Never in our history have so many advisors and “henchmen” of our President, been indicted and convicted of their criminal behavior. I will never understand how his supporters continue to ignore his criminal behavior. How can they not care about what he’s doing to our government and our American way of life? They all support his treason by endorsing his behavior. That makes all of them traitors, no matter how you spin it,
They can’t spin their way out of the fact that a vote for Trump is, in all reality, a vote for Putin. Everything he’s done to our country, he’s don’t with the intention of hurting our country. Who else would want that? Who would benefit from that? The same people who have an Aluminum plant in Ashville KY? Isn’t that one owned by Oleg Deripaska, one of Russia’s biggest oligarchs? What interest would he have in Mitch McConnell’s state? Hmm…
Never in our history has any Senator committed the number and caliber of crimes that Mitch has pitched since Obama ever got elected and he vowed to shut down the Congress, and not let any kind of laws, passed. He announced this treason right up front after Obama got elected.
Where’s this criminal’s arrest warrant? Why can’t he be indicted? He’s aided and abetted the President in every crime he’s committed. On top of that, he’s endorsed almost every one of them. Why isn’t he in court? I demand his resignation to authorities for his criminal part n this treason,. If you doubt me, ask Elaine Chow. But then, you may get that answer from Xi Jinping, through her. Where is her indictment? When will I see her in court, and then, jail? There are few who deserve it more.
If I had my druthers, I’d like to see all of these people sentenced to listen to Donald’s whining and crying for the rest of the lives, 24/7, piped into their individual cells. They all not only deserve but need to be reprogrammed back to being Americans instead of Russian Americans, bowing to Russian influence by catering to Donald’s ego. Nice pick of an asset, Vlad. He caters to every one of your needs, so you incessantly fear over the same being done to you and your country. You fear your adversaries learning from you as you learned from yours.
MAD VLAD THE BAD THE MAD HATTER OF ALL THAT’S RAD IN THE KREMLIN RED SQUARE’S HABERDASHERY OF SAD THE REAL ORCHESTRATOR OF OUR DILEMMA. He runs all operations through the Trump group of criminal organizations. He taking away our last refuge of unification, our post office. He’s actively volleying attacks on our entire government.
That puts you, next on my list but you’re an international criminal. Your’ the world’s #1 criminal. No one is richer than you and operates more criminal enterprises than you do. I wouldn’t want to live in your shoes. Those shoes are the shoes of Lenin and Stalin, both of whom have had their statues torn down for being overbearing autocratic rulers born of a bully cloth. Those are the same kind of rulers that Putin and Trump are striving to be.
That means that they will always live their lives in fear. The same fear they foster, why foster in themselves for fear of retribution. This is a fear that they will always have to live with. The can’t get away from it, It will govern their lives and the lives of the people, they control. What rights do Russians have, right now? Don’t they live in a communist country? How much freedom can one have under communist rule? Especially when that rule is expressed as a full-out autocratic rule? This is exactly what Vladimir aspires to be, isn’t it? He wants to live in fear for the rest of his life, just as Donald Trump wants to. He’s has destined his life to end in total fear of his fate. He’s destined his fate for retribution. All by choice.
Fear is the only thing these people live by. They relish in the fear they create. Their only desire is to foster more fear. They do this to incite more anger. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Anyone, you scare the shit out of, you automatically make angry by scaring them. Anger is the next emotion up the scale from fear. Fear is the lowest tone on the emotional tone scale. It’s an automatic adjustment to being scared to cover it up by getting angry at what scares you. It’s amazing how education and knowledge eradicate this fear if you wish to use them. Too often, however, it requires too much effort, which is not something satiated people want to exert, which leads to me next summation that too many of his followers are addicted to the same glyphosated vole diet that he eats. He buys most of his groceries at McDonald’s and drive-thru restaurants. It feeds his ego to drive his limo through these places. Feeding his ego is his only resolution to his incessant fear.
I see absolutely no reason why these people shouldn’t be locked up as expeditiously as possible for this part in this treason.
Locked up!
Roger Dodger where’s your blodger, you old codger?
Yet to be locked up;
Jared Kushner, slum lord of New York, financed by the Russian oligarchy. That’s Wendi Deng Murdoch, girlfriend of Vladimir Putin with Jared and Ivanka. They’re good friends, as that is where he’s getting the money to save his bad investment in 666 Fifth ave? Corruption? Naw, just a conspiracy to subvert American democracy through foreign interference with our government. All allowed by the President’s closest advisor. This is another root of the corruption.Tom Cotton Lost and hopefully forgotten, but yet, he’s here and doing what he can to damage America. His mouth is nothing but rotten.THESE THREE DUSTATEARS HAVE PUT OUR NATION IN TEARS AND DESERVE TO BE PUT IN ARREARS FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS
Matt Gaetz, Russian for, get America! With Lindsey Graham and John Kennedy, they’re The three stooges and the king…dipshits all. In America they are the DEEP STATE!
