Trumpisms, the insanity of the vanity the profanest to humanity!



Trumpisms, the insanity of the vanity to obliterate humanity is a continuation of the doc posted as “GIVE UP ON THE ADMINISTRATION THAT’S GIVEN UP ON YOU”. I wanted to continue this list of Trump’s lies, but he lies so much, it’s going to need a separate book of pages, in itself. I don’t have the time to go over every lie his subordinates say, as they do say plenty of them, and are just as happy, misleading as many people as they possibly can. Jason Miller is one of the worst at lying for the President. 

I think Trump is holding his super-soaker Covid spreader, in Michigan today. How many, Americans is he out to kill? Every state he has his super soakers in, they have experienced increases in their rates of infection to danger levels throughout the state. This is his indication that he’s on the warpath to help Russia subvert us. This is him doing his part in his collusion, (that no would have known about if he hadn’t confessed it when he volunteered that information right after his inauguration). Yet, still, that early on, it was really, rampant. It’s easy to see, for me, how much his criminality has progressed over the last four years. I’ve always seen him as a conman. But I never saw him as a crime boss, evil genius wannabe. He’s doing his damn best at covering the latter of these choices. The first, he checked off probably 50 years ago. That’s what he’s running from, and why he must remain his crime boss evil genius wannabe, President. It’s the 4rth-grade genius in him that brings these trumpisms.

