This one works! I’m living proof that it works. I’ve not suffered any virus for 10 years. I gave up sugar 12 years ago. I purged the contaminants out of my body so I couldn’t acquire any viruses. I don’t get any mosquito bites either. They smell the same attractant that viruses sense. That is the residue of the burning of the glue of glucose. sucrose and fructose. This hydrolysis creates carboxylic acid on your breath, which is the attractant. I know. I’ve done the research. You can learn this in many of my books.

When I gave up sugar in my diet, I gave up getting sick and getting mosquito bites, You can too. All you have to do is give up the bread, sugars, pasta, and fruit. Interestingly, this is why fasting helps heal the body so much. Fasting virtually removes all foods that make you sick. These same foods that are so widely, commercially available and are advertised more than anything are the same foods that invite all viruses.

I know that’s a lot, but after I quit 75% of my dirty diet of carbs, that were so heavily glyphosated, my health changed so much for the better, I can hardly believe it myself. But, I’ve got the 40+ books in my library, that I’ve written on this subject, showing what can happen, just by giving up the sugars and starches in my diet.




I’m living proof of what happens without sugar in the body. Those who have read Dr. Permutter, already know this. Those on a keto diet, know this. You, too, can know this. All you have to do is to stop eating any source of, a simple sugar, sucrose, glucose, or fructose. 

The problem herein lies with the way we’ve been buying our groceries for the last 50 years. We’ve been buying industrially grown crops and livestock for our consumption.  What prompted that consumption, 100 years ago, opens your body up to all infections and viruses by decreasing its ability to reject them. Sugar is what prompted your consumption of more of it because it’s addictive. It does this with the sticky nature of sugar and starch. Sugar gums things up, including your cells, right down to the internal workings of your cells. 

69 years ago, glyphosate as invented by a Swill chemist to make plastics. Monsanto took that formula and turned it into a weed killer. Agent Orange was Monsanto’s first mass-produced weed killer made famous for its extensive use and contamination of our troops in Vietnam. I have a good friend who’s still fighting his exposure to it. Their next big product was glyphosate. I don’t know if they’re related in nature, but they both kill weeds and they both affect human physiology.

Chemically, Agent Orange’s active ingredient is Dioxin, and I haven’t examined how it’s similar to glyphosate. I just know that they both cause cancer among other problems, dealing, mostly with hormonal disruption. Hormones use cell signaling proteins to signal their instruction for how that cell should work for it to complete its function. I know, that’s how glyphosate, works, but I don’t know if that’s how Dioxin, kills.

What I know now is that glyphosate gets industrially sprayed on all GMO crops grown in America and abroad. In doing this, a lot of spray drifts onto non-GMO crops to infect them, allowing it to sneak into our diet even when we’re trying to avoid it. This is done by this industry, intentionally, because it drives a need for the medications and pharmaceuticals the other side of their industry depends on for their business. This is your Glucose Ruse! Believe me, it’s what’s creating all your blues. Read on, and I’ll explain…

Your acetylcholinesterase is the starting point in your body, for all actions, thoughts, emotions, and plans, that you want your body to perform, as it’s the neuronal connections in your brain, that makes these orders from your brain, happen.

They get gummed up by these sugars, that action gets amplified by glyphosate, . What happens when you put sugar in your car’s fuel? It’ll seize the engine. Your car operates at a much higher heat range than what your body does, so it takes longer for the same thing to happen, in your body.  It’s like cooking a good stew slowly. this stew, though, can ruin your health by infecting you with every modern major disorder or disease.

And, it all starts in your acetylcholinesterase and the dysregulation of your miRNA in that enzyme, or cell-signaling protein. All viruses that affect humans and animals are RNA viruses. It’s in our acetylcholinesterase where our RNA gets dysregulated to set off these illnesses and diseases.

You can easily compare this with the rise of our civilization starting in Egypt, 10,000 -11,000 years ago. Once our species learned to cultivate these grasses, we started a civilization as we congregated around these food sources, that didn’t require us to keep moving. This, also ushered in a cycle of greed that we needed, to protect, our newly found property, that grew this important food. The greed also came from protecting our new-found possessions from this greed. It’s kind of like a catch-22, for a healthy society.

The greed came from the diet to the food, we grew. That food also ushered in a set of disorders and diseases that have ravaged mankind ever since. That’s been going on for close to 15,000 years, as it was in the 13th century BCE that a millstone was first made in the Qadan culture in the upper valleys of the Nile river. This is what stopped our species from coming out of Africa, starting, 11,000 years ago.

10,000 years ago we learned how to cultivate the grains, and it’s been a downhill ride from then. For 10,000 years of civilization, we’ve fought war ager war, protecting this land, stealing this land, while building empire after empire and allowing this grain to tear down, every one of them.


Prior to our species becoming addicted to the glucose in these grains, we were evolving to be able to live without any sugar intrusion into our bodies. We evolved the ability to make our own glycose, for our brain to use, instead of needing the glucose. But, pharmaceutical companies changed that. They saw that as a hindrance to our health. 

In all actuality, it’s the only clean feel we can feed our brains. Our brains run on glucose, which is often confused with glycose, but there is a big difference, between the two of them. Glucose requires a Krebs cycle to metabolize the carbs or sugars. Glycose doesn’t. and here is the difference in what makes you sick.

