this sect of insurgents?

There’s nothing they can gain out of it so why invest their resources in what is a losing cause? Catering to insurgents is a losing cause. Most corporations know this and thus are changing their financing to a party that can affect changes for them. When the bottom line is at risk, corporate America gets smart. Republicanism, right now, is not smart.