BOGUS, BOGUS, BOGUS the empty defense of Donald John Trump




While listening to the second impeachment trial today, I was fortunate to hear some of the defense offered, on the President’s behalf. I’ve heard spin before, but nothing like this. This Senate knowing their duties probably will ignore the facts just like they have throughout this criminal’s term in office. In doing that they’re ignoring the oath they just took, just at they’re ignoring the oaths they all took when they took office. For them, they are violating their oaths of office, electively, and by choice, they are committing their own brand of treason,

Who is this lead attorney? Besides, not knowing the constitution, or the definition of the terms within, This attorney set out to show why Donald needs to be impeached, then explained why it was changed from the Republican insanity. It seems he’s acting for the prosecution. He goes on to make the argument that politics will swing back, according to the argument that the people wanted Donald Trump in the first place when actually, they didn’t. Donald only got into Office with Putin’s help, as proven by our NSA. I can see that this whole caper is nothing but that, a caper to pull the wool over America’s eyes.

It was Donald’s opponent, Hillary who actually won the popular vote, though. That is pure fact, and not the alternative kind. That’s the kind our nation was built on. The kind that respects the law, which Donald has never had a love for. I heard more lies coming from this defense team than what Donald could feed us in one day. This is defined as despicable. Actually, it’s the definition of despicable.

Historically, Donald has always operated outside the law. He really thought he could still skirt the law like he always had, while in the Oval Office. He speaks of Donald’s followers as being respectful people akin to the one attacking the Capitol, but can’t say anything about accountability. 

Bogus bullshit is the only thing these lawyers have to offer is bullshit the bogus spin that just shows how they are willing to sacrifice our national character to advance his hatred and fear to retain his seat in Office. This is what they are trying to p[protect in the defense of this criminal. Unprecedented radical defense with a dressing of spin. This defense is the definition of what’s bogus in American justice. They’re lucky the law affords them protection from treason in their defense of their client. 

What those laws do not protect them from is the stupidity they are displaying in their defense of this criminal. Especially one who advertised his crimes. His crimes started before he ever got into office but used his office to protect himself from prosecution. Now he’s using “out of office” as his defense. His defense lawyer suggested because he’s never been prosecuted he can’t be impeached, which is the worst spun argument I’ve ever heard. 

As usual, the arguments they use, of what’s going to happen is actually what has happened under the current administration. Actually, I don’t understand any of these trial lawyer’s arguments. They aren’t interested in constitutional law. they’re only interested in personal injury. I wouldn’t let them take my case against Donald Trump, for inviting Russia to steal my business.

I still don’t understand their argument that impeachment deserves “due process”. Regular citizens deserve due process. The President is above any regular citizen and because of that, his responsibilities are that much greater. There are no greater responsibilities than in the Presidency. This man has shirked his and these personal injury lawyers are arguing a defense base on personal loss. Maybe they should look at the personal loss he’s responsible for.

The arguments are the definition of BOGUS!

Their definitions are spin!

Semantics are being stretched!

There appears to be

no adherence to facts anymore!

This is how the defense

of insanity is defined!

This is also evidence of the Fox Pox brought to you straight from Moscow. However, Rachel reported that one of Trump’s new lawyers sued him and called him a f*** ing idiot a few years ago. Maybe he’s collecting the fee he’ll never receive from Donald by ensuring his conviction, barring the expression that treason is OK with his Republican Senate. The defense offered by one of these lawyers today was completely preposterous. If that was an honest defense, he eased the job of the prosecution, for being a lawyer for the defense. (Could he be called an ‘odd job’ lawyer?)  



When I lived in Iowa, I moved away from there when Robert Ray was the Governor. He had intelligence, though. What the hell happened to yours? Did it take a direct flight on the loony toons airlines to Trump’s dumbville? Or, did it stop in idiotville first? Is this the same plane that’s carrying the Loony toons Senate? Does a ride on this plane require a treason pass?

Lucky for you you’re a lawyer. Don’t you have to disclose when you’re working for the ex-President? Wouldn’t you have to if you were in court? Why don’t you when you in front of the court of the public? (I think I know the answer…corruption.) I do not feel you are strong enough to fight the President’s style of corruption.

