Damn near this entire party are traitors to the country. They all support sedition by a criminal President. That only indicates that this party is still a party full of treason. I’ve heard only a few Republican votes for impeachment. Those are what’s left of the honorable Republicans. All those who voted to acquit are as guilty as the President of treason. That only means that these 47 still owe Russia for their seats in the Senate. Any vote for any one of them is a vote for Vladimir Putin in our politics.

They’ve torn America apart. They’ve not done anything more than just that, to tear America apart. They’re still tearing America apart. Even still, ignorant Republicans, even those who claim to be doctors, are completely out of their minds. They still ignore the truth of what’s happening due to the base of Russian-driven Trumpublicans out there. They all suffer from the Fox Pox of NewsLax propaganda overload.

It’s turning these so-called patriots, against America. They are seeing clouds of illusion that have been brought upon them by the Russian Ruse of NewLax, the Fox Pox, Q-OAN Qonspiracies, The First Propaganda, The Blaze incendiary messaging directly from the Kremlin. (There are more to list, but room prohibits.)

This is all a consequence of an infiltration of the radical right media over the last 40+ years ever since the abolishment of the “Fairness in broadcasting Doctrine”. Who did that and why? More importantly. who did it benefit? (look east)

Reagan abolished the Fairness is Broadcasting Doctrine” because he thought it infringed on free speech. Think about that, just for a minute…  How can freedom of the press be a hindrance to Free Speech? He abolished that broadcasting act because he confused it with freedom of speech. 

Freedom of the press guards against freedom of speech, when that freedom says you can state alternative facts, which the previous President based his administration, on. Now a majority of that party is following the impeached President, lock stock and barrel. 

They seemed to have intentions of turning their party completely radical rather than listening to the facts and reality of what’s really going on. They are all so stuck in the Russian Ruse, their afflictions of the Fox Pox getting their news from NewsLax has turned their brains into caterers of Putin’s directives.

They only have one goal in mind, to appease their base who are all Russian-driven in their treason. Their afflictions of the Fox Pox, and listening too much to OAN, The First, The Blaze, and all of these other radical right rousers, don’t allow them to see that they are all being used.

These are the media outlets of the cop-killing radical-alt-Right, who are consuming a majority of the Republican Party. It’s become a cop-killing endorsing party. Where do “Blue Live matter”? It doesn’t appear to be within this faction of the party. 

What’s alarming is that this seems to be a majority of this party, now. It’s their glyphosated taste of news and McDonald’s breakfast coffee that’s tainting their thinking by building up the amount of fear they all live with. (It does this along with increasing their pain. This is why the fear exists. It’s all a Glucose Ruse, better understood if you knew why we really do fight each other, but that can only be understood by reading The Science of God or Why We Fight.

And, they begin used liberally, very liberally, by Vladimir Putin. It’s unfortunate that these moles are so stuck on the news they get through their phones, they are incapable of seeing any truth anymore.

That brings to mind the question, why were these people, in particular, used for this insurrection, that was directed by the Kremlin. It was directed through Donald Trump and the Fox Pox he’s spread throughout our nation. They were used because they are so easy to persuade. 

They’re dupable because they’re stupid and ignorant and don’t want to learn facts or data. or anything but the alternative facts that support those conspiracies. Because those conspiracies come directly from Moscow, they are all meant to divide US before the invasion. 

This is what I detest. the desire for division, just as it existed in the 19th century prior to the Civil War. It’s become clear to me that what Lincoln did to bring about today’s Republican party, Trump has done his best to trash this party. (Remember, Trump used to be a Democrat, also. 

Did he abandon his party back in the ’60s or ’70s as well? Wasn’t that when the rest of the “Solid South” abandoned their Democratic party? Did Donald become a confederate then, along with the rest of the Solid South? Aren’t all confederates now Republicans? I guess it believes it’s a party of privilege.




To me. most democrats want to see an improvement in America. They always have been a party of expansion, ever since our nation was founded 250 years ago.

With even schooling being completely different these days. (Who can pass notes being 6′ apart, or whisper answers to the test, or cheat by sneaking a peek at your neighbor’s work?) The world we live in has become completely different from anything the past has ever offered. (I’d like to thank the Republicans for this, but I can’t. I can’ only curse them.

It only brings back bad memories of a crook who used to be in office until he resigned. And yes, his Vice President was just as criminal as this one, as he was indicted and removed from office prior to Nixon’s resignation. 

This is why I’m picking a bone with E.J. Montini, today. He mistakenly claims that Biden is akin to Gerald Ford, in how he’s replacing a criminal President. Biden was elected. Ford never was. He was chosen by Nixon to replace Agnew. an actual crook like Nixon.

Biden, on the other hand, was elected. Unlike Ford, the People wanted Biden to lead them. Who wanted Ford, except for the Nixon loyalists? E.J. Maybe you should remember your history. I believe you’re about my age, so I believe you should know about Ford’s placement into his Vice Presidency, to allow Nixon to continue his policies after his pardon.

Biden was elected by the people by the largest margin in history. That should say something. I believe it says how Americans are turning progressive instead of conservative, as they, like me have had it with the fear that conservatism used and keep using to propel its message.

Fear is the reason I left the right. I used to be a Republican. As I said I voted for Nixon. Granted I was just out of High School thinking that I knew everything when in all actuality, I knew nothing. I was thinking with fear as the Republican party had taught me. (My father called it “realism”.) Even though he knew of optimism, he did not like to express any optimism due to the fact that he’s been a life-long Republican. It’s not conservative to be optimistic.

Throughout our history, the Democratic side of the old Democratic-Republican party is the side of that party that has always propelled America forward. Due to the fear of conservatism, the Republican party has always held US back.

This is why I as an Independent voter usually choose to vote with the progressive agenda, as that’s the one that’s always moved America ahead. Finally, a majority of Americans are finally seeing that. That majority has been growing too. That is what gives me new hope for a new world.

That is why I vote Democratic. It gives me hope. That’s something the Republicans cannot do, even in their wildest dreams. I see it as a choice between progress, and destruction. I choose, progress, along with a majority of all other Americans, and it’s time we brought back this hope to the world as a whole.



Yes, that does mean that 43 times over corrupt Senators voted to acquit a criminal. That makes every one of them, criminals in suit. There is no possible way they can explain their sedition in their decision not to convict as clear of a criminal as Donald John Trump. The dump truck of Presidents.

How do any of you expect to ever serve your constituents again? You just cursed them. every last one of them. Who the fuk is going to vote for you? Only fukers of America, no more…

Thank you for condemning your party, though. I learned 60 years ago, from Nixon. What the hell took you so long? It’s a sad state of affairs when only 7 of your party can recognize a crime when they see or commit it.

If there were ever a question about which viewpoint, holds more water, consider first, the criminality that conservatism has brought to our government as opposed to the criminality that the Democratic party has. Which has put out nation under more duress? How is that beneficial for our country? In my opinion, this qualifies as the biggest DUH in American history.