  1. “I saved you neighborhood” translates directly to I trashed your neighborhood. In this case “save” really means “trashed”.
  2. “The virus is going away”, translates to it’ll go away someday in the future. Now long away that will be remains to be seen, but “it is going away, someday.”
  3. “I had the greatest economy of all time” translates to ” I trashed the greatest economy. It could have been the greatest of all time, but I thought I would trash it. “America doesn’t deserve a thriving economy if they can’t worship me.” “Since only about 20% still do, we have to reward these moles for their lemmingship loyalty.”
  4. “Joe wants to shut down the economy” translates to”I want to ensure the maximum amount of deaths that I can, to reopen our economy. Only in this way can I help Putin the most.” 
  5. “Joe takes bribes from Russia” translates to “I take bribes and collude with the Russians. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have denied it before I was accused of it, even though I did ask them for their money to help me get into office, and I still use them for it, to stay in office.”
  6. “They spied on my campaign” translates to ” I got caught and this is the only way I can deflect that fact.”
  7. He’s (speaking of Joe) never been asked a question that was hard” translates to,  every question you ask me is too hard to answer to I’m not going to.”
  8. “We done a great job” translates to “We’ve done a great job of trashing this nation.”
  9. “We had the greatest economy” translates to, “I took over the greatest economy and trashed it.”
  10. “Testing forces cases to increase” translates to, “because we test more we find more cases. The cases will keep increasing so get used to it. That is such a misleading question” translates to, “that’ is such a hard question to answer,  I don’t’ want to, so I won’t.”
  11. “The rallies are bigger than they’ve ever been” translates to I can kill as many people as I want to.”
  12. ‘Leslie” that’s such a vicious thing that you say “translates to “why are you picking on me…whah, what”.
  13. “The schools have to be opened back up” translates to, “we have to be able to infect as many Americans as possible. After all, if this is a Russian attack on our society, we have to make sure we can kill as many Americans as possible. You just can’t see it as a Russian attack because you can’t possibly fathom that that could ever happen in America.” 
  14. “It’s not fair to ask me tough questions” translates to, “Ask me only questions that I won’t have to think, to answer. The last thing I want to do is, think.” 
  15. “cases are up because we do more testing” translates to we need to ignore this, for it to go away. So, just ignore it, so it’ll go away.”
  16. “I got rid of the worst regulations” translates” to I couldn’t rip off as many suckers and idiots with these regulations so I killed them.”
  17. “I saved the suburban woman” translates to, “compared to what I did to you two years ago, you’ll be so tickled pink that I’m not doing it to you anymore, you’ll love me forever because you are so easy to be duped. I love your pussies as much as I love Stormy’s, thank you for letting me stroke them and feel them.”
  18. Hillary’s crooked” translates to, “I am crooked. I always will be.”
  19. “Lock her up” translates to “Lock him up!”
  20. “They spied on my campaign” is too rich to follow up again here. this is so false and absurd that I’m not going to pain myself to explain how an investigation into Russian collusion into our election system, he wants to take personally, because of his excessive vanity. It really translates to, I tried to cheat the system and got caught and do not know any other way to deflect the blame for this.”
  21. “What have ya got to lose?” translates to “whatever it is, I want it. Give me everything you’ve got.”
  22. “We’re learning to live with it.” translates to “We’re stupid enough to let it kill us.”
  23. “We’re watching you Philadelphia”, translates to ” if you don’t vote for me you will pay”.
  24. We’re watching you, Michigan”, translates to, “if you don’t vote for me you will pay”.
  25. “We’re watching you, North Carolina”, translates to “vote for me or you’ll pay”. He says you’ll pay, by having Biden, do to you what he’s already done to you. Doesn’t that sound like a crime boss? It sure does to me.
  26. When he says, “We have to do more, I want to be out there more” he’s really saying I have to make sure I can ramp up that death toll. They’re expecting 2,000,000 dead, so I have to hurry up to reach that goal. Cause, when Joe takes over, he’ll get it under control to lower the toll.
  27. When he says, “Covid, Covid, Covid, that’s all CNN talks about, they want to shut down the vote”, translates to, “I beat it, so, you can beat it as easy as I did. It didn’t cost me a thing, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t afford it. I’ve got Covid brain and it’s not that bad that means that you should have it too. Trust me, you won’t die either.” 
  28. “Your pre-existing conditions will be covered” translates to, “if you have any pre-existing conditions, you’re screwed, ’cause we really don’t care about you, but, we know that you’ve got them covered with your savings.” 
  29. When he says “Florida, I’m watching you, I need you”, that translates to, vote for me or you’re dead. I’m giving you my covid exposure to ensure that, for you. but, if you  vote for me you can be like me, regardless of where you get your healthcare, which I’m going to take away from you.”
  30. When he says, “He should be prosecuted”, it translates to, “I should be prosecuted”.
  31. “Martha, get up here, fast! Quick, Quick!” translates to “Hey Martha, I need someone to kiss my as, and you’re just the girl. You’re the “fighter” I need”. “Run up here, so you can show my followers how to act!” “hurry up, kiss my ass”!
  32. “Joe’s going to Lock you Down, Your stock market’s going to crash” translates to, “I won’t lock you down, I’ll just kill you, so the stock market won’t mean a damn thing to you.” Look at the market, it’s already crashing, yet, he’s blaming Joe Biden for everything wrong, he”s already, done and all the trashing of our society and economy, that he’s, all done with only the help of his family. It seems those are the only ones he trusts. (They’ve been screwed all their lives and don’t know any better, so they’re willing to take his abuse.
  33. When he says, “Biden is holding back the stock market” it translates to, “Joe’s threatening all investors to stop investing, so the stock market crashes”. He says this to avert your attention from the real disaster that’s taken place under his protection. He doesn’t seem to realize that investors like stability, which is his enemy.
  34. When he says.”I always like Hispanics”. it translates to, “I love the taste of Hispanics, you taste good and you’re yummy to eat.
  35. Concerning his kidnapped kids, “They’re so well taken care of” translates to “They’re all well taken care of as long as they stay in jail”.”We’ve got them where we want them, totally indebted to us, for their lives.”  
  36. His line, “They’re trying to steal the election. If I lose this election it’s because they cheated with fake ballots “translates, to I’m stealing this election. I can’t win it if I don’t. Any ballot not marked for me is invalid.”
  37. This one’s a Republicanism, “Tax hikes cut jobs” when tax cuts really hike jobs. This one’s a DUH! Tax cuts only leave more for the top and less to trickle down, where tax cuts lead to increased spending, which builds the economy from the bottom up, as everything else is built. You can’t build a tower from the top down.
  38. When he says, “If I lose this election, I’ll be losing to the worst candidate ever”, translates to “I am the biggest loser you’ve ever seen.” 
  39. His favorite ‘tie-down’, “You know that” translates to “You know that’s a lie, don’t you!” A tie-down is a slick salesman’s favorite tool, to sell a sale. It’s how the sale is “closed” before the sale is made. You subliminally tell your audience that they believe what you say regardless of its validity.

Not enough can be said about the subversion of our government that this man has done to our government. Mike Pence follows behind so close his nose is browned by the shit coming out of Donald’s mouth. Now the shit flows from the densest of  Pence’s. This entire party is the bastard children that nobody ever wanted.

The rush confirmation of a Russian asset Supreme Court Justice, in the name of Amy Coney the Croney Barret. Another set to subvert American freedom and justice back to the Federalists forever, dying policies. Why won’t these damn Federalists just roll over and die? It would be so much healthier for America. They did after engineer the South’s winning of the peace to dash the North’s defeat of slavery in the South, after the war and until today.