What we witnessed this day was the DISGRACE of an entire party. This is how the Republican party comes to its end. It took a confederate democrat to do it. He first, had to join their party to facilitate the disgrace. Well done Donald.

You achieved for Vladimir Putin what no American has been able to achieve since the Civil War, the deliquescence of the politics our nation into a stew of truly unruly, uncouth abusive behavior.  That makes you a worse President than James Buchanan who led us into the Civil War. Not even he instigated an attack on our Capitol.

He was even worse than Andrew Johnson, the southern Democrat who ran on the National Union ticket right after the Civil War with Abe Lincoln. Abe was assassinated less than 2 months after Lincoln’s 2nd inauguration. Johnson’s subsequent actions, trying to return more rights to the southern states, brought about his impeachment. This was how the South won the peace of the Civil War.

With his Southern influence, he nearly missed being removed from office as he was the first impeached President. But thanks to his ability to give back to the South a certain amount of control over the “new union” he saw to it that the South could win the peace, where the North had won the war.

This is the dilemma we live with today, a resurgence of the rebel south. It’s infiltrated itself into the north over the last 160 years, with its Jim Crow politics. The southern white boys taught the northern white boys about privileged living and it took. Too bad the Northern white boys couldn’t teach the southern white boys anything about responsibility and the respect that goes with it.

Donald’s only defense in the attack is to blame it on Putin as it really was Putin who put him up to this. I believe that Putin is giving him direct instruction on how to attack our Capitol. I believe that what’s happening in our nation is instigated by Putin as this kind of insurgence only takes place in countries he imposes this upon. He’s imposed it on our country with the help of Donald Trump because Trump wants a tower in Moscow. This is the price we, as Americans, are paying for his tower, our own patriots attacking our own Capitol.

Putin never could have achieved this without Trump’s help. I don’t know about you or any Republicans, but I call that treason. I don’t know what else to call it. Last I read, treason was an impeachable offense. Why isn’t it with Trump? 

I personally, call all of these white boy traitors, NIGGERS. They are all niggers to their race. They are not white boys, they’re Putin’s boys….traitors one and all. If I had a BAR, I’d be opening it up on each one of these traitors, including the Congressmen that allow them to get away with their treason.

Every time I see them attacking our Union’s Capitol, I get this killer desire in my own blood. I want to shoot every one of them right in the face. For that, I openly curse these traitors. No sane person deserves to feel this intense hatred against their own countrymen within themself, even if it is for their own security.

This is what the accusation of treason is supposed to protect us from. How can this country ever heal without holding those responsible for this insurrection, accountable? HOW? Only by conviction can this country heal. The sad story here is that the Republican Senate knows this, and they refuse to acknowledge it. Thye don’t want to see America reunified.




If no MAGAMINDS in Congress are changed by this insurrection, Putin has won his war. This is the Congress of his recruited army to carry out his insurrection. That’s why I say, jail them all. Put every last one of these traitors in jail for the rest of their natural lives. They all. deserve nothing less. That means that all “oath keepers are really the original oath breakers, following in Donald’s treasonous footsteps. Every Goddamn one of these bastards broke their “sacred” oaths.

It appears, that for most of the Republican Senate, Putin won. Only 7 of them could he not influence. Remember the 43 who voted to acquit, and indict them at the booth when they come up for reelection, as they are all traitors to America for supporting the attack on our Capitol.

In my view, if you support Donald Trump, you supported the attack. Doesn’t that make you a traitor? Isn’t it as though, you attacked your own Capitol? (Mitch, how could you not see that?) The rest of America does. Didn’t you have to swear to an oath of loyalty to be sworn in as a Senator? What happened to that oath, Mitch?

Oathbreakers, go to jail for breaking their most sacred oath, allegiance to their nation. Why isn’t Donald there yet? Hell. why aren’t you, Lindsey, and the bulk of your Senate, there? What the hell happened to my Republican party? When did they all turn traitorous? When Donald became Republican? Or, when he ran for office and ate their shorts? 

My old party has become a party of chickenshits. Nothing more. I’m having trouble reconciling that I used to belong to this party. Have they always been this crooked? If they were when I joined them back in 1972 and they haven’t changed their colors yet, how crooked can they possibly get if Trump has made them this bad? How much worse can it possibly get?