This face is the epitome of the problem in ‘congress, this is a duped man! Fully duped! I think, he’s had for too many beers, as it’s those bears that create all the fears, and that’s what brings, all the tears. This ignoramus cannot see any truth to the facts that exist because he gets every bit of his news, alternatively, from Fox Fake News, completely prohibiting him from giving anyone any facts! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because he’s bought by oligarch money!$800,000 worth of corruption is all it took to buy his allegiance by Viktor VekselbergTHE EVIL TRIADAnother cocksucker showing how he sucks Donald’s dick!Scott Walker – Wisconsin’s Governor asset on Putin’s payroll.HOW MUCH WERE YOU PAID TO SELL OUT AMERICA? I KNOW IT WAS IN RUBLES THROUGH THE NRA!PURE RUSSIAN ASSET WORKING FOR VLADIMIR PUTINRECITER OF PUTIN’S PROPAGANDA AND DESTROYER OF AMERICAMAD MATT GEATZ PROVING HIS COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA TO SUBVERT OUR DEMOCRACYLouie Gohmert, corruption personified! The blowhard of Gohmert’s.Closed-minded Russian NRA owned House of disrepresentatives.Monkey see monkey do, this monkey seeS only what he wants to see and hears only what he wants to hear. He remains immune to facts.DUPED! COLD STONED DUPED!KOOKY KEN CUCCINELLI GOT HIS DEGREE FROM BUTT FUCK U, WHERE THE PRESIDENT’S CAME FROM! THIS PAGE IS FULL OF GRADUATES FROM THAT CLASS OF THE ILLEST REPUTE.TUCKER THE FUCKER BLANK IS YOUR PUCKER YOU CAN’T HIDE YOUR LYING EYES YOU LYING ASS SUCKER
Say Goodbye to another Trumputinublican Congressman soon to be fired! You can only kiss ass for so long.ANOTHER BLANK FACE IN CONGRESS. LIKE THE REST OF THEM, COMPLETELY USELESSAnother fat f*ck from Arizona with nothing for a brain but, for f*ck for brains. you embarrass all Arizonans. I demand your resignation you because ignore your president’s Russian conspiracy.? Collusion? no capitulation? YES! Yours? yes! What is your excuse for catering to Russia? Is it the same as the President’s, to stay in office? PREPARE TO BE REPLACED!you are another bubblebrain trumputinublican just another spinmaster supreme! Tom McClintock!ken Buck is just another SCHMUCK OF SCHMUCKS’ SPINNERS SUPREMEANOTHER BE BE BRAIN YOU CAN SEE IT IN HER EYES AND HER SNIDE SMILEBeeBee Brain Brabender HIS IGNORANCE IS CLEARLY PART OF THE THORNSTEPHEN MILLER CRIME BOSS #1 INSTIGATOR OF VILEST OF CRIMES AS THE ILLEGAL KIDNAPPING OF ALL THE ALIEN CHILDREN. tHIS ASSET DESERVES THE DEATH PENALTY! HIS MURDER TOLL SURPASSES 200,000 AND CLIMBING.ANOTHER DEGENERATE SCUMWAD FOR A CONGRESSMAN. HE DESERVES NOT WHAT HE’S GOT, HE DESERVES ONLY TO BE FORGOT! HE IS CORRUPTION PERSONIFIED!BRUCE LEVELL with the unleveled brain and unhinged tongue of turmoil of full ignorance displayed. Where the hell did you go to school, in Ethiopia? Or, was it Saudi Arabia?Rand Paul Your corrupt collusion has been fully revealed and recorded for the history books. What’s it feel to be a stone-cold traitor?BONAFIDE OHIOAN SH!THEAD AND TRAITOR SUPREME. OUT-TRAITORING MOST TRAITORS. HE IS A QANON WHORE. AND A SHITHEAD BORE. A FULL-OUT TRAITOR TO THE CORE! SOLDOUT HIS RELATIVES TO THE BOAR! Great Job, of making your ass the biggest ass of Ohio! You just proved your corruption and your adherence to Russian rule. You clearly desire the disillusion of our nation. you speak like you’re spinning the biggest top in the world. (He’s dreaming of Trump winning the election. as I type this.) This guy is really “MENTAL”! Why was the old PostMaster General ever replaced? This butthead’s just another WTF?JASON YOU CAN’T LEAVE SOON ENOUGH YOUR IGNORANCE IN GLARINGLY UGLY YOU LOOK LIKE A SPITWADBozo of Bozos This oaf is a prime example of, ignorance on two feet. He really thinks that supporting a bonafide foreign-influenced President.Who kisses whose Ass? Is Trump propitiating to Mike Pence? Has he stooped that low? (Can you expect anyone else to?) This Russian asset has no limits to how low he’ll go.MICK dick head Mulvanie “Look ma, no brains!”ANTHONY GONZALEZMartha McSally the Senator that isn’t. She was never elected nor can tell the full truth as she is as much a mole as her President. Although not the spin-master that the rest of his crooked administration