Glucose gums up your body and brain. Glycose doesn’t. It can’t due to the lack of polymers in your glycogen, which makes y0ur glycose for your brain, through gluconeogenesis, which by all rights, should be called gluconeogenesis, as it doesn’t produce glucose. It produces glycose. But no dictionary can distinguish the difference between glucose and glycose.

I submit to the medical society that there is a difference between glucose and glycose. In the time frame that I quit eating any kind of sugar, I’ve terminated my ned for any medication. I’ve eliminated 80% of my chronic pain. I don’t get tired nearly, as much, as I used to. I’m even losing my grey hair. Every time I cut it, I see less grey hair on the floor. That tells me that I’ve learned how to reverse my aging processes. Dr. Perlmutter told me this would happen, and it did. 

If it did for me, there is no reason it can’t do the same thing for you. Your only need is to try it out. See for yourself. It’s easier to do, though, if you want to. Do you like being susceptible to sickness and pain? Do you like mosquito bites and the diseases they bring? If so, then, there’s no need to try. Enjoy your brand of misery, from your diet.


Why is it that it’s mostly fat people who suffer from cancer? I’ve lost more than one or two or even three family members to cancer and only one of them wasn’t overweight. Why is this? What causes overweight people to get cancer, more often than underweight or normal-weight people?

Cancer and heart disease, both, run in my family. I’ve lost 6 uncles, multiple brothers-in-law to cardiovascular diseases, and all of my aunts and my mother have dealt with cancer. My cousin who died from lung cancer, never smoked nor was he overweight. He just ate what cancer uses to proliferate in the body. I’ve also had multiple relatives who were diabetic, and almost just as many with brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

What could it be what makes these people fat? If that’s the case it has to be what these people are eating, on the whole, that’s making them fat and sick. What could that be?  How many of these people eat at restaurants? How many of these people buy their groceries at a grocery store or discount store?

One needs to ask themself what kind of food do I find in all of these outlets? Are they providing me with the healthiest food or the cheapest food? The two seldom mix unless you’re growing it yourself. If you’re buying your food at a grocery store or eating at a restaurant you’re eating the food they can supply you as cheap as they can to achieve their profit. That means that your food has to be grown as cheaply as possible which means that, more than likely, it’s glyphosated to allow it to be grown in such abundance where the profit is greater. This is the start to your bad health because of the promotion of pesticides used in our food production.

Glyphosate has been sprayed on your food for over 40 years climbing to 20 billion lbs of it in the last 20 years. Where does all of the glyphosate go, besides, into the soil and ecosystem to kill off bee populations and butterfly populations? It goes into your body when you eat this industrially grown crop. 

This is the basis for all illnesses. Even Autism has skyrocketed since glyphosate has been used to kill weeds. What Monsanto doesn’t want you to know is that these 20 billion lbs of glyphosate are going into your diet if you eat this food. If you’re buying your groceries at a grocery store or discount store, your eating massive amounts of glyphosate with the food you eat.

With high fructose corn syrup being the #1 ingredient in baby food and baby formula, do you ever wonder why babies get cancer? How can a baby get cancer? It’s a glyphosate regulation of the miRNA in the baby’s acetylcholinesterase that is at the root of the dysregulation. If this were never introduced into the baby’s body, diseases would never enter the body either.

What I want to ask Monsanto, now Bayer, is why didn’t you inform us of this manifestation of your pesticide? I haven’t ever talked about Dicamba yet, that one’s even worse than glyphosate. Why are they doing this to you, who eat their food? PROFIT! 

They make more than profit off of the food they feed you, they profit off of the drugs you’ll inevitably need to combat their host of illness that comes with their food. With Covid 19 being just one of these illnesses, this is why I consider this virus a glyphosate virus. It attacked those who eat this glyphosated food the most because these are the fattest people.

This food already creates a process that is more deadly than any of your body processes, glycation. Glycation is responsible for all inflammation that occurs in the body. Wherever glycation takes place, inflammation occurs. It’s that simple, so the trick is to control the glycation, which glyphosate ramps up exponentially.

With inflammation being an initiator of all diseases from cancer to heart disease, it can go miles to know how to control this process of glycation, so you can control the inflammation. Being able to control the inflammation in your body with your diet alone can save you from millions of dollars of medication.

This is something our President doesn’t know about. He’s completely ignorant to the fact and stuck in his addiction to glyphosated foods. Look at him. Where does he buy his groceries? Mostly at McDonald’s and KFC, to of the most glyphosating restaurants you can find. These two chains provide more glyphosate food than pretty much any of the others. Mashed potatoes are a glycation platter of food waiting for a disease to manifest. Potatoes are glycated more than any other vegetable. That makes them, the most dangerous to be eating. Far more dangerous, to be more factual.

So, what does all of this basically mean? In short, SUGAR KILLS! All of these foods break down to glucose, a simple sugar. Glucose, glycates. Glyphosate ramps up glycation, making it the greatest danger to mankind. The only problem here is there is nothing you can do about it but boycott the industrially grown food. Whether you eat at a restaurant or buy your groceries at a grocery store, you must be aware of what you put in your body when you eat.