If Mitch and Lindsey can do this to what used to be the GOP, what c ould qualified people do? These two are 2/3 of the 3 stooges. They’re looking for their brains, MOE. These traitors have shown to the world how they respect their own country and it speaks volumes for the treason they’re committing, by allowing this President to carry on his insurrection. These oafs actually think his behavior is normal. For a Republican, it may be. But. it isn’t for the rest of America.




To the Defense; I realize you have to make it appear as though no laws were broken. but your argument is manifestly disproven by the miles of video and audio recorded of this act of insurrection. YOU HAVE NO CASE! There is no protecting the criminality of a crime boss such as this wannabe President. Again, the insanity ot the conservative movement in America reveals the ugliness of its new politics. (Thank you, Mitch!)

Most of America can see that it was through Mitch McConnell’s treason, that Donald was able to commit his treason. Of course, Lindsey made it much easier. So did Ted and of course, Josh Hawley. As his lame group of defense lawyers keep repeating their jibberish intermingled with little more than lies, they’re trying to convince the Senate that his behavior was completely normal. 

I can’t believe that they are mixing old and new testimony to mix it up in the Senator’s minds. They are actually trying to equate what was said years ago to what happened one month ago. They’re even implying that what was said years ago was actually said last month. They’re simply showing us evidence that dishonesty to a dishonest person is honesty, so it’s no use, to say that what they do, is dishonest. You can’t find more dishonesty in any political theatre. 

How false of defense could you possibly get? But then what else can you expect from the purse of Donald J Trump? He’s never invested in anything, legal. Every bit of what this man has ever stood for is complete illegality. You can’t change the innate nature of a 70-year-old man. This defense is preposterously wrong. You just can’t defend crimes witnessed by the world. (I hope you have other plans for your future, as your future as a lawyer is clearly limited.)

One of these buffoons is still arguing about “due process”. When did an impeachment ever include “due process”? Isn’t an impeachment a bit more important that a regular citizen’s rights being violated? How many regular citizens’ rights were violated on the 6th of Jan, 2021? He just explained why a regular citizen deserves “due process” when the President should never get “due Process” due to the President’s abilities and privileges. 

BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT is all I hear from this defense. Who just selectively edited the President;’s words? You lying sack of shit. Defense attorney. It’s only fitting that you’re working for a real criminal. It’s a damn good thing you’re protected from prosecution for defending a clear criminal. It’s easy to see that you can’t even believe your own client.

You have to be Republican to believe this bullshit…and even then, you’re showing two faces if you do, and that is the curse of Donald Trump ruining your party. There’s not who one who could stand on his own two feet in your party now except Romney and 6 others, including Lisa Murkowski. They saw it fit to convict a criminal. But, only them. The rest are too afraid of nothing more than a bully.

No other country would allow this. They credit him for defending traitors. How can anyone defend insurrection? I’m witnessing a crime boss defense of a President who continuously broke the law every day he was in office.

Talk about bullshit, this is it. PURE BULLSHIT! This kind of bullshit doesn’t get any purer. It’s no wonder the President has fostered so much hatred and anger, he’s a sponge for it. He exudes hatred and anger every time he opens his mouth. It’s all pure bullshit.

If you’re using the Dems words to “fight” in an attempt to protect the sanity of this President, you’ve lost you case. First off, this President is not sane. He never has been. Secondly, Democrats seem to know when to protect peacefully. Why can’t the alternative right? What’s their problem that they have to be so violent in their protests? Another bogus argument…from bogus lawyers! This defense is sick to witness. I object to this defense of a criminal a clear as Donald Trump.

These buffoons are actually trying to say that this President has every right to lie to his supporters as President. They cite what Dems have said in the past, while they were not President, arguing it’s the same as if they were President. WTF? They’re actually using arguments made during the Jim Crow era of the South that they say should hold the same legality, now. They actually want to see the resurgence of Jim Crow politics by using these arguments.

Again these buffoons are trying to claim that the President still has the right to “free speech” as a President, even with the power he yields is far greater than a normal citizen who should be granted the right of free speech. President’s do not have that right, because of the amount of power they wield. DUH! Nobody knew how corrupt our elections were because they never were until you came along. The world knows now, that you corrupted our elections. You and you alone.