is, but, never-the-less she spins like a top, just like the rest of her party. CROOKED TO THE CORE! SHE’S NOTHING BUT A POLITICAL WHOREAnother rumpublican bonafide idiot who refuses to use common sense to help America. this man is a traitor and I demand my name back YOU’VE SLANDERED IT, YOU F*CKING BASTARD YOU HAVE NOTHING BUT SH!!T FOR BRAINS AND IT’S GLYPHOSATED SH!T AT THAT! ANOTHER POLITICAL WHORE!Doug Collins one of the boldest assets in Congress. He’s proven time and time again how corrupt he is and how much collusion he’s committed in his part in this conspiracy of treason.MY CONGRESSMAN WHO REFUSES TO IMPEACH THIS MOLE! He is completely blind to the crime being committed. He chooses to remain that way, see no evil hear no evil so you don’t have to report any evil. This man is EVIL to the core.STEVE MNUCHIN HIS GREEDY RUSKI SIN WILL FOREVER BE UNFORGIVENIVANKA CAN YOU MOVE TO SRI LANKA? DON’T COME BACK!JEANINE PIRRO THE PRETTIEST FACE WITH THE MEANEST DEMEANOR OF ANY WENCH. YOU’RE AN EVIL SPIRO WHO LOOKS LIKE DENIRO!IMPEACHMENT BAIT FOR HIS CRIMINALITY BEFORE ENTERING THE PANELMELANIA TRUMP WHO SOLD HER SOUL FOR ROCK AND ROLLTHE THREE BUNCATEERS! THE BUNCO ARTISTS OF THE WORLD TO WRESTLE THE WORLDBONAFIDE ANTICHRIST HE MEETS ALL THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A FALSE PROPHET, WARNED AGAINST MANY TIME THROUGHOUT THE BIBLETHIS IS THE CRIMINAL CONDUIT THROUGH WHICH THE NRA CONDUCTED THEIR ESPIONAGE AND TREASON.Roger Dodger where’s your badger, you old codger? HE MUST BE RECHARGED WITH MORE CRIMES THAT’S HE’S ALREADY COMMITTED AND SENTENCED LONGER THAN BEFORE. HE IS A LINCHPIN OF THIS CONSPIRACY!GODFATHER Jr THE ONE SET TO CARRY ON THE EMPTY LEGACY OF CRIME FOR THE TRUMP FAMILY AND THE DRUMPF NAME tHIS CRIME BOSS’ SON IS AS GUILTY AS ANYONE IN THIS RING OF MURDER, KIDNAPPING, FRAUD, CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT TREASON AND TREASON.ROBERT MERCER A MERCHANT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION ALA RUSSIASCOTT THE BLACK SPOT ON THIS ADMINISTRATION OF CONTAMINATIONSHELDON LADLE-BRAIN ADELSON THE SCUM OF THE WESTRUDY YOUR DUTY HAS LOST ITS DUTY TO AMERICA HERE’S THE LOST LOONY TUNE!MATT SCHLAPP OUR BIGGEST FLAP AWAITING HIS TIME IN THE SLAMMER TO LAST. HIS JAIL CELL AWAITS HIM WITH OPEN DOORS!SPINNER EXTRAORDINAIRE WITH THE GRITTIEST OF FACES AND THE FAIREST OF HAIRANOTHER EVIL TRIAD CONSPIRING TO OVERTAKE AMERICAAnother true scumwad who’s happy with the mail being not delivered. He’s got the money to use FedEx. I don’t. He’s happy with any inability to vote. That might endanger his seat. He’s the first who should be voted out of Congress. Hell. he should just step down. He knows nothing about what keeps this country together. As for as I’m concerned, he’s nothing more than another traitor, committing treason. Why don’t you just stay in Kentucky where they raise new-age rebels. Is your problem, too much moonshine? Or, Jack Daniels? Both? You’re nothing but a cry-baby, the very same as your fearful leader the corrupt Donald Trump. Why are you demonstrating your corruption? Do you want to display it for your constituents, for proof of whom not to vote for? Boy! Am I glad I don’t live in Kentucky nor have any intention of going to Kentucky or buying anything from Kentucky? They are the shithole of America. Kentucky – America’s toilet bowl.
Why is it, for the Republican convention, the only speakers the President can get are his own family. They take up the keynote speakers for damn near every night, except for when he speaks.
The unanimous board that he was chosen by was a show of hands in the White House of trumpettes. that he’s questioned about by the Republicans. I’m personally offended by their level of questioning. They are all as disgusting as they can possibly be. Their breath stinks from where I live, way out west. These Republicans are all bought and sold by the Kremlin trying to divide America, not unite us. The American people are sick to death of the Trumputinreblican do-nothing Congress. they all must be replaced. These buttheads are liars, all! I don’t hear a word of truth from any trumputinrepublicans. They are all Kremlin trained.
How the Right is so Wrong is Written in Each and Every Song They Sing!