Every one of these last three Justices can each be impeached, for lying to Congress during their confirmation hearings. That’s why I think we should consider whittling the Bench down to 5 members. The other Ju8stice they could impeach would be Clarence Thomas, the corporate Justice who thinks, corporations should have the same rights as individuals, regardless of how much financing they have. He’s the Justice who gave Monsanto all of their power. You know what they’ve done to our health mostly by glyphosating it.

I can hear his lies coming through, loud and clear and I’m not even looking at him. He and the rest of this administration are actively infecting as many Americans as they possibly can, simply because they know, they are on their way out, and like the Mongols, they wanted to leave their battle sites fully infected with the bubonic plague. This is why they catapulted their infected dead into the city of Caffa in Crimea, in the 14th century. Their whole intent was to infect the city with the plague. It was probably the first case of germ warfare. I have to wonder, is this what Trump is trying to do? Can he be that sore of a loser?

I think I’ve finally figured it out, Donald likes to play like a test driver. He’s currently test-driving his ‘abuse of power’ abilities. His only goal is to see how much of it he can get away with. Mary has told us this. He’s always been this way. He’s always pushing his limits to see how much he can get away with, and that, my friends is, not only the rest of the story, it’s how he’s always thought because he has a crime boss mentality. It’s always run in his family since his Grandfather dodged the draft in Austria in 1868.

But, this page will be continued…’cause, I love the acknowledgment, that this administration is on a different planet.  When Nichole Wallace mentioned that, the comments from Mark Meadows’ came from “Planet 2”, I just about lost it. Thank you, Nichole. I need that touch of brevity.

One thing I can guarantee, A DAY OF RECKONING IS COMING FOR THIS PARTY. That’s why I trust Joe to rebuild our country, back to how Obama was building it. Biden understand the fact about building anything, you have to build it from the bottom up. That was the stupidity of the trickle-down economics, Reagan introduced. That economy only further divided our country. Joe has the ability to rebuild that, because he helped Obama who I consider the best President we ever had that had a completely rebellious congress to work with, because of his color of skin. Isn’t that the definition of despicable?

Ever since the Republican Party turned into the TrumPutin-Republican Party, it’s been a remnant of the Federalist party who put our second President in office, our nation has been drifting to the left, ever since. Yet, Trump’s vision of federalism is to make is autocratic.

First through the Democratic-Republican party who put Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and JQ Adams in Office. Most Dem-Rep Presidents served for two terms until another semi-Federalist came to power in the form of JQ Adams. He only served 1 term also. Hmm, why were we backing away from being so conservative? I attribute that attitude to our pioneer spirit. Where’s the Republican Party’s pioneer spirit? I think they lost it with their current ruler. (It’s like they’ve all had their whits scared out of them, and none of them can respond to the authoritarianism of a bonafide bully. They all forgot how to stand, let alone how to walk or talk.)

Since our nation was founded, our Federalist views have been disappearing. Since then, our nation has always been forward-thinking with a progressive attitude of expansion. That flys in the face of real conservatism, which is always based in fear. Conservatism couldn’t exist without fear. That’s why they know how to use it so well.

Those last remnants of the Federalists are about to become history in themselves. I apologize for not expounding into a diatribe of how our nation has been drifting more progressive. I’m still working on piecing the puzzle together.

I just know, our nation is by nature a conquering people who won’t be conquered by any outside force. Even when it comes from an internal source, that’s been subverted for use by a foreign agency. When that core value of our democracy has been taken by foreign entities, The rest of us must step up to save our union, once again.

That’s what’s made Donald Trump make Buchannon look like a patsy, at destroying our union, prior to the Civil War. He’s taken that anger and antagonism and magnified it through his illegal and illicit use of his Twitter feed. 

That is what has made Donald John Trump the absolute worst President we’ve ever housed in the White House. Bar none! You know what’s really amazing, Republicans voting for Trump are all voting out of fear. Only half of Biden’s supporters are voting out of fear, and they’re of the same party as the Republican party. Democrats are voting for hope. 

Is it really true, how the Christian Post, is advocating a liar who blasphemes the Bible every time he opens his mouth? How can you condone that as a true Christian? Are you not Christian? Or are your an Orthodox Russian? Who else could or would want Donny Civodspree as President to allow this chaos to get worse? Who else would want more dead Americans?