If any of their arguments ring true, Why do Republicans have so much trouble abstaining from violence, when the Democrats, don’t. Why is it that Dems can protest peacefully but Republicans cannot? When did the first amendment ever give anyone the right to incite a rebellion? Especially when it’s your President who does it? I thought that was the definition of treason. These assholes need to be “primaried out” for breaking down our constitution because they listened to the bonafide asshole of America. Thank you for proving the case against your client. As he has, you’ve lost it.









Thank you for the definition of “Gaslighting”. I have to put on something sane. I’ll just watch the players on, grass. Even PBS has commentators that are so screwed up they don’t know what’s right and what’s not.

They can’t get their heads out of their asses due to the p[illusion that Trump has spread. They are afraid of his mob. I say FYUK HIS MOB! They are America’s bane, which will prove out in the coming weeks. I know. I live in the midst of people such as those who made up a majority of this unruly mob. Even they are starting to get back the wits they all lost, after voting for this Russian asset.

PBS, get your shit together and find people who can tell the truth, fully. I hear enough color coating from the commercial stations. I don’t need it from you. There are a lot more people out here, who are interested in this 2nd impeachment. The true patriots in America have not dwindled…even though the confederacy has grown.




This is the definition of corrupt. Leave it to this ex-president to do his best to fyuk up America. He’s just doing what he does best. Fuk over America. This defense has proven its case against itself. Perfectly typical for Donald Trump, the scummer of New York, America, and now Florida. All states these states should be thrown out of the union, simply for harboring a murderer such as Trump. Who else has murdered America to the extent that this goon has? He defined illegality in our government. He set the benchmark for criminality in our government.

I can only define this defense as entertainment. Nothing more. To the insolence of the defense, I only have one thing to say to these defenders of treason, 






A special note to THE LEADER OF THE MOB Mitch the BITCH. You are full of stit. You spew shit. Your words are spun right out of a twister. No other tongue twister than yourself could turn anything around more than you did with this. Why are you still in office? Why do you argue that which is immaterial? How fuking stupid can you possibly be? Your brand of ignorance turns my stomach. I can’t listen to your shit any more goodbye, asshole! Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Mitch, you are the bane of America. They don’t come more despicable than you. Mr. despicability! That is who you are! How’s it feel to destroy American justice, Mitch? How do you plan on staying in the Senate? Your actions deserve removal from our sacred body of democracy.

Mitch, how’s it feel to fully destroy your party, for the sake of appeasing Vladimir Purin? Two faces may buy you a Republican sear in the Senate, but it won’t save your name in the history books. You just branded yourself the most traitorous Senator to have ever served…with the possible exception of Lindsey Graham.

Mitch, you just killed the remainder of your party. For America, That is, a well done! You’ve shown how low, all life exists in the Republican Senate. Pure criminality is all that exists in this Republican Senate of corruption. 

Mitch, thank you for proving how despicable your party has become. (On a personal note, I think you just killed your party, Mitch, as well as your own future.) I don’t think even that aluminum plant will be able to save the career of a traitor the magnitude of you, Mitch. Have you thought about how many Republicans you drove away from your party, Mitch? If Donald drove away as many as what’s been reported, how many more did you just drive away, Mitch? Isn’t that a DUH? If it isn’t, I don’t what is.

You truly proved your ignorance to not see what’s going to become of your party in the history books. Trump has already been branded as the most criminal President to have ever served. Why do wish to carry that moniker for yourself, as the most criminal Senator? Who was it that allowed the Russian asset to complete his dastardly deeds? Who aided and abetted him?

How can you possibly garner any votes from true patriots? You can only get votes from confederates, who still want a Civil War. Those who are stricken with the Fox Pox and get their daily dose of NewsLax, every day. (They’re trying to “Blaze” “The First” path for a different America, “OAN” which is more of a satellite state of Russia since that’s the propaganda they spread.)

What will you do when you’re charged with the murder of your party? You did absolutely nothing for your party but prove how despicable they are as you are nothing but a stone-cold liar. You are so two-faced, you party is doomed under your control. Your future is now limited, very, very limited. You’ll be lucky to survive the year, let alone your remaining term. Traitors such as you deserve death and I, personally, can’t wait until it happens, All traitors who betrayed our nation in favor of our worst enemy, deserve nothing more. I wouldn’t doubt that the hitmen already have their assignments.









I just witnessed the destruction of the Republican party by their current leader, Mitch McConnell. His complete disregard for justice has condemned his party forever. There’s no coming back from this. I really don’t think even Mitch has enough clout with his consortium of crime to get him back into office again after people remember this insurrection. Mitch’s party is clearly dead as a doornail.






I wouldn’t visit your state for all the gold in Ft Knox. Nobody there is a real American. Thank you, Mitch, for killing your party for good. You did a bang-up job. Everyone who won in your party this cycle will lose in the next one. Your Republican party is DEAD!




You turn is next Republicans. Prepare for your demise. There is no surviving the debacle. And, I won’t mind seeing anyone of you disappear into oblivion. Good Riddance, you can go back to Russia. now! You run the risk of jail time here! I think you should be in jail right now. You let a murderer loose. A murderer. That is what’s on you slate for the rest of your measly lives. How you’re going to live with that, I have no idea. That only makes you sicker than he who committed the crime.

By not divorcing yourselves from this madman, you’re forever linked to his crimes, from here to the end of eternity. Congratulations, This criminal owes you his life, making you responsible for his future deeds. Remember, “our crimes and kindness build our future.” What you mistake as kindness to Donald is a crime to America. It’s now your crime as well as Donald’s.

I thank the House for presenting their case as well as they did. The Senate fell down in this impeachment. You should impeach this bastard again in another 4 years when you have full control of the Senate. (Enough to cover 2/3.)

Heyward Donigon,  how do you expect anyone to listen to you when you’re only looking for a profit. How can you be interested in anything else, being a CEO? You’re as disgusting as the entire Republican party. You have to be a sad-sack Republican. Your politics bleed through your words. 


Congratulations! You just destroyed your party. Why don’t you care about the future of your party? What Lincoln built up, Trump has trashed. You’ve got to see that! How can you see anything else? The rugrats that support Trump are all traitors to the nation. How can you not see that? How ignorant can anyone choose to be? I personally thank you for your treason. I don’t ever want to see your face again, and with the treason, you’ve committed,

I really don’t’ think you will get past your next election. Do you have plans for your “dead” retirement? You may not make it before someone sakes you out just like they did the Capitol policeman.

If you truly think Trump is the future of your party, your party will not be the future of America, so your thinking is entirely flawed. Go back to your Deep South and don’t come out. Keep your friggin mouth shut. also. if you don’t want to kill your party.

Why don’t you join Donald’s “shithole” party? Lindsey, you are the stupidest politician I’ve ever written about. Where did you buy your brains? Good Will? (I think the donor had better use of them.)

(My personal preference is to see you up to your knees in asphalt in front of a moving steamroller.) You are a Senator, after all, I can’t think of a better way to crush the life out of you as you did to that Capitol officer’s family.  As a Senator, don’t you deserve to have things done right for you? I really should be thanking you and Mitch for the destruction of what the Republican party has become. If America did have anything that was worth throwing away, it is, what you made of your party…and yes it can be defined as trash, rubbage, or garbage. Take your pick.

A quick note to all Republican bitches, (even the ones in Scottsdale) it’s time to ditch Mitch and his party of broken stitches. Who else could divide this country wider? This is Mitch’s doing and it all started when Obama won his first term. That was when Mitch decided to become America’s obstructionist. He’s run an obstructionist Senate ever since, with the exception of the time Trump was in office when he went, destructionist. It doesn’t matter how pretty or good-looking you are, your politics pollute your thinking. You can never be beautiful until you change your politics of thinking. (There’s nothing worse than looking at a pretty face with an ugly mind.) Especially the ones who live in Scottsdale. I used to be married to one of you bitches. And, you are exactly that, pure, unadulterated, bitch. 

If one were looking for a blueprint on how to destroy a political party, the last 5 years can provide exactly that, for them. Take it from the bitch of Scottsdale. She just said, “she’d vote for a traitor who committed treason again. How stupid can anyone possibly be, to vote for treason? (This just proves that money doesn’t make you smart.) It must make you stupid and ignorant. Personally, I don’t expect anything else from Republicans. This Scottsdale bourbonite proves it. (It’s from the dysregulation of